nomapsupport · 4 months
pedophile ≠ child molester
cw for sa, csa, & abuse mentions
also, disclaimer, im writing this on no sleep so this may be phrased poorly. anyway!
🪷 what's the difference?
a pedophile is someone who experiences sexual attraction to children. that's it. pedophilia is not an action. it is not a crime. it is not deliberate, it is not a choice.
a child molester/child rapist is someone who sexually abuses a child. it is not an indication of attraction. it's a deliberate act of violence. it's a heinous crime that should never be excused, defended, or blamed on attraction.
🪷 rape & attraction
you don't have to be attracted to someone to rape them. many rapists do not rape out of attraction but to cause trauma. they want to overpower, injure, violate, & demean the victim in a way that goes beyond something like a beating. children are especially vulnerable to abusers because they cant physically fight back, can be groomed into thinking the abuse is normal, & may not have the words to describe what's happening to them. if someone wants to rape someone, they may choose a child because it's the "safest" or most convenient option. that doesn't make them a pedophile, it makes them an opportunistic child rapist.
similarly, having an attraction does not cause someone to rape others. if that were the case, then everyone but asexuals would be rapists. anyone of any gender or sexuality is capable of being a rapist. the attraction isnt the problem, the individual who chooses to rape others is.
🪷 why this matters
by conflating pedophiles & child rapists, we attribute incorrect motives to devastating crimes. this makes it more difficult for people to recognize the signs of a child rapist & contributes to child sexual abuse. to stop & prevent csa you MUST learn the difference between a pedophile & a child rapist.
🪷 so why the confusion?
pedophiles are disproportionately represented by child rapists. when studies are done on pedophiles, the subjects are almost always convicted felons. even when researchers try to study nomaps, the volunteer pool is miniscule & the poor sample size skews results yet again. inaccurate & harmful information about how "dangerous" pedophiles are makes it impossible for nomaps to reveal their attraction without jeopardizing their family, career, reputation, housing, physical safety, mental well-being, & more. this means nomaps can't safely contribute to studies & reduce stigma. it's a vicious cycle.
knowing the difference between pedophiles & child rapists benefits nomaps & csa victims alike. it's in everyone's best interest to talk about csa as accurately as possible. it's a matter of safety for all.
🪷 more questions?
this is part of a (highly unstructured) series about common misconceptions people have about pedophilia. here's a masterlist of the topics i've covered so far & the topics i want to write about in the future.
please reblog so more people can be educated about this highly misunderstood topic ♡
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ok um hey guys im just saying this for closure purposes
im antimap, anticontact and pretty much anti most things that are considered morally wrong
as long as u arent like. the big 3 ur good
(im not gonna hararas ppl over there identities, im anti harrassment, but pleas just.. try not to int yk?)
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help what do I do if I’ve started being attracted to fictional creatures
I don’t like earthen animals at all never have tbh but creatures of sonaria has got me into a CHORKEABODLD
heHELP my frienfs think I’m a zoo freak I do. Not have a parpahilv disorder ily anticontact zoos s.tay safe
Wanting to fuck a pixel dragon is not included under the definition of zoophile.
You're fine.
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goobersnart · 7 months
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Image description of flag is tba
I want to preface this coining post with the following:
This blog is not a discourse blog or a coining blog! We don't take requests for this stuff. If you start shit you will be blocked and ignored! ^_^
The emojicode (cus we're a sucker for 'em): 🌤️🌈
Feel free to do whatever the fuck you want w/ this flag, it's a pretty flag, have fun with it!
This is a long post, be prepared HELP
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Joyqueer is essentially a blankqueer term where one prefers to focus on positivity. They try and look on the bright side of things, even in the darkest of hours.
Even though Joyqueer focuses on the positivity, it doesn't condone toxic positivity. We're not naïve, the world isn't sunshine and rainbows 24/7. We look on that side when applicable to ease life and stress because focusing on the bad 24/7 and being drowned in misery is painful and hurts.
This stance is for good faith terms/identities, follows P.L.U.R (Peace, Love, Unity (and), Respect), and users might spread positivity and joy amongst others.
This stance is supportive & inclusive of/to the following:
Mspec queers (ie mspec lesbians, gays, biles, bipan, etc.), gender anarchy (being a girlboy, transfemasc thing, having no gender while having gender, etc), & relationship anarchy (being aplatonic, being loveless, having sex with your friends and or doing things with friends that others consider "weird", polyamory, being with objects and or stuffed animals, etc)
System inclusive with the respect of cultures and against spreading misinformation.
Inclusive of ones with cluster B disorders and to educate about them and spread joy to the ones with the disorders that are suffering. NPD abuse doesn't exist, and pw HPD/BPD/ASPD aren't bad for existing!
Anticontact paraphiles that are just existing in a world that sadly doesnt understand them. attraction isn't action and no matter how ""harmful"" the attraction is (attracts cannot be harmful as thought crimes dont exist), you aren't a bad person for something you cannot control.
Anti-censorship in art and storytelling; fiction freedom in the largest of sense. Fiction isn't on the same level as reality, characters are the dolls you play with.
Youth liberation; realizing that the youth isn't stupid and that children are people too.
Atypical dysphoria and the ones that're nonhuman and or alterhuman, extranthrope, altsex, therian, objectkin, conceptkin, etc. A means to spreading positivity and joy to the ones suffering with odd and unusual dysphoria. This includes transhumanism and the personal choice of deciding what one does to ones body; this includes things that you'd find personally uncomfortable/harmful.
This stance is not supportive & inclusive of/to the following:
Transitioning to harmful transids (transnazi, transracist, transblack, transasian, etc.)
any sort of harassment
antitheism/abolition of religion
Like I said above the cut, any sort of hate will get deleted. Spread positivity to the ones that need it, the world needs more positivity. If one has any questions, feel free to ask! :]
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welcome to my blog!
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i still don't know how to set these out sorry guys🙏
my name is ivan, i use he/him but at the end of the day i dont really care how you refer to me, i am genderfluid and aromantic asexual. i am autistic, and i have adhd and bpd. im also hungarian! 🇭🇺
my special interest is hetalia, but i also have other interests which include:
the world wars, history, countries, tanks, countryballs/countryhumans, linguistics, vexillology, bandori, touhou, drawing, rammstein, mitski, iron maiden (my favourite music artists atm) + more that i probably forgot!
i am openly proship and profiction, aswell as comship, darkship, prokink and propara (but anticontact!) i am also anti radqueer. i dont actually care who interacts with me, i have no dni, and i block freely if i dont like you.
im cramming all of my proship, selfship, art, etc onto here as i don't feel like making sideblogs atm, and i also dont have any tags to sort my posts out (my profile is a mess, i know😅)
i am a selfshipper, and i am okay(? not extremely keen on it but ill survive) with sharing my f/o(s)
i have multiple f/os, but my main one of all time is germany from hetalia, i love him🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️ i only ever really post about him, sorry 😅
but, some other f/os include:
- portugal (hetalia) : romantic f/o
- romano (hetalia) : familial/romantic f/o
- hungary (hetalia) : familial f/o
- seychelles (hetalia) : platonic f/o
+ more, if i ever make a full list ill link it here !
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rwuffles · 13 days
hey, i've been kind of following all this anticontact paraphile stuff and i had something to say about the comment you made about pyrophilia. specifically the comment where you said "let's put your dick in a firepit and see how well that turns out for you." pyrophilia can be safe. most kink can be practiced safely. the main things that make kink explorable (between consenting adults) is that it is safe, sane, and consensual. It takes one google search to figure out that pyrophilia does not involve literally thrusting into fire. it also only takes that google search to learn that there are ways to engage in that certain philia that are not harmful.
its totally valid for people to have a kink and not want to physically engage in it. or to recognize that they have it and not engage in it. misinformation about kink is so wide spread that the misinformation about it is often the first thing that people learn about it. - 🪱
that response was specifically because i'm tired of people questioning "why anti-contact [x]?" "that's an inanimate object, does it really matter?" and similar stuff like that. questioning like the other anon did tends to also come from a place of forgetting the paraphile themself is a person who can get hurt.
i'm very supportive of kink & safely acting on paraphilias — it's why i tack on in my definition "non-consensual" because that plays such a heavy part in it. i'm also heavily uncomfortable with talking about kink because i'm a minor; i make paraphile flags 'cus i want to, i didn't expect so much discussion or questioning to come about because of it.
so i understand what you're saying anon and am also still posting this for anyone else to see 👍 i'm tired and the comment about "raping the fire" pissed me off
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stagsalterhumanity · 8 months
hi there! are you antipara or anticontact propara?
Antipara. I think being pro-para in anyway is fucking disgusting.
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ncorpclair · 2 months
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everything—i’ll burn it all… and my whole disgusting life, too.
he/him. emil sinclair irl. 14.
not exactly radqueer not exactly an anti. not happy with the current state of the radqueer community, so it feels weird calling myself one. protransid, proship, anticontact for all paraphilias that would cause harm if acted upon, prokink (yes, even conabusive dynamics.)
tags are for reach. dms are open to all, but don't come in with romantic intent if you're an adult.
number one kromer fan <3
my only request is that procontacts for pedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia and other nonconsensual paraphilias dni.
tags system!
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consangpride · 3 months
I saw your post about the consang server and I'm curious why you said illegal contact? I'm just curious cus legality ≠ morality.. or is it an issue with actual legality and being involved in that? /genq
if it were about legal issues the server may be dragged into, I'd get that, but from the way you phrased it, it seemed really passive-aggressive
Hi yes, it is partially to keep the server from being deleted but also the server is anticontact for the big three and anything nonconsensually harmful. Consensual incestual contact (consangiamorous) is of course allowed. Hope this cleared up any misunderstanding, thanks.
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nomapsupport · 4 months
i'm in your dni but i have a question, how do you believe that MAPS shouldn't seek to get rid of their attraction, because i'm sorry they should?! think about how terrifying it is for parents or just people who (not sexually) care about children to think anyone in public could be genuinely attracted to a child. how scary it is to think someone might look at your child and think "man that's sexy." that's terrifying and sickening! i literally only got help for my ed because i started looking at skinny kids and wishing i could be like them, then i realized it was sick and twisted to use children for thinspo. i thought how terrified mothers of children who failed to thrive or have growth hormone deficiences etc. would feel about me looking at their child and going "god im a fat fuck why don't i look like that 9 year old." so i got better, not for me i still hate my fucking body and i rather be skinny and dead than fat and alive but because i didn't want my feelings to affect my interactions with literal children.
tldr; if it involves children in anyway you better work your butt off to get rid of it
thought crimes aren't real. what happens in the confines of one's mind is nobody else's business & harms absolutely no one except maybe the person having the thoughts, like in your example. but guess what? you didn't actually hurt the feelings of those kids or parents because you didn't share those thoughts with anyone. good for you that it helped with your eating disorder but not everyone has to guilt-trip themselves just because you do.
paraphilias cannot be gotten rid of. you can either chemically castrate us to reduce our overall sex drive — which we've already established is cruel & inhumane, & it doesn't even get rid of the attraction — or you can try orgasmic reorientation, aka conversion therapy, which we already know causes significant distress, & yet again doesn't actually get rid of someone's attraction. i can't believe you're actually suggesting this shit during pride month. do you know nothing at all about queer history?? i know that the big three dont work as comparisons for queer sexualities due to consent (or lack thereof), but we're still human beings with human brains & this kind of shit won't work on us either.
the best thing for the safety of maps & children is for maps to accept themselves as they are, find victimless ways to satiate themselves, work on ways to cope with/combat harmful urges, & avoid situations that could end badly. repressing one's feelings never ends well, it's one of the unhealthiest coping mechanisms there is. & that's the closest thing to your suggestion because "getting rid of" a paraphilia is impossible. so just. no.
ps: try getting some actual treatment for your eating disorder instead of excessively guilt-tripping yourself & using it as an excuse to tell paraphiles they need conversion therapy.
sorry im being so rude but jesus christ, the asks i get are so demoralizing & i am running out of patience for people who refuse to do the most basic research before acting like certain types of people are inherently bad & dont deserve to just exist
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a lengthier intro that explains things in simpler terms :) heyo! you can call me star or sil!
i use any pronouns including neopronouns, i especially like it/it's and they/them. just make sure to add some variety sometimes if you're going for less neutral ones :)
i am a minor- i occasionally horny post/ etc however. reminder, this does not equal consent. but i normally tag them #suggestive cw or #cw suggestive if i remember.
i don't always remember to tag possible triggering things, so please proceed with caution!
a little bit about me:
i am a self shipper ( with fictional characters ) . i'm always okay with "sharing" fictional characters, because i believe in the multiverse theory when it comes to both selfship and otherkinity. the multiverse theory basically explores the idea of the multiverse with fiction- different versions of the same fictional character. meaning that in my eyes, "sharing" fictional characters does not exist because we all see them in different ways. of course, it is perfectly alright for you to be uncomfortable with sharing, but that is what i personally believe.
i believe in ship and let ship. nobody should be harassed for their taste in fiction. people can be groomed with fiction, but people can be groomed with anything. yes, this includes whatever "disgusting" things you are thinking of. it is okay if you despise them, just block and move on. don't send hate.
we are all living breathing human beings with thoughts and feelings and wants and dreams. don't send hate.
i do not believe in thought crimes. yes, this includes whatever you're thinking of. thought crimes are not real.
there is nothing wrong with having paraphilias, because oftentimes this is a result of trauma or you simply cannot control it.
however, i only stand for consensual contact in real life. meaning that i am anticontact on sexual zoophilia, pedophilia, etc.
if you find my stances personally disgusting, block and move on, please.
for trans-identifiers: most common being transgender, less common being trans-species, trans-race, etc:
bottom line, as long as you are not using these labels to mock fun of the community you are taking on the labels of, it does not matter.
people may take on these labels as forms of empowerment, simply relating to them, or any other reason.
and for the topic of system origins, such as the origins of a dissociative identity disorder, i will only say this:
i am not a doctor. i don't know the inside of your brain. so i cannot know if you are faking or not. the same goes for any mental illness. this means that i am not someone who knows enough about dissociative identity disorders and the like to properly say that endogenic systems- systems not formed by trauma- are real or not.
what i will say, though? exclusionism isn't fun. it's not nice. if the endogenic person(s) are simply existing, it is simply mean spirited to mock them.
something else i have noticed is: there are endogenic systems or plural people or etc that label as nondisordered, but i personally think many are disordered rather than they claim, simply because dissociative disorders are not researched enough.
bottom line, i don't care what you call yourself- i care how you conduct. and that includes for all sorts of discourse, including the proship vs antiship discourse, the traumagenic vs endogenic discourse, and everything else.
internet safety things: please, please, don't share a list of your triggers or diagnoses online. it is simply dangerous.
no matter how vile you believe someone is, because you disagree with them, find them annoying, or anything else?
it is never a kind thing to doxx someone or send death threats because of their opinions on the internet.
especially for proship discourse on tumblr dot com.
just think twice, kay?
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The user pudpuppaw is a pro shipper that supports real pedophilia, I'm just letting you know, I'm neither anti or pro shipper.
Unless they're pro/neutral contact, I don't much care. Paraphilias are uncontrollable, unlike the harm they have potential to cause. You'll notice my bio includes neupara and anticontact.
Ofc, if they are pro/neutral contact or complex contact or anything except anticontact, that's uh. Yikes. Not welcome here.
EDIT: looking at their blog, they appear to be staunchly anticontact, which is 100% okay and the only acceptable answer here as far as contact goes.
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maparfait · 1 year
ughh.. dogass intro time! Hiii!!! Im parf :3 Dragged my fat ass from paratwt to here because all my old paratwt muts and stuff got nuked it seems... dont worry i dont bite i showered the annoying bitch stink off you can go near me anyways.. im justt another para looking for fellow anticontact friens!!! :3 cr , mlp, sk and pkmn fans too!! uh, she her! im not white so you cant make the "white girls fuck dogs" joke on me.. i am immune Um.. what else can i say without leaking my entire location somehow.. UM.. i like cake and bunnies! theyre cute.. :)) ok presses send
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welcome to my blog !
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i finally got around to doing a pinned post ! (i dont really know how to format this so it probably looks bad, sorry!)
my name is ivan, i use he/him, i am genderfluid, bisexual and aroace. im also hungarian 🇭🇺 im autistic, have adhd and bpd. im an artist, but i dont post that much art here because i dont normally have that much time to draw.
my art reqs are currently:
(but i probably wont get to them for a while i am the #1 procrastinator)
all of my art, selfship, proship stuff etc is getting crammed into here because i dont feel like making sideblogs as of now but that may be a thing in the future!
my special interest is hetalia, but i enjoy other things also, some including:
countries(just like. in general), history(specifically ww1 and ww2 but i love learning about all history!), touhou, countryballs/countryhumans, shakespeares plays (specifically romeo and juliet, if you couldnt tell by my profile.) e.g. i probably have more interests but i cant think of them as of now
i am a proshipper, as well as a com/darkshipper. im very openly profiction and im also prokink, propara, etc, but i am anticontact!!! i have no dni, anyone can interact with me but if youre going to be a dick i will block you. i block freely, so if i generally just dont like you i will also block you.
i am also a selfshipper! i have quite a few f/os and im neutral with sharing them(im not like, jumping with joy at the idea of it but im not uncomfortable with it either!) some of my f/os include:
- germany (hetalia) ; romantic f/o
- portugal (hetalia) ; romantic f/o
- seychelles (hetalia) ; platonic f/o
- hungary (hetalia) ; familial f/o
+a few more but these are my main f/os❤️ (i love my non-romantic f/os just as much as my romantic one so they deserve a mention here!)
i will probably edit this post as i go along, and as i change my layout!
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if you read through this entire post then thank you for listening to me blabber🙏
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gravesitegarl · 2 years
do you have the anticontact paraflag? I'm seeking for my profile, thank u
Sure thing, sweet thing! I made one myself, it’s the Para Community Flag(I’ll give you the one specifically with the dial)! Flag for your banner
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Icon version too! Dial & non dial for your choosing!
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Here you go Sweetface! Do with them well, perhaps even @ us once you set things up! You’re always welcome here dear!
If you need anything else or want a different flag, just message us again!
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archlingloaftortoe · 1 year
welcome… arch / Luci! Me! The king of demons- I’m kidding heh.
🪽🐾 heyy I’m arch / Luci I’m a xenogender / pan paraphilie! I’m taken by my lovey gf <3 any questions aloud my paraphilia are fictozoo, zoophile, (anticontact), fictophile, plushophile and more! My xenogender are foxgender, fennecfox gender, Arcticfoxgender, nightfurygender, and sleepyfoxgender + more! I’m also a therian and furry hopefully I’m welcome! 🐾🪽
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