nb-adhd-itis · 2 years
I would too. I live there.
No offense to the people of Texas but if there was a big red button that said “destroy Texas” on it. I might. I may.
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nb-adhd-itis · 2 years
Best surgeon.
“Your only ability is telekinesis, and yet the system said you have a threat rating of 9? How is that possible?” “Well, you know that my power is to grab and move things with my mind, right?” “Yeah.” “Well, that includes the internal organs of anyone near me.”
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nb-adhd-itis · 2 years
İ'm in the car with my dog and she's being so cute İ can't
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nb-adhd-itis · 2 years
I think my brother is high.
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nb-adhd-itis · 2 years
"All I did was manifest a god into a candle, what's so bad about that?"
Your teacher asked you to demonstrate some magic in class. After you finish your demonstration the room is completely silent until your teacher asks “Do you have *any* idea what you just did?”
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nb-adhd-itis · 2 years
Is it normal to be able to hear your head shake, or is that just me?
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nb-adhd-itis · 2 years
What is my sexuality today?
Bi? Pan? Ace? Aro? Which one?
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nb-adhd-itis · 2 years
I might change my account to be a Pokémon I made up, idk. I still don't really know exactly what it will look like, but it is a humanoid.
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nb-adhd-itis · 2 years
I'm the hot fae bard that is both masculine and feminine in beautiful ways.
You family consists of Paladins, Necromancers, Werewolves, Vampires, Angels and Demons. All of them try to peer pressure you, a teenager, to take up their craft. At the next family event they expect you to have made a decision. You decided against all of them.
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nb-adhd-itis · 2 years
Idk why but I immediately thought of the library being a modern Temple of Athena.
“Sanctuary,” the child cried running into the library “Nice try,” the guard following after sneered, “but only holy places can grant sanctuary.” The librarians glanced at each other. A small nod The head librarian gave the guard a stern look. “Sanctuary granted”
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nb-adhd-itis · 2 years
I don't know who needs to hear this right now, but you don't need to have certain things to be depressed. You don't need to have zero motivation or burnout. You don’t need to have immense sadness or anger. You don't need to have suicidal thoughts. You don't need to have anxiety. Hell, you don't even need to have bad relationships. Though most of the things listed are key signs of it, that doesn't mean you need to fit into all of the criteria. I might have depression myself, but I certainly don't fit the entire criteria. I don't have major sadness or anger (most of the time). I have pretty good relationships with others. You don't need to have all the symptoms to have something, especially when it comes to mental health. Everyone thinks differently and operates differently. These are just things that are common for most people to have, but that doesn't mean you have to fit in perfectly to have it. I hope this may have helped, and I hope the rest of you get the help you might need.
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nb-adhd-itis · 2 years
By most known things, this story would be in medieval times. Technically putting her into Supreme power would be considered a curse for her.
You are a fairy - and the king has not invited you to his child’s christening. Fairy law now demands you to crash the party and curse the child. While the king definitely needs a lesson, you don’t want the child to suffer over their parents’ neglect
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nb-adhd-itis · 2 years
Everything is loud and I can't do anything but Woodoku to pass the time
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nb-adhd-itis · 2 years
My.double vision is making words 3d
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nb-adhd-itis · 2 years
can someone give me inspiration to make this video pls. I'm bored as fuck and my only copi g method is YouTube. I don't care if it's spite or shit like that, just give me a reason. I don't even care who it is!
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nb-adhd-itis · 2 years
Apparently the nightmares I had a few days ago are telling me to calm the fuck down.
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nb-adhd-itis · 2 years
This is literally just being suicidal. Prove me wrong.
You can see everyone’s Deaths following them, arriving to offer their hands right as they die. Today, you saw something new; someone chasing after their Death, who is fleeing at a dead sprint.
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