nightlydream · 5 months
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nightlydream · 8 months
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I'm testing this cuz I love potatoes. Please don't fail me now great potatoe.
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nightlydream · 11 months
Ominis Lovers like me joyous! Lol Ominis T-shirt for all the Omi simps has been found lol!
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nightlydream · 1 year
Potions for Brains
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Curly wisps of ginger bounce around with each movement. An emerald gaze that narrows with focus. Pale skin speckled thoroughly. And the tip of a tongue poked out the corner of plump pink lips as he ever so precisely poured some ingredient into his cauldron. Oh how absolutely adorable he was. Garreth Weasley. 
“You're staring again,” Poppy’s cheerful and playfully teasing tone broke your infatuated gazing. Warmth fills your cheeks turning them nearly as red as the Gryffindor robes that your previous focus dawned. 
“I was not. I was simply curious what unruly concoction he’s brewing today,” you defensively argued with the slightest of huffs. Poppy’s warm brown eyes rolled with a light snicker and shake of her head. 
“As if you don’t ogle him every time we have potions or see him in the halls. You have fallen mad for him! If he wasn’t so oblivious to anything other than his potion making he would be just as aware as the rest of us.”
As much as you would try to deny your interest in the chaos causing, potion obsessed gryffindor you truly couldn’t hide it. And Poppy was quite right, Weasly was much too preoccupied with his potions to notice, but not the rest of Hogwarts. Even Imelda Reyes had begun making remarks about losing the contents of her stomach if she had to witness all these 
“bloody lovey-dovey bollocks” as she’d put it, into the next term. 
With a deep sigh as you stirred your potion, and a glance toward him once more you finally responded to Poppy with a shakiness.
 “I-I suppose I could ask for some potions tutoring. My grades haven’t been faring well as of late.” Poppy’s features light up and grow nearly as big as those of a mooncalf in response and she gleefully squeals, earning an abundance of confused glances and a stern scolding from Professor Sharp.
- - -
Class had gone as smoothly as any potions course with Garreth did, ending with an abrupt explosion, points from Gryffindor, and turning in one's potion (if it survived). The only difference being a light pressure to your back sending you in the direction of some slightly tinged ginger curls. Catching yourself, having nearly bumped into the back of the wielder of those curls, with rose tinted cheeks you toss a glare over your shoulder at a very pleased and excited Poppy.
 “Oops pardon me! I didn’t see you there!” For a moment your eyes are like saucers, did you have an invisibility potion on hand, or maybe you could transfigure yourself into something like a mouse to scurry out of the situation with great haste. To your utter panic it was far too late for either scenario, those emerald gems for irises had already landed upon you. 
“No n-no! It was my fault! I-My apologies!” Bollocks you couldn’t seem to even apologize without stumbling over each word, not when his gaze and proximity was making your heart hammer into your chest like some sort of enchantment for blacksmiths. Taking a step back to allow yourself breathing room, you take one slow deep breath, knitting your clammy fingers behind your back. Try as you might, you can’t force your eyes up to meet him, so you settle for gazing upon his cauldron. 
“Oh!” Garreth suddenly lets out, raising a pale and broad hand to rub the back of his neck with a dry chuckle.
 “That was a minor inconvenience. A slight setback. I am still the finest potions crafter wizard kind has yet to see!” His confidence was just as unwavering as ever it would seem, but it brought a slight smile to your face, it seems to spark some courage and confidence within you, to move forward with your plan. 
“Actually, I’m quite aware of your potion skills. I actually approached you in hopes of acquiring some tutoring in the subject. I’ll admit my skills are quite lacking in comparison.” In truth your potions skills were quite average, when your mind wasn’t captivated by mapping each individual freckle on Weasley’s cheek and fantasizing about kissing each one. However Garreth, like many Gryffindors had a lot of confidence, maybe too much at times, so an assured method of gaining their attention and/or companionship was to feed their egos. 
It’s as if the sparks and embers from his earlier mishap seem to flicker in his eyes with your words, fueling his confidence even more. 
“Well you have come to the right potioneer for the job! I will have you brewing Eduras and Sleeping Drought with as much ease as a seventh year casting Lumos, you’ll see!” His smile stretched so gleefully across his features with the slightest of dimples cupping the ends ever so favorably. Oh how you that smile encouraged one of your own, and filled your chest with so much warmth. And all the while the smoke scented fifth year was oblivious to having basically cast Incendio on your heart.
- - -
“EEEEEEEEeeeee!” Garreth’s frame was sent almost face first into the bubbling cauldron before him by a sudden weight that landed upon his shoulders following the contagious sound of unbridled enthusiasm. With an amused chuckle and smile of recognition adorning him, he turned to look at your beaming features.
“I made top marks in potions! All thanks to you! I even overheard Professor Sharp commending my improvement to Professor Hecat nearing the corridor!” Your eyes seemed to shimmer in the afternoon sunshine, your warm arms wrapped ever so comfortably around his broad shoulders. For once those always confident and unwavering emeralds weren’t solely focused on potions and ingredients, they gazed upon you, with such affection. 
“Congratulations! Though it shouldn’t be a surprise. It was I, Garreth Weasley who tutored you.” His voice vibrated in his chest, beneath your arms, it was an odd sensation but you found it enjoyable. Yet another reason for your desire to be close to him, to press your head to his chest and not only feel those vibrations better but to listen to his heart. Did it beat like yours did, as fast or as loud? 
“Sweetheart? Are you ok? You’ve gone unusually quiet on me.” His voice had softened, still just as happy and uplifting as was to be expected of him, but it held a concern that he rarely demonstrated unless one of his potion catastrophes had actually injured someone. A shiver overtakes you and your face that was sat undeniably close to his became feverish. 
“A-actually, I have something I must admit…,” Unconsciously you grip his robes as your hands begin to shake. To your utter bewilderment, calloused fingers from endless ingredient harvesting and cauldron scrubbing slides over your own, giving it a gentle but firm squeeze. Meeting those reassuring gem-like eyes for a moment, you take a deep breath before slamming them closed as tightly as Professor Black’s office and finally blurting out what has been festering in your chest for the past year and life altering last few weeks. 
“I didn’t actually approach you in potions because I needed assistance. I actually was pretty ordinary before. The truth is I have been utterly and madly infatuated with you for over a year! I adore everything about you from your unruly phoenix feather curl to the positively precious way your laugh gives you this huge smile that brightens every little detail of your face, like the slightly darker freckles that hide amongst the rest. Everything about you has driven my heart into a bloody frenzy… And this time with you, our late night study session and potion cleanups, have only solidified my affections toward you… so is there any possibility you have feelings for anything other than your potions?”
There was a pause, the only sound reaching your ears being your thunderous heart, the light breeze from the open window of the empty potions classroom offering little relief to your inflamed cheeks. Then a familiar rough hand touches one of said cheeks. Darting your eyes open faster than Imelda on a broom, you are met with a bright almost blinding smile and a gleaming green gaze. 
“That confession was very Gryffindor of you, sweetheart. I knew I was loved by many but hearing such adoration come from those sweet lips has caught me by surprise,” his tone was as teasing and light-hearted as usual and almost broke your heart. It was as if you hadn’t just bore your heart and soul to him! Before you could fully retract yourself from his touch he used his other hand to grasp one of your arms that were just wrapped around him to pull you back.
Pulling your face closer his long awaited plump pink lips met yours. Soft, not like clouds but instead like a soft cake, and warm as if fresh from the oven. Your lips moved together, gently at first, and slowly, but then the kiss became more intense and pulled the air straight from your lungs, his tongue having found its way to meet yours. Then he abruptly pulled away, his previous smile nothing compared to the extremely cocky and obviously thrilled toothy grin that enveloped his every feature.
 “How could I not have feelings for you sweetheart? It became so blatantly clear when I could no longer focus on even my most brilliant potion ideas in your presence… So now that that small matter has been established, would you mind assisting me in an inspired new brew I’ve been developing?” 
Lightly bumping your nose with his own after returning some air into your depleted lungs you laughed lightly and pecked his lip. 
“Blimey, those concoctions of yours truly are the clear path to your heart… And yes of course.” Your smile and his both light up the dark potions room as your love for each other is solidified and your love for potions continues to grow.
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nightlydream · 1 year
Get to Know the Blogger?
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The last song you listened to: I didn’t know so I just listened to Cinderella snapped
Currently reading: Solar Lunacy and Scythe(Though I’m kinda pissed at this one right now)
Last movie: I suppose part of the Demon Slayer train movie
Last show: Criminal Minds
Craving: Still craving Panda Express’s Honey walnut shrimp (I have an addiction)
What are you wearing right now: A BeetleJuice hoodie, I old blue tank top, black loose leggings, black socks, and degrading black tennis-shoes 
How tall are you: 5’3” = about 160 cm
Piercings: regular ears they somehow haven’t actually closed
Tattoos: none yet
Glasses? Contacts?: Glasses
Last drink: Water (you all better fuckin hydrate after reading this ya gremlins)
Last thing you ate: frozen buffalo wings with light ranch… they were underwhelming
Favorite color: Red, preferably darker
Current obsession: Ominis Gaunt, and pretty much all my fictional loves
Any pets: I have 2 goofball Boston terriers. Skyer is the grey-ish blue pretty one, and the other sitting like a french girl is Reverse (aka Derp Master 57). 
Favorite fictional character: “This question is unfair and I refuse to answer without a more specific criteria.”- @freesiriusblack (I agree with this sentiment)
The last place you traveled to: I traveled home *blep*
Tagging: I refuse to tag bitches
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nightlydream · 1 year
mc: i like sebastian, thoughts?
ominis: and prayers, girl what
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