nightlightmlm · 2 years
update since it’s been over a year since my last post saying i was over him, at the end of last school yr i really did think i was over him & felt this magnificent feeling of freedom. then i saw him in the hallway w his hair down. it never really ends does it? that wrenching in your heart every time you see them again and it all just comes flooding back? you are never truly free from your first, even if it was unrequited, are you? will i continue to live in this confusing state of anguish as long as i’m in this reality? my answer is most likely. at least in my “better cr” dr everything will be perfect and i’ll be able to give my 14yo self the perfect life i deserve.
anyway i was feeling really emotional abt it all last night & wrote this long ass note getting my feelings out so here’s that if u want it
like i don’t have the same potency of feelings for him i used to but the remnants are still there juuust enough for my chest to still wrench every time i see him in the hallway/café. when i see pics of him it all just comes back flooding my brain. i know he & his gf are in a relationship for over a yr & i think they’re cute & they seem to be just perfect for each other which also hurts in a whole different way because i still know in this reality i could never date him even if he came to me asking me to because i wouldn’t feel comfortable dating a cis guy who has everything i want for myself. but i still just feel like such an idiot knowing i probably don’t cross either of their minds ever meanwhile i’m still not over him. they’re just living their lives so fully, doing so much and thinking every thought under the sun except me. because what even am i to either of them? to him i’m not even the person who was, in vain, in love with him for years. to him i’m just someone he had some classes with in 8/9th grade who had a crush on him. i don’t even want to know what he thinks of me now if someone were to ask him. it’s so fucking embarrassing thinking, what do my friends think of me who’ve known me for that long & know how i feel while also knowing them both & commenting on their posts “u guys are j so cute omg”? what do those friends of mine think of me? do they look at me still having feelings for him that won’t go away, and probably won’t ever fully go away, and think “god you sad, poor, loser, idiot, you’re so embarrassing, get over him, it’s been years, he’s straight, he’s taken, you’ll never have him”? i don’t even care that in this reality i’ll never have him and tbh i don’t even have a super strong desire to be w him in other realities. but i will in my better cr because i need to give my 8th/9th grade self the perfect relationship with him that i fantasized about 24/7 and wanted so bad and thought i was so ready for at the time that i never got to have, while having the perfect body, appearance & life in every other way. how did those middle school/freshman classes become history so fast? why does time get lost so easily? why can’t it just stop for once? it’s drowning. it’s suffocating knowing times in my life that felt perpetually like the present, like they’d never be over, have just steadily and steadily faded into the past too slowly to have realized until it’s too late, it’s been done. times when we still had classes together and would joke around and we got along. when i’d make a joke & he, hearing it from across the classroom, would actually laugh. his shenanigans and ways of charming every teacher despite talking when he shouldn’t have been and being generally very annoying a lot of the time just for the sake of it. the times before i admitted my feelings to him because although he was accepting and rejected me politely, i know he saw me differently starting then & treated me differently too. nowadays he doesn’t even notice me, notice that i’m in the hall or in the room. pays me no mind, for i am but an ant in the crowd. is it worse to be ignored or to be not even noticed? is it worse to be hated or to be not even thought about, not even considered, not even as a fleeting thought, a gust of wind, a tumbleweed gone as soon as it was there?
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nightlightmlm · 3 years
lol never use this blog anymore plus i’m shifting for matt engarde should this turn into a mattposting blog i like that idea
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nightlightmlm · 3 years
what if we bought a huge gothic victorian vampire castle together and invited our most reapectable acquaintances to dinner and then slowly killed off each of our esteemed guests while listening to soper aeternus and then got abducted by aliens together afterwards and taken to a different world 👉👈 🕸🦴⚰️🔮🪞🫀🛸♟🐁🪦🕯🕰🪰🦷🕷
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nightlightmlm · 4 years
godd thinking of him being at my house either in my room or us on the couch in the den together, late at night in the pitch black hanging out & making out & possibly h*v*ng s** listening to The Poison by bfmv ..... vibes would just be absolutely INSANE ... exquisite. god
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nightlightmlm · 4 years
i want us to take a walk in the forest together in the pitch black night, stop by a tree to sit and eat/make out/do weed which ive never done/do whtv and then sit or walk until the sunrise and then walk back home maybe stopping by chipotle on the way back
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nightlightmlm · 4 years
thinking of us as adults living in a big gothic style vampiric castle type house and just living exquisitely
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nightlightmlm · 4 years
it’s been a year since i’ve seen him in real life.
holy shit
i can’t wait to see him when the next school yr starts
i still think about him. i still love him, i still want to be with him.
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nightlightmlm · 4 years
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Personally Edited Content
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nightlightmlm · 4 years
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i loves stars
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nightlightmlm · 4 years
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nightlightmlm · 4 years
😏 what if we listened to alice cooper and made out in ur room
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nightlightmlm · 4 years
i’m thinking of you even though we are so very far away from each other. 
are you thinking of me?
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nightlightmlm · 4 years
i wish i could tell you how much i cared about you
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nightlightmlm · 4 years
you are always on my mind.
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nightlightmlm · 4 years
i just want to facetime you for hours until we fall asleep
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nightlightmlm · 4 years
i really, really like you. i just can’t find the words to say that out loud.
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nightlightmlm · 4 years
i miss you
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