nocurseforthewoods · 7 months
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hello hehe
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nocurseforthewoods · 2 years
I don't think think the second best line applies to her life. Because she definitely feels like joe is the best. But it is possible that that line could be about olivia. Someone said that taylor got lowkey petty with that line because holivia became the most public and important relationship in harry's life. And you can definitely feel petty about an ex moving onto a serious relationship even if you're happy with someone else. It's quite human (speaking from personal experience)
sorry that this is so late, I'm not used to regularly using this blog and I never came across this! but I think that makes a lot of sense. especially given yesterday's news lol, interesting timing. I think that line very well could be about Olivia. it's pretty funny to imagine Olivia playfully asking Harry "aww am I really second-best?" and expecting a lovey dovey response and Harry is like "well...."
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nocurseforthewoods · 2 years
I'm not fully convinced that Question...? takes place during pressnt day. It's been quite a while and the idea that Harry is still pining over Taylor, or that Taylor believes him to be, seems far-fetched. I feel like it maybe takes place around 2016 before she got committed with Joe (hence the "second-best" line) or maybe up to 2018 or so.
Of course, it definitely can still be present day. It's human to still feel petty about an ex not fighting for you, and bask in the fact that they regret not having you. And the "still with her" line fits the duration of Holivia more than anything else. But I dunno. That's the thing for me. He's been with Olivia for 2 years or so now. What reason would Taylor have to think that Harry still pines? I'm not totally convinced, but it's possible that the song represents her current thoughts. (I do think Harry probably carries *something* for her, though.) You can get a certain vibe off your ex even if you haven't spoken with them, and assume their relationship is shallow or inadequate, but I digress.
I don't necessarily even think it's more likely that the song takes place in the plast, but I don't see many people discussing the possibility.
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nocurseforthewoods · 2 years
“Once you go without it, nothing else will do.” - Meet Me in the Hallway, 2017
“Does it feel like everything’s just like second-best after that meteor strike?” - Question, 2022
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nocurseforthewoods · 3 years
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my fit from seeing harry in orlando 😳
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nocurseforthewoods · 3 years
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today I offer you this. if anyone knows how to *actually* make gifs and wants to gif this go right ahead 
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nocurseforthewoods · 3 years
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my guy was literally trying to eat her
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nocurseforthewoods · 4 years
watermelon sugar deserved to win if you think it’s anything like yummy you are offering very baseline music criticism it harkens back to 70s psychedelic pop and has incredible unique instrumentals that we don’t hear these days and harry’s vocal performance in is great..
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nocurseforthewoods · 4 years
oh my god guys so my mom was watching the harry and taylor talking video and she was like “did somebody die when taylor and harry had that wreck? all these comments are talking about vehicular manslaughter” JFDJFGVHBJWEKRFGJV?<!@><#
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nocurseforthewoods · 4 years
made this edit hope you enjoy haylor community 🤧
cherry, except taylor is in the voice-mail
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nocurseforthewoods · 4 years
Lol yeah I get your reasoning though, but I also have seen blogs I respect a lot and are respected by a lot of harries who explain why it's possible though they didn't say that it's for Kendall for sure. Just how it's completely possible those songs are for her and in the end we don't know them and their relationship since they were very lowkey. I guess I just wanted to be less irrational cause I reacted negatively to fine line because of Camille. pt 1
And then it took me 6 months later to get over it and enjoy the songs and realize I'm so irrational. Then I thought what if hs1 is about Kendall? And like I tried to avoid reasoning that's impossible because in truth we don't know. How many were speculating about ESNY and Kiwi until Harry explained them, so what do we really know? I know I'm irrational, I know it's projection cause I don't like Kendall. But I also know I need to understand I don't know Harry either. It's tough! Pt 2
Ah yes, my old friend Irrational Projection, always popping up when I least expect it.  
Although I hate that you reacted so negatively to Fine Line at first because of Camille, I can kinda understand where you’re coming from.  I remember when Harry mentioned the voice note at the end of Cherry and I got so nervous (???) about it.  I was like “damn, he really got his heart broken” and it made me feel weird for some reason (WHY???) but Cherry ended up being my favorite song on Fine Line, I love it so much.  Anyways, I’m glad you’re able to enjoy the album now, because it’s so good!  
At the end of the day, the songs are about Harry more than anyone else.  When I listen to Fine Line, or HS1 I’m not really thinking about who inspired these songs.  Of course I have opinions, and I’ve definitely theorized about HS1 A LOT back when it was released (it’s literally why I started using this blog).  But mostly I think about myself and my life, I think about Harry’s voice, I think about the music. I was talking to my friend about this earlier and I’m just gonna copy and paste what she said because I think it’s important.
“I think the most interesting thing about any of his music is what it reflects about him. I think the obsession to know who they are about is really limiting.  So people can file them away neatly into boxes.  That’s not interesting or important!”
She’s right!  It’s extremely limiting.  How many times has Harry told us that his music is open to interpretation?  It’s why he doesn’t like to explain his songs, because he wants his music to be free.  He wants you to listen to his songs and feel whatever you want to feel.  Just like Taylor said in the 1989 prologue “These songs were once about my life, now they are about yours.”
I know it probably doesn’t mean much coming from me, over here on my haylor blog, where I talk and theorize about haylor all the time, but I’ve been trying to find a happy medium with what I post here.  It really used to be bother me, people talking about Kendall and HS1, like it would irritate me more than I’m willing to admit, and it sounds lame, but I’ve kinda had to work on not letting it bother me.  Because it is SO irrational.  The constant speculation (especially with folklore) is really off putting to me.  I just wanna listen to my faves music, and I’m kinda over worrying who they might be about because it really doesn’t matter at all.    
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nocurseforthewoods · 4 years
i will never understand how hs1 is about kendall if it has from the dining table on it and he was at her birthday party like a month after he wrote it
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nocurseforthewoods · 4 years
HS1 vs Fine Line
Put your sign in the tags and pick: Meet Me In The Hallway or Golden? Sign of the Times or Watermelon Sugar? Carolina or Adore You? Two Ghosts or Lights Up? Sweet Creature or Cherry? Only Angel or Falling? Oh Anna or To Be So Lonely? Ever Since New York or She? Medicine or Sunflower, Vol. 6? From the Dining Table or Canyon Moon? Woman or Treat People With Kindness? Kiwi or Fine Line?
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nocurseforthewoods · 4 years
Fine Line vs Harry Styles edition, reblog and put in the tags: Golden or Carolina, Cherry/WS or Kiwi, Adore You or Only Angel, Lights Up or sott, Falling or ftdt, To Be So Lonely or Two Ghosts, She or Woman, Sunflower, Vol. 6 or Sweet Creature, esny or Canyon Moon, Fine Line or mmith, 
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nocurseforthewoods · 4 years
choose between fine line and lover: golden or daylight? watermelon sugar or cruel summer? adore you or paper rings? lights up or the archer? cherry or cornelia street? falling or soon you'll get better? to be so lonely or death by a thousand cuts? she or the man? sunflower, vol 6 or I think he knows? canyon moon or london boy? treat people with kindness or you need to calm down? fine line or lover?
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nocurseforthewoods · 4 years
I made a rough blueprint mash-up of Sign of the Times and Great Gig in the Sky by Pink Floyd [which I think Harry was definitely inspired by when writing SOTT
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nocurseforthewoods · 4 years
watching a haylor edit while haylor is actually going on is so surreal and oddly wholesome kkfkfkff 
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