neethoughts · 8 years
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#Repost @elizabeths_poetry - "Glasses"
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neethoughts · 9 years
I want one like her 😍😍 she's so beautiful! Love-struck ^^ #Repost @rannvijaysingha #heartmelted #lovedogs
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neethoughts · 9 years
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May Lord Krishna (the most naughty child with least punishment) steal all tensions & worries, and shower blessings. May he give all the love, joy, peace and happiness. Happy Janmashtmi. #India #Bangalore #Krishna
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neethoughts · 9 years
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A trailer while awaiting the real picture :) (at Thavarakare)
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neethoughts · 10 years
Boko Haram, are there serious and sincere action being taken?
Girls who escaped Nigerian terror group Boko Haram have described the physical torture, rape and forced marriage that many endure in their secret forest camps. Some victims are also forced to take part in attacks and carry ammunition for fighters during battle. Others have been used as 'bait' to lure Christian men to their deaths. The abuse is detailed in a Human Rights Watch report, which includes first-hand accounts from some of the schoolgirls who escaped after April's Chibok kidnappings. More than 270 were taken from a boarding school in the north-east of the country, prompting a high-profile political and social media campaign using the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls. It comes after a weekend during which another 30 youngsters - some of them girls aged as young as 11 - were abducted in northeast Nigeria by suspected Boko Haram rebels, according to a local village chief. In a video released after the abduction the group's leader, Abubakar Shekau, said the girls were "slaves" and threatened to "sell them in the market". The Nigerian government has said a ceasefire deal with the militant Islamist group is on the verge of freeing the group, but last week more were kidnapped. Human Rights Watch says new "shocking details" emerged from its interviews. It reports that the group targets students and Christians, threatening them with whipping, beating, or death unless they convert to Islam, stop attending school, and wear the veil or hijab. Forced marriage, forced labour, physical torture and rape are also common. A 19-year-old student, from Borno State, described how militants ambushed her and five friends and threatened to kill them for going to school. One of the men shouted: "Aha! These are the people we are looking for, so you are the ones with strong heads who insist on attending school when we have said 'boko' is 'haram.' We will kill you here today." The girls were held for several days in the Sambisa forest and only released after they promised to convert to Islam and give up school. Boko Haram translates roughly from the Hausa language as "Western education is forbidden" and has carried out a campaign of bombings in Nigeria over the past five years, killing 7,000 people, according to Human Rights Watch. More than 500 girls and woman are said to have been been kidnapped by the group since 2009. Girls who escape the group's clutches are often ignored despite having vital intelligence about Boko Haram's inner workings, says the report. For example, they often have information on chain of command, ammunition, and how the fighters keep tabs on Nigeria's military. But Human Rights Watch claims the government "rarely, if ever" interviews the girls. The report - called Those Terrible Weeks in Their Camp: Boko Haram Violence against Women and Girls in Northeast Nigeria - includes evidence from 46 witnesses and victims of the group. Daniel Bekele, Africa Director at Human Rights Watch, says the Nigerian government must do more to protect and rehabilitate the girls, and also to track down those behind the abuse.
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neethoughts · 10 years
Demand for equality: reality or myth?
Girls do have breasts, and hence a cleavage. Boys, following the trend, do have abs and built muscles. While there is no objection when a man shows his assets, it breeds in pride in the person. But, it becomes a subject of concern when a girl does so. Why?
The typical reply we get is, ‘But she is a girl, she should not be attracting such attention!’
In an era of women emancipation, (yes, we are still emancipating) we have tend to forget that it should be about equality, not being over – sensitive, bias over certain topics.
Do we go into a hostile frenzy when cameras caress and capture the heroes’ perfect four, six or eight-pack abs? No, actually, we marvel, we envy and we drool.
Why should it be different for a heroine, alias a woman? When you are a public figure and you go out to a press event, you are bound to be dissected from your chipped nail polish to your repeated shoes.
If admiring and focusing on a woman’s assets is a crime, all item numbers should be banned. They are, solely, based on the assets of the particular woman shaking their body in the song. They hardly ever have a great significance in the movie line.
How fair is it to say, 'I will dress to tantalize publicly, but you have to look the other way?'
In your homes, you dress keeping in mind the reactions you will receive from your family, in-laws, husband and neighbours, don’t you?
For a celebrity, going out in front of the cameras is a responsibility to flaunt only what they want noticed.
It is really silly in the name of women’s rights to say, “Why did you notice and focus on what I flaunted?”
Or, “How dare you give a public appearance media attention!”
We react to situations from our point of view. Of course, to us, our point of view is absolutely valid and correct; else we wouldn't be so vehement about it.
Everything in life is about perspective, and while you are governed by yours, you must keep an open mind about the flip side of the coin.
As long as there is no violence or unlawful methods being adopted, everyone is entitled to their point of view.
We cannot be shouting #HeForShe and #SheForHe, yet be promoting the inequality with the way we treat each other.
When we ask for equal treatment, it shall have its drawbacks too. And if we do, sincerely, want equality, we should know what we want.
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neethoughts · 10 years
LGBT Rights: A Human Right, not a favour
Asked me if I approved of homosexuality, in hostility, emphasizing on its status in religion. Well, I tried to be nice and replied with another question: 'Tell me: when almighty looks at a gay person, does he endorse the existence of this person with love, or reject and condemn this person?' (Inspired by Pope Francis) I think people feel threatened by homosexuality. The problem isn't about gay people, the problem is about the attitude towards gay people. People think that the #LGBT community is Hannibal Lecters. But they are sons and daughters of the society. They have the same creator, who shall make no distinction among his children. We must always consider the person. My thoughts on LGBT relationships are that everyone has the right to love and be loved, everyone has to lead a life where s/he is true to her/himself, no double identity required, and that's the position I take. Through Satyamev Jayate, a big industrial house, Reliance and a figure with huge following, Aamir Khan have associated themselves to taking a pro-#gayrights stand. Thus quietly, a milestone is crossed! #FreedomForLGBT #TakeAStand
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neethoughts · 10 years
Eid Ul Adha: The Festival VS The Happening
The Festival:
When Ishmael was about 13 (Abraham being 99), God decided to test their faith in public. Abraham had a recurring dream, in which God was commanding him to offer up for sacrifice – an unimaginable act – his son, whom God had granted him after many years of deep prayer.
Abraham knew that the dreams of the prophets were divinely inspired, and one of the ways in which God communicated with his prophets. When the intent of the dreams became clear to him, Abraham decided to fulfil God's command and offer Ishmael for sacrifice.
Although Abraham was ready to sacrifice his dearest for God's sake, he could not just bring his son to the place of sacrifice without his consent. Ishmael had to be consulted as to whether he was willing to give up his life in fulfilment of God's command. This consultation would be a major test of Ishmael's maturity in faith; love and commitment for God; willingness to obey his father; and readiness to sacrifice his own life for the sake of God.
Abraham presented the matter to his son and asked for his opinion about the dreams of slaughtering him. Ishmael did not show any hesitation or reservation even for a moment. He said,
 "Father, do what you have been commanded. You will find me, Insha'Allah, to be very patient."
His mature response, his deep insight into the nature of his father’s dreams, his commitment to God, and ultimately his willingness to sacrifice his own life for the sake of God were all unprecedented.
During this preparation, Satan tempted Abraham and his family by trying to dissuade them from carrying out God's commandment, and Ibrahim drove Satan away by throwing pebbles at him. (In commemoration of their rejection of Satan, stones are thrown at symbolic pillars signifying Satan during the Hajj rites.)
When Abraham attempted to cut Ishmael's throat, he was astonished to see that Ishmael was unharmed and instead, he found a dead sheep which was slaughtered. Abraham had passed the test by his willingness to carry out God's command.
The Happening:
It is sad to notice that the remembrance is being lost.
People are busier to show that they are rich enough to conduct the qurbani yearly that they no longer look at the animals with care.
There is a clear division about the pride of human beings and the dignity of the animal being sacrificed. Buying and selling of animals at this period of time is being viewed as a lucrative business. Some want the fatter, some the most expensive, some choose the colour.
When Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son, do you really think he had any pride or happiness to conduct the command of God? Was Ishmael bothered to look his best?
Celebrate the survival of human kind, not that of pride and prestige. Wear the best clothes, be happy, feel blessed, be thankful.
But, when cutting the animal, how many think of the pain the animal goes through, and the pain the father could have felt when he was cutting the throat of his son.
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neethoughts · 10 years
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Breast cancer alone kills some 458,000 people each year, according to the World Health Organization, mainly in low- and middle-income countries. Contrary to popular belief, breast cancer affects both women and men, Though for the latter it is very rare. It has got to be a priority to ensure that more women can access gene testing and lifesaving preventive treatment, whatever their means and background, wherever they live. It has to be possible for man to get themselves checked, without fearing to have their manhood affected. With breast cancer, it's all about detection. You have to educate young people and encourage them to do everything they have to do. Young women, more than anyone, need to get the right facts and knowledge. This October, #GoPink. Propagate the awareness of breast cancer. #HeForShe #SheForHe
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neethoughts · 10 years
Interesting Column by Paromita Vohra
An interesting column read in Mirror Mumbai by Paromita Vohra today. A really young couple sits together in a cafe. The boy mouths some romantic platitudes like 'I love you baby.' The girl gets a beady look in her eyes. Not because the lines are so unimaginative as to be almost impersonal, but because she's, um, empowered. So, she pushes her 3G empowered cellphone forward and says, "then write it on Facebook, 'in a relationship' with me."  The guy looks awkward. So would I. As the girl leaves triumphantly, serving staff abandon work and sing on the tables: girls ko no more ullu banoing.  This is a very strange idea of women's empowerment. But it's also a strange idea about love. In this idea, it seems relationships are a battle where all men will try to ghumao women and women's victory lies in getting them to commit. We are not allowed to speak about love and sex without instantly speaking about dhoka.  Without being politically correct, it's also true that we are largely taught in our society that once a relationship is public knowledge it must culminate in marriage. It's the kind of idea that means mistakes are solemnized to ensure a lifetime of misery.  Lots of people - men and women- do not want to give in to this thinking though. For them a relationship is a way of exploring what works for them.  M, a 35-year-old woman who teaches history to Std VIII students, met a sensitive, poetic banker online. They went out a couple of times, and she liked him, but she finds it difficult to 'commit' to this liking. Why? "He's very effusive. So many romantic utterances on Whatsapp, SMS, chat! After some time, the space between us is so crowded with his declarations, I start feeling like I'm getting no space to understand how I feel."  Or, as the poet Sahir Ludhianvi wrote: tere ahd-ewafa ko main ahd kya samjhoon/mujhe khud apni mohabbat pe aitbaar nahin (how can I grasp your promises of love/ when my true feelings still elude me?)  Relationships are like potted plants in a Bombay windowsill. Sometimes, after desultory weeks of watering, you wake up to the unexpected scent of mogras - a plant that normally grows only on free soil. Sometimes hibiscus plants offer you a fierce, red flower everyday. Other times, you tend the plant for years but it stays stubbornly reserved, meanwhile spilling irrepressibly, cheekily out of other people's balconies.  A relationship not working out is not automatically betrayal. Betrayal is lying about what has happened between two people - it's quite a different thing. Making people feel that when love ends, they have been 'cheated' or 'used' only ensures that relationships are rooted in cynicism, not hope.  If a relationship does not suit you - you move on to find one that does rather than forcing it into one shape. Because the bottom line is - if someone is the type who ghumoas you, they aren't going to stop when they make a commitment on Facebook, or even in marriage. We all know that greatest dishonesties are carried out under respectable labels - so why tell young people that finding labels is the path to empowerment?  If you don't want to be ghumaoed, you have to empower yourself by experiencing things, making your own learning about people, relationships, life and acting on your convictions, not other people's conventions.  There is only one way to do this really - the hard way, by making some mistakes. Can we avoid this simply be getting a cellphone connection? What an idea sirji!
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neethoughts · 10 years
Modi effect? Favouritism in govt decisions down, India improves global rank via @timesofindia
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neethoughts · 10 years
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Thanks to all teachers for making me grow in every aspect. As India celebrates Teacher's day, wishing mine a very #HappyTeachersDay on Flickr.
Thanks to all teachers for making me grow in every aspect. As India celebrates Teacher's day, wishing mine a very #HappyTeachersDay
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neethoughts · 10 years
Changing truths in politics, in Mauritius
Paul Bérenger, interrogé lors de la conférence de presse du MMM samedi 16 août sur les photos publiées par 'l’express samedi', montrant Navin Ramgoolam dansant avec une femme présenté comme Nandanee Soornack, activiste travailliste devenue femme d’affaires à succès: "Si ou étonné, mo pas étonné. Nou konkoneè ces derniers temps ki finn ena ki pa finn ena. Si ena enn reception privée kot pe publie bann photos, mo pas étonner [...] J’ai fait l’école du journalisme de Paris. Chacun a sa conception du journalisme. Mai ki enn zournal kuma l’express ki finn seki linn ete dan le passe, publie enn deux photos, papa sa nivo la ena la ! Bonne chance à ceux qui aiment ce type de journalisme !" Well now he thinks that there's a difference between private and public parties. Where was his knowledge of journalism when he used the Macarrena saga to campaign for 2005 general elections. Wasn't that a private party too, or is it that the definition of private changing with time for these old men in politics? #TakeAStand #TruthTime #PoliticsInMauritius #Facade
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neethoughts · 10 years
Cuddling, more than what we think
Is there anyone who doesn’t like cuddling? On the physical affection spectrum, it may not be an all-star, but it’s definitely a winner in terms of improving our health and well-being. Besides the obvious physical pleasure of cuddling, there is a brain chemistry reaction that has far reaching effects. All those warm fuzzy feelings are nothing compared to the benefits we get from the release of the hormone Oxytocin. HOW DOES CUDDLING HEAL US? 1. LOWERS OUR BLOOD PRESSURE The next time you hold someone close, take a deep breath and let it go. Unless it’s someone you’d rather not be hugging, chances are you’ll notice your heart rate and your breathing slow down a bit. As the oxytocin levels rise, they affect the hormones that keep us at the ready for action and allow our blood pressure to drop. 2. RELIEVES PAIN AND RAISES OUR PAIN THRESHOLD Ever have that feeling that nothing can hurt you because you’re so in love? Well, it was probably the oxytocin. This effect of oxytocin is particularly helpful for women in labor, but has implications for the rest of us too. What’s the first thing we do after jamming a finger? We rub it with our other hand. Even this self-stimulation triggers a release of oxytocin and helps us deal with the pain. 3. REDUCES SOCIAL ANXIETY When our brains release oxytocin, we are more likely to have an optimistic outlook about connecting with others, better self-esteem and an easier time trusting those around us. Newer studies are exploring the usefulness of oxytocin (and even supplemental oxytocin) for both post-traumatic stress disorder and autism. 4. LOWERS LEVELS OF CORTISOL Too much cortisol is bad news—for our moods, our weight and our hearts. While stress hormones like cortisol are a good thing when we need to react in a hurry, poor stress management can keep cortisol levels high even when we don’t need it. 5. PROTECTS AGAINST INFLAMMATION AND OXIDATIVE STRESS We hear all the time that inflammation is unhealthy and increases the aging process. Instead of reaching for another bowl of ice cream, consider a little extra cuddle time before falling asleep. WHAT ABOUT SINGLE PEOPLE? HUG YOUR FRIENDS We associate cuddling and physical affection with romantic relationships, but something as simple as a hug will also increase oxytocin levels. PLAY WITH YOUR PET Studies show that snuggling doesn’t have to be with our fellow humans to increase oxytocin. Any positive touch will elicit a release of oxytocin. Another interesting effect of oxytocin is that it may actually help make us better people. Neuroeconomist Paul Zak has deemed oxytocin “the moral molecule” for the way it impacts our ability to trust and feel empathy: Article originally published at Good Men Project
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neethoughts · 10 years
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Ants: Can they save the planet from global warming? TOI, NEW YORK: Ants may be cooling the Earth by helping trap carbon dioxide from the environment, a new study has claimed. A long-term experiment tracking the ants' effects on soil suggests they cooled Earth's climate as their numbers grew. "Ants are changing the environment," said lead study author Ronald Dorn, from the Arizona State University in Tempe. Certain ant species "weather" minerals in order to secrete calcium carbonate — better known as limestone. The process traps and removes a tiny bit of carbon dioxide gas from the atmosphere, Dorn said. This ant limestone factory is a small-scale version of the massive planetary-cooling process that takes place in the oceans, known as carbon sequestration, 'Live Science' reported. Dorn discovered that ants were powerful weathering agents by tracking the breakdown of basalt sand. His experiment shows that ants appear to break down the minerals 50 to 300 times faster than sand left undisturbed on bare ground. According to Dorn, the ants may be scavenging calcium and magnesium from the minerals and using these elements to make limestone. In the process, the insects may trap carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, in the rock, the report said. The transformation could take place when ants lick sand grains and stick them on the walls of their nests, but Dorn said the process is truly a scientific mystery. The study was published in the journal Geology.
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neethoughts · 10 years
Kick: Bollywood Eid Gift 2014 Reviewed
Director: Sajid Nadiadwala Cast: Salman Khan, Randeep Hooda, Jacqueline Fernandez, Nawazuddin Siddiqui Salman Khan makes any critique futile when he tells you "mere baare mein itna mat socho. Mai dil mein aata hoon, samajh mein nahi". So there, you've established the fact that thinking or trying to employ logic is a lost cause. All that you can do then is to sit back and let the salman mania unfold in all its glory. That's what Kick is then. Its a brainless romp for Salman fans. He's almost super human. He's got all the answers in the world. He's a genius of every possible vocation. He's having a ball being the best. No reason why the viewer shouldn't. Salman's character is called Devi Lal Singh. Don't let the rustic name fool you because it cleverly acronyms to Devil, his super human-ish alter ego. That's the least clever bit about the film. It outwits you on many occasions. Moments when you think Salman's character is cornered and done for. But he's thought of a way that totally defies logic and it works. Just like his movies. Salman's character takes every risk imaginable because he is searching for a kick. An adrenaline rush. Eventually he finds it through a humanitarian cause which adds the proverbial golden-hearted touch to proceedings. The director makes sure he serves everything required to make a Salman Khan fan happy. So you have Salman playing with multiple shades. Sometimes he's funny, sometimes he's emotional, sometimes he's romantic and sometimes he's kicking his way around the bad guys. Nevertheless, Salman makes sure you are entertained through a runtime of 2 hours and 25 minutes, with no holds barred. The entertainment just like the action is relentless. Most of the fun comes thanks to Salman's able deputies. The finest is the anti hero, the eternal thorn in Salman's hero's side played by Randeep Hooda. His intensity is bang on. He shows why he's sustaining in the film industry. He got it all right. Then there's Nawazuddin Siddiqui who makes a late entry in the second half. But it takes him 5 minutes to show what great acting is all about. His role is one of those extremist you don't necessarily appreciate, but you can't not appreciate his acting. Comedy is ably handled by Mithun Chakraborty and Archana Puran Singh. The dancing and fashion department is in hands of Jacqueline Fernandez, who's character does disappear by the end, without proper conclusion. The irk in it all is the 'ghar jamai' theme is extrapolated. Is it such a blow to live in the house of the in-laws in today's society? Why love someone who defies all logic and expect your parents to accept him, with logic reasons and expectations? Didn't gel with me. Salman's character takes every risk imaginable because he is searching for a kick. An adrenaline rush. Eventually he finds it through a humanitarian cause which adds the proverbial golden-hearted touch to proceedings. The director makes sure he serves everything required to make a Salman Khan fan happy. If you don't feel the kick when all those children, on Children's day, run to thank their angel, humanity is in serious danger. Though filmi, it is the maestro touch which makes it a Salman Sir film. After help three persons message in Jai Ho, Devil in Kick is all about feeling happiness while helping others. So there it is. Salman Khan even sneaks in a direct Eid Mubarak to his fans, on this Eid release. That should be making it even more special.
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neethoughts · 10 years
Eid 2014: what you should be knowing
Festival of your community or that of your neighbours, there should be a certain degree of understanding and knowledge outreach. We are marching towards a global village, and one where there are internal conflicts, about trivial issues, peace and unity are not going to prevail. "Fast when you see the new moon, break your fast when you see the new moon." This is exactly what Muslims will do, as preached by Mohammad, either on Monday or on Tuesday, depending on the sighting of the new moon by scholars, starting Saturday night, to mark the end of the Ramadan season and the beginning of the month of Shawwal in the Hijrah calendar. This year's Ramadan, which lasts for one lunar cycle, or 28-29 days, started June 29. The Eid'l Fit'r, or end of Ramadan, is obligatorily capped off with outdoor congregational prayers, sharing of food and cuts of meat from kurban (slaughtered animals) with poor people, regardless of whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims. Muslims observe the Ramadan yearly as one of the "five pillars" of the Islamic faith. Clerics began with their traditional moon sighting activity at dusk Saturday to determine the culmination of the Ramadan, which is a holy month in Islam. Physically-fit Muslims are obliged to fast from sunrise to sunset during the Ramadan, both as a religious obligation and to inculcate among them the importance of self-restraint to achieve spiritual perfection. The traditional Ramadan moon sighting tradition was pioneered by Mohammad, Islam's progenitor, and carried on, as a religious practice, by Muslims of today. Muslims believe it was during the Ramadan when Allah sent down the Quran to Mohammad, through Archangel Gabriel. There are 12 months in the Islamic Hijrah calendar. Warfare is prohibited during the months of Muharram, Rajab, Ramadan, Dhul-Qi'dah, and Dhul-Hijjah. While the fasting month is a symbol of sacrifice and purification, the fast-breaking ceremony of Eid aims at promoting love and brotherhood, and the beginning of normal everyday life. The day begins with an early hour bath, after which Muslims put on their best clothes and eat dates before going to the special Eid prayer ceremonies in their nearby mosque. Eid Ul-Fitr, which means 'breaking the fast', is incomplete without the special delicacies meant for the special occasion. And Muslim families serve the best of Eid meals during their celebratory get-together on the day. Children enjoy the day as they get special Eid gifts, including new clothes, sweets and perks from elders. Interesting Facts: 1. It is customary to eat breakfast before the special prayer of Eid, as Prophet Muhammad used to eat something sweet before offering his prayers. 2. Keeping up with the Islamic tradition, Muslims wake up extra early on Eid morning to cleanse their body – a ritual called 'ghusl'. They wear the best clothing before going for the prayer. 3. As the crescent moon of Eid appears on different dates, at times after sunset, many Muslim communities celebrate Eid on the day it appears over the sky above Mecca. 4. The Eid prayer is different from the regular prayer known as Adhaan. The special prayer can be done anytime between the Ishraq (dawn) and Zawal (midday) prayers. 5. The Eid prayer can be done in an open space and Muslims hug each other after the prayer while saying "Eid Mubarak". 6. Muslims donate 2.55% of their annual income as charity for poor and needy on Eid.
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