narislotus · 7 months
Ruan Mei is so pretty…
Totally idol material for the Celebrity AU if I do say so myself 💕
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narislotus · 1 year
𝐌𝐃𝐍𝐈 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞!!
no need to credit me just like/rb if u use
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narislotus · 1 year
𝐌𝐃𝐍𝐈 𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐒 | nameplate style
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different style to the mdni banners. might make one with a heart version. still deciding on whether or not to make this a template. anyway, here ya go !
please like, reblog, and credit if you use :)
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narislotus · 1 year
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should I do a filled version? might need to make the hearts smaller to make it cuter. anyway, I used these on a recent event of mine, but thought I should just make it for everyone.
feel free to change the colours as you see fit !
please like, reblog, and credit if you use :)
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narislotus · 1 year
love washed ashore
a kokosara drabble ( ~800 words)
- sailor sara x mermaid kokomi (hbd queen!)
- love at first sight
- no warnings (rated teen)
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A flash of light across the sky.
The first sign of trouble and the last coherent memory in Sara’s head. The moments afterward were in a miscellaneous jumble of thunderous bangs and a sickening feeling in the pits of her stomach. Even in her unconscious state, the sounds of horrified screams rang into her ears and elevated her already-splitting headache. Along with that pain is the aching sensation persisting throughout her entire body.
All Sara could feel was pain.
Well, for the most part.
Combating the distant screeches was the sound of a hypnotic melody that got louder along with the awakening of her consciousness. The heat from the island sun was nothing compared to the heat radiating a particular part of her arm - a soothing warmth rather than an agonizing one. Despite her battle with the heaviness in her eyelids, Sara begrudgingly opens them and was immediately blinded by the scorching sun.
Just as Sara reached up to cover her eyes, another hand beat her to it. She didn’t comment on this at first as she focused on regaining her eyesight. But seconds later, she recognized the oddity of the situation. She noticed the hand when her vision was restored - or, at least, what she assumed to be a hand. The limb was slimy with webbed fingers and scales scattered across what would be the wrist. It was an odd combination of human and aquatic.
As the hand lifted, Sara turned to her left when she noticed something flapping at the corner of her eyes. She nearly jumped when she saw a large fish-like tail at her side, extending under her head. As peculiar as it was, the appendage was quite majestic. The ombré of pinks and blues sparkled under the sun’s reflection, finishing with a crepe-colored caudal fin. Sara would have had a stronger reaction if she wasn’t so dazed but was still curious regardless. Her unexplained questions and light pressure on her arm led her to immediately turn her attention to the right.
And just then - that was Sara’s fatal mistake.
As her eyes traveled up the pale torso and seashell-themed bralette, she faced what could only be described as eerie beauty. It all started from the neck, being altered by what appeared to be many gills slashed across. Her eyes journeyed upwards to rose-colored lips that sourced the sedative tune. Behind them, Sara could see the tiniest fangs sticking out before being masked behind a tight smile.
Sara’s eyes continued upwards and passed by rounded cheeks and a pointed nose - both flushed light red. Her travel paused as she met another set of eyes - a gradient of deep indigo to the lightest pinks. Despite the lack of a pupil, these eyes were anything but soulless. Rather, it was like a vibrant spread of paints being mixed along a canvas. The more you stared, the more you were unknowingly drawn into the masterpiece. With the aid of the tranquilizing music, it became difficult to turn her gaze away.
A gust of wind brushed past them, kicking up the creature’s pinkish-blue hair. A hand reached up to tuck the hair strands behind a finned ear. Pearls were decorating the oceanic being’s ears, neck, and head. Once the shock started to wear off, Sara could piece every new sight together to get a complete visual of the artistry.
“How long will you keep staring without a word?” the woman spoke delicately, complimenting her angelic image.
“I-I apologize,” Sara stammered, sounding unusually nervous. “You’re just so…”
“You aren’t the first. But you’re certainly the most notable,” the woman smiled, stroking Sara’s cheek. “Although, if you had stared any longer, I would’ve suspected some sort of brain damage. You were in quite the wreckage.”
Sara attempted to move but every limb felt like it was being punctured with needles. She noticed that parts of her limbs were wrapped with bandages, with a part of her arm still being tended to.
“Since we’ll be in each other’s presence for a while, we should at least become familiar,” the hybrid woman continued. “Call me Kokomi. And you are…?”
“Sara? Simple but endearing. Then, let me ask - are you afraid of me, Sara?”
Sara immediately shook her head, being compelled not to think.
“Then we’ll get along just fine - even better than fine,” Kokomi giggled. “Now, rest. I’ll prepare food for you once I’m finished.”
Sara felt coerced into following her every word, already being swayed back to sleep. She didn’t know where she was, if anyone else had survived, or even if she would ever make it home again. But all of those worries felt distant - just like the sound of hypnotic humming in the background as she closed her eyes.
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narislotus · 1 year
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Chapter 10 has been posted!
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narislotus · 1 year
Chapter 9 is posted!
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narislotus · 1 year
love bites just before midnight.
“flowers laced with emotional healing” - kazuhei/heikazu 🍁🦌
rated: mature
warnings: a little suggestive at the beginning but no sm*t
themes: vampires, vampire turning
summary: vampire kazuha turning his lover heizou into a vampire but extra dramatic
love bites just before midnight.
Heizou was warm.
In fact, he was heating up rapidly.
It started from the moment Heizou was forcibly laid on the plush bed, being pressed between the thick mattress and a persistent body. Every little sensation felt like a lit candle almost grazing his skin - not enough to burn but enough to leave a mental impression. The cotton blankets usually used to shield his entire body from the cold were discarded beneath him, threatening to be thrown off the bed completely. The only protection he needed was the lively form currently on top of him.
Within seconds, Heizou’s body was overwhelmed by multiple sources of warmth - from the arms pinning him to the bed to the passionate kisses pressing his face and neck. One particularly flaming kiss against the pulse point in his neck stole his breath away, followed by a hot breath puffing against it. The warmth accumulated on his lips as it was attacked by repeated kisses, building more in his mouth as a tongue slipped inside. The heat finally traveled to his lower body as Heizou’s mind was growing restless. He tried his best not to succumb to the suggestive scenes playing in his brain but every second of this treatment made it harder.
It wasn’t until his heat source relented that Heizou could finally breathe. When his eyes could focus, the face of his pursuer became clear. His lover stared back at him while a sympathetic smile grew on his face.
“You’re quite tense,” the saccharine voice told him, just above a whisper. “Are my actions already too much for you? If so, maybe you aren’t ready…”
The second after his lover started to pull back, Heizou grabbed onto his shirt and forced him back down.
“Kazuha, if you dare to leave me in this state…,” Heizou warned breathlessly. “You can’t keep teasing me like this.”
“I’m only looking out for your well-being,” Kazuha said smugly, his eyes faintly gleaming crimson. “Are you sure your body can handle it? You’re burning at the touch…”
Heizou should have known that his boyfriend would make a game out of his naïve request. It had been weeks since he had asked Kazuha a simple question:
“What would happen if you turned me into a vampire?”
It wasn’t the first time Heizou asked but this time, it had more of an intent. Before, once finding out about Kazuha’s identity, he would make passive comments about his interest in becoming one. But that was half a decade ago and now his slight intrigue has morphed into a heavy infatuation. Heizou didn’t only wonder but desired to be just like his lover. He had made this final decision a while ago and was determined to make it into reality.
And this wasn’t a thoughtless choice either. After living with Kazuha for years, he understood how his life would be changed. Some of it would be a slight inconvenience while other parts would be difficult getting used to - specifically the hunger for blood. Kazuha kept warning him of this but Heizou was not swayed even the slightest bit. The bond between the two of them was strong even as a vampire-human relationship but if they both became supernatural entities, it could become intense.
“You promised me tonight. Nothing would dissuade my decision,” Heizou stated firmly, watching his lover’s smirk increase further.
“I wasn’t trying to dissuade you. Again, your safety is my priority,” Kazuha said as he leaned in and made their faces inches apart. “If that’s what your heart desires, then let me not leave you impatient. The only thing I ask of you, my love, is to hold still and relax…”
Heizou felt compelled to do as he was told, being further coerced by the red irises overtaking his vision. His shoulders immediately fell limp and his hands lost their grip on his lover’s shirt, falling by either side of his head. Satisfied, Kazuha leaned down and tilted his head, burying his face into his boyfriend’s neck.
Heizou had to handle more of his boyfriend’s teasing as the taunting vampire took his sweet time. It began with tiny pecks, followed by intimate kisses and tickling licks. The heat returned to Heizou as the attention went to the pulse in his neck. He hated the stalling but he couldn’t complain when the stimulation felt so agonizingly good.
“Keep calm for me, no sudden movements…,” Kazuha whispered, grasping his boyfriend’s shoulders.
Heizou’s breath was lost yet again when he felt two sharp points grazing his neck. His heart began to race - pounding loud enough to be deafening in his lover’s ears. Anticipation was stacking up but that wasn’t the only thing he felt. If he was only burning up before, his body now felt like he was being set on fire.
“This is for being so loyal to me ever since we laid eyes on each other,” Kazuha announced, his voice deepening. “Please - take this as a mark of my love and the endless years to come.”
And that was the last memory vivid in Heizou’s mind. His vision blurred as the sharp pain was plunged into his neck, immediately making him cry out. A cooling substance seemed to be flooding into his bloodstream - a shivering contrast to how achingly his body burned. All of Heizou’s cries became lodged in his throat as tears trickled from his eyes and onto the pillow underneath him. The grip on his shoulders was even tighter and was the only thing keeping him from thrashing about.
Even without the use of his vision, Heizou’s other senses were going haywire and were already experiencing changes. The restless winter’s wind, which had previously only been a background noise, was now howling into his sensitive ears. For a few seconds, Heizou could suddenly hear every little thing - the creaking of their bed, the neighborhood strays yipping for attention, the rumbling from traveling cars, and even two distinct breathing that was the center of his regard. His already foggy head was practically sprinting in circles at all the disorderly sounds.
Every breath Heizou took in through his nose accumulated many scents - some more recognizable than others. Regardless, the dizziness he felt only became worse as he started to feel sick. But that nausea seemed to vanish once a certain aroma stood out from all the rest.
Blood. Too much of it, in fact.
The sweetest smell of blood cured any sickness Heizou felt and made him lose any grip he still had on reality. It was so tantalizingly close that he taste it on his tongue and the desire for it became too much to bear. All the pain became numb when only one thought sat in his mind.
“Almost done, keep conscious for me, darling,” Kazuha’s voice spoke quietly, bringing his lover partially back out of his headspace. “I know what you’re craving for.”
Kazuha leaned back and bared his neck, bringing it close to his half-conscious boyfriend’s mouth. Heizou, who had mostly been out of it, suddenly experienced a spike in energy. Every pound of Kazuha’s heart rang in his ears and cued him in on what should be done. Heizou’s vision cleared to see his lover’s neck being presented to him. Before he could think, he lunged forward and sunk his newly-formed fangs into the delicate flesh.
Immediately, the crimson nectar his body longed for seeped into his mouth and he drank it desperately. Heizou felt like a baby being fed its milk bottle - eagerly accepting the meal encouraged by his maker. He felt rejuvenated by the red tunneling down his throat and his mind was put at ease. Heizou finally understood why vampires could not become so addicted to blood, beyond the fact that they needed it to survive. No human food could compare to this.
“That’s enough,” Kazuha told him as he lightly pushed on his partner’s shoulders, encouraging him to lay back down.
Heizou gasped as he finished his meal, falling back onto the pillow breathlessly. He watched silently as Kazuha’s eyes scanned his face like a predator, a light chuckle rolling off his lips.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing. I’m only in disbelief,” Kazuha responded, his smug expression becoming more loving. “You already looked so beautiful as a human but as a vampire…”
Instead of explaining it to him, Kazuha grasped his lover’s chin and turned it to the side, facing the tall mirror that rested near the wall. Heizou was in awe when he found his reflection, being taken off guard by the red irises staring back at him. As he took heavy breaths, he could see the two blood-stained fangs sticking out of his mouth and even more blood drooling out. Under the glow of the full moon, Heizou looked nearly ethereal in this state and combined with his boyfriend’s beauty, it was almost like staring at ancient Greek art. He would admire the masterpiece longer if his eyelids weren’t threatening to close.
“You did so well, my love,” Kazuha whispered, caressing the top of his boyfriend’s head before kissing it. “I’m so proud of you.”
Heizou could only whimper in response, slipping in and out of consciousness. All of the heat he felt evaporated at that moment, except for the warmth fluttering in his chest from his lover’s praises. The burst of energy was limited to his desire for blood but now that that was fulfilled, the only thing he wanted was to rest. But before he completely fell into his slumber, one final memory registered in his brain:
“Sleep now. Starting from this day forward, your body and soul belong to me.”
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narislotus · 1 year
Chapter 8 has been posted!
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narislotus · 1 year
Chapter 7 has been posted!
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narislotus · 1 year
Chapter 6 has been posted!
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narislotus · 1 year
Chapter 5 has been posted!
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narislotus · 1 year
Chapter 4 has been posted!
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narislotus · 1 year
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ok so i may have grown a bit fond of them
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narislotus · 1 year
😭 yes, thank you!
your golden hour (all the times I fell)
“flowers laced with emotional healing” - kazuhei 🍁🔍
rated: g
warnings: n/a
themes: childhood friends to lovers, 5 + 1, modern au
summary: the 5 times Kazuha fell in for Heizou, plus 1 time they both fell together.
———— 🍁🔍
1. The first time I fell
Kazuha could note the first time he fell - years before he knew what it meant to fall. They were in year 8 of their lives - Kazuha being a couple of months further along. Heizou had come into his life unexpectedly, being a new student in his class. He only briefly acknowledged him on his first day with a casual wave and nothing more. His younger self rarely engaged in pleasantries and preferred to be without company. Days went by and never exchanged words once - until that day came.
On certain days, while other kids would swing off of playground sets and chase each other until their legs were sore, Kazuha would spend his recess under his favorite tree with a sketchbook in his lap. If he was left undisturbed, he could finish his drawing by the time he heard the teachers blowing their whistles. The sketches could be anything between the family of birds nearby and the dandelions that tickled his ankles. That day was different from other days as minutes after he was absorbed into his work, he felt a light tap on his shoulder.
“Hi! Do you wanna come to play with me?”
Kazuha stared at Heizou for a few seconds before opening his mouth, in awe after seeing the boy up close for the first time. Normally, he would tell other classmates a simple “no” and turn away before they could try their other avenues of persuasion. But with the innocent smile mixed with the naivety in his voice, Kazuha couldn’t bring himself to pass on the same treatment. Instead, he only spoke in a way that encouraged the boy to interact further, peeking further into his personal bubble. For the first time, someone had seen his sketches and for the first time, he had heard praises he never knew he needed. It was not like his art was unique - that day only consisted of a few flowers - but Heizou seemed thrilled nonetheless.
Days went by with the same sequence of events, with Heizou becoming bolder and Kazuha’s defenses being broken down. They would talk about their day, and any interests, and it all came naturally. Kazuha absorbed all this information and would ponder over it through the remainder of his classes. Eventually, meetings over recess would branch out into other parts of the day and other students would instantly take notice. Everyone found it odd that such a silent kid would only start talking to someone after only them knowing for a few weeks.
What was so different about Heizou? Did his peers not deserve the same courtesy?
Not even a young Kazuha could answer that question.
“Does this make us best friends now?” Heizou asked, after dozens of meetups under that same tree.
“If that’s what you want.”
2. The second time I fell
Years went by and their ages sprung into the double digits. The best friends moved from primary to secondary still attached at the hip, rarely being separated once during school hours. They did have their differences - Heizou being the social butterfly and Kazuha still trapped in his personal nest - but neither fact drove the other person away.
One thing about Kazuha, though, is that he could be secretive at times. Heizou could sense something was off but would be blocked off when he was close to uncovering the truth. So when sensed this secrecy weeks before his 13th birthday, Heizou became concerned. The shy boy would turn down their hangouts or would spend their break time in another room. Maybe the act wasn’t intentional but it was certainly hurtful. Maybe it was a misinterpretation but what else could this avoidance entail?
Heizou would find out soon after when the day of his birthday party came. Kazuha was one of the first people there but as dozens piled into the event, he suddenly felt out of place. Everyone else was social, loud-spoken, and interacted with Heizou in a way that he never could. No matter how many times he was reassured, he could never peel off the feeling that he was an annoyance - that he would never be good enough. Especially when the time for the gift unwrapping, there would be expensive trinkets and foreign novelties that would make Heizou immediately light up in the way he thought only he could do. That made him clutch the flimsy gift behind his back tighter, watching with a heavy heart how Heizou treated everyone else.
But Heizou was observant - too much so. Even when Kazuha assumed his smile was bright enough to mask his shame, he could see through the facade in a heartbeat. He waited for everyone else to be distracted and invited him to his bedroom, opening the door to a discussion they had been avoiding for a while. They laughed about it, teared up, and made promises that night that would continue years down the line. It all ended with Heizou finally pointing out the small paper behind his back, snatching it away before Kazuha could hide it once more.
“You… You made this?” Heizou said in awe as he stared at the unfolded paper, being greeted by an almost accurate sketch of himself. Every feature on his face was drawn with a nearly impossible amount of detail that made his jaw drop entirely.
“I’ve been working on it for nearly a month… I was hoping you would like it but…”
“Why wouldn’t I like this? It’s perfect!” Heizou exclaimed.
“Because I… what if it’s not good enough?” Kazuha told him with a quiver in his voice. “You have such amazing friends who bring you such lavish gifts and I… I’m so plain. What if I was a disappointment to you?”
“We’ve just been over this, haven’t we? You will never be a letdown for me. I could have a billion friends in a room and you would still be the person I look at first. You always have my attention because you’ve always been so special to me. I don’t need you to be loud or lively - I just need you to be yourself. You��re my only best friend - they are nowhere compared to you, alright?”
“Alright,” Kazuha smiled when processed his words, the corners of his lips upturning further when he was brought into a warm embrace.
“Thank you for telling me. Remember, you should never be afraid to speak to me. No matter what I’m doing, you’ll always be my main priority.”
And that was the first time Kazuha felt that stronger feeling in his chest, like a tightening around his heart. It was similar to the time when they first met but more noticeable. Maybe it was because he was older and had a better idea of what these emotions meant. Regardless, he still held onto them for years to come.
3. The third time he fell
Still wrapped around each other’s fingers, they made it to high school side by side. Heizou’s old friends have moved on and while he did make new ones, everyone knew that Kazuha was his “number one”. They would stay over at each other’s homes more often to do assignments or revise before an exam, even always picking each other for paired projects to have more excuses to spend time together.
Just like today, with a calculus exam being the following day, the best friends met up for a study session. They were home alone for a few hours as Kazuha’s parents were out for the evening, which was probably a bad idea since that led to them making excuses not to work. Kazuha was always the more studious one while Heizou would have lower grades if it were not for him. Regardless, that didn’t mean his laziness never rubbed off on the scholarly teen.
“I want to take part in something like that one day,” Heizou said as he stared more at the television screen than his textbook, watching a popular crime show. “Like, imagine being able to connect all the dots to a murder and the satisfaction of catching the culprit? That’s so much more intriguing than useless calculus.”
“Well, this useless calculus is gonna cause you not to graduate if you don’t study,” Kazuha warned him lightheartedly, unable to hold back his smile while seeing the other teen gush over shows like these.
Before recently, Heizou had found it difficult to know what he wanted to pursue in life. Sure, he had plenty of hobbies but they were not his calling in life. While Kazuha was already searching through popular art schools, he would just watch him cluelessly. But after discovering his interest in true crime and police investigations, he all of sudden could view himself in the role of one of the investigators. He would even pause the show to see if he could guess the perpetrator before it was revealed, one-sidedly discussing it with Kazuha. 9 times out of 10, he was correct and that only fueled his fascination.
“You know, if you want to pursue this line of work, you could,” Kazuha told him. “You would make a great detective or criminal investigator.”
“Really? You think so?” Heizou turned to him with his eyes comically wide, almost making the other man coo to him.
“Of course, no one understands crime better than you and you certainly have the charisma for it.”
“True. All they have to do is look at my gorgeous face and they’ll want to confess everything to me,” Heizou smirked, flipping his short ponytail.
“And that’s why I can’t keep secrets from you anymore,” Kazuha winked at him, satisfied by the flustered stutter that followed.
“I-I’ll try to look into it,” Heizou concluded. “I’m still unsure.”
This conversation led to weeks of Heizou telling Kazuha an overwhelming amount of true crime cases, fanboying over well-known true crime investigators, and researching what he needed to do to be in the field. Needless to say, he was completely hooked. The third time Kazuha fell was seeing the twinkle in his best friend’s eyes as he planned out the rest of his life. Every time Heizou smiled, he would smile even brighter, and he never wanted that smile to fade.
4. The fourth time fell
Even though they fought hard to remain attached, life had different plans for them. Kazuha would be accepted into a university hours away, leaving them having to accept that they would not each other every day - maybe even for weeks at a time. But thankfully, they had the whole summer to spend with one another and they would use those few months to their fullest.
The day before their graduation, the passionate pair spent hours reminiscing over their past few years while adding more promises for the summer and beyond. The movie they had been watching had become background noise as they kept their focus on each other. Nearly midnight with the lights off, a blanket surrounding each other as they held another close, and their laughter as infectious as ever. The mood change was obvious as neither could keep their hands off the other and their bodies had no space in between. Kazuha could sense it and he felt what was coming, only if Heizou could sense it too.
“I’ll visit you at least once a month,” Heizou promised, leaning his head on his best friend’s shoulder. “And I’ll call you almost every day.”
“You don’t have to…,” Kazuha chuckled. “You have to focus on your studies and driving 3 hours isn’t easy.”
“That doesn’t matter, I refuse to wait months to see you in person. Not when… we’ve gotten so clingy.”
“And who’s fault is that?”
“We have to share the responsibility, we’re both too irresistible.”
Kazuha silently agreed, continuing to listen to Heizou speak whatever was on his mind. That feeling came rushing into his chest again and became unbearable. He was no longer a naive kid who couldn’t recognize his emotions or a young teenager who would avoid them. He was an adult now and knew exactly what his heart was telling him. He no longer wanted to keep these emotions a secret - not when the timing was too perfect.
The next few minutes were blurry due to his anxiety and the irrepressible onslaught of once-hidden yet intimate thoughts. Heizou must have been able to read his mind as the moment they locked eyes, he made the first move. Eyes closed, lips moving languidly and with inexperienced intensity, and restless hands that refused to settle. Kazuha could remember the kiss was messy - being the first time for them both - and yet they never poked fun at it after the fact. The voices from the television screen were no match for the drumming of the two antsy heartbeats, eventually blending into one boisterous rhythm.
One kiss led to hundreds more - but none were as memorable as the first time Kazuha finally acknowledged the fourth time he fell.
5. The fifth time I fell
Even as he grew up, Kazuha’s habit of self-comparison had barely died down. Watching his peers surpass him at artistic skills or pick up techniques quicker was always a letdown for him. There were times when he would sit in his dorm after classes, trying to wipe away tears that were threatening to drizzle out of his eyes. He felt stupid for worrying over such trivial things but yet here was for the fourth time this month, refusing to get out of bed as drowned in his darkest thoughts.
But even in his depressive episode, one person could always carry him out.
“Did you miss me?” Heizou grinned as he stood at the door before his dorm space, carrying many treats in his hands.
Kazuha could never figure out how it was possible for one person to unintentionally make his rough day enjoyable. Even today, he went from refusing to get up from under his covers to sitting over the top of them while eating homemade cookies with his boyfriend.
That was another thing - *boyfriend*. Keeping a long-distance relationship was a challenge at the same time but they had no regrets, even being two years in. They could easily spend hours calling without getting bored - from studying together to playing online games to just casually chatting. Kazuha’s emotions may be all over the place lately but he would always have nothing but appreciation for Heizou and his antics.
But one thing Kazuha forgot was how observant Heizou was and that once he noticed anything was wrong, he would never let it go.
“Come on, I know something’s wrong,” Heizou said as he delicately cupped his boyfriend's face, forcing him to look him in the eyes. “You’re so easy to read. You don’t have to keep hiding your problems from me. I’m here to listen.”
The words broke through several walls he had built up for years now. He couldn’t speak as every time he try to, his words would be halted by sniffles and hiccups as he cried into his boyfriend’s shoulder. The emotions were high that day and Kazuha never felt more honest with himself than he had at that moment. After all the tears, his thoughts fell out of his mouth with ease and were even incoherent at times. But Heizou never interrupted him, caressing his back and encouraging him to speak his mind.
These kinds of talks did not end after that day. Heizou would regularly check in on him and didn’t matter how long the calls would take. He was genuinely interested in his feelings and encouraged him to speak to counselors since he could only do so much. Kazuha could hardly pinpoint the exact time he fell for the fifth time but it was sometime between all of the late-night encouragements and sweet words Heizou would send him in the mornings.
From that day forward, Kazuha found it much harder to hide his thoughts from the skilled soon-to-be detective.
+ 1. Falling as one
“Keep your eyes closed.”
Kazuha was blindly led by Heizou holding his hands, leading him carefully to the “surprise.” They had just graduated from their respective universities and now had free time to spend with one another. They already moved into their first apartment a week ago and the relationship between them was as lively and loving as ever. Even today, they could finally get out of the city and take a trip to the countryside. Heizou’s sudden gift must have been grand as he had teased this trip for a month now.
“Okay, you can look now.”
When Kazuha was finally allowed to see, a gasp escaped his lips immediately. They were standing in the middle of a rustic space, surrounded by shelves filled with art supplies and decorated with hanging plants. Empty canvases on easels, several drawing stations, and walls decorated with past art pieces. It was somewhat cluttered but still perfectly organized in its own way, making Kazuha’s heart soar with every intimate artful detail that was placed.
“Heizou, is this…?”
“An art studio? Mhm,” Heizou nodded, chuckling at his boyfriend’s wandering eyes. “I’ve been looking since the start of the year and when I found this place, I knew it was perfect. So, I set everything up while you were busy with finals.”
“But, that must be so much effort.” Kazuha frowned.
“Quite a lot. I wanted the studio to be near nature since you like sketching that so much. And bringing some of your artworks here without you noticing was a challenge but considering how happy you are, I’d say it was worth it.”
“Oh, and this place also works as a house so you can always rest overnight or we can stay here for a weekend.”
“I know this place is kinda messy and there’s definitely a lot of supplies missing but-“
The rambling came to end after a set of lips pressed against his own, immediately forgetting what he was talking about. The kiss went on for longer than Kazuha had anticipated but he used this opportunity to pour all his adoration and infatuation into it.
“Thank you, you don’t know how much this means to me,” Kazuha expressed after they separated. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The remaining hours of the day were incomprehensible after this. The couple wasted no time in organizing the rest of the house and making note of anything they felt was needed. Kazuha immediately started to get accustomed to the new art materials, with Heizou snapping photos he could look back on for years to come. But there was one photo that stood out from all the rest - the golden evening sky shining through the window and right over his lover, along with his precious smile and keen eyes.
Kazuha would learn later that that was the moment Heizou had fallen the hardest that he ever had. His chest was tighter than ever and the wide grin on his face made the corners of his lips sore.
14 years ago, they were clueless about what it meant to fall.
9 years ago, they had the basic definition.
7 years ago, they began to slip.
And now, they had fallen in way too deep.
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narislotus · 1 year
Forehead kiss
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narislotus · 1 year
Anemo boys
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