nam-ke · 4 years
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nam-ke · 4 years
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nam-ke · 4 years
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Thanh Nhàn on Instagram
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nam-ke · 4 years
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#BlackHistoryFact  - African American Inventor Mary Beatrice Davidson Kenner is known for developing the sanitary pad  
MEFeater Magazine
The Forgotten Black Woman Inventor Who Revolutionized Menstrual Pads
Mary Beatrice Davidson Kenner was a self-taught inventor who created the sanitary belt and filed five patents in her lifetime.
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nam-ke · 4 years
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Benny Harlem, an aspiring singer, songwriter, and model, holds the Guinness Book of World Records’ title for tallest high top afro at 52.07 cm (20.5 inches). Photos with his daughter Jaxyn have taken social media by storm.
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nam-ke · 4 years
a black woman named zoe amira posted a video on youtube. this video is an hour long and filled with art and music from black creators. it has a ton of ads, and in result will rack up a ton of revenue. 100% of the ad revenue from the video will be dispersed between various blm organizations, including bail-out funds for protesters. it will be split between the following, dependent on necessity
brooklyn bail fund
minnesota freedom fund
atlanta action network
columbus freedom fund
louisville community bail fund
chicago bond
black visions collective
richmond community bail fund
the bail project inc
nw com bail fund
philadelphia bail fund
the korchhinski-parquet family gofundme
george floyd’s family gofundme
reclaim the block
turn off your adblocker and put the video on repeat. do not skip ads. let it play on loop whether you’re listening or not. mute the tab if you need to focus elsewhere. but let. it. play.
youtube will donate to blm for you.
please, please reblog. for people who don’t have money to spare, this is incredibly important information to have.
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nam-ke · 4 years
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Gizem Bozkurt on Instagram
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nam-ke · 4 years
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Museum Asks People To Recreate Paintings At Home, Get 100 Impressive Photos
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nam-ke · 4 years
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Inktober challenge 2018
Day 19 : Psyche
Day 20 : Medea
Day 21 : Hebe
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nam-ke · 4 years
“The important thing is to talk about our fears because if we don’t, it will throw us out of balance.”
— -Tensin : “Legend of Korra”
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nam-ke · 4 years
I think this is the best time to remind everyone of a story. Tove Jansson published her first Moomin book in 1945. This means the book came out just as the world was finishing a war that had devastated most continents, engaged more countries than not and cost countless lives.
Tove Jansson was a young woman in her prime when World War II broke out. Suddenly, her work was in jeopardy as arts did not sell that well. Her friends and family were in danger all the time. And her life became unbearably bleak. Selling and buying of items was controlled heavily, and people had the tendency to hoard. Social gatherings were forbidden, especially frivolous activities like parties. She had to spend a lot of time warded off in her apartment or in a shelter. 
As a sensitive artist, Tove took this heavily. She enjoyed the company of other people and valued the small joys of life like pretty and useless items, just for how nice and beautiful these things were. Suddenly, she did not have as much reason to produce her art and all these small things she enjoyed were denied from her. Not to mention the constant anxiety she felt for her loved ones and the entire world.
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But during all of this, Tove took to writing. This soon became her means to escape the horrible situation. It became a book about whimsical adventures, family and caring. She wrote in the world and feelings she experienced in the safe summers of her childhood. This book came to be named “Småtrollen och De Stora Översvämningen”, know to international audiences today as “The Moomins and The Great Flood”. This would become a first book in a series that captured the hearts of children and adults alike all around the world.
It is often said that Moomins were born because of WWII. Tove hit the hardest times of her life, only to produce what many would consider her greatest work. Her way to relieve her anxiety and despair produced a work that has resonated with audiences for decades. This year 2020, first Moomin book turns 75. And right now, this coincidence truly makes one think.
Whenever your life seems too scary and devastating to live, remember how Moomins came to be.
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nam-ke · 4 years
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Not even a single scratch on this beast despite all the acrobatics Nico pulled.
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nam-ke · 4 years
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Good news amidst all this chaos
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nam-ke · 4 years
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A short comic about missing someone you don’t know anymore but who used to mean a lot to you (and also she’s maybe haunting you, not entirely benevolently, as you drive eighteen hours back up the coast)
other comics//tapastic//patreon//ko-fi
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nam-ke · 4 years
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nam-ke · 5 years
Context: We were playing a long campaign in 13th Age. I played a Ranger with Animal Companion, which I mostly used as meat shield. I also barely ever remembered to heal or buff them, so… Jeff the panther was quickly succeeded by Jeff the 2nd, Jeff the 3rd, and so on…
Fast-forward to the end of the campaign…
Start of the session DM asks: Hey, [me], how many times has your animal companion died again?
Me, OOC: Let’s check my notes… About fourteen times.
DM throws a tough battle at us, our opponents end up being an occultist, a necromancer and a wizard. One perception roll later:
DM: You recognize them. They are your old party members who died in this living dungeon, twisted into its service. 
Me, OOC: Oh no.
DM: From the shadows, you can hear growling.
(Yes, we got fourteen pissed-off panthers thrown at us, who went out of their way to target their former owner!)
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nam-ke · 5 years
Ilmastoahdistaako? Tämän viikon helpot ilmastoteot tulevat tässä!
Tällä kertaa näitä kaikkia varten pitää harmi kyllä olla yli 18-vuotias, mutta vaikka et itse voisi allekirjoittaa, jakaminen auttaa aina.
1. Allekirjoita lentovero-kansalaisaloite. Viikon päästä (2.11.2019) sulkeutuva kansalaisaloite tarvitsee vielä 29 500 nimeä päästäkseen tavoitteeseensa.
Tiesitkö, että lentopolttoaine on verovapaata, mutta esim. linja-autofirmat maksavat polttoaineestaan verot? Aloitteen allekirjoittaneet kansalaiset vaativat eduskuntaa säätämään Suomeen lentoveron, joka tasaa tilannetta niin, että lennot eivät enää ole keinotekoisen halpoja ympäristöystävällisempiin matkustusmuotoihin verrattuna. Lentovero on jo käytössä mm. Ruotsissa, jossa sen suuruus on 6–40 € / lento.
Aloitteen voivat allekirjoittaa kaikki yli 18-vuotiaat Suomen kansalaiset. Allekirjoittaminen käy minuutissa, tarvitset vain pankkitunnukset tai mobiilivarmenteen.
2. Allekirjoita EU-kansalaisaloite lentopolttoaineen verovapauden lopettamisesta. Aloite sulkeutuu 10.5.2020 ja se tarvitsee Suomesta vielä vähintään 6 500 allekirjoitusta.
Tämä kansalaisaloite iskee edellä esitellyn ongelman juurisyyhyn: jos lentopolttoainetta aletaan verottaa koko EU:n alueella, ympäristöystävällisempien matkustusmuotojen on paljon nykyistä helpompaa kilpailla lentoyhtiöitä vastaan. Tämä on erityisen tärkeää Keski-Euroopassa, jossa välimatkat suurten kaupunkien välillä ovat niin lyhyitä, että junat ja linja-autot ovat täysin varteenotettavia vaihtoehtoja lentomatkustamiselle.
Aloitteen voivat allekirjoittaa kaikki yli 18-vuotiaat EU-kansalaiset. Tämänkin allekirjoittaa minuutissa, eikä edes sähköistä tunnistautumista tarvita. Jo 33 % Suomen allekirjoituksista on kasassa ja vain Belgiassa on kerätty meitä suurempi prosenttiosuus, pidetään hyvästä sijoituksesta kiinni!
3. Allekirjoita Finnwatchin Hiilipäästöt kuriin -vetoomus.
Suomen tuodaan joka vuosi miljardien eurojen arvosta tuotteita, jotka on tuotettu muualla maailmassa kivihiilellä ja muilla fossiilisilla polttoaineilla toimivissa tehtaissa. Näiden tuotteiden yhteenlaskettu hiilijalanjälki on jopa 30 prosenttia suurempi kuin koko Suomen alueella tuotetut päästöt.
Finnwatch-kansalaisjärjestö kerää nimiä vetoomukseen, joka vaatii suomalaisia yrityksiä toimimaan markkinoimiensa tuotteiden hiilijalanjäljen selvittämiseksi ja pienentämiseksi. Vetoomus luovutetaan sadalle Suomessa tuotteita markkinoivalle yritykselle.
Allekirjoittaminen ottaa alle minuutin, eikä sähköistä tunnistautumita tarvita.
Muutos tapahtuu, kun vaadimme sitä yhdessä. Kiitos, kun allekirjoitat!
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