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"Can someone look at me the way Ben looks at Devi!"
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“Honestly Devi better end up with Ben because Paxton is so toxic like seriously? Then he says something like "I don't need that negativity in my life" like sir? He is the one who talks to Devi then ignores her. Ben is way better for her.”
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“Devi playing the harp again made me so happy!”
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“I'm glad that Devi and her mom sorted everything out, but WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THE MOVE TO INDIA?!”
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“I think that the love triangle should become an actual triangle by Ben and Paxton developing feelings for each other. I think that their character dynamics would work well along with adding more complexity to plot.”
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“I actually think Fabiola and Eleanor should dump Devi. Ever since episode 1, she’s been treating them like s***. Eleanor’s mom left AGAIN when she finally thought she came back for her, and when she needed help from Devi, Devi went to f***ing Paxton. No one deserves this kind of treatment. She keeps messing it up and then says: “Sorry this won’t happen again” and then messing it up all over again.“
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“This might sound weird, but I really want to see a friendship between Trent and Ben."
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“We don’t really need a season 2, the first one is a perfectly rounded out story with a great ending in my opinion.”
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“I hope we see more Mohan flashbacks next season.”
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“Paxton is better for Devi, because growing up Ben and Devi were mean to each other, plus Ben has a girlfriend. Paxton is always there for her and she’s there for Paxton even if they are mad at each other.”
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“My little heart melted when Paxton looked back at Devi walking away ❤”
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“Really torn between Paxton and Ben! I love them both for different reasons, excited to see what will happen in season 2!”
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“I think every major character on the show should get an episode that centers around them!”
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