niekiddo · 18 hours
sigh. erudice's catboy sidepiece. or whatever
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niekiddo · 2 days
one more time with feeling!
Information for anyone who wants to make a donation in support of Ukraine:
Ukrainian charity fund "Come Back Alive"
Ukrainian charity foundation of Serhiy Pritula
United24 - the official platform for collecting charitable donations in support of Ukraine
The Hospitallers - Ukrainian volunteer medical battalion, which provides first aid and evacuates wounded Ukrainian soldiers
These are the main platforms that most Ukrainians (myself included) regularly use to donate to support our armed forces. Ukraine needs military aid, because only through victory we can achieve peace. Russia's only goal is to destroy us. If Russia is not defeated, there will be no future for Ukraine.
These funds buy vehicles for the evacuation of the wounded, thermal imagers, body armor and everything else our defenders need to survive.
Why you should NOT donate to the Red Cross
Any help, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated. Thank you ❤️
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niekiddo · 2 days
❗Photo of the consequences of Russian shelling on the private sector in the central part of Kharkiv in the afternoon of July 24.
The Russians shelled the house of Kharkiv volunteer Yuriy Sapronov.
Volunteer Yuriy Sapronov found five of his six cats after the Russian airstrike on his house, he reported on his Facebook page.
Photo: Yuriy Sapronov/Facebook
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niekiddo · 2 days
❗ Zelenskiy showed the terrible consequences of Russian attacks on Ukraine over the past week.
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niekiddo · 2 days
Hey, I love your art and was wondering what brush/es you typically use for lines? Im especially curious what you used for the lines in this piece: https://www.tumblr.com/niekiddo/755725645364035585/i-was-brave-i-resisted-i-set-myself-on-fire
Hi! Thank you so much! I used a few different brushes for this one. I do not know how to check the full name and creators of brushes (if someone can help me out with this one I would appreciate it)! But here, what brushes look like!
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niekiddo · 2 days
bro nobody wants to donate to your shit country, stop the spam when people are here for art
What the fuckkkkkkkk? What stage of rotten consumerism is this? Like shut the fuck up about your suffering but give me your art right now? We do not care that you’re getting genocide, but please continue serving and performing for our fleeting satisfaction. Do you understand that my ability to create comes from the safety, sacrifices, and prosperity of my country? There is no art when my only priority is survival.
Babe, you are not welcome here. I do not like you or people who dehumanize creators and devalue human labor! Have you heard about AI? I bet you're gonna love it!
Please keep donating to Ukraine! Keep supporting Ukrainian artists! This is an important matter! Art is humanity! Art is a human connection! Art is hope!
Glory to Ukraine! Rus*ia is a terrorist state !!!!
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niekiddo · 2 days
What fandoms are you in?
Hi! I am not really a “fandom” kind of person! I usually just draw whatever catches my fancy) Supernatural is the only exception (unfortunately). But I do love engaging with LoTR, X-files, DPS, IASIP, Twin Peaks and horror cinema content.
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niekiddo · 4 days
Are you unaware that people do not choose to be born Russian or are you being a moron on purpose?
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This is my personal account and I have a right to set my rules/personal boundaries. You can always block and unfollow me. That’s totally cool with me.
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niekiddo · 7 days
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Making silly patterns with bambi Sam
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niekiddo · 7 days
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Making silly patterns with bambi Sam
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niekiddo · 10 days
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you will not be spared
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niekiddo · 14 days
Unpopular opinion but SPN was best at season 1-3
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niekiddo · 16 days
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I was brave, I resisted, I set myself on fire.
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niekiddo · 19 days
doctors from Ochmatdit clinic, that specialized on treating children with cancer and was struck by missile during the attack this morning, are helping with cleaning up the rubble and getting the children from under the building, even though they themselves are hurt
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niekiddo · 19 days
❗Consequences of the Russian missile attack on the «Okhmatdyt» Children's Hospital in Kyiv
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niekiddo · 26 days
Information for anyone who wants to make a donation in support of Ukraine:
Ukrainian charity fund "Come Back Alive"
Ukrainian charity foundation of Serhiy Pritula
United24 - the official platform for collecting charitable donations in support of Ukraine
The Hospitallers - Ukrainian volunteer medical battalion, which provides first aid and evacuates wounded Ukrainian soldiers
These are the main platforms that most Ukrainians (myself included) regularly use to donate to support our armed forces. Ukraine needs military aid, because only through victory we can achieve peace. Russia's only goal is to destroy us. If Russia is not defeated, there will be no future for Ukraine.
These funds buy vehicles for the evacuation of the wounded, thermal imagers, body armor and everything else our defenders need to survive.
Why you should NOT donate to the Red Cross
Any help, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated. Thank you ❤️
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niekiddo · 1 month
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Anna in René Gruau artstyle
She deserved way more screen time! we were robbed.
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