nomapsupport · 2 months
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nomapsupport · 2 months
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I saw this in a bunch of DNIs while going through and looking at neuroqueer content, so I guess I’ll make this post.
If your DNI says “DNI pedos/zoos”, “DNI MAPs/NOMAPs” or any other way of listing paraphilic disorders without specifying that you are only referring to pro-contact individuals, you are not a safe space for neuroqueer people or neurodivergent people in general.
I feel like people forget that paraphilic disorders are disorders. And just like how not everyone with a personality disorder is an abuser (a fact the majority of the neuroqueer community seems to grasp) not everyone with a paraphilic disorder is an abuser either. And when you make it clear that these people aren’t welcome due to something they can’t control, you don’t just hurt those with paraphilias. You hurt others too.
Take me for example. I have a clinical phobia, an intense fear of one specific thing. That specific thing is animals. I did not choose to develop this phobia, it developed as a result of a traumatic experience with an animal when I was young. I also have other trauma that has given me an overdeveloped fight response, or intense desires to fight or destroy whatever is currently causing me distress. This combines so that I have fantasies of hurting or killing animals I come across. A desire to get rid of the thing causing me fear. I don’t want to act on these desires. But the truth is that these desires are there.
Now, I ask you, what is the difference between me and an anti-contact zoophile? Both of us have desires and fantasies surrounding harming animals. Neither of us wish to act on our desires in real life. The only difference is that my desires aren’t sexual in any way. But why should this matter? Should I really be allowed in neurodivergent spaces when zoophiles are not? Should we both be shunned for things we didn’t choose and don’t control? If you choose the first option, you’re a hypocrite. If you choose the second, you’re ableist.
When I see blogs that explicitly mention zoophiles in their “do not interact with my posts” stuff, I, a non-zoophile, know that the full extent of my neurodivergence is not wanted. The autism stuff is. Because autism is “mundane”. My phobia is not.
I don’t really know how to wrap this up so I’m just going to end it here. I might add more later.
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nomapsupport · 2 months
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having “gross” thoughts is okay!!
having “gross” impulses is okay!!
being aroused by “gross” things is okay!!
paraphiles are valid <3
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nomapsupport · 2 months
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Reminder that pro-para sentiments do not harm survivors, pro-para sentiments do not "glorify abuse", and pro-para sentiments ARE helpful for those with OCD and intrusive thoughts.
Your thoughts do NOT make you a bad person, your attractions do NOT make you inherently abusive. And yes this does include scary things like MAPs, zoos, and more.
[ i am anti-c. please respect that & dni if you are pro-c or supportive. ]
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nomapsupport · 2 months
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paraphiles need to support paraphiles, full stop. perverts support perverts. so long as you’re not hurting anyone who genuinely did not/cannot consent, you’re just getting your rocks off however you like. tag your shit and block the tags you don’t wanna see. learn “your kink is not my kink and that’s okay”. this blog will never condemn the “big three” paras for simply existing.
stop being afraid of being a freak
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nomapsupport · 2 months
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this post is for every paraphile (including "the big three") that get shit on for fucking existing. you're not a bad person for it at all.
also, this goes out to the creatives out there that cope with their urges and thoughts with art. it's okay. you aren't a real bad person for having urges or thoughts.
fantasy is a land you can own, thought crimes don't exist. you're allowed to be a pseudo piece of fucking shit and a horrible person in your fantasy land for free.
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nomapsupport · 2 months
when one is repeatedly told that theyd be better off dead & there's no way for them to ever redeem themselves, even when they've never actually hurt anyone, they won't see the point in playing by the rules anymore. to everyone else, it makes no difference whether they harm children or not, so they may as well do as they please. the violent hatred toward maps & how it isnt safe to seek help contributes to csa. it's counterproductive & irresponsible.
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You can’t say “why is it so hard for people to not abuse kids?” when you’re shaming pedophiles into hiding and never talking about it. You can’t question why pedophiles hurt kids when you’re saying it would be better if they died instead of getting help.
YOU are part of the reason why it’s so hard for some people to not abuse kids. People who have those attractions or urges don’t need to be shamed and told to die, they need to be encouraged to not offend and to get help to make sure they know how to cope with it.
You are making it worse and then complaining about it.
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nomapsupport · 2 months
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If you are a so-called mental health advocate, and then turn around to tell a paraphile to kill themself, you are NOT the pro mental health angel you claim to be. You are going out of your way to try to worsen the suicide crisis of the world, all because you don't see paraphiles as people. That's ableist and overall bigoted, and no good advocate for anything is either of those things. Fuck you.
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nomapsupport · 2 months
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Okay controversial thoughts time (even though they really shouldn't be controversial but what can you do).
The amount of people that think "MAP" is just pedophiles trying to sanitize their attraction is insane.
It's an umbrella term. That's literally all it is.
Because, spoiler alert, pedophiles aren't the only MAPs.
There are multiple chronophilias under the MAP umbrella: infantophilia (under 1, don't conflate with ABDL as they can use the same label), nepiophilia (~1-4), pedophilia (~5-10), hebephilia (~11-14), and ephebophilia (~15-18). Infantile, toddler age, prebubescent, early pubescent, and late pubescent. Anyone who identifies with any of these labels is a MAP. A MAP is not always a pedophile, but a pedophile is always a MAP. A rectangle is not always a square, but a square is always a rectangle.
It's not to sound cute or innocent or less scary. It's not to sanitize it. If it was, it wouldn't be used anymore. The wider world already demonizes the term MAP more than pedophile. Everyone knows what a MAP is, and nearly anyone who isn't one despises them. Because now if you call yourself a MAP you must be one of the "romanticizers." You must be secretly pro-contact. You must be trying to normalize child abuse. You must be hiding from your actions.
And that's stupid. I don't know how better to say it. It's just stupid.
MAP isn't used to sanitize ourselves. It's used to not make generalizations. To not make assumptions. The differences in the terms under the MAP umbrella is important, and so is acknowledging them. But that can't be done if everyone wants to label those who use the umbrella term or even the other chronophilic terms under the umbrella as disgusting child abusers because they didn't use pedophile. And they're trying to hide it by "dodging" calling themselves "what they really are."
Ignore the fact anyone who calls themselves a pedophile is already told they're a child rapist. That's not important for this point.
Honestly, the only reason I personally use MAP and pedophile interchangeably when referring to myself is because that's my primary identity under the umbrella.
But, hey, if you really want us to be hyper-honest about our chronophilic attractions like people seem to desire (because we're clearly hiding something if we're not baring every fiber of our being to the world), then I'd be a...
Does that make you happier? :)
Anyway, this has been a PSA. Because I'm so tired.
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nomapsupport · 2 months
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to every anti para person out in the world, i wish a very “my attraction does not impact my sense of morality nor does it decimate my self control simply because you personally find my attraction uncomfortable” and also a “get hobbies besides being mean online”
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nomapsupport · 2 months
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Paraphilia awareness matters!
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For more educational information on what paraphilias are and how we can prevent abuse, go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GNkYsH4ksT8jyp5rb4NEajFfDeBqV75M0YyeHTvnLqk/edit
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nomapsupport · 2 months
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I am a vehement believer that paraphiles and queer people should be allies. We are all child predators in the eyes of the right, and let's not act like there aren't queer paraphiles. I don't talk about it much, but I am also queer, so I feel as though my opinion matters on this subject as someone who feels the hostility in LGBTQ and MOGAI spaces towards those of us who are the big three.
The fight for destigmatization and acceptance should include the paraphile community, simple as that. And since I can see it coming from a mile away, no I am not advocating for adult/child, person/animal, or living/dead relationships by saying queer liberation should also be paraphile liberation. I am simply of the opinion that 'freaks' should help other freaks, so long as they aren't hurting other entities.
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nomapsupport · 3 months
Hello, I just wanted to drop in and say this:
It genuinely makes me so happy to just see a fellow para, especially a MAP, just be open and ALIVE out in the wild. I dunno. It made me so happy just seeing other paras are EXISTING and just LIVING.
This is for anyone reading this message and YOU, blog owner, NEVER stop being yourself. Keep living, keep thriving, keep pissing off the people who hate you. You are worthy of life and love, and YOU ARE VALID. And NOTHING will change that. Please stay safe, stay happy, and stay as yourself for as long as possible.
You are perfect as you are and you are loved so much. I wish the best for you, forever.
thank you so much anon, asks like this mean the world to me! ive been doubting whether this blog was a good idea, even considering deleting it. thank you for reminding why i started this blog! the love & community here is so special to me & it really makes me feel like what im doing is worthwhile. so from the bottom of my heart, thank you đź©·
i will definitely be rereading this often & i will surely reblog this many times, as you said it better than i could, anon.
be free. be happy. be alive. be you đź©·
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nomapsupport · 3 months
going on hiatus for a bit
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nomapsupport · 3 months
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freaks and degenerates are just so much nicer and kinder than the rest of you idk. i love you perverts with illegal and unethical fantasies thank you for being so nice to me
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nomapsupport · 3 months
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People who censor the names of paraphilias with random numbers and symbols piss me off. I hate that censoring style in general because it's just ableist (I don't imagine screen readers being able to read shit like 'p3d0ph!l3' [translation: 'pedophile'] clearly, because I myself get tripped up), but to go out of your way to censor something so much... you must really hate that group of people.
I understand, however, if you just don't want your blog to get nuked for having the actual words in your posts. I even see pro paras and paraphiles themselves censoring the words with emojis and such. But it is still frustrating to me; those words should not be dirty or worthy of getting an entire blog nuked. People should be able to in the very least mention us by name, instead of dancing around the word like it will spawn demons or something. Furthermore: people with the experience of being paraphiles should be able to express ourselves with the words themselves, not some obtuse codes.
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nomapsupport · 3 months
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To paraphiles,
You don’t need to feel pressured into telling others about your paraphilia. You aren’t lying or keeping some big secret. In the same way people don’t need to tell others about their anxiety or depressive disorders, or how people don’t need to tell others about their sexuality, you don’t need to tell others about your paraphilia.
If you want to, that’s cool! If you feel you might be a danger to them or the people/animals/etc. around them, you should tell them imo. If you feel as if you need support for things like a paraphilic disorder, you should absolutely reach out to someone you trust. But if you and/or your doctor don’t see you as a threat to yourself or others then you don’t have to tell anyone if you don’t want to.
You’re not an imposter or a liar. You aren’t a bad person for keeping private information private. This isn’t a sin to confess. It’s just a part of you, plain and simple.
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