nnemr-blog · 10 years
Considering my email as my window to the world, the world is such a sad place.
First tab: People for different regions of the world asking me to finish their job. The minute it comes to return the favour, they all come up with different justification to why they deny me a compensation.
Second tab: News of people that I don't know they already exist. They're begging for my attention. 
Third tab: Products of different people from different regions, eye-candy, I browse and scroll to induce some endorphin. Bottom-line is that even these are begging for my attention. 
It's just sad.
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nnemr-blog · 10 years
The minute I started watching The Rum Diary I recalled the tone I read in Fear and Loathing in LA. Its a goddamn Hunter Thompson movie I realized by the end of the movie. Its unbelievable that one person on this messed-up planet took advantage of all his personal experiences to unfold evils of the world. Most importantly, keeping in mind and never falling to claim holding the absolute truth (or reality) at some cases of this world. 
The question here is definitely not around the use and abuse of alcohol, drugs and other substances to ''see a different reality''. The question is how one tool used by the greedy bigots is legitimate but those who strife to live another day resorting to similar tools are sanctions, brought to court, humiliated, and sucked into the greedy's system.
I honestly look forward the day Thompson is counted as a moder political thinker- Gonzo was not only a companion on Thompson trip to LA.
*Movie is albiet commercial rather orchestrates a number of important themes. Destruct your nature, you destruct everything thats natural in turn. Change a paradise into the 'natural' habitat of the greedy fatty for flesh and increasing wealth. Feed your money-bought dogs but let the starving beggars at your $10,000 gate walk in anger. ''They know the price of everything and the value of nothing''. On the other hand, filming was impressive. Moberg was my favourite! 
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nnemr-blog · 10 years
Hardships of my life did not breed my fortune
failures did not inspire my success
Looking for myself into all of this
And the only answer is that I'm reckless heck of a mis-speller 
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nnemr-blog · 10 years
My current dilemma is of no moral or scientific worth Just a stupid dilemma which rises when I get close to people I have my standards, values and whatsoever crap that guides me in deciding on what brings pleasure and what's repulsive This does not in anyway stands in my evaluation to persons- I'm neutral when it comes to folks- let them be let them do whatever they please Anywho, for someone I somehow think that I care for- why do such possessive necessities prevail? Craving them to be holding the same perceptions as me? Things they do becomes repulsive and when it comes to assessing the situation I figure out that I should not in anyway judge because I don't even use up the same space,tools or acts as they did I'm in no position of judging but it still bugs me off Am I trying into a brick?
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nnemr-blog · 10 years
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NGC 1333 Stardust
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nnemr-blog · 10 years
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nnemr-blog · 10 years
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Skógafoss (Iceland) by Andrés Nieto Porras.
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nnemr-blog · 10 years
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nnemr-blog · 10 years
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Asteroids by Sanja Kusturica
Part of the on going project, the Pattern Library, which is a compilation of patterns for free public use.
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nnemr-blog · 10 years
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nnemr-blog · 10 years
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nnemr-blog · 10 years
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by Nick Padfield
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nnemr-blog · 10 years
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nnemr-blog · 10 years
My fondness of nudity finds it disrespectful for such appreciation of body curves to be shared among dumb, illiterate and unimpassioned bastards.
Nude before your God, mountains, dew and ice
Nude for your beloved ones
and nude for your one!
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nnemr-blog · 11 years
Wherever the sun hides out in March
Never really witnessed such a gloomy March, or was it that my head were absent in some other realm? The sun hid out and so most of the events that were waiting for me to sigh looking up in a gesture from me to them to halt over my head. In an a-communal manner, she plants in my head a meeting point: the silver lagoon. Such a catchy name, hope her taste is well. “She always takes me to new places” a phrase iconic and once asserted; followed up with ” no, not only physically but even mentally and spiritually some sort of devil’s craving and lumination of angels combined”. It was the message I’ve been awaiting ever since the Sun has abandoned my sight. Freaky how the skies hides our future, just to get our heads out of our asses to see it crystal clear (or cloud clear!). The silver lagoon, huh, bet that many drowned there! Is being silently and willingly dragged to a place haunted with death holy or just silly romantic? Why not both? Probably none of that all- just some sort of a scam for me to figure out As I tilt my head up to sway off the splash echoing from entering the lagoon’s premise, an epiphany is drawn before my eyes. If is silver because the moon lies so close, so drawn to Earth it can bear little cosmic rocks and foster them day and night. I was Twain’s Eve for a second except I knew that my neighboring decomposing bodies are not hoarding the moon at rotation. The axis, the light, the reflections, the mirroring of Sun’s hideout and uncertainty of future. When will she comes over and undo all of this? Why March after all, isn’t February the month of the dead? I was always bugged by the fumes people exhale to let out their frustration, is it worthy to consume the effort taken to draw a source of light out of an empty pocket to do a fag and the world won’t be at rest for these moments after all. She finally leans over, hands me a stone, she drops it, and I take a dive.
It disappears, you follow a lead, vanish into existence then come to being again. 
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nnemr-blog · 11 years
Planet X
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nnemr-blog · 11 years
Would you make me whole?
You're two brains, two eyes, two arms, and two legs. You're chromosomes X and Y. I like the sketch of chromosomes, it is a rich metaphorical material: Just as in the sketch, chromosomes X and Y are connected at a particular distance and though the two have different compositions, they create together something whole. What's 'whole' then? Chromosomes X and Y do not originate from the same seed. Each has a different set of characteristics, preferences, and defects. Then why when joined, create something in most cases described as whole?
Selectivity at best would join the two of least defects together. But those of unfortunate reconciliation of long-decades of faulty selectivity have to build up a greater sum of defects? Heck not! The point of pairing up to enhance and discover yourself is experimental, why leave the process to inferior categories such as ancestry, luck or whatsoever lame excuse? Why not even attempt at discovering that 'whole' doesn't even exist? Two defected do not make a whole, just create a framework for something that is a subject to hardships, conflict, self-loathing and low temper. All it is a matter of discovering and reaching realms unexplored. 
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