Possible candidates for a WOC Disney Princess
Queen Liliuokalani: Hawaiian princess during the 1800's who must defend her land from a scorned volcano spirit that swears to destroy all of Hawaii.
Princess Kaguya: Japanese folktale princess who is raised by the emperor and soon discovers her inherent alien abilities as a resident of the Moon, deals with social exclusion while simultaneously butting heads with a kitsune.
Calamity Jane: Native American non-princess a la Mulan who deals with mystical creatures she must defeat while on the Western Frontier because she is the only one who knows the dangers of the land (like Wendigos and Cactus Cats).
Maria Pistolas: Hispanic non-princess who rescues unjustly arrested revolutionaries during the Mexican Revolution against Spain.
Queen Hatshepsut: Egyptian pharaoh who is cursed to become a wolf at night by the Egyptian gods and must discover a cure after realizing she has killed her entire family and become monarch.
Princess Romanework: Ethiopian princess who must venture into Italy in hopes of escaping death due to being a twin and experiences culture shock.
Urduja: Warrior queen (Datu) of a tribe in Pangasinan, the Philippines, who welcomed explorer Ibn Battuta to her land and had hopes of going on an expedition to India.
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I know part of the problem, of course. The disorientation, the distraction, the difficulty focusing—all classic Phase One signs of deliria. But I don’t care. If pneumonia felt this good I’d stand out in the snow in the winter with bare feet and no coat on, or march into the hospital and kiss pneumonia patients
Lena Haloway, Delirium
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Symptoms of Amor Deliria Nervosa
preoccupation; difficulty focusing
dry mouth
perspiration, sweaty palms
fits of dizziness and disorientation
reduced mental awareness; racing thoughts; impaired reasoning skills
periods of euphoria; hysterical laughter and heightened energy
periods of despair; lethargy
changes in appetite; rapid weight loss or weight gain
fixation; loss of other interests
compromised reasoning skills; distortion of reality disruption of sleep patterns; insomnia or constant fatigue
obsessive thoughts and actions
paranoia; insecurity
difficulty breathing
pain in the chest, throat, or stomach
difficulty swallowing; refusal to eat
complete breakdown of rational faculties; erratic behavior; violent
thoughts and fantasies; hallucinations and delusions
emotional or physical paralysis (partial or total) death
If you fear that you or someone you know may have contracted deliria please call the emergency line toll-free at 1-800-PREVENT to discuss immediate intake and treatment.
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Still, I worry. They say that in the old days, love drove people to madness. That’s bad enough. The Book of Shhh also tells stories of those who died because of love lost or never found, which is what terrifies me the most.
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“I am not sure that I exist, actually. I am all the writers that I have read, all the people that I have met, all the women that I have loved; all the cities I have visited.”
Jorge Luis Borges (via greatauthorquotes)
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I’m oxygen and he’s dying to breathe.
Tahereh Mafi, Shatter Me  (via iapprovethispost)
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What matters to you defines your mattering.
An Abundance of Katherines
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There's some people in this world who you can just love and love and love no matter what.
An Abundance of Katherines
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Books are the ultimate Dumpees: put them down and they'll wait foryou forever; pay attention to them and they always love you back.
An Abundance of Katherines
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I need to be casual but not too casual. Dressy but not too dressy. I need him to think I just threw on the first thing I found and that I'm not taking this too seriously or overthinking it or even that I was thinking about it at all. Because I'm not. I'm totally not thinking about him, and I don't want him to think I was thinking about him, but I don't want him to think that I'm not thinking about him, because clearly he thought about me enough to ask me out and it would be mean not to be thinking about him at all, so I need just the right amount of thinking, and I'm not sure if that means boots and a skirt or skinny jeans and ballet flats. Help!
Hartley Grace Featherstone, Social Sucide
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Nikki: We deserve each other, Luis … and I need you just as much as you need me. Hold me.
Luis: I do, mi chava, I can’t promise I’ll be able to let you go."
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Dude you're such a geek. And that's coming from an overweight Star Trek fan who scored a 5 on his AP Calculus test. So you know your condition is grave.
Hassan. An Abundance of Katherines.
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Carlos: Marry me, Kiara.
Kiara: Why?
Carlos: Because I love you and I want to go to sleep with you every night and wake up seein’ your face every mornin’, I want you to be the mother of my children, I want to fix cars with you and eat your crappy tofu tacos that you think are Mexican. I want to climb mountains with you and be challenged by you, I want to argue with you just so we can have crazy hot makeup sex. Marry me, because without you I’d be six feet under … and because I love your family like they’re my own … and because you’re my best friend and I want to grow old with you. Marry me, Kiara Westford, because when I got shot the only thing I was thinkin’ about was comin’ back here and makin’ you my wife. Say yes, chica.
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I guess that’s the beauty of books. When they finish they don’t really finish.
Markus Zusak (via writingquotes)
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