noirwarrior23 · 2 months
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noirwarrior23 · 2 months
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Guillem March - Wonder Woman and Superman
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noirwarrior23 · 1 year
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Happy Mother's Day.
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noirwarrior23 · 1 year
I finished the outline for Young Gods and I hate myself because I have to write angst 😭.
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noirwarrior23 · 1 year
Diana wouldn't take Clark's name.
It’s fan fiction. I can do what I want 🤷🏾‍♀️
Edited Response: I also like how your issue is that she took Clark’s name and not the fact that she’s married 💀
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noirwarrior23 · 1 year
Young Gods | Chapter 1: The Plunge
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Summary: Young Newlyweds Clark and Diana Kent move to Metropolis to start a normal life together. However, it seems as if Metropolis has other ideas for the couple. Join us as friends become enemies, secrets are exposed, and the young formation of a team all tests the strength of true love.
Rio Branco, Brazil
The rhythmic chorinho music plays through the small apartment as a barefooted woman dances in the kitchen. Over low heat, she takes the lid off the simmering pot of Tacacá and gives it a few stirs before bringing the spoon to her mouth and tasting it. She smiles in satisfaction after months of trying to grasp the culinary arts of Brazil.
As the woman turns off the stove, her hips still sway as the music changes. She makes her way into the tiny living room, her feet moving along the faded living room carpet. She makes sure to maneuver around the coffee table not wanting to break this one as they'd gone three months without an incident.
A strong and broad chest meets the woman's back and rather than stopping her movements, the man joins her. His hands snake around her waist and the woman leans her head back into the man's chest and smiles. "I see your moves have improved." Her plump rose lips whispered into the grove on his neck.
"As has your cooking." the man teased, his thumbs rubbing the woman's hips.
The woman gasps audibly, pulls out of the man's grip, and looks at him with shock though undertones of playfulness are present. "It was one time!" she sighs, her hands on her hips. "Why do salt and sugar look the same anyways?"
The man's eyes flicker to her hips and then back at her lovely face. Though he was the better chef out of the pair, she was making an effort to improve and that is one of the sexiest things about his wife. "Well, let's just say…" the man moves closer to the woman, his hands once again capturing her in his strong embrace "I didn't marry you for your culinary skills…" his hands continue to travel until they reach plump cheeks which he loved to hold, squeeze, bite, spank and amongst other things.
The woman gasps as the man squeezes the flesh. Her eyes flicker to his and those cerulean blue eyes still hold that young, hungry, and lustful glean to them. He leans in, his lips laying soft and seductive kisses on her cheek and down her neck, his hands pushing their centers together, only a thin layer of clothing and willpower holding either back.
"You are the type of man my mother and sisters warned me about." she moans, tilting her head and letting her husband have more access to her.
His lips then trail up her neck, his teeth grazing over the soft and delicate earlobe. "And you fell for my trap easily." He whispers, inhaling the intoxicating and dismantling scent of honey and ambrosia scent that radiates off of her. "I'm never letting you go."
"I would never want to be anywhere else."
The resolve dissipates and their lips collide in a heated embrace. The woman jumps and locks her legs around the man's waist, his hand slapping her ass pulling a gasp from her lips. Their lips connect again and the man carries the girl to the couch. He kneels down first, then gently places his wife down on her back.
Her hands unbutton his shirt, exposing his broad chest to the warm air while his hands hike up her dress. He cannot hold in his groan at the realization that she wore no underwear, then again, she'd never worn that many clothes before they met.
This lust and hunger that they have for each other is primal as if it was encoded in their veins to know each other's bodies. Neither needs to ask when it came to most things and making love was one of them. His pants are quickly unbuttoned and he steadies himself, one hand on the arm of the pale green couch and the other holding her leg.
Both gasp as the man slips inside the woman's warm heat, their lips parting for seconds only for the man to lay kisses around the womans face as he pushes deeper. The woman hooks her arms around the man's waist, hands clutching his broad back, nails ready to leave her mark on the only man she loves, the only man she'd ever love.
The music is drowned out by the pants, grunts, and moans of the pair. Every thrust hitting the perfect spot while her walls threaten time and time again to keep him inside her. They move in sync, centers making a certain rhythm only their bodies could match, sweat transfers between the two, eyes rolling back, chanting to whatever gods they believe in, hands leaving their marks on each other's skin.
They feel each other, know when the other is close. Together, they reach a climax, the man spilling himself inside her, the woman's legs shaking with wanton need, desire, and satisfaction. As the climax comes to an end, the man slowly lowers himself onto his wife, his weight comfort to her. Still joined, the two try to catch their breaths in between the sloppy and wet kisses they exchange.
"At least the house is still standing." the woman teases, remembering the red barn that they destroyed.
"We were careful this time." he chuckles, kissing the woman's neck which is filled with many hickeys that will fade within hours.
Before either can get a word in, the couch legs give way, and one armrest falls off. The pair cling to each other and gasp as they are brought down with the couch. The air fills with laughs as the couple lies on the broken couch, still connected and glowing from their lovemaking. Her hair falls over her chest and the man uses his breath to blow the strand away, wanting to see all of her.
"So much for being careful."
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Smallville Kansas is nothing like the Island Paradise of Themyscria. However, Smallville has its own charm, from the rolling fields of wheat that can be mistaken for gold under the sun, the small shops passed down from generation to generation, a town that comes together to celebrate High School football as if they'd won the Superbowl to neighbors coming to funerals of their beloved friends, Smallville was its own slice of heaven for those who lived there.
That's how Marth and Johnathan Kent viewed Smallville and had no thoughts about leaving the town. Yes, they traveled on occasion but the call of the farm always lured them back to that red barn filled with hard work under the sun and tender nights under the moon. This small town was paradise for them, they had to come to the realization that it was not a paradise for everyone.
Raising their son, Clark in this small town was not as easy as they thought. Hiding his alien abilities grew harder as Clark aged up and his powers grew. Yet, nothing happened in small towns so creating ghost stories and weird phenomenons came in handy when Clark's powers went haywire. But then Kents kept quiet in this town, made their presence known when needed, kept a small inner circle of friends, and contained life in this bubble.
Though the Kents wanted to keep this bubble forever and shield their son from the world it was not easy. Clark, young, curious, and adventurous stepped out of this small provincial town and enrolled in college. The Kents were proud of their son, he worked hard during his schooling, getting accepted to one of the top Univeristy in the country. But with the acceptance of University came the hard part of parenting, letting your son go.
In all fairness, a flight to visit their son in the big city was affordable and if they truly needed Clark, they could whisper his name and he'd come within seconds.
But when they whispered his name almost a year ago and Clark didn't come, they feared the worst had happened to their son.
They waited for a knock on the door when Sherriff Davis would come and deliver the news of Clark's demise. Though it was a gruesome fate, it was a reality they could prepare themselves for. What they could not prepare themselves for was a foreign girl, no more than eighteen years old landing on their doorsteps with their son in her arms.
"Martha," Jonathan sighs as he walks into the messy kitchen, dishes that he'd only seen at Christmas on the counter. "That's the second roast beef you–is that a cherry pie?"
"Well Clark said he hasn't been eating well and I don't want him to be too skinny," Martha says, putting the roast before on the counter and then slapping Johnthan's hand away from the cherry pie on the counter.
"The boy has an iron stomach." Jonathan reminds his wife, leaning against the counter. "I'm sure he can survive Diana's cooking."
"I wrote down a few recipes in the–"
"I haven't packed his clothes yet, I figured he could use some when–"
"That city is so far away and I just want to make sure–"
Jonathan walks towards Martha and can capture her cheeks in his hands. Martha looks up at her husband to which he lays a gentle kiss on her forehead which allows Martha to take a deep breath. "He's going to be alright, Mattie," Jonathan assures his wife, resting his chin on top of her head.
"They're just so young, John," Martha whispers into her husband's chest. "I worry about them, especially Diana."
"Sounds like you actually like her." Jonathan teases.
"She's my daughter-in-law," Martha says, gently punching Johnthan's chest. "She's part of the family now and I protect my own."
"I know you do, Mattie." Jonathan chuckles, kissing her forehead again and then looking down at his wife. "But now Clark's got someone else to look after him. Those two are inseparable and if an immortal race of warrior women can't stop them from being together I highly doubt a city can do damage."
Though Johnthan tries to comfort his wife, that sentence does nothing to help. Instead, Martha pulls away and that look of worry crawls onto her face again.
"But is that a good thing, Johnny?" Martha asks, running her hands through her red hair. "I don't want them together for some trauma, thinking that they have to be together or Clark thinking she's the only girl that will ever love him."
"Do you hear yourself, Martha?" Jonathan asks staring at his wife. "We raised Clark to never make choices out of fear. I get their relationship started off unconventional but we've seen the way they looked at each other before they were married–"
"A look doesn't last forever, Johnny."
"I beg to differ."
"And why is that?"
"Because it's the same look I gave you," Jonathan says softly, and all the walls that Martha built up to protect herself and her son crumble. "Even when you told me you'd marry that idiot William. I still looked at you as if you were the only girl in the world and I won you over."
"Well, he wasn't much competition." Martha snorts, thinking about the man she was supposed to marry.
"He offered you the world, things I could never give you and yet you chose me." Jonathan's kidney reminds his wife. "Yeah they're young, extremely young but maybe they are the lucky few to find each other in their younger years, and that's a good thing."
Martha sighs and takes a deep breath. Clark was a good boy, she raised him as such and had no reasonable doubt that Clark would be in danger. The worry came when thinking about Diana, a girl that was still discovering the world, holding the same curiosity and hunger in her eyes as Clark. They are young and different and this world preys on those the most. Martha worries that the world will tear them apart rather than bring them together. On the farm, no one could hurt the couple, but outside of these wooden walls, pass the fields of wheat and dusty roads way a world of uncertainty and evil that a mother could not protect her son from.
"I want them to make it, John." Martha sighs, walking towards Johntha and resting her head on his shoulder.
"They will."
"Nothing like a home-cooked meal," Clark says, walking into the kitchen and putting his dishes in the sink. "Though Brazil was amazing."
"I'm sure it was," Martha smirks as she cleans the third plate her son has eaten. Clark blushes at the implication his mother makes about the two. He'll never live down the two of them crashing through the second floor of the barn. "I packed some to go when you're ready."
"Thank you, Ma," Clark says, pulling his mother into a hug and placing a kiss on her forehead. "I can only survive Diana's cooking for so long."
"Some battles you simply can't win, Clark." Martha smiles at pats Clark's chest. "I also put some recipes in a book, you can translate them to Greek if it's easier for her."
"There's always takeout," Clark says to which his mother nods.
"You remember Etta Candy right?" Martha asks, putting the dishes away, Clark reaching the top shelf for her. "Well, she just got promoted to Art Curator at the Metropolis Museum of Art. I mentioned Diana liking history and having a good eye. Anyways, if Diana would like a job there then we can set up a meeting."
"That's great Ma, thank you." Clark smiles at his mother. "In Brazil, that's all she did."
"The job doesn't pay well but with your job at the Daily Planet it should take off some of the strain," Martha says as she turns on the coffee maker to make Johnthan a cup of coffee. "Your Pa and Sheriff Davis have a paper trail that will make it look as if Diana existed before marrying you."
Clark cannot thank his Parents or Sheriff Davis enough for their contribution to helping Diana Kent come to life on paper. If Clark was going to become a serious journalist, a magnifying glass would at some point take a look at him and his wife, they couldn't have any visible holes in their past. Clark hopes that in making a fake past for Diana, they can have a quiet and prosperous life as Mr. and Mrs. Kent.
"Oh and before I forget," Martha says, her voice lowering noticeably, Clark's eyes locking onto his mother's face, searching for any visible pain. Martha walks towards Clark, she lifts her hand and touches the Diamond ring on her wedding finger, slipping it off.
"I know I wasn't the most welcoming at first." Martha sighs. "It hurt to see you like that and knowing that it was because of Diana. However, that girl is so gentle and loving, that laugh is contagious and that smile is dangerous. Whatever spell she put on you though, is the same one your Pa put on me." Martha then holds her wedding ring between her fingers and hands it told Clark.
"We didn't get a wedding gift but your Pa and I hope this is enough." Clark holds out his hand and Martha places the ring in the center then closes Clark's hand with her own. "You're a good man and a good husband, Clark. I know you made the right choice."
The sun rises slowly the next morning. Diana along with Martha's help cooked breakfast for the Kent family. After a few hours of looking through old family photos and sharing stories of their travels. And when the sun reached its peak the young Kents parted.
On the steps of the farmhouse in a quiet town, the two stare out into the distance. Clark then looks down at Diana and smiles at her.
"Are you ready?" Clark asks his hand moving from his side to Diana's hand, thumbs touching and fingers itching to intertwine.
"I am," Diana replies slipping her hand into Clark's her thumb running over his knuckles.
"Let's go."
They both take a step forward and into the unknown.
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noirwarrior23 · 1 year
Young Gods Cast
Hey guys! I'm just putting up the visual cast for my Superman X Wonder Woman fic. I wanted a younger-looking cast. Also, I liked the Smallville Cast a lot so Clark Kent is Tom Welling just Younger.
I don't think these characters would make great live actions but I personally like a visual whether it's art or actual people. If the plot calls for me to add new people then I will update this with new characters. It's most likely going to spoil so I'll hold off.
The Smallville cast is the same just younger.
Tom Welling (Younger) as Clark Kent/ Superman
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Rachel Zegler as Diana Kent/ Wonder Woman
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Thomas Doherty as Bruce Wayne/Batman
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Alexandria Daddario as Zatanna Zatara
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Emeraude Toubia as Talia Al Ghul
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Armie Hammer as Steve Trevor
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Lukas Gage is Oliver Queen
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Olivia Holt as Dinah Lance
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Jake T Austin as Barry Allen
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