nashebk · 4 years
Getting Your Hopes Up In The Thick Of Things.
It is simple logic that we all hope for our lives to move in a direction that is positive and progressive. We desire good things to happen to us and those we love. But life happens. Life has a habit of taking some wild turns that leave us disoriented, without a sense of where life could be headed and sometimes looking at the circumstances that those wild turns takes gives us a bleak future that…
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nashebk · 4 years
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When our faith in God wanes, it dims the light of hope that should lead how we look at things replacing or expectations with doubts, disillusionment and despair, eventually.Taking our concerns upwards to God brings down the words of counsel that will shift our attitude towards hope. God’s word is the source of these words of hope for every kind of situation. As the word that brings despair and passivity comes, we should defeat it with scriptures that bring about hope. https://wp.me/p6mqHM-2j https://www.instagram.com/p/CLAEJWzD9hA/?igshid=1lfx5tsyko8st
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nashebk · 4 years
Getting Your Hopes Up
Hope is defined as the trust, confidence, belief or expectation that something wished for can or will happen. When we say that someone has a general sense or attitude of hope, we mean that they have a virtuous desire for a good future, with the expectation that that future is on the horizon. When one places their hope on something, they use that thing they place their hope in as a predictor or…
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nashebk · 4 years
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God seeks a relationship which is nurtured through knowing Him intimately; a relationship which we follow His word and His ways by our volition, not one in which we are obedient simply because He commanded it. It was only until I had that personal experience and revelation of who God is that my perspective shifted and I started to see what kind of relationship God desires. There are many privileges derived from the relationship that we need to foster between us and God. Some come with a deeper relationship that comes from knowing Him. Check out the blog post for more: https://wp.me/p6mqHM-2g https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ4KPu7jWGf/?igshid=czkmu7huxavi
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nashebk · 4 years
Knowing God - The key to an intimate and experiential relationship with God.
Knowing God – The key to an intimate and experiential relationship with God.
I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, would give you a spirit, of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. I pray that the perception of your mind may be enlightened so you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the glorious riches of His inheritance among the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of His power to us who believe, according to…
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nashebk · 4 years
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Today I share something I wrote about a month ago. It is in the form of a poetic prayer, if there is such a thing. When I wrote it I reflected on God's grace for someone who may have lost their way as they walk the Christian journey. It is intentionally written to bring out a few things I will mention after you read the prayer. Check it out on the link below or the link in my bio. https://wp.me/p6mqHM-2a https://www.instagram.com/p/CIdwuH-DO-J/?igshid=14j3qybn3miav
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nashebk · 4 years
A Place of Shame
A Place of Shame
Hi family! It has been a few weeks since I last gave you a Sunday Serve. The initial reason was that I was taking a break, which was meant to be just for that weekend, but it turned into two! I wanted to take some time to do some internal work and pretty much deal with life but I am still not in a place where I feel great, although I am climbing out of that hole. Giving thanks to God during the…
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nashebk · 4 years
Approaching God: How We Can Draw The Power of God to Get Answers To Prayers
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.
1 John 5:14-15
This verse has been recurring for weeks in my head right now and it has been such a confidence booster for me in my prayer life. There are a few things that I’m learning the more I…
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nashebk · 4 years
Cultivating Our Hearts to Receive God’s Word.
I found that the theme of the heart has been appearing a lot in my previous Sunday Serves so it came up as a natural topic to expand or get into more detail. In the last Sunday Serve, there was a sentence that, coincidentally, defined what it is that I refer to as “’The Heart Work”.
Heart Work: – formulating the spiritual disciplines that help us stay committed to nurturing our relationship…
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nashebk · 4 years
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Our crowns are eternal and that should put their importance in perspective. Their value surpasses all that we can think of and if we have already set our feet on this track, we should run as if we are to get that eternal prize – and that takes ‘training like a top athlete’, which requires discipline, commitment and resilience. Heart work is exactly that – it is formulating the spiritual disciplines that help us stay committed to nurturing our relationship with God and developing methods that elevate our hearts past our surroundings, especially in times of difficulties, to keep our hearts tethered to God. Find out how we can watch out for signs that we may be slipping away and ways that we can guard against it. Click the link in my bio or the one below: https://wp.me/p6mqHM-1X https://www.instagram.com/p/CGy4YRijbvN/?igshid=hagfc2carr6r
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nashebk · 4 years
Sunday Serve: Slipping Away
The spiritual journey of a Christian is full of peaks and valleys that come with the cycles of life. Our relationship with God may also follow the same trend. We have moments where the presence of God in our lives feels so thick and so present it seems physical – as if we could literally stretch our hands and touch him. There are, however, low moments when he seems more distant than before such…
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nashebk · 4 years
Questioning God
Having been a seeker who had questions about Christianity, I understand that there are a lot of questions people have about it. I also understand, now, that as a Christian many questions may come to a person about so much that exists in the world, what is happening in their communities, families and your personal life. However, we often find it difficult to openly talk about these questions with…
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nashebk · 4 years
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I DID NOT WANT TO START A CHRISTIAN BLOG! My latest blog post is quite personal. I talk about the circumstances that led to me starting one when I had no intention to do so and the roller-coaster ride since I started. Read about it on the link in my bio or click the link here: https://wp.me/p6mqHM-1L #nashewrites #nashebk #sundayserve #ChristianQuotes #ChristianWriter #Blogger #writerscommunity #writersofinstagram #writersofig https://www.instagram.com/p/CGAJG_BDP0n/?igshid=1bg4bsq6jw1cg
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nashebk · 4 years
I Did Not Want To Start A Christian Blog! – How Sunday Serve started.
I Did Not Want To Start A Christian Blog! – How Sunday Serve started.
This week I took a break to reflect on my very young journey writing and publishing this blog. The journey has been eventful in its own way and tasking on so many fronts – from difficulties getting started, procrastination, deciding on topics to write on, self-doubt and so many other things. This post will shed some light on parts of this and I will go as personal as I feel comfortable, which…
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nashebk · 4 years
Waiting on God's Promises: Part 3 - Fight Your Private Battles
Waiting on God’s Promises: Part 3 – Fight Your Private Battles
We face battles daily. These battles emanate from us trying to live a life in continuous pursuit of God’s heart and trying to be faithful in all that we do. These are the kind of battles we see Joseph and David experiencing along their journeys of waiting on God’s promises for their lives. Our most significant battles are the ones that wage war against the good things we are trying to establish…
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nashebk · 4 years
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While you wait, make the most of your life and the season that you are in so that even in that season you can prosper. Being faithful in your work and/or things under your stewardship while you are in that season is a crucial part of making most of that season. Remember, God placed you in the specific moment and season you are in. Even if your situation is because of your misdeeds or those of others, God allowed it. That is for a reason. Read more from my recent blog post. Click the link below or in my bio https://wp.me/p6mqHM-1E https://www.instagram.com/p/CFXmMpHj8xU/?igshid=2einscgx42c9
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nashebk · 4 years
Waiting on God's Promises: Part 2 - Be Faithful In The Season
Waiting on God’s Promises: Part 2 – Be Faithful In The Season
Last week we talked about how Doing the Heart Work is how we frame our attitude and posture for waiting on God’s promises receiving them. This heart work is also integral in what i am talking about this week. When you have the right posture and attitude during the wait, it will inform how you conduct yourself in your work or what you do during the wait. This forms an attitude of being faithful in…
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