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“as you get older, you realize that you’re not always right and there’s so many things you could’ve handled better, so many situations where you could’ve been kinder and all you can really do is forgive yourself and let your mistakes make you a better person.”
— Unknown
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“It all begins and ends in your mind. What you give power to, has power over you, if you allow it.”
— Unknown
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There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.
Maya Angelou
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“F-E-A-R has two meanings: ‘Forget Everything And Run’ or ‘Face Everything And Rise.’ The choice is yours.”
— Zig Ziglar
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A mood
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So what’s on my mind tonight is music. Songs. Certain songs, that are different for every person. But the ones in particular that make us think of someone from our past, that takes us back to our past. Wether it be good or bad. Those songs that stand for a memory. What has been on my mind about those songs tho is, how many times will their meaning change throughout our life time? While going through changes in my life and I’ve realized that I see some songs different. If I’m being honest not some but hella. Happy songs, sad songs, songs about death, songs about life and it’s lessons. It’s crazy because because a songs meaning can change in second, all in meeting someone for the first time, meeting old friends, finding out information, losing someone to the kiss of death, losing track of information that you thought was true, you see, all in a second. But I’ve also realized that there are songs that the second they’re played, they take me back to old times in the first few seconds of the melodies. I used to get happy hearing some songs, and now they just make me over think and go to anxiety town, happy songs too. And then there are the sad songs that in the past made me sad for a ghost but now that ghost is still there with me but with a sense of peace and understanding. The songs I hate the most tho, are songs played that you know were once for or make your people think of their ghosts. Those ones make me want to meet a hole. Idk where this rant went but the point is, songs are interesting with their meanings as I grow and fly throughout this thing we call life.
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