njes26-blog · 8 years
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Veterans Day  Today is a day we all need to take a moment to remember those who have given their lives to honor and defend this nation we call home.
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njes26-blog · 8 years
Thank You to Hillary for Inspiring Our Generation
I tend to not get political because it seems fruitless at times but I believe I need to say my piece. While many of us, about half our nation, are heartbroken and devastated about the outcome of this election, now is the time that we choose to band together and unite as a nation of oneness while embracing our roots and foundation of who we are today. Yes it’s easy, far too easy, to point fingers…
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njes26-blog · 8 years
Halloween is Here
Be safe all and have fun!
  Back to posting tomorrow!
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njes26-blog · 8 years
All Hallow's Eve
All Hallow’s Eve
Boston for Halloween 2016 and I couldn’t be more excited.
Not only am I seeing friends, the bodster gets to come, and I finally get to experience New England in the fall! So three of my favorite things…
Forget the parties and boozing, it’s about the friendships that last years; the interstate relationships, the feeling when you finally get to hug your bestie and it feels like no time has passed.
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njes26-blog · 8 years
Loving yourself is the hardest but greatest achievement of this life
Loving yourself is the hardest but greatest achievement of this life
“they always told me i would go somewhere and i would fall in love.
what they didn’t know was that i would go far and i would fall in love with myself.”
It’s so easy to get wrapped up in drinking the kool-aid and feeling like you’re falling behind at times when everyone else is getting engaged and married and you’re like a bump on a log thinking “what am I doing wrong?” The answer is NOTHING.…
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njes26-blog · 8 years
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For the Moments of Fear It's the moments when your palms are so sweaty you know the world can wash their hands under yours.
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njes26-blog · 8 years
About That....
About That….
I hate admitting it. I hate conceding. But here is it. Truth bomb time; your mom is ALWAYS right…
At least in the game of romantics, she’s right. Maybe you should try that new hair trend (but that’s on you!).
Hear me out. Every girl has heard in her life, by her mom,
“If he’s interested, you’ll know” or a variation of that; “If he’s into you, he’ll find a way to get in touch with you.” “You won’t…
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njes26-blog · 8 years
Breaking down the odds, 40% I’d date him. 60% says I shouldn’t. But why not?
He’s good looking, sweet, smart, funny, and thoughtful.
When I weigh and pros and cons, well I’m just going with the flow. He says he doesn’t want a relationship but he’s going out on dates with me. See here’s how different he and I already are. When I didn’t want a relationship, I didn’t date anyone. And I definitely…
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njes26-blog · 8 years
Escapes from the City
Escapes from the City
Sometimes we just need a break from the city, we need a mini reprieve from the chaos that is city living.
Bodie and I shall be escaping to the burbs for a weekend to actually enjoy space; wide open spaces and breathing room away from being on top of one another as we are in the city.
It’s a way to search your soul for peace and harmony. To live a little more free and with being content in the…
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njes26-blog · 8 years
Here's to trying something new
Here’s to trying something new
I believe firmly in the way of living to enrich the lives of others around us and not just taking. In an effort to start living what I’m preaching, I joined Learning Ally to volunteer my time to helping create audiobooks for various books; textbooks, novels, etc to those who are visually impaired or have dyslexia. I happened to meet some people who work for the organization when I was walking…
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njes26-blog · 8 years
Irony and Serendipity
I have to share this story, for a variety of reasons, but the best one being that I have been on this roll of being single and LOVING it. So go figure, once I’m at this point where I’m happy, content, and understanding of being single, I find myself here.
  First; there is a guy who I happen to know, through a common link of a fur baby. I also need to preface this story with the fact that I never…
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njes26-blog · 8 years
A Date? A DATE!
A Date? A DATE!
So here we go, I’ve got another story… one that starts off quite funny actually.
A co-worker was the link in the chain to making it happen. (*thanks Christian*)
Apparently the guy, Cole*, asked Christian if I was seeing anyone, and Christian took it upon himself to help set that up… and I’m glad he did, I totally checked him out the two days he came up to the office. Well after giving Christian…
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njes26-blog · 8 years
“On October 3rd, he asked me what day it was”
“On October 3rd, he asked me what day it was”
In honor of our generation’s “Pretty in Pink,” “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” “16 Candles,” and “Clueless,” I present “Mean Girls.”
Quite possibly the greatest movie of our generation. Quotes for years, a view of our social world in 2004, and a sad glimpse into what our world would soon value.
The list of quotes is endless, but one of the best and most memorable of quotes was when Aaron asked Cady…
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njes26-blog · 8 years
Coming Together
Today marks the 29th birthday of my brother, amazing to think he’s one year away from the big 3-0. As we’ve gotten older, we’ve gotten closer, but we very much grew up with a typical sibling rivalry. Between wanting our parent’s attention and one upping each other, we’ve never really been friends.
As we age though, I see the similarities we have each other are becoming more and more clear. We…
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njes26-blog · 8 years
18 to 25, what a love I've lived
18 to 25, what a love I’ve lived
I didn’t think I’d change so much from 22 to 25, so it’s like a whole different life I lived when I was 18.
I don’t have a single regret for having made any of the decisions I made, and I would make 99% of them all over again. The choices I made then, have made me into the person I am today. I think the one thing that resonates with me more than anything was this exchange.
I fell for a guy at 19…
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njes26-blog · 8 years
Imagining Life 5 Years From Now
Imagining Life 5 Years From Now
It’s hard to believe that in five years I’ll be hitting that 3 decade mark. It’s funny, it seems so far away and yet so close. The question that remains though is, who am I going to be in 5 years? Will I have accomplished all I’m hoping to do by then; will I have surpassed it or will I have stagnated?
I’m envisioning 5 years from now, I own my own house/land/property, I maintain a life-work…
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njes26-blog · 8 years
The Moments That Give You Life List
The Moments That Give You Life List
I think everyone needs to come up with a list of accomplishments they want to have checked off in their lifetime. It’s not a bucket list. It’s a list that gives you total freedom and exhilaration. The adventures and places that make your heart soar.
My list isn’t nearly complete but I have a few:
Sky diving
Riding horses in Mongolia
Ski in the Alps (in all countries that the Alps sit- Austria,…
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