nebraskablake-blog ¡ 7 years
“In short… yes. You would only need to sing a few songs and we wouldn’t interview you.” He tried to make it sound a bit better. “I think she is too and I think if you did a few songs then we explained the concept to the fans they would love it. Awesome. You would really do that.” Ben tried to contain the excitement in his voice as he watched the water drip from the cup before shaking his head and looking back up. “Favor? I’d love to but I’m not quiet sure what you could want from me.”
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“Here’s the deal,” Nebraska said. She paused to gesture to the seat across the table from her. “Take a seat.” She waited quietly while the boy did as she instructed before continuing. “I’m playing a big show at the Staples Center next week. Sold out crowd, the whole shebang. But I’ve been thinking it would be really cool to have someone film the show from the front row. You could even come backstage before the show and film some of the process of getting ready and that kind of thing. Then you could edit it for me and make me a nice little short film. Something I can keep to show to my grandkids one day or something. If you can do that for me, I will go on your webshow.” 
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nebraskablake-blog ¡ 7 years
 “For something you said a while back. It kinda stuck with me and no one had really said it to me before. So thank you.” Summer never usually thanked anyone for anything but she felt she would never be able to say that to Nebraska again so she took her chance while she could.
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“That’s really sweet,” Nebraska said gently with a heatfelt smile. “You’re welcome. And thank you for making my day.”
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nebraskablake-blog ¡ 7 years
 “Wait you’ve watched the show?” Ben was momentarily taken aback as he couldn’t imagine Nebraska doing that. “One moment.” Ben sprinted over to his table to grab the pieces of paper and compose himself. Sprinting back to Nebraska he gave her a smile. “Now it’s not fully set in stone but I have this idea for a new segment on the show that a really, really, really good friend of mine helped me come up with. And I thought maybe you could help launch it. Only if you want. It’s call Pristine Talent… well actually the name is a work in progress but essentially it allows the people here and maybe even online eventually to sing. dance, draw, act whatever talent they have…. do that on the show.” It was a half assed pitch at best, but Ben hadn’t been expecting to see Nebraska here so he had no time to work on the power point presentation.
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Nebraska waited as the boy explained himself. Her heart fluttered a bit as he referred to Ronnie as such a good friend.  “You want to me to be on your show?” She asked in summary. She looked him in the eye and could sense his nervousness. “I think this friend of yours is onto something.” She teased, although he wouldn’t be able to tell it was a joke. “I like the idea. I’m here in Pristine a lot. I wouldn’t mind dropping by and singing a few of my songs.” She took a drink from her tea, small drops of water falling from the outside of the cup onto her exposed cleavage. “If you do a favor for me.” She said, raising an eyebrow. 
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nebraskablake-blog ¡ 7 years
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Nebraska Blake - Wildchild 
* Can’t Be Tamed (Miley Cyrus)
* Domino (Jessie J)
* You Don’t Know Me (Ariana Grande)
* Hummingbird Heartbeat (Katy Perry)
* Confident (Demi Lovato)
* Die Young (Ke$ha)
* Hands to Myself (Selena Gomez)
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nebraskablake-blog ¡ 7 years
 “Good to know.” He listened as she repeated his name and complimented him. He smiled in response. “Well, thanks.” Hayden didn’t miss the way Nebraska suddenly leaned forward, clearly showing off a little bit. He immediately felt his face flush. He ran a hand through his hair and tore his gae away, holding eye contact again, smiling despite himself. “Nebraska…is a pretty cool name too. Is that your real name or just a stage name?”
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“Cool?” She questioned with a smile. “Unfortunately, Nebraska is my real name. My parents couldn’t name me after a better state apparently.” Nebraska smiled at her fabricated story. 
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nebraskablake-blog ¡ 7 years
Hayden grinned. “I do. That’s no secret. Except to my little sister, so on second thought, let’s keep it between us,” he said with a laugh. He watched as Nebraska wrote on a blank page and then handed it to him. He read it over and smiled at her. “Oh, I’m keeping it. And for what it’s worth, even though hot stuff is just fine, I’m Hayden.”
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“You got it,” Nebraska said with a genuine smile, “Your secret is safe with me.” She watched as he read over her autograph and promised to keep it. “Hayden.” She repeated, looking at the boy. “Yes, that name suits you.” She nodded, as if to give her approval. “A cute name for a cute boy.” Leaning forward to take another sip from her tea she slyly made sure to position her body just perfectly so that her cleavage, for a split second, nearly fell out over the top of her deep v-neck shirt. Ronnie had always rather liked Hayden, and as Nebraska, she was unafraid to go for it. 
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nebraskablake-blog ¡ 7 years
Ben started blushing when the girl called him Sweet Pea, he was barley use to compliments from his friends let alone from his celebrity crush. :Uh you?” he stuttered before shaking his head… “You ever heard of or seen a webshow called  iEcho?” He tried saving himself from any major embarresement.
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“Yeah, on YouTube, right? Those videos are always on the “trending” tab.” Ronnie, or Nebraska rather, smiled, knowing now where this was going. “Is that why you look so familiar to me?” She said, uncrossing her arms. “I’ve seen a few of the episodes.”
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nebraskablake-blog ¡ 7 years
is it true you use to go to Pristine High?
I think someone with the name “Nebraska” would be hard to forget having a class with. No, not me. I never went to Pristine High, love.
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nebraskablake-blog ¡ 7 years
*ask me anything*
A Q+A session for my fans 
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nebraskablake-blog ¡ 7 years
Summer had been walking past Starbucks when she had noticed some people surrounding the tables. Standing on her tiptoes she tried to eer over the tops of their heads to see who it was before giving up. Suddenly the crowd thinned and Summer found herself staring at Nebraska Blake. Normally Summer admitted to listening to the likes of green day, Rolling stones and other punk or rock bands but she had listened to Nebraska once or twice. She had an admiration for the girl who was singing the provocative lyrics and living out her dream, something that had stuck with Summer since she had started listening to the girls music. Sighing Summer pushed opened the door deciding to thank her for that. She gave a half smile when Summer greeted her. “Uh hey. I know this is stupid but I just wanted to thank you” the blonde admitted. 
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“Thank me?” Nebraska asked. Usually people asked for pictures or autographs. And while sometimes that admitted that they were huge fans of her music, she rarely got thanked for anything. “Why’s that?” She asked, giving a slight smile to the blonde. 
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nebraskablake-blog ¡ 7 years
“I’m sure you are, it’s just…I’m usually better at, like, talking, y’know?” Hayden laughed awkwardly. He didn’t know why he was so nervous; she was just another person, but he admired so many musicians, and to casually run into one of them was something he wasn’t prepared for. He shrugged, bringing a hand up to rub the back of his neck. “Yeah, I dunno. I’ll listen to anything as long as it’s good.”
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“So you think my music is good.” She teased with a smile. Nebraska couldn’t deny that she rather enjoyed watching boys sweat when they were around her. “Thank you.” She added seriously. “That means a lot to me.” Nebraska turned to a blank page in her notebook and quickly scribbled, ‘Follow your dreams, hot stuff’ before signing her name at the bottom. She ripped the page out and handed it to Hayden. “You can keep this or sell it on Ebay. Up to you.”
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nebraskablake-blog ¡ 7 years
Ben mental gave himself a kick as he tried to calm down and actually act like he wasn’t meeting his biggest celebrity crush and fangirling, which he in fact was. “Right I just did didn’t I?” Ben admitted sheepishly. “It’s really nice to meet you too Nebraska.” Looking back over at his table to make sure everything was still there he turned towards the girl “Uh I know this sounds stupid and i’m sure I have to go through different channels but can I ask you a huge favor?”
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Nebraska raised an eyebrow. “A favor?” She asked, her lips pursing in curiosity. “Potentially.” She answered, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning backwards in her chair, ready to hear what lie in store. “What might you need, sweet pea?” 
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nebraskablake-blog ¡ 7 years
Hayden always told himself it wasn’t a good idea to stay up all night, but he still did it — fairly often, too. He would have to quit this habit eventually. For now, though, he found himself dragging his tired feet into Starbucks to get the biggest, strongest coffee he could to make it through the day. As soon as he stepped through the door, he did a double take. He knew he recognized the girl sitting a few feet away from him with a little book open in front of her, but it took a second glance for him to realize just who it was. He didn’t realize he was staring until she spoke, and Hayden blinked, pulling himself out of his dumbfounded gaze. “Hi,” he finally said, cracking a smile. “Sorry for staring, that was creepy.” He shrugged. “I’m a fan of yours, though.”
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“It’s alright, I’m quite used to it,” Nebraska teased. It was true, though. Every time Nebraska was out in public, she was constantly stared at. People were always taking her picture, asking for autographs... It was very overwhelming, which is why Nebraska was glad to be Ronnie most of the time. “Really?” She asked, taken aback. “I didn’t peg you for the pop music type.”
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nebraskablake-blog ¡ 7 years
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nebraskablake-blog ¡ 7 years
Ben had never been a big coffee drinker before iEcho, but thanks to the workload he now had each episode he would designate an afternoon to going down to starbucks, ordering his favorite drink as he would map out exactly what each  episode was going to be. This included numerous lists such as props, lighting any special effects, camera angles. He had been so immeresed in his work that he noticed anything till he heard a girl squealing about meeting her finally after all these years. Looking up in confusion he looked over to see a girl standing there talking to a fan. With a huge deep breath and a major internal pep talk Ben got up and headed her way waiting for her to finish taking pictures. When she looked at him he nearly froze H-h-i-i.” He faked coughed. “I mean Hi I’m Ben. Your Nebraska right? I’m Ben.”
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A sly smile spread across the lips of Nebraska Blake’s mouth. Of course Ronnie knew who he was, but this was his first time meeting Nebraska. “I know you’re Ben,” Nebraska teased, “You just told me.” It was rather adorable to see the boy so shy around her. Being a celebrity tended to have that effect. “Nice to meet you, Ben.” Nebraska added with a smile. 
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nebraskablake-blog ¡ 7 years
“You’re welcome,” Nebraska Blake said with a smile, as the fan she had just taken a picture with sheepishly ran away. Nebraska returned her attention to the open notebook in front of her, with potential lyrics scribbled all over the pages. She took a sip from her Venti Passion Tea Lemonade with Two Pumps of Raspberry Sweetener and Light Ice and read over her scribbled notes, adding the word lanterns to them. Ronnie hated going out in public as Nebraska, but it was a necessary evil, as the public needed to believe Nebraska was, well, a real person.  It was then that Nebraska looked up and noticed someone new had walked into the tiny Starbucks and was staring at her. “Hi,” she said with a gentle wave of her fingertips, her voice slow and deep, yet still feminine. 
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nebraskablake-blog ¡ 7 years
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