n-turner · 10 years
Midterms got me like: 
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n-turner · 10 years
"Foreign trade regulation," he answered before draining the rest of his coffee. "Laws about working with other countries, corruption, the general macroeconomics of it all. Fascinating stuff, except I've been reading and rereading everything for days now and I just want it to be over." The base of his porcelain mug scraped against the countertop as he pushed it towards her, smiling. "Refill, please." 
Nick retrieved a napkin from the dispenser next to him and began to wipe his hands, brushing off fallen crumbs out of his lap as he did. Janice was sweet, but he was beginning to get a sense that she was a little guarded. He wasn't sure if it was just towards him, or if that was her usual disposition towards others. She seemed a little unsure of herself, too; maybe it was because of school, but he had a suspicion that it was more about her role in Carpe Noctem. He couldn't blame her. He had seen it in some of the other Keepers over the years. He knew it couldn't be easy.
Even though she knew about him and what he was, she never seemed to bring up the topic. And regardless of his probing, she was a closed book and Nick wasn't sure how to pry open her cover. He didn't want to impose, but if they were going to be stuck together overnight, he wasn't sure he could last the entire duration of it without figuring out what she was really about. 
"24's not that old, is it?" he asked, tossing the crumpled napkin onto the counter. "But, I guess it could seem that way. Do you even know what floppy disks are? And did you know that Pluto used to be a planet?" He smirked, a small part of him feeling a foreign tug of nostalgia. "Tell me something about yourself. A blizzard and an empty cafe is kind of a nice time and place to do some bonding, don't you think?"
Snowed In / /  Janice & Nick {Prompt}
“Whatever you say…” she mumbled without thinking as she pulled a cheese croissant from the case before leaning once more against the counter. Janice wouldn’t say that all that work had paid off, her eyes simply remained pinned to the flakey mess she had created as she tore her croissant into pieces, popping one into her mouth as she chewed silently. He already knows she thought — he has too. 
Janice listened to the light tap of his fingers against his phone, the speed and sudden plastic against glass catching her attention and bringing her eyes once more upwards catching that wink. That simple gesture had a flush rising to her cheeks as she swallowed hard anxiety rising as she fumbled for something to say, something to do as she tore another piece and slowly chewed it. “Wh-Which exam do you have left?” she finally asked, voice thick as she tried to remember how to swallow. 
"Wide-eyed eighteen year old? Trippy?" she repeated slowly brow rising "Careful there old man, you’re aging yourself." Janice couldn’t help but ignore the actual contents of his words for unlike many in her classes she couldn’t quite see this period in her life as anything more than tough. Harvard wasn’t her home, and nothing about the situation was familiar.
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n-turner · 10 years
Nick swallowed a large gulp of coffee before scoffing. He gestured at himself grandly. "You think all of this doesn't take hard work to maintain?" he joked. "I only wake up pretty like a siren when I've gotten a decent eight hours. You don't want to see me when I have to get out of bed as a grouchy werewolf, I'll tell you that much." 
He licked a melted dab of chocolate from his thumb and winked at her before pulling out his phone to check for any messages. "Let's hope you're right," he said, shooting off a couple of texts to check on his friends before sliding it onto the counter next to him. He watched her movements as he picked up another croissant, his hunger beginning to subside. "But part of me just wants to get it over with so I can go out and celebrate after.
"School's going well for you, though? Must be trippy that you'll be done your first year here in just a couple of months. It sometimes seems like just yesterday that I started here at Harvard, and that was six and a half years ago. I was just another adorable, wide-eyed eighteen-year-old wandering onto campus. But over time, everything becomes comfortable and familiar and hard to differentiate from your real home." 
Snowed In / /  Janice & Nick {Prompt}
Ignoring the easy way he had tipped her Janice sighed eyes moving from Nick to the windows, the sheet of white almost imposing as his words struck her. “H-Hey! I will have you know that I am in fact a big girl, I can even cross the street by myself and everything.” she shot back eyes shooting back to his as her brow creased. Fighting back the urge to grin Janice stared at him for of course she knew she’d never make it through that wind. Janice was nothing if not fully aware of her physical shortcomings. 
“Who’s the father?” she asked with a smile turning for a moment to clean up her mess, with a single swipe the drops of coffee disappeared and before she knew it she didn’t have anything else to busy herself with. There had been too few costumers, and too much free time for her to have left anything behind. Taking a breath she pointed to the sign above her head turning as she spoke next “Well most of the things up there I can make, well all except—” she peered upwards brow creasing “Yeah no you can’t have the tuna, I refuse.”
Janice shook her head once more, leaning against the counter, her form propped up on her elbows as she took hold of one of the croissants. Pulling it apart she placed a small piece into her mouth the chocolate a little too sweet as her features shifted. She didn’t have long to dissect the bitterness upon her tongue because before too long she was laughing. Laughing at him, “Oh yes heaven forbid the future lawyer not have the time to beautify.” Making a show of rolling her eyes Janice swallowed, pushing the chocolate away as she moved towards the cabinet peering inside. “Yeah unlike you hell was last week, although you may be in luck. Classes may be cancelled again if this weather keeps up.”
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n-turner · 10 years
Nick watched on in horror as the blade cut through her skin. As the coppery scent of blood filled his nostrils, he was taken back to the first time he had found her after she had tried the same tactic to get rid of Amicus, blood pooling around her where she had collapsed onto the floor. He was glad that he was with her now, and not finding her in the aftermath half an hour later. With the shadow figure gone, he rushed to help Rowan stand up, grabbing a dirty t-shirt from his bed and wrapping it around her wrist. 
"Come on," he muttered, pulling her close to him as his hand went to her waist, practically lifting all of her weight up off the ground. He whipped his bedroom door open, ushering her through the short hallway and through the front door of his place, not even caring that he was leaving behind an apartment full of party guests. The loud music was muted as the door shut behind them, and they hurried towards the stairwell to make their descent towards Rowan's apartment.
When they'd reached the front door, Nick opened it with ease - she had charmed it so that he could always enter without a key - and helped her inside. He looked down at her wrist; the redness of her blood bloomed through the fabric of his white t-shirt and he felt his canines threatening to extend at the sight. 
Without a word, they rushed into her bedroom and he helped her settle down onto the bed before ducking underneath and grabbing the healing kit. "Here," he said hurriedly, setting it down next to her and unclasping the case. "What do you need?" His hand went to push the hair out of her face, her skin pale and clammy. 
Days Without Incident || Nick and Rowan
"I’m fine," Rowan replied, eyes never leaving Amicus as it caressed Nick. Amicus was an evil spirit, attached to Rowan since her birth, and Rowan still didn’t completely understand it. The only thing she knew for sure was that it wanted to have complete and utter control of her and that if she didn’t give in, it wasn’t strong enough to hurt anyone else… physically anyway.
Amicus had been her constant bane for as long as she could remember, but that didn’t make it any easier for her to deal with the repercussions of having it in her life. Just having Amicus in the same room was disorienting to her. Strange visions flashed through her head of fires and screaming, distracting her from what was happening.  
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n-turner · 10 years
"Not supposed to leave, huh?" Had he known that he'd be stuck inside for the evening, he would have left earlier to get back to his apartment. He had been hoping to coerce Rowan into making him dinner before hunkering down for his final studying stretch, but that was likely a pipe dream at this point. 
Despite her refusal to charge him for the food, he pulled out a twenty dollar bill and dropped it into the near-empty tip jar before taking the coffee. "I suppose I could probably make it through the snow, but..." he eyed the storm through the windows again before looking back towards Janice, smiling, "I don't suppose you will. I guess that just means I'll have to stay and keep you company. Because I'm certainly not going to leave you alone here." 
After stowing away his wallet, his free hand grabbed the plate of croissants and he took a seat at one of the bar stools placed in front of the high-top counter, facing Janice behind it. He pushed the plate towards her to offer her a pastry as he took a sip of his drink. "I'll take you up on that offer, for sure," he said, picking up a croissant and taking a bite out of it. "I eat like a pregnant lady, you know. For two." He chuckled at his own joke before taking another two bites. The sweetness of the chocolate melted across his tongue and he groaned in content. 
"How long do you think it'll be before the warning's lifted?" he asked as he chewed. "I've got my last midterm tomorrow afternoon and I need my beauty rest. Are you done all of yours already?" 
Snowed In / /  Janice & Nick {Prompt}
“Two?” she repeated eyes growing wide as she thought back over the hours she had spent there, no she hadn’t seen him. Hadn’t heard him despite the lack of people, she truly needed to learn how to pay more attention. Shaking her head Janice made her way back over to the counter, the sound of his weight upon the stairs causing her heart to beat faster for she wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do with him. They weren’t allowed to leave but she wasn’t sure in her ability to make him stay – what ability a thought rose, you saw what happened with the manager.
“No usually there’s a manager and five or size regulars but with the storm—” she cut herself off her prior worry shifting slightly at the sight of him. The way he peered at the case, hands pressed to the glass like a child in a candy store, he looked so different – so unassuming and nothing like the overtly confident man from the library. This version of himself Janice couldn’t help but smile at, an easy grin as she shook her head. “Why do I have the feeling I should be telling you not to spoil your dinner?” she teased reaching into the case and pulling out the plate. Without pause she turned her back to him setting about making him coffee as if it were any other day, and he was any other person.
She felt comfortable there that cafe a safe place amongst such a confusing time and her demeanor showed it, her confidence behind the counter similar to that of a child with its favourite blanket for back there she was protected, there she was safe. “No you won’t” she said waving off the sight of his wallet before placing the coffee before him, those words pouring from her mouth without thought but she quickly moved to change them. “I mean—with the storm, I—we’re not supposed to leave. Um…to go out into the storm I mean, a guy on the radio gave the warning…so yeah, if those won’t do I can always make you something else…” She paused eyes finding his “Sorry.”
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n-turner · 10 years
"Hi, sorry," he said, waving awkwardly at her as he watched her tension melt away. Nick turned his wrist to glance at his watch, noting that it was already past seven o'clock. "Longer than I thought. I've been here since two. Where is everyone? Do you always work alone here?" 
As Janice moved to lock the door, Nick made his way downstairs, the wooden steps creaking slightly under his weight. He rubbed his tired eyes with his palms and felt his stomach growl as he got closer to the display of food next to the cash register. He pressed both hands against the edge of the glass panes and leaned down to observe what was available. "Thirsty? Yes. But hungry, more than anything. I can't believe it's already dinnertime." 
He looked down at the plate of chocolate croissants, barely touched from the lack of shop visitors that day, and pointed at them. "I'll take them all," he said nonchalantly, pulling his wallet from his back jeans pocket. He glanced up to survey the chalkboard drink menu, licking his lips and pressing them together as he decided what he was in the mood for. "And just a black coffee for now, please. I'll probably go pick up a pizza on my way home after."
Snowed In / /  Janice & Nick {Prompt}
“Geeze” she squeak jumping as her eyes shot upwards towards the voice, hands balling protectively into fists as they rose like her heart which now sat wildly beating within her throat. Janice stared upwards that familiar face bringing an awkward giggle to her lips as her hands slowly relaxed, falling back to the counter as chest heaved a heavy sigh his question forgotten “Ho—How long have you been up there?” she asked brow creased as she licked her lips. It had been so quiet the last few hours that Janice had foolishly believed that perhaps she’d be spending the evening alone, trapped amongst the books and empty tables – not a bad scenario if she were to be honest. 
Swallowing she looked back to the door the man now gone as she shook her head “What is it with people believing their invincible?” she mumbled, a question asked mainly to herself as she moved from behind the counter. Letting go of the cloth she took hold of the keys, their light jingle filling her ears as she made her way to lock the door. She’d open it again if needed — if someone needed in. But who would she wondered, no amount of caffeine was worth that.
"You thirsty?" she asked without looking back voice quiet and missing its strength as the lock turned within the door.
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n-turner · 10 years
Nick had only one midterm left before he could allow himself to relax again. It had been a stressful two weeks as he crammed for his exams and powered through his papers. Having gotten sick of studying in the library, he had opted to seek refuge at Crema Cafe as he reviewed his notes on foreign trade policies. The gentle aroma of coffee had settled his nerves and eased some of the tension that had built up in his shoulders. 
As the afternoon had worn on, he barely noticed how few people were actually in the cafe itself. He sat alone on the upper level, tucked away in the far corner table with his headphones blaring, away from the railing overlooking the main floor. It wasn’t until a silent lull between songs that he heard Janice’s voice calling out. He took off his headphones, setting them on top of his open books, and walked over to the railing to look down. 
Janice stood behind the counter, looking out at the front windows in slight despair. The snow completely whited out the view; Nick hadn’t realized how bad the storm had gotten. 
"Hey," he called down to her, his hands holding onto the dark metal rail. "Are you alright?" 
Snowed In / /  Janice & Nick {Prompt}
The cafe was silent, most if not all of the patrons having left hours ago braving the weather for the fix of caffeine before quickly scurrying back into that sheet of white. It was coming down in harsh gusts the flakes large and near impossible to see through – it was a wall of bitter cold and Boston was feeling it. Janice’s arms crossed over her chest as she stared out into the night, hand wrapped tight around a cloth as the radio cut through the usual calming beat…Attention. This is a weather warning. Due to the storm a curfew has been put into effect. Please remain in doors for your own safety. This is not a warning. Attention…She turned eyes wide as the voice, far from human, filled that portion of the cafe. Her eyes darting to her manager his appearance not helping the sudden shudder of her heart – he wouldn’t leave she thought, the sudden worry filling her as she watched the older man rifle through his things. He wouldn’t be that dumb, would he?
Attention. This is a weather warning…The voice started again but Janice couldn’t hear it over the sudden sigh of that man, his aggravation clear as he shoved his arms into his coat. “Forget that” he mumbled to himself, voice harsh – filled with gravel as he stepped around the counter. Janice swallowed eyes growing wide as she stepped in front  of him, suddenly acting brave.
“We’re not—We’re not supposed to leave. It’s too dangerous we—” He pushed by her without a word, tossing the keys upon the nearest table as Janice stumbled slightly.  “Wait!” she called catching herself upon a chair but Janice’s voice was lost when the man opened the door, the howl of the wind causing gooseflesh upon her arms as she hurried after him hands gripping the door tight as she called after his disappearing figure. “We’re not supposed to leave!”
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n-turner · 10 years
"She just came back from working with the United Nations in Italy and before that she was working with Habitat for Humanity down in South America." Nick hadn't really considered how impressive Victoria really was until that moment as he rattled off some other things he knew of her doing. "Pretty cool, right? I think she's more interested in global organizations, but I think she's done some volunteering during the school year here in Cambridge, too." 
He folded his hands and settled into his seat again, the smile not yet having left his face. "Child welfare is a really great area to get into, though. Kind of the complete opposite of what I want to do." He laughed, shrugging at himself. "You seem like you'd be great for it, though."
"Yeah, it’s an offshoot of Social Services, I guess you could say I’ve always had a soft spot for kids" she said with a smile, eyes catching his sudden self awareness as she let out a breath, but oddly enough Janice couldn’t decide if it was from relief or something else entirely. “Victoria?” she tried out the name the thought of someone to get along with tempting although all together frightening. "Which ones?"
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n-turner · 10 years
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His expression softened and he smiled at her genuinely. "Child welfare?" he asked, watching the way she swallowed uncomfortably. He knew he had a way of intimidating someone even without meaning to, and he moved back in his seat to give her space again. "You should really meet my friend, Victoria. I feel like you two would have a lot to talk about. She's been working with non-profit organizations over the last few summers and wants to start her own one day." 
She shrugged eyes remaining on his although she found it harder to do so “No” she answered honestly, throat becoming dry. “All I’m saying is that what you find innocent someone else may see as normal. There are too many possibilities…” Janice couldn’t quite place the eyes before them, did they contain kindness or danger? Should he be trusted or should she run? All at once she felt more than simply out of place as those eyes remained unwavering. What had she gotten herself in to? “It’s nothing too dramatic or great, the main plan is to work in child welfare. I was planning on just taking a few college courses back home but I wasn’t— well that out of the question.”
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n-turner · 10 years
1, 15, 29
1. Tell me about your ex
The last real ex I had was from when I was… thirteen. It was the start of eighth grade and i’d been dating her for a couple of months. Back then, that was a long-term relationship. She ended up dumping me because I didn’t ask her to the school dance. And I hadn’t asked her because I hadn’t yet developed the groovy ass moves I have now. Since then, I haven’t had a girlfriend. Sure, I’ve had girl friends that I do sort of couple-y things with, but come on. Nicholas Turner having a girlfriend? Not now, not yet, thanks. 
15. Jewelry that you’re wearing 
Just my Harvard One ring from my undergrad with the Harvard “H” on one side and the Carpe Noctem shield on the other. 
29. Cutest thing anyone’s done for you
During my first rugby game of freshman year, my family came to watch. My 15-year-old sister and her friends came with signs and cheers they’d made up for me. It was super embarrassing but adorable as hell. 
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n-turner · 10 years
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Nick's gaze on her was unwavering. "Does that mean you're not?" he teased, wondering what kind of girl was hidden beneath the seemingly shy exterior. She was young and he wasn't getting the impression that she knew just yet the weight of her responsibilities as a Keeper, but he could almost sense that there was something powerful just beginning to find its spark inside her. "Come on," he coaxed, a corner of his mouth lifting in a smirk. "The suspense is truly killing me." 
"You love it?” she asked eyes big and bright remaining downwards as her mind weighed his words. He spoke so clearly, so directly that Janice couldn’t help but admire that. She couldn’t help but be envious of his confidence in more than simply himself. He seemed to know who and what he was – knew what he could do. 
She felt the way his body moved before she saw it, the sudden warmth coaxing those honey browns up from the page they had been searching as her heart sped. Subtly leaning away as she stared “Innocent?” she wonder aloud, a fresh blush rising lightly through her cheeks as she attempted not to smile. “Innocence is subjective.”
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n-turner · 10 years
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What are you talking about? This face could change the world. 
Are you keeping nice and toasty in this frigid weather?
No procrastinating. You need to study more Nick. You won’t be able to get by on your looks forever. 
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n-turner · 10 years
Nick nodded with understanding. "Listen, man, I feel for you. But you're not alone anymore. You've got a new home and a new pack that's going to look out for you. Stick with me, and you'll be just fine. Got it?" 
He turned and motioned that they continue walking towards the library. It was just up ahead and he could see that the cold was beginning to get to Victoria. Nick shifted the strap of his backpack higher onto his shoulder, tossing his empty coffee cup as they passed a garbage can. "So what kinds of things do you like to do in your spare time? Maybe there are some clubs that you can join so you can meet some other people that way, too."
Meeting new people-Jamie and others
Jamie licked his lips nervously and nodded, he had never been much of a fighter when it came to it. He looked at the pair and smiled softly “Thanks it means a lot really. I never had many friends before mainly because of well…My background” he answered. “Yeah it hasn’t been easy, mainly because I had to work everything out myself whereas my brothers both got the benefit of being strong and having my ‘dad’ train them, I was left in the background for my dad. Not my mom though, that’s why I’m so badly homesick because I have always been close to her, especially during the divorce” he explained, his voice getting softer as he remembered everything.
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n-turner · 10 years
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"A family business?" Nick mused. "I guess you could say that. But it's not just about money. I really find it interesting, and you're supposed to do what you love, right? But the money part of it doesn't hurt." 
He leaned in again, trying to will her gaze to lift and meet his. "Scare easily? Me?" He chuckled, shaking his head. "Never. You seem too... innocent to ever come up with anything that could scare me." 
Her hands grew still as she watched him waiting for her answer, curiosity growing within her eyes as he finally spoke. “Interesting, so it’s a family business” she mused the anxiety finally falling from her usually warm features. He was nice to talk to, kind. Janice smiled, a lopsided grin as her eyes sheepishly darted downwards “So it’s all about money? Well flexibility and money—.”  Janice laughed a light blush rising to her cheeks as she shook her head. 
Chewing on the inside of her cheek she stifled those giggles eyes once more seeking the safety of the text, those words which still seemed to make little sense in her over crowded mind. What a jumbled mess she thought brow creasing slightly “Worried? I don’t know—I mean you don’t scare easily do you?”
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n-turner · 10 years
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We'll show you the ropes! Nothing to worry about. 
And ha! A girlfriend? God no, I don't have a girlfriend. I don't have time for one. Even if I did, I certainly haven't met anyone who would be a good candidate. I'm more interested in just having a good time. 
You surf? That's sick! I've only tried it a couple of times. I prefer wakeboarding.
ha ha ha. Wait…you’re being serious? I wouldn’t know what to do. Also don’t you have a girlfriend? That’d be nice god think of the amount of surfing you could do.
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n-turner · 10 years
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He hummed, looking for the right words to explain as he tilted his chair backward, leaning on its hind legs. "My dad's a criminal defense attorney, and my mom's a personal injury lawyer. Both are interesting, but I find learning about the nuts and bolts behind a corporation fascinating. I'd eventually like to specialize in mergers and acquisitions, which could give me a chance to float between firms and be more of a consultant. Plus, it's a pretty lucrative career.
"And tell me what the ultimate plan is," he said. "Should I be worried for what this master plan of yours is all about?"
She could feel his eyes on her, the weight of that glance forcing her eyes to remain downwards. Forcing her mind to will the words before her to make sense until he spoke. 
"Why corporate?" She looked up eyes searching his with curiosity. He seemed interesting she thought, daunting but interesting. Smiling Janice shrugged again a real laugh falling from her lips "Which one? There’s a plan for the plan, and contingencies for those…I’m a little odd that way."
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n-turner · 10 years
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He chuckled. She was cute, in an innocent sort of way. Nick folded his arms, watching her as she attempted to read and ignore him. 
He picked up on her deflection, and eyed her curiously. "I'm studying to be a corporate lawyer," he told her. "With any luck, I'll be working with some of the biggest companies in the world someday. What kind of plan do you have up your sleeve?"
She swallowed hard, the quip her mind had prepared disappearing between her ears at the sight of that wink. Janice’s heart pounded against her chest as she willed the heat from her cheeks, eyes falling to her book as it opened. “And here I thought you were looking for some real practice” she laughed, a breathy sound “I was planning my life of crime and everything.”
Janice tried to read the words before her but her anxious thoughts crowded out her eyes, her nerves making her throat dry as she shrugged. “It’s interesting, and it’ll help me with the plan so… What about you? What sort of lawyer do you want to be?”
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