nobodysaysdam · 3 years
My Top 10 PJO/HOO Characters! (In Order):
10.) Luke Castellan
9.) Clarisse La Rue
8.) Rachel Elizabeth Dare
7.) Sally Jackson
6.) Grover Underwood
5.) Piper McLean
4.) Percy Jackson
3.) Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano
2.) Annabeth Chase
1.) Leo Valdez
I know this is a bit random but I felt like doing it so here you are. Also I'm debating if Reyna is second and Annabeth third so don't mind that! Comment if you want me to explain any if my placements!
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nobodysaysdam · 3 years
Percy Jackson Head Cannons!
-He learnt the hard way not to leave his pen on his desk and to always keep it in his pocket
-He once sang Riptide by Vance Joy for Annabeth at the camp kareoke night and everyone went wild
-He actually hardly ever has blue food only with his Mum (just joking his blue food addiction only got bigger the older he got)
-Him, Jason and Reyna all spy on Nico and Will and it's hilarious to watch
-To this day he still jokes about how the Atlantis people in MOA (I still can't remember what they are) not wanting to meet him and it never gets old
-He tries and reads the same books as Annabeth but can't concentrate and isn't into it so instead he lets her rant to him and gets super invested not only because it's interesting but because he loves watching Annabeth talk about things that excite her
-He's really really bad at drawing and whenever he and his friends play Pictionary he loses badly
-He is super supportive and kind of a "big sister" to everyone (people talk about their crushes with him, share all the tea with him etc)
-Similarly he is Grover's number 1 confidence boost and it is amazing to see
-He and Paul still joke about gun in scissors paper rock
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nobodysaysdam · 3 years
We need to stop joking about Percy not being Nico’s type and start joking about how the ocean Atlantis people in MOA (if you remember you remember) didn’t want to meet Percy and how offended he was.
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nobodysaysdam · 3 years
This is completely random but you know how we talk about Percy standing up to the Gods and insulting about them while everyone else is freaking out? (Which we totally should it’s really funny) Well there’s one other person who does the same thing yet we never talk about it.
She honestly has zero respect for Hera and has somehow managed not to be pulverized yet. I just thought it was funny and that I should mention it.
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nobodysaysdam · 3 years
Hazel Levesque Head Cannons!
-People ask her to show them stuff through the mist but she always declines because she knows it isn’t a power to mess with
-Whenever she rides Arion she tries to convince Frank with her and he only goes because he loves Hazel
-After Frank becomes Praetor Hazel and Reyna become really close
-She is literally the best baker you will ever meet
-When she needs alone time sometimes she makes tunnels underground and stays in them for a while for a rest
-Hazel and Rachel share art tips back and forth and are really good friends
-She doesn’t look like it but if you give her any sugar she becomes extremely hyper and hard to calm down
- When new campers arrive at Camp Jupiter they are always scared of Frank and Hazel because of how powerful they are and when they get used to the place they realize they really should be scared of Reyna
-She actually reads a lot, almost as much as Annabeth
Get ready for Percy!
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nobodysaysdam · 3 years
PJO and HOO Unpopular Opinions! Pt 2!
-I really wish Gaea did more destruction at the end of HOO (she finally wakes up after all the build up and doesn’t really do anything?)
-Grover, Tyson, Coach Hedge, Frank and Hylla are by far the most underrated characters
-I hated MOA Jasper/Jiper (they were really sappy to me)
-TLH and BOO are my favourite books in HOO
-Octavian and Hera are portrayed as the ultimate villains of the Percy Jacksonverse when it should be Gabe 
-I’m pretty guilty of it myself but we shouldn’t compare Jason and Percy nearly as much as we do
-I found Leo, while not as annoying as Jason and Piper, pretty irritating in MOA (if you can’t tell already I didn’t like MOA much at all the only thing good was Percabeth to be honest)
-I don’t believe Selena was queer but I feel Clarisse was (please don’t hate me)
I am so sorry I have disappeared for so long but hopefully I can post more regularly again! Happy 2021 everyone!
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nobodysaysdam · 4 years
ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND LADIES: if you walk from home, school, office or anywhere and you are alone and you come across a little boy crying holding a piece of paper with an address on it, DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE! take him straight to the police station for this is the new 'gang' way of rape. The incident is getting worse. Warn your families. Reblog this so this message can get accross to everyone.
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nobodysaysdam · 4 years
Piper McLean Head Cannons!
-She's a super aesthetic person
-When she became head of Aphrodite she hung a picture of Selena on the wall to honour the hero and set an example of not breaking anyone's heart
-Before it was banned during Capture The Flag she used to charm speak whoever was defending the enemy flag to give it to her
-She teaches Annabeth Cherokee myths and culture because Annabeth finds it interesting
-She's the messiest in Cabin 10 and her siblings always joke about it
-She has a sweet tooth
-Every Christmas when she is with her Dad they always visit the snow and she wears her signature jacket
-Piper secretly loves zodiac signs and goes out of her way to subtly stalk people to find out theirs
-She's really good at the rock climbing wall for some reason and no one gives her credit for it
Hazel's next!
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nobodysaysdam · 4 years
Reblog if your page is a safe space for anyone of any nationality and ethnicity.
Reblog if your page is a safe space for anyone in the LGBTQ+ community.
Reblog if your page is a safe space for anyone with a disability or disorder.
Reblog if your page is a safe space for anyone who has experienced or is experiencing trauma.
Reblog if your page is a safe space.
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nobodysaysdam · 4 years
PJO and HOO Unpopular Opinions!:
-Everyone talks about how amazing Percy and Leo are (for obvious reasons) but Frank is super underrated
-Jason, as much as he's my least favourite of the seven, gets too much hate
-Although "you're not my type" wasn't meant to be a joke I like it as one
-Pan is useless (this one's weird but I thought I should include it)
-Rachel also gets too much hate just because she kissed Percy (Percabeth for life though!)
-Piper was annoying in MOA
-Luke's death was sadder than Zoe's and Selena's (I think it's the saddest one in PJO)
-Leyna/Reo should have happened rather than Caleo (I saw this somewhere and 100% agree)
-I don't care about Ethan really
-Fandom Nico is better than Cannon Nico (he's awesome too though)
-Kronos looks like a 2 year old compared to Gaea (is this unpopular?)
-There are not enough people saying they are children of Bellona (if I wasn't a daughter of Athena I'd be a daughter of Bellona)
I might do a part 2!
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nobodysaysdam · 4 years
Annabeth Chase Head cannons:
-Since she draws plans for buildings, she's an awesome drawer
-She's God (or Goddess) level in the Sims (Not my original idea!)
-Whenever she's anxious about something she wears Percy's sweaters/jumpers more frequently to sooth herself
-She's secretly a fangirl
-The Athena cabin gets called the "Goldilocks Cabin" for their blonde hair and perfectionism, which she hates
-She has the habit of trying to pull all-nighters to work on Olympus and everyone has to force her not too
-One Halloween she dressed up as Hermione Granger
-She ate as much blue food as possible when Percy was missing in TLH and SON because it reminded her of him
-Apart from spiders Annabeth has a fear of failure
-She's a pretty famous book reviewer on Good reads, which she has on Daedalus' laptop (that way the internet doesn't contract monsters)
Just something fun!
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nobodysaysdam · 4 years
Reblog if you would be devastated if you found out one of your followers committed suicide.
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nobodysaysdam · 4 years
I'm obsessed over the idea of Nico secretly adoring his more than everyone else and wanting to take it everywhere
Percy bought the seven (including himself, Nico, and Reyna) Squishmallows:
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They all keep the gifts around, and most of them sleep with them for comfort.
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nobodysaysdam · 4 years
Oh my God this made me laugh so harddddddd
Rachel: *knocks out Kronos cold with a blue plastic hairbrush*
Riptide, Katoptris, Jason's Gladius, Annabeth's dagger and Frank's bow and arrow: Are we a joke to you?
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nobodysaysdam · 4 years
This is lovely to me. Post more in the comments!
Really wish Rick Riordan had played up the whole reincarnation concept for heroes in Greek mythology more bc i firmly believe he’s got an idea in his head of who all our favs are based on/who they were supposed to be in a past life and I’d love to know. 
AKA my headcanon is that Percy Jackson used to be Icarus, and that’s why Daedalus gave Percy Mrs. O’Leary after he died. Also, it’s like poetic justice, because Percy’s not technically supposed to fly, and when he falls into the sea from great heights, he always lives. 
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nobodysaysdam · 4 years
What if Elsa is secretly Khione's daughter? It was never anounced she didn't have any.
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Not my artwork! I'm not sure who made it I'm sorry!
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