new-warriors-wikia · 6 years
this whole new wc wiki is dope, it's about time! do u have any idea what the sprites are gonna look like? one of the main things that bothered me abt the original wiki was how ugly the sprites were and how unaccurate they could be. also when applications open i'm totally up for helping with coloring and stuff like that?
Sprites are still gonna be in a pretty simplistic style and we plan on having one for each rank, as the old wiki did, but you know. Looking better. Not to knock on the old artists or anything, but binary tools and hard burn shading just doesn’t look good together.
Ideally, something along the lines of a simple pixel sprite. Something like this (by me), but not animated, obviously. This could change in the future, but it’s the current plan. I posted some concept sketches earlier on, as well.
- m. Hollyleaf
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new-warriors-wikia · 6 years
so if a character, say like Amberleaf, appears in only one book, (yellowfang’s secret) would this new wikia mark her as dead (since she doesn’t appear in starclan, or anywhere else) or as current: shadowclan?
Cats who are definitely dead (eg, haven’t shown up for a long period of time, only appeared in one book and then vanished, etc) will be given StarClan sprites unless they are confirmed to be elsewhere.
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new-warriors-wikia · 6 years
please tell me y'all won't be taking the wc website family tree as canon
We will not!  Because it’s a disaster and contradicts actual canon in a lot of places.
Here’s a fun thing though: if you do take the website family tree as canon over the books, you could very easily argue trans Redtail as canon.  There’s a note on the tree that queens aren’t required to reveal the father, and so some lineages are known only to StarClan.  Redtail is listed as Sandstorm’s father, but she doesn’t have a second parent.
Fun thing for me, at least.
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new-warriors-wikia · 6 years
You are doing Starclan’s work here making a better wiki. I have just one question. Is this going to end up with another war about Dovewing’s eyes? (I firmly believe they’re green)
Thank you!  And definitely not.  We have mapped out a hierarchy of canon to take out conflicting information; such conflicts will be noted, but, for example, something that is written in the books will be in the main description, while something said by an author would be noted as a conflict.
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new-warriors-wikia · 6 years
you know whats so fuckin wild about the wiki? there isnt a relationships section. literally like, every other fandom wiki has this section????
Yeah, that is… odd.  My only guess is that it’s because given the way they like to record everything, it would end up with about four hundred subsections on every page.
I understand that, to an extent.  I’m awful at summarizing things, which is why I’m focusing on family trees and such and not on writing pages.
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new-warriors-wikia · 6 years
hi yes uh i love this idea so much?? im just wondering where this new wiki will be held at?? i really wanna see what u guys have done so far dfgh
It’s going to be at wikia!  Unfortunately we’re not releasing it until we have some more done; we want everything to be set up comfortably before we toss the link into the wild.  Thank you for your excitement, though!
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new-warriors-wikia · 6 years
hey uh idk if this has already been asked but are u gonna do the thing where you list kit names as "unknown" if we dont see the character as a kit?? it bothers me so fucking much on the current wiki please dont do it
Probably not.  I hate it too; unless their name has clearly been changed, I think it’s reasonable to assume that their name as a kit had the same prefix that it did as an apprentice (or apprentice to adult).  We might put some sort of “unconfirmed” citation if absolutely necessary.
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new-warriors-wikia · 6 years
Hi, when will your applications be open again? And how can I apply when they are? I'm really sorry if you're getting this alot. Right when I decided I would apply, you announced they were closed XP
We aren’t sure when applications will re-open.  When they do, we’ll make an announcement and put up a link to the form!
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new-warriors-wikia · 6 years
Hello !! i am open to help color sprites of characters, i know applications are closed but if they open back up, i am all for it ^^
Great!  We will be making an announcement when applications open back up, so keep an eye on our feed!
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new-warriors-wikia · 6 years
I know applications are closed but if (or when) they open again, what do we need to include in them?
The application is a form, so it tells you what you need there.  If you want any advice on things that might help us notice your application, there are some notes in the FAQ!
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new-warriors-wikia · 6 years
Is it just me or do the current warrior wiki admins not realize that in cat terms, a "red" tabby is light orange because with redtail and mitzis sprites they clearly do not
Who knows.  To be fair, the Erins might not realise that either, given how little they apparently know about what cats can look like.
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new-warriors-wikia · 6 years
Ok since i just found this blog and im just rlly dumb, you guys are NOT the original Wiki blog? A blog who is making a new, BETTER wiki right? Sorry fjfbdhdh
That is correct!  Slowly but surely, we are doing that.
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new-warriors-wikia · 6 years
Purdy's sprite literally has green stuff on his eyes and it literally looks like he has mucus green eye shadow
It’s too bad that it’s not eyeliner – then he could have cat eyes.
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new-warriors-wikia · 6 years
Is this wiki thing a website or just tumblr stuff? also who are the other mods?
There is a website, but we won’t be making it public until we have more of the groundwork laid, such as templates and essential pages.
I’m not sure what you mean by your second question.  We four here are the mods.
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new-warriors-wikia · 6 years
the link for the application doesnt seem to be working?
That’s because applications are closed.  The FAQ has been updated to reflect this; sorry about the inconvenience.
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new-warriors-wikia · 6 years
Wait a minute..... Dovewing has green eyes yesh. Time to battle over Brightheart eyes now >:]
Eye discourse is eternal.
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new-warriors-wikia · 6 years
are people aware that you can... like... edit wikis... like people bitch and whine all day long about how the wiki doesn't have this or that but like bitch??? you can add it yourself??? the wiki isn't some encyclopedia that's set in stone you can literally go add the sections you think it needs that's the whole pOINT OF A WIKI
you know the wiki has staff who enforce their own opinions over the entire thing, right? you know you could spend your time doing anything other than sending us asks like this?
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