ndwirg73 · 13 days
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Good Timezones Everyone and is time for another Neurodivergent topic. The topic this week will be about My routines! Let's dive in!!!
For this topic I'll be dividing this in sub categories for all the different aspects of my routines.
Wake up, get dressed, make coffee, turn music on phone, fill big coffee cup and take morning walk, turn the internet on and meal times and snacks. A look at my daily routines.
Mondays: my weekly outing days that I shop for things for the week.
Wednesdays: I go to a local food bank and don't walk early that morning since I walk back from the food bank with my utility wagon full.
Saturdays: The food bank is also open this day. Depending on stuff going on I sometimes go here on saturdays.
That's a look at all my routines broken down on certain days. I, like some people do like things to be somewhat predictable, but at the same time I do not mind a few little changes.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and feel free to post a comment on this if you'd like. A lot has been going on and so for this week I'll have 2 topics on my normal day of sunday. Take care and have a nice day!!!
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ndwirg73 · 20 days
Autism and Anger Issues
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ndwirg73 · 24 days
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Hello Everyone and the topic for this week is Burnout.
Burnout affects Me quite a bit and at times I have take some self care days away from everything in order to stay balanced and stay in touch with people. Like some things I'm not affected too much by burnout publicly, unless some weeks are busier than others and have to get out more. Online wise though is a different story and I have to take at least 1 offline day each week.
This is something that comes pretty hard for me as I at times put others first and spread myself thin at times, but am now getting better at not doing that. I'm trying to now decide what may be better between dividing things at certain hours of the day or different days of the week? I do enjoy being social, but have to remind myself that I'm no good to others if I get too burnt out.
How do YOU deal with burnout in general?
Am now going to bring this topic to a close now. Will be posting a new topic next. Thanks for taking the time to read this and have a nice week!!!
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ndwirg73 · 1 month
Hello Everyone and the topic for this week will be about how sensory overload affects me and how I deal with it. Let Me dive into it now!!!
Sensory overload is something that I mostly deal with when I'm in public and not too much online. This kind of ties in to my social aspect when I'm in public and there's a lot of people around and get overwhelmed now and then, but it has gotten a little better over the years.
When this happens with strangers in public I do the same thing as I would do when dealing with social phobia and just pick out a point wherever I am and look at that so I don't concentrate too much on what's going on close to me. Another thing I do as well is find a quiet place around a store. This is it for the public aspect and will now share how this affects me online.
My online aspect like many things is way different, but sensory overload is a factor at times depending on what I'm doing. Watching streams and using voice comms in general's not too bad, but this comes into play when several people try to communicate with me all at once. Looking through and reading posts in various social places isn't too bad as I can go at my own pace for that.
Am now going to wrap this up and thanks for taking the time to read this and have a nice week!!!
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ndwirg73 · 1 month
SOCIALIZING(All aspects)
Hello Everyone and it's time again for another Neurodivergent Blog topic!
This week I'll be sharing all aspects of Socializing, both in public and online.
Socializing for me is a hard thing as I don't always conduct myself in a way that others expect. When this happens in all aspects I usually just explain to people that I'm neurodivergent and this is one of the ways it affects me. Again, not trying to be rude, but at times I come across as being weird, but over the last few yrs this has gotten better in all aspects. At this time I'll divide and share between public socializing and online socializing.
Obviously, public socializing is a lot harder than the online aspect. I don't struggle as much with social phobia like I did over a decade ago, but now and then it does become an issue depending on where I have to go. Places like Walmart, Safeway(grocery chain in my state) and a few other big places kind of heighten my social phobia a little being around that many people. When this happens I try to concentrate on a certain point and look in that direction and not keep my eyes on people, but only when I have to so I don't run into anyone of course. I'll close with this as this is what normally goes on for me.
Online socializing of course is much easier, but I still have challenges with that, mostly how I conduct myself and at times saying the wrong things, which of course I do not do on purpose. Obviously the speed at which I socialize online can be much slower as in some cases can take my time responding back to people. One of the different aspects of this is at times I do tend to ramble on about things and when that happens I just need a gentle reminder to stop rambling. And now am going to wrap this part up.
In finishing now, this is all a look at how I socialize in general and thanks for taking the time to read this! I have also decided as mondays are my weekly outing days I'll be doing my blog here on sundays going forward. Take care Everyone and have a nice week!!!
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ndwirg73 · 1 month
Good Timezones Everyone!!!
It's time for a weekly blog topic and this week will be sharing about how I process things.
The biggest neurodivergent challenge I have is how I process things and the speed at which I do things that covers a lot of areas for Me.
I process most things 5 times slower than most people and so certain things take me quite some time to do. The hardest thing for me is reading comprehension and the slowness at which I do that as at times I have to read something over up to 5 times. However, there is one thing that does level the playing field for me and that's watching and listening to things which helps me understand things better up to 5 times.
There is a big difference between things in real life and things online as of course being in public and processing things is way harder for me than things online which I can take slower.
Processing things slow even affects things a little when I'm gaming as whatever game I play I have to do things that don't require doing many things at once and stick to things that I can slowly do.
So in part, when I'm checking things out and seeing online posts and I don't respond right away, it's not cause I'm ignoring or not caring, but I simply process things slow and have to take longer to respond to things.
Finally now and finishing this up and thanks for taking the time to read about how I process things! Feel free to leave a comment about this if you want? I'll be back next week with another neurodivergent topic. Take care Everyone and have a nice day!!!
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ndwirg73 · 1 month
Hello Everyone and here's a little about Me....
I now go by the name of WIRG which is a combination of all my names in one. I was born overseas in Seoul, South Korea and came to the USA when I was 20 months old and so I do not speak Korean. I reside in the Pacific Northwest and am on PST. I'm now 50 y/o and life is quite different, but going good so far. I am now back to advocating for Neurodivergency and for the time being am blogging again, but eventually will do video blogs again. I enjoy doing a variety of things like crafting, gaming, seasonal stuff, photo taking and sharing and a few other things I can't think of at this time. This is a little for now and as time goes on will share more about Myself! Thanks for taking the time to read this and have a nice day!!!
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ndwirg73 · 2 months
Welcome to Neurodivergent Journey!
Hello Everyone and welcome to Neurodivergent Journey where I share what my life's like being neurodivergent.
Am going to start off with my back story and diagnosis. I was d/x in Sept. of 2007 with then Aspergers Syndrome. Of course the DSM 5 has since gotten rid of that term. I always knew there was something different about me, but like some things it finally had a name for me. I haven't always embraced being neurodivergent and the first 6 yrs was hard for me. It wasn't until 3 yrs later, 9 yrs into my diagnosis that I began to embrace this and started advocating. Fast forward to today its been a few yrs and have decided to take up advocating again, but cautious this time to not burn myself out. During this time I've mostly done 1 on 1 help for others and will always do that.
In conclusion to my introduction of my journey for at least the time being I'll do a weekly blog and dive into things on how neurodiversity affects me. Thanks for taking time to read this and have a wonderful day!!!
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