nariaprime · 4 years
Thank you so much 😊❤️
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Naria Prime enjoys the day with Optimus.
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nariaprime · 5 years
I love them...
i adore the cql cast a normal amount
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nariaprime · 5 years
Wen Ning gives Jiang Cheng a piece of his mind ficlet
Jiang Cheng had Sandu unsheathed and moved closer. "You left that child parentless! A-ling is an orphan because of you!"
"How are you any different?"
They turned towards the new voice.
"Excuse me?"
Wen Ning continues.
"I asked, Jiang Wanyin, how are you any different?"
Jiang Cheng sneered. "What are you talking about?"
With his eyes still on the sect leader, Wen Ning gestured towards one of the two Lan disciples standing next to Wei Wuxian. "Do you recognize that boy?"
"He's a Lan disciple, and?"
"Do you not remember killing his family?"
Jianh Cheng's scowl deepended. "Do you hear yourself? Why would I kill a Lan elder?"
Wen Ning's usual emotionless face twisted itself into an empty smile. He let out dry bouts of laughter that echoed through withered vocal cords. "You're really very cruel aren't you. If they have the name 'Wen', then they deserve death brought to them, no matter how innocent they are and yet once someone has taken that label from them, you could care less about who they are."
Ice water fell over Jiang Cheng's body. It can't be.......but that boy is only 16, he would've been-
"Ah. Are you finally catching on?" Wen Ning's face dropped to a glare. "Yes, there was a 3 year old boy there. You met him then in fact, but of course at the time, you only cared about getting your brother back, how selfish."
He couldn't move. Wen Ning kept talking.
"You were so hellbent on getting your brother back you didn't even care to try and support him. You didn't bring him more food, help him with finances, or even thought about taking A-Yuan back to YunMeng with you to alleviate some of his worries. What a wonderful brother."
He wanted Wen Ning to stop but he couldn't make a sound.
"A-yuan had already lost his parents but you lead a siege to kill the rest of his family as well. But you know what the worst thing you did was?"
He didn't want to know.
"He finally had a parent again. He found a father again in Young Master Wei but you went and killed that parent anyways! He lost his parents twice! Because of you! And if not for Hanguang-Jun then he'd have lost his life as well! Because you never bothered to look for him! You killed his family and then walked away! He lost his home, his family, his parent, and nearly his life! Because of you!"
"So I ask you again, Sandu Shengshou: how are you any different? "
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nariaprime · 5 years
I want to watch this... Where can I watch this?
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‘The Untamed’ spin-off ‘The Living Dead’ promo posters
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nariaprime · 5 years
Well... usually, it does work...
Putting an egg into a cup of water and vinegar is actually a valid method of making poached egg. It’s much less complicated than the normal method, too. And it tastes pretty good...
You’re right about the smell, though... The entire kitchen usually smells like hot vinegar afterwards, so I’m glad she doesn’t make poached egg too often, and the egg bomb smelled absolutely vile!
If you still do kitchen disaster posts: My mom made an accidental egg bomb today... It should've been a poached egg, made with vinegar + water in the microwave, but it was cooked through, with an air bubble in it. It popped when she tried to eat it, and burned her, my dad and my brother. And it stank! No idea what went wrong, though...
Eggs AND vinegar??? I do not even want to begin to imagine the smell.
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nariaprime · 5 years
The preview of the new character songs is here! ~
They'll drop them QQ Music at midnight 🍓
🍓 WangXian
🍓 Wei Wuxian
🍓 Lan WangJi
🍓 Lan Xichen
🍓 Wen Ning
🍓 Wen Qing
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nariaprime · 5 years
Heaven Official’s Blessing Manhua C004
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Hello everyone!
We’re very happy to announce that from today onwards, we’ll be posting all updates on the Heaven’s Official Blessing (or TGCF) Manhua, Translated by @love-me-some-alex​ and Cleaned+Typesetted by me (asckj1/ascii) under Suibian Scanlations, here in our Suibian Subs tumblr.
So without further ado, here’s 🏮 Chapter 4 🌸
Please read it on Mangadex >> HERE <<
Downloads containing high quality (HQ) images of all the chapters available till now of this manhua will be available very shortly.
— Zhiyen & asckj1 (ascii) 
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nariaprime · 5 years
I’ve finally stopped resisting...
A few days ago, I read Tian Guan Ci Fu (finished it in about four days, in fact), and I loved it❤️
I am now officially a fan of all three of Moxiang Tongxiu’s novels!🎉
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nariaprime · 5 years
Me: *puts a VERY IMPORTANT USB stick in my wallet, so that I won't lose it in my bag on the way home*
Also me, like a week later: Where tf is that USB?! Did I leave it at university? I could've sworn I put it in my bag... and already used it back home!
Me, now, almost TWO MONTHS later: F***, the damned thing was in my wallet all along, wasn't it?!
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nariaprime · 5 years
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nariaprime · 5 years
Child!Binghe, the adorable little white lotus bun... (so cute...)
OKAY, serious question.
Who is your favorite svsss character?
just curious.
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nariaprime · 5 years
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dressing up
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nariaprime · 5 years
Timeline of Xiao Zhan and Yibo (from strangers to soulmates)
- Cynthia C.
I recommend switching on subtitles and pausing to read them, since most of the information is in there...
Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo were amazing in The Untamed/Chenqingling, I’m so happy to see that they are actually together 😊
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nariaprime · 5 years
I need to see that!
Please, somebody write this!
Overly protective Fox Kushina... She goes on a mission, her maternal instincts (honed by Team 7) going mad for some reason... She enters Taki and leaves the village with one Jinchuuriki and many battered Taki nin. Then she goes to the second part of her simple, c-rank escort mission... to Suna. Minato comes home to a Kushina with four unknown children (two toddlers, two newborn) he has never seen before, and a positive pregnancy test in the biggest nest yet! Naruto shall have SIBLINGS!
“As an addition to my previous suggestion… (Kyuubified, pregnant Kushina kidnaps Fuu and Sand siblings) is Minato glances at the smallest one (redhead, of course…) and sees him chewing on the tresses of something.. He follows them up to the Kazekage hat upon his hissing wife’s head, and sighs. So that’s why the reports had Rasa look like he was chewed on by bears… And why are there so many Taki headbands in the nest?!”
Wow! Sounds like you have a heck of a fanfic outline on your hands!
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nariaprime · 5 years
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wanted to draw Jinling getting his one month present! and nothing else happens! :’))
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nariaprime · 5 years
My little cousin asked me yesterday why I’m not my brother’s girlfriend...
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nariaprime · 5 years
Me, too!
asks for fanfic writers
drop a number and a fandom in my askbox and I’ll answer:
things that inspire you
things that motivate you
name three favorite writers
name three authors that were influential to your work and tell why
since how long do you write?
how did writing change you?
early influences on your writing
what time are you most productive?
do you set yourself deadlines?
how do you do your researches?
do you listen to music when writing?
favorite place to write
hardest character to write
easiest character to write
hardest verse to write
easiest verse to write
favorite AU to write
favorite pairing to write
favorite fandom to write
favorite character to write
least favorite character to write
favorite story you’ve ever written
least favorite story you’ve ever written
favorite scene you’ve ever written
favorite line you’ve ever written
story you’re most proud of
best review you ever got
worst review you ever got
favorite story/poem of another author
hardest part of writing
easiest part of writing
alternate title for (insert story title)
alternate ending for (insert story title)
alternate pairing for (insert story title)
single story or multi-part story?
one-shot or multi-chaptered story?
canon or AU?
do you reread your own stories?
do you want to be published some day?
which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series
one song that captures (insert story title)
do you plan or do you write whatever comes to your mind?
would you ever write a sequel for (insert fic title here)
do you write linear or do you write future scenes if you feel like it?
share the synopsis of a story you work on that you haven’t published yet
share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet
how many unfinished ideas/stories are you working on at the same time?
three spoilers for (insert story title)
writing advice
open question to the writer
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