newmiriamsmysteries · 2 months
[ "Followed" - 7/14/24 ]
((Possible scene in "Luna"))
Music - Tool - Forty Six & 2
Even though he told me not to…
I followed him.
I never said that I always did as I was told.
I followed his black Jeep in a cab so he wouldn’t recognize my truck.  We kept a reasonable distance so he wouldn’t expect a tail.  All the while, sitting in the back of that cab, I felt lousy.  I hated this.  Max was my best friend, we’d known each other since we were kids.  I knew I could trust him with everything, but there was something he was hiding from me.  He’s been the county coroner for years, and I never saw him get shaken up by what was on his table.  I had two vics in the morgue that looked like they’d been torn about by some kind of animal - and a coroner who turned pale at the sight of them.
Max pulled into a group of run-down plants lining the riverbank.  Remnants of times gone by.  Old warehouses popped up here and there looking old and tired.  Some had boarded-up windows and others had no windows at all.  Old streetlights and dim neon illuminated the row of buildings.  I saw Max’s Jeep parked by one of the larger buildings lit by a neon arrow pointing to a steel door with a panel in the center.  Voices caught my attention and I slipped around a shadowed corner of the building.  Peeking out, I saw a man step up to the door.  He was in a well-tailored, freshly pressed suit.  His salt and pepper hair wasn’t out of place and his go-tee was well maintained.  He honestly reminded me a little of Vincent Price.  
On his arm was a beautiful woman, a bit younger than him, dressed to the nines.  Her blond hair was pulled up into a fancy sort of updo in a pile of curls at the crown of her head.  She glanced over her shoulder once and I caught a glimpse of striking green eyes.  Diamonds dripped from her earlobes in what had to be the most expensive pair of earrings I’d ever seen.  Her neck as well, bore a striking diamond choker that reflected the red neon light, making her diamonds look like blood.  Her skintight, little black dress left little to the imagination, it was low cut and ended mid-thigh.  Leather, heeled boots crawled up from her feet to her thighs.  
The man reached up and knocked.  The panel in the center of the door opened and then closed a moment or two later.  Next thing I knew, the large steel door screeched open and the couple went inside.  So it was one of those kind of clubs, huh?  The kind with a very exclusive membership.  One that I obviously didn’t have.  
Time to improvise,  I thought as I crept along the wall.  I used the flashlight on my cellphone to guide my steps.  The alley was empty, save for some trash and debris all over the ground.  Rusted old trash cans rested against the wall to my right.  To my left, I came upon an old fire escape.  It looked sketchy, at best, and I was hit by the sudden realization that I was going to do something incredibly stupid.  
I slipped my phone into the pocket of my beat-up leather jacket and then jumped.  I grabbed the bottom rung of the ladder and thanked my lucky stars that I spent most of my childhood climbing trees.  It took a moment, but I easily pulled myself up.  I reached a landing just as the entire structure shuddered and groaned beneath my feet.  
I crouched down and pulled my phone from my pocket again, the flashlight was still on as I surveyed my position.  On my left was an old railing, flaking black paint revealed years of rust and a tetanus shot in my most immediate future if I touched it.  On the other side was an old piece of faded, wavy plastic.  It was nailed to the wall at the top corners as if to cover a hole.  From within the building, I could hear muffled voices, followed by shouts of exhilaration from a large audience.  I turned off the flashlight and hid my phone away before slipping my hands into the sleeves of my jacket.  I grabbed the plastic and pulled it away from the building, moving it just enough that I could squeeze inside.  
So I did just that.  
I was deposited on a new-looking catwalk above a huge amphitheater.   It reminded me of a Roman Colosseum I’d seen in a movie once.  Seats lined all but one wall in a horseshoe shape looking down over a floor made of dirt and sawdust.   The inside of the building looked absolutely brand new.  A stark contrast to the outside.  I could smell the fresh wood and paint.  Exhaust fans ran along the stone walls, adding some sort of ventilation to the area.  A sound system was set up on the wall without seats.  The chairs in the front row were plush and comfortable looking, then it seemed to get a bit more mundane the further they went up.  The “Cheap Seats” below me were nothing but wooden folding chairs.  Carefully, I stood and looked down. 
In the center of the floor was an announcer speaking into a microphone that hung from the ceiling.  He was a tall man, lanky almost, and moved a bit otherworldly.  It wasn’t a Vampire’s grace though, but it was still predatory.  His eyes were golden and his smile was a bit more toothy than I was used to.  He dressed well, however, as did the rest of the audience.  Suits, dresses, jewels, furs - any luxury you could think of.  
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,”  The announcer began.  “Once again I welcome you all to The Claymore Amphitheater!”  He exclaimed, opening his arms with a flourish as the audience erupted in praise.  I slipped behind a shadowed pillar as the announcer’s eyes moved over the crowd.  
“For those who are new, I am Abraham Nash, your Master of Ceremonies.  I hope you got your bets in early, folks, cause this one is going to be a doozy!”  The Announcer said.  “We have in our presence very prestigious fighters.”
Just as he spoke, the spotlight split into three, one keeping Nash illuminated and the others moving to two darkened doorways.  I leaned forward slightly to see.  
“In this corner - “  Nash stated, “We have the reigning Champion, hailing from Mother Russia - RODYK PETROVICH!”  The crowd whooped and hollered as a mountain of a man stepped into the spotlight.  He was built like a brick shit-house.  He was tall and thick with well-defined muscles.  He honestly reminded me of Braun Strowman - except with fairer skin and blond hair.  ( I watch wrestling.  So what?)  
“And in this corner - “  Nash gestured to the other dark doorway.  “Ladies and Gentleman, we here at The Claymore, are very pleased to introduce one of our own.  My friends…dear friends…I am happy to welcome back … JASON DUNNIGAN!”
“Wait what?!”  I caught myself saying out loud.  I put my hand over my mouth, my eyes wide as I looked at the doorway.  I grabbed the catwalk’s railing with my free hand and held it tight until my knuckles turned white.  He stepped out and my heart skipped in my chest.  He was everything I remembered.  He was tall and well-built where it counted.  He was a bit smaller than his opponent, though.  He was tanned and covered head to toe in freckles.  
“My friends!”  Nash said after the applause and accolades had died down.  “Now, we know the rules.  The first man to incapacitate - NOT KILL - their opponent wins the pot which sits at a whopping five thousand dollars thanks to our amazing patrons and partners.”  
As Nash kept going, I couldn’t stop looking at Jason.  Memories came back, most of them good, some of them not so good.  I shook my head to bring myself back to the present.  Scanning the crowd, I caught a glimpse of Max, sitting in what could have counted as box seats.  Just on the floor of the amphitheater.  He was staring at Jason’s back, but I couldn’t make out his expression from here.  His arms were crossed over his chest, one leg resting on top of the other.  People were sitting beside him - the man and the beautiful blond woman I watched enter the building.
The blond was speaking to Max, but he didn’t seem to be paying attention.  
The sound of a bell startled me and I looked back to the floor.  Jason and Rodyk were circling each other.  The Russian certainly had a height and weight advantage over the small man, but Jason had also been faster and more agile.  
Suddenly, the two men stopped and began to move oddly.  Their bodies fell forward as their legs moved direction.  Becoming more canine than human, fur rippled over their skin.  Rodyk’s was snow white with various bits of gray.  Jason’s was a russet red-brown.   Human faces were replaced by wolf ones.  I glanced up toward the large skylights over my head just in time to see the Full Moon peek through the glass.  
They were God Damn Werewolves!!
I looked back in Max’s direction again, he seemed unphased like this was a normal Monday night for him.   What the hell was going on and why was no one reacting?! 
The growls of the two wolves broke through the applause and adoration of the audience.  The noise was deafening and I tucked back a little in my shadowed hide-a-way.  Rodyk lounged at Jason, who easily dodged out of the way.  Keeping low, the Red Wolf leaped up toward Rodyk’s back leg, attempting to bite it and incapacitate him.  But the White Wolf was deceptively quick.  He dodged at the last minute, causing Jason to roll slightly beneath his opponent.  Dust flew into the air, floating in the glow of the house lights.  Growls and yips from the two brawling wolves went on well into the evening as they fought.  The battle ended abruptly with Jason’s jaw locked around Rodyk’s throat.  
The bell sounded again and the two animals parted before one could kill the other.  “Your winner!!  JASON DUNNIGAN!”  Nash yelled.  The crowd erupted again as Jason dropped his wolf form and became human again.  Nash held up his arm at the wrist and Jason bowed his head.  Even in human form, his body bore signs of battle.  Scratch and bite marks that were much akin to an animal attack.  
I looked at Max again, who had caught Jason’s eye now.  The coroner got up from his seat and wove his way through the crowd and out of the building.  I glanced at Jason once more, unsure how to feel, then turned and snuck out the way I had come in.  
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newmiriamsmysteries · 2 months
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newmiriamsmysteries · 3 months
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˚₊‧꒰ა ♱ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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newmiriamsmysteries · 3 months
[ Beastiary - Werewolves]
((From the Journal if Beatrice LeRoux then passed to her niece, Miriam Wallace))
People affected by Lycanthropy. Mostly passed on by the males, they try to lay low.
Lycanthropy is passed down genetically from Father to Son. Though possibly passed via bite - there's a 50/50 chance of successfully "turning" someone.
Their Origins can be traced back to the Dark Forests of Romania. Legend tells of a young man who was engaged to marry the daughter of a Hedgewitch. His infidelities got the best of him, however, when he was found in another woman's arms. The witch then cursed him and his descendants to turn into wolves during a Full Moon
In modern times, Werewolves and their Packs keep to themselves. Aside from the Romani, Packs can also be made of up Native American Shapeshifters. All Packs prefer solving their own problems and keeping outsiders away. They can be anything from Senators to Road workers.
Each pack needs between 10-30 members to be recognized
All Packs answer to the High Council
Each Pack has an Alpha and they meet the Council when needed
Their shifted form looks like regular wolves, but much larger
New Pack leaders are decided by a fight to the death called "The Ascension"
Wolves mate for life
Problems are solved on their own terms
((I found a note tucked in the back of this book allocating the Williamsport Pack is known as "Twin Moons" But I don't know any more information than that -M))
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newmiriamsmysteries · 3 months
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newmiriamsmysteries · 3 months
[ Beastiary - Witches]
((From the Journal if Beatrice LeRoux then passed to her niece, Miriam Wallace))
Witches are very powerful men and women who can wield magic. They are knowledgeable about herbs, crystals and natural remedies. They can call on the Forces of the Spirit World to aid their spells and sometimes do their bidding - for a price.
White Magic Witches - Good
Black Magic Witches - Bad
Hedge Witches - Neutral
Very informative on Occult symbolism and Information
((Aunt Bea was considered a Hedgewitch, even if no one understood her back then. -M ))
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newmiriamsmysteries · 3 months
The Vampire-Human Accord
In the latter part of 1999, the city was in turmoil by a rash of Vampire attacks. Hundreds were killed, maimed, or changed.
Seeking respite from the violence, Humans invited Vampire Leadership to a summit on Neutral Ground to discuss and bargain for peace among them.
Nicholas Archer, the Patriarch of the Williamsport Clan, stepped forward to accept the Humans' summons. At a very tense, week-long negotiation; the Accord was put into place.
Vampires were given citizenship and equal rights with the understanding that Humans would no longer be attacked or killed.
The Accord also states that Vampires who violate the Accord are placed on a list, much like a criminal database. That information is then passed on to Sanctioned "Vampire Hunters" - Men of the Holy Order. These officials are then tasked to put down the Vampire in question as quickly and as mercifully as possible.
In turn, a Human who violates the Accord is turned in and put into a lengthy incarceration that results in the Death Penalty.
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newmiriamsmysteries · 3 months
[ Beastiary - Vampires]
((From the Journal if Beatrice LeRoux then passed to her niece, Miriam Wallace))
Vampires - The Undead, Demons inhabiting human vessels. Cannot be redeemed.
Vampires could possibly be the oldest beings in existence. Their origin - while still up for debate - is said to date back to Vlad the Impaler
Pure Blood Vampires traced to Vlad
Vampires can last 4 hours in the sun
The "younger" the Vampire the more violent the death
Silver, Stake, Bullet to the Heart or Beheading
Holy Ash
Fire can harm and slow healing
Bites can affect victims in different ways
Fangs secrete venom like a snake to paralyze their prey
Daughters of Lilith/Sons of Cain - Vampire exclusive groups. The two cults were founded in Salem, Mass. Said to be comprised of Pure Bloods. They spread throughout the world and reached their height during the Spiritualist Movement
((Younger vampires deem them "Outdated" - M))
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newmiriamsmysteries · 3 months
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newmiriamsmysteries · 3 months
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newmiriamsmysteries · 3 months
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@lahlearningart - @lahthesubtle
((I don't know if those Tumblrs are still valid...BUT! The Incredible Lah, asked my permission to draw my girl for practice and of course - I said yes.))
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newmiriamsmysteries · 3 months
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newmiriamsmysteries · 3 months
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Detective Sentences, Vol. 20
(Sentences from various sources for detectives and/or muses that like to solve mysteries. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Don't touch it! You'll contaminate it!"
"You must be a stone-cold killer, huh?"
"Tell me why I'm here. You never bring me anywhere near your work."
"I cannot afford spare time."
"How did you expect to get away with this?"
"I suppose you think you're very clever."
"Right now, I don't see any evidence - which is not unusual for you, might I add!"
"You know, dirt cleans off a lot easier than blood."
"It's called quid pro quo. You tell me something, I tell you something."
"I won't mention this to the police. That's all you'll get."
"How scared do you have to be to run out on the ice without any shoes?"
"I'm not even going to pretend to know how you did what you did, but you were right."
"If I help you, then you help me, right?"
"You just had to keep digging. You couldn't let it go, could you?"
"You're not wrong. You may not be right, but you're not wrong."
"I'm telling you, there is something going on - and I want to know what it is!"
"You see, but you don't understand."
"This man has eluded authorities for years. How did you find him so fast?"
"Have you ever shot anyone?"
"We've all changed. The job changes us."
"If you don't come with me right now, I will have to take restraining action, and I assure you, I'm fully capable of using whatever force necessary."
"Whatever you saw, you probably just took it out of context."
"How do I know you're not bluffing?"
"There will be evidence, if you look for it."
"I guess it shouldn't surprise me that you know to hotwire a car, huh?"
"You may not realise this, but I've been pretty damn patient with you already."
"You're working way too hard to piss me off. It makes me think you're hiding something."
"How the hell am I supposed to use that in a court of law?"
"Have the police been to see you?"
"I think at this point, I deserve an explanation."
"The fact that you won't explain explains everything."
"Were you born heartless, or did the job make you like this?"
"I like you. You see everything and say nothing."
"Why do you have a gun?"
"I'd like to kiss you, but the FBI might be watching."
"I'm not paid to be open-minded."
"I deal in facts, not bad feelings."
"I think you're jumping to a lot of conclusions."
"I actually hate guns, but hey, it's part of the job."
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newmiriamsmysteries · 3 months
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newmiriamsmysteries · 3 months
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newmiriamsmysteries · 4 months
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newmiriamsmysteries · 5 months
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