nacrenecitygardening · 21 hours
I thought you lived there, is this quite such a problem haha?
I would have thought you'd have a hometown bias!
uh. hi sasha, where were you-?
Oh, I was just on a little trip to Castelia, nothing terribly important ^^
Though, while I was there, I did get one of those Castelia Cones; they're quite good, and very well-priced!
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nacrenecitygardening · 21 hours
uh. hi sasha, where were you-?
Oh, I was just on a little trip to Castelia, nothing terribly important ^^
Though, while I was there, I did get one of those Castelia Cones; they're quite good, and very well-priced!
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nacrenecitygardening · 22 hours
Oh dear. I was intending to update this morning, but the day has been a wee bit.. much. Busy busy, hectic, you know how it goes ^^;
Anywho! Things have been going relatively alright. I do hope Cory was treated well, in fact they did very well on Tuesday working the shop without me, very proud ^^
I'm fine, and Acorn sends their regards (As much as a leafeon can at least haha)
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Sometime late, in a house outside of Nacrene City
The area lay still as footsteps made their way up the sidewalk to the house.
The porchlight was still on, which was perhaps a bit odd. At this hour, certainly. Everything outside its glow was pitch dark, which grew with her shadow as she went up to the door and briefly fumbled for her keys.
Low creaking of the door echoed into a quiet house, followed by pattering when Acorn dropped from her shoulders and trotted around the corner. Eager for bed, surely.
Sasha paused in the entry. Were they still awake? Unlikely, knowing them, but can never quite be certain. But, it lay silent.
Rounding the corner into the livingroom- Ah. There. The lamp was still on, and below its warm glow cuddled on the sofa was a worn Cory, snuggled in a mound of stoutland fur and unfezant feathers, Rat curled in their lap.
A soft smile and a bit of a laugh on her lips, she folded her gloves into her pocket and reached for a blanket from the closet.
She tucked it in around them, making sure to lift up Rat's little head above it.
They looked so tired. Goodness, she could've done this better.
The coat slid from her shoulders and she moved to put it on a hanger, but she glanced back, a pang of guilt in her chest.
Stepping gingerly around Purdy at the feet, she leaned down to turn off the lamp. The tension had slipped from their form, some peace creeping in at last.
She heaved a sigh before speaking softly, "I'm sorry, dear. I'm only doing what I must."
And the light clicked out with a pull of the string.
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An image
It's a photograph of 4 pidoves crowding ontop of a lamppost, seemingly very determined to sit there regardless of lack of space and slipping off the post
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Last five search queries of Sasha Ellis
Subway Pass ticket price
Local libraries Castelia City
Realtor companies Castelia City
Castelia City public records department
Christopher Deerling scaryfacebook
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uh- ok, so. Miss Sasha called earlier, she said she's fine, she's in castelia right now and will be back "soon enough" (for whatever counts for, ig?)
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//afraid to interact with other Rotomblr blogs because I’m inexperienced and I’m not sure if people would be alright with that
//rb if you’re okay with inexperienced roleplayers/Rotomblr users interacting with your blog
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they really are keeping you out of the loop, huh. makes you wonder why
I- I guess? they're good people, so. mm
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what sort of business?
uh for the shop? probably? I mean her cousin does alot of networking I think (so maybe that-? idk they never told me these things)
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Hey she might just be really busy or something, and just forgot to call! It's probably fine, let's be hopeful!
I-I hope so (I really wanna think she's okay)
I don't- what would she even be doing?? she spends most of her time looking into plant stuff and books
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then where is she?
er- I don't know! I wish I did, she's worrying the shit out of me right now and I really fucking wish I could help her!!
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shes disappearing a lot? shes not telling you where shes going? or why? thats suspicious right? you have to see that right
uh- I guess?? maybe?? idk. still- a big jump, Miss Sasha's a good person she wouldn't. yknow theres probably a good reason
(or maybe shes in trouble-)
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did she tell you where she went?
uh no, she- didn't even say she was leaving, she just kinda. Went
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isn't this all a bit, idk, suspicious?
uh- what? why would it be suspicious-? (I'm worried more than anything tbh)
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is she back yet
no, she hasn't even texted me since last night (maybe a bit worried-)
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