nonexistantfandoms · 8 days
Every time I look at how Runt is illustrated compared to Breeze I think of this meme
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nonexistantfandoms · 8 days
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Shitty drawing (don’t flip it pls) i made of Lola/nessa diamond from the only literature of Minecraft that is worth reading (at least its the best one imo, read it it’s really good)
My mom donated all the books I’ve had of this series when she packed my stuff when I moved out, thanks mom
Maybe I’ll draw more of it idk
I’ve been working on more ctrl+alt+delete stuff I’ve been just stuck on one drawing sorry
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nonexistantfandoms · 9 days
On account of him being like 13 or sum I don’t think Runt realises how much of a workaholic he’ll probably become in the future
Like throughout the books Runt is only consistently focused on two things: becoming a warrior and hanging out with his friends
Everything else that has happened to him was just collateral
I mean look at the end of book 4, the highest rank in their group is obviously Breeze, she’s basically bio engineered super soldier trained from birth, but who’s right their next to her? Runt of course!
Runt who’s parents are farmers, who complains and groans about training all the time, who says he would rather goof off that work, who had no combat experience just a year ago, that Runt got in top 5 of an entire village
I think since this story is told through his diary entries that only includes what Runt thinks is the coolest stuff that happens, I don’t think we know the actual extent of how much he works in his time off screen
The little man is working his butt off over there
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nonexistantfandoms · 10 days
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nonexistantfandoms · 2 months
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Dancing amongst the stars :D
Fan art of one of my favourite novels ever, “There is no Epic Loot here, Only Puns” by Stewart92
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nonexistantfandoms · 7 months
You know what I just realized
Eventually, Delta will start to regain deeper memories and with that Delta will regain bad memories
Like that one shitty ex in college that kicked her cat before she kicked him out.
While this itself is not alarming the fact that Delta’s monsters also get her memories in a way means bad bad news for any unassuming adventures that decided to pick that time to go dungeoning.
Imagine some poor sot going into the dungeon obliviously unaware and getting their ass handed to them even more than usual which in itself is a feat
Delta will try her best to keep them from causing too much pain to the collateral damage of their attacks but it isn’t like she herself isn’t mad either depending on the memory
Ruli would just be in the background of all this egging them on even further
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nonexistantfandoms · 7 months
Herobrine knowing everyone is too scared to fight him: Any objections?
Runt, 13 years old and just woken up: I have some you gigantic noob!!!
Herobrine slightly bemused and impressed: huh… I have beef with a 13 years old now
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nonexistantfandoms · 7 months
The law of the land states that adventuring is to be kept a secret. Adventures needed to masqueraded as normal people in the day, dungeons guarded but open to the public without a peep about its nature, all things related to the dungeoning business is to be kept under wraps.
And while on paper that sounds like a sound idea. It kept most glory seeking idiots from getting themselves killed in dungeons and kept the business free to grow without outside competition. In practice it was much more messy. For one the severely underestimate the sheer size of the business, corporate spies have seen many things that they really didn’t want to see, and there was only so many times people who were covered in scars could enter a store before it became suspicious.
Another was that people talked, heavily inebriated adventures boosting about things they weren’t supposed to share in some small corner of a bar, then some server would over hear and like fuel to a fire the gossip would spread. Eventually the whole town would know about the supposed to be “top secret” dungeon.
At the start there was an effort to keep up appearances but as the business grew and people changed, officials didn’t even bother anymore -too much hassle for an endless task- So while on paper those laws still existed it was more like an open secret that anything else.
Oh and Sister creating a gigantic structure dedicated to tracking dungeons also had it effects.
Well there’s also the fact that even if every rule and regulation was completed with utmost precision people would still suspect. Dungeons have this air around them, the feeling of underlying danger, the chittering and clanking of something distinctly non human somewhere deep in the bowels of the building, the heavy silence of a seemingly clear and pristine establishment with no people insight, not even staff.
Even if is perfectly safe to enter a dungeon in the morning people tend to avoid dungeons because of their unnerving atmospheres.
But in the words of Quiss, I’m not sure that would happen in Delta’s school.
Every nook and cranny you look is filled with life big and small. The clocks on the walls are decorated to match which part of the school it’s in, the wall mosaics change and grow based on the world around them when no one is looking, the bulletin boards are covered in children’s drawings and tiny stickers.
The halls are always cheerful with noise, from the ambiance of crowds between periods to rambling anecdotes that air almost 24/7 on the school radio. Sure in empty hallways and desolate classrooms you can hear the moans and groans of something inhuman but more often than not it’s just the teachers playing poker on their lunch break.
The smell of ash from fire based experiments, and the wet scent of plants mingle with the delectable waft of sweet pies and puddings.
The teachers themselves are stranger than fiction. Nowhere else would you be able to create a fire tornado with your chemistry teacher before the lunch lady comes and wacks him over the head for disturbing her cooking before disappearing down a random hatch that supposedly leads to the kitchen.
It’s weird in the best way possible and no one would have it any other way.
NOW back to floor 2 with surprise guest appearance of the school management:
-School principal
-No one has actually seen her in person
-Talks over the intercom system frequently
-Is drowning in paperwork as we speak
-Vice principal
-Bad cop to Delta’s good cop
-All bulling and self defense cases go to him
-Obsessed with America's Funniest Home Videos
-Lesser known amongst the students
-The backbone of this entire school
-No one knows how these three keep the school functioning without dying
-Biology teacher
-Knows all the gossip
-Acts sane and wise but is actually just as insane and kookie as the rest of them
-Devina’s plushy that she uses for demonstrations
-If you press his stomach he tells a pun
-For some reason malfunctions and tell puns every chance he gets
-Swim teacher
-If you fall into water he miraculously knows
-there’s an on going bet on when Rale and Devina are going to finally get together
Bob & the crabs
-pool floats to help students who can’t keep up
-the crabs may have snagged some poor kid’s lunch money
-There’re rumors of a Bob shrine somewhere in the school
- janitorial staff
- she has a hidden little nook that she decks out with paintings and insences
- has freaked a few students out with her quiet walking
-Head of security
-it’s a rite of passage for students in the PE clubs to challenge him (results may vary)
-Drinks soda with the kids afterwards
-primary director
-Yells at kids for running in the halls
-has a zen garden in his office, but is also covered in tattoos
- Theater club teacher
- doesn’t talk except for when a show’s about to start
- Despite this is extremely good at his job
The circus crew:
- Mannequins used to describe precise movements to the students
- No one knows why they’re all skeletons including the animals
- or why they’re dressed in clown makeup
- a giant cut out of a gorilla that blocks the door to Renny’s office so students don’t go snooping
- Renny has used him as a show prop more than once
- Has one of those buttons where it will play a sound effect when pressed, you can guess what it sounds like
-A mushroom colony that broke out of the biology lab and into the halls
-No one has been able to get rid of them
-Students swear secrets they have told when no one was around somehow were discovered instantly
-Hall monitor
-No one has ever seen her go to class for a full period
-Eats grass sometimes for fun
-School gardener that tends to the glorified forest at the the center of the outdoors court
-Most definitely antagonistic to the students that wander too close but in a funny way
-Is banned from posting her poems on the poetry board after they traumatized at least 10 students
One night as the moon falls over the country side and releases the dungeon from its daily rules a group of three approach the dungeon.
Why?… Well mostly because Deo asked them very loudly to come with him but also to uncover the secrets hidden behind not yet opened doors… THIS WAS GOING TO BE SO COOL!
The plot afterwards happens almost the same as canon so that’s it for now, I hoped you liked it and I will do the next floors sometime later. ٩( ᐙ )و
Spoilers up to chapter 185 of There is no Epic Loot here, Only Puns
“There is no Epic Loot here, Only Puns” au but the only difference is that the story is set in a sci-fi urban fantasy supernatural world.
Delta was a teacher in the 1910s with a love for fiction stories and management board games. On an excursion in the woods with her group of students a sudden landslide fell on top of them killing them all. Her students had complicated home lives and she was an unmarried woman in her mid-twenties, their lives and names were quickly forgotten outside of the odd police reports.
Unfortunately just 10 years later a war of greater proportions than any other in history broke out erasing any remaining traces of them.
3 generations pass, and in an abandoned schoolhouse in the post-200 years war countryside Delta wakes, Delta wakes as a dungeon core.
The story progresses normally: Delta accidentally chooses goblins as her starter monsters, screams at god, screams at mushrooms, experiences the overwhelming guilt of ending a life, and chooses the harder path in life of being good.
Dungeons in this world function similarly to how they work in the story, only they run on supernatural energy instead. All of the different races and beasts are already part of the world and contracts work the same. The main major difference is dungeons can’t form on their own, they need to take over a previously abandoned space. In the pre-war era, the amount of abandoned buildings was limited, dungeons grew extremely slowly and were pretty weak.
But now abandoned buildings are the norm thanks to the war. Additionally, the casualties in the war caused a new wave of more powerful dungeons to be brought into existence.
Dungeons in this world also have something particular, they can only be dungeons after the sun sets. In the morning they act and have the same purpose as the building they are mimicking.
(Dungeons were programmed this way by Sis to help human recuperate after the war and gather seeds more easily)
Delta being a teacher and taking over a school of all places made this change easy because she already knows information about how school works, albeit very very old information but the basic idea nonetheless.
The local town of Durance sits in the barren county side of Verul, the remaining buildings which stand after the war are the only remarkable man-made landmarks in the region. No one from Durance really cares about what is outside of their little town unless it’s important which is a remarkably hard feat to achieve considering this town is chock full of retired ghost hunters and adventures.
For example a building popping in to existence at the edge if town? barely anyone bats an eye, that building is a school? now that gets everyone’s attention. Because of how isolated this region is the closest school is the local college run by Mr. Jones.
And while Mr. Jones happily accommodates younger students there is just so much he can do when his main focus is on the college-age students. And there also is just so much parents can handle of waking up at the ass crack of dawn to get their kids to school on time.
So a school appearing one day is a pretty big deal just not in a normal people's way.
(Fun fact a bonus of being a dungeon is that you automatically get all the licenses and deeds needed to function as the business you’re mimicking )
The time period in which Delta wakes up is just after the start of winter break giving her around 3 weeks before school starts again.
The plot follows normally, Quiss and Ruli show up. Quiss being able to harness fire through a combination of supernatural and sci-fi means, Ruli just Ruli.
Ruli gives Delta the current curriculum snatched from Mr.Jones and they make an announcement in town.
In this world the laws of the land allows people to enter and use the business the dungeon occupies freely as long as no one enters it after night falls, in return the dungeon will be judged like any other business of that type and if it didn’t meet standards people weren’t allowed in. Basically normal stuff.
The plot goes on as normal only all the events happen at night or right after the sun sets
Now for the fun part seeing which dungeon denizen is which teacher. I’m not sure this is permanent, and it might change later depending on who gets added to the cast next:
-The art teacher
-she uses a life size marionette to teach that looks like her spider shifter form without the spider part
-She says she teaches this way because she has to stay home for a personal reason, in reality shes in her spider form on the ceiling puppeting the marionette
-Teacher’s assistant
-helps Muffet in class because she doesn’t talk verbally
-Gossip Fiend
-His phone background is a picture of him and Maestro
The spiders:
-The art class pet
-A colony of spiders who live in the terrarium in the back of the classroom
-Miss Muffet says they have a secret language
-School urban legend
-School mascot
-Lives in the pond in the middle of campus
-Students say if you mess with him you will have bad luck for the entire day
-School urban legend
The fish:
-Lives in the pond with Waddles
-Some students swear they’ve seen a gigantic cat fish in the pond
-School urban legend
-School donate box shaped like a gigantic clam with goggly eyes
Merry & Tweeter
-Lives in the school store room
-Students don’t know why the school hasn’t caught them yet
-Has bitten multiple students
-The music teacher (obviously)
-Nightmarish but passionate in getting students hyped for music
-Students who have been with him for at least a week can no longer be scared by horror movies
-Is the school radio host and sometimes collaborates with the theater teacher for musicals
-Semi popular artist online
Lord Mushy:
-The English teacher
-Student’s favorite
-Him and Maestros being brothers is never hidden but still manages to be shocking either way
-Chemistry teacher
-Has waxed poetically about fire before in class
-Surprisingly becomes a favorite if that student gets over his boasting
-Math teacher
-Enjoys making students cry
-students in his class pass with flying colors and highly traumatized
-Tells his class embarrassing things Cois did
-Karate club teacher, SEL (social emotional learning) teacher
-Really nice but can kick your ass
-Has been the inspiration for a student’s comic’s male lead
-Lunch lady
-Food at this school is extremely good
-Everyone is slightly scared of her
Fran & Bacon:
-The gym teacher
-passionate and caring
- Bacon is his pet pig who lives in the small field connected to the gym
-Fran has a small orange lance key chain
In the morning the teachers are normal people, they look normal they act normal with their little quirks and oddities. The school itself is nothing out of the ordinary, a little old fashioned some might say but it good at what it does.
In the night however things change, the floor itself shifts, rearranges, and distorts into a gigantic maze of corridors and monsters even as the outside world stays the same. Well… not monsters some might say. While it’s true under the light of the moon they are no longer human -skins of green, claws and mandibles, monstrous bodies, and spongy skin, coming alive from their inanimate bodies- that doesn’t mean they are no longer people. They laugh, they cry, they talk and they live like the people they are, it just so happens they are denizens of a dungeon.
That's it for now, more for the other floors later :D
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nonexistantfandoms · 1 year
Spoilers up to chapter 185 of There is no Epic Loot here, Only Puns
“There is no Epic Loot here, Only Puns” au but the only difference is that the story is set in a sci-fi urban fantasy supernatural world.
Delta was a teacher in the 1910s with a love for fiction stories and management board games. On an excursion in the woods with her group of students a sudden landslide fell on top of them killing them all. Her students had complicated home lives and she was an unmarried woman in her mid-twenties, their lives and names were quickly forgotten outside of the odd police reports.
Unfortunately just 10 years later a war of greater proportions than any other in history broke out erasing any remaining traces of them.
3 generations pass, and in an abandoned schoolhouse in the post-200 years war countryside Delta wakes, Delta wakes as a dungeon core.
The story progresses normally: Delta accidentally chooses goblins as her starter monsters, screams at god, screams at mushrooms, experiences the overwhelming guilt of ending a life, and chooses the harder path in life of being good.
Dungeons in this world function similarly to how they work in the story, only they run on supernatural energy instead. All of the different races and beasts are already part of the world and contracts work the same. The main major difference is dungeons can’t form on their own, they need to take over a previously abandoned space. In the pre-war era, the amount of abandoned buildings was limited, dungeons grew extremely slowly and were pretty weak.
But now abandoned buildings are the norm thanks to the war. Additionally, the casualties in the war caused a new wave of more powerful dungeons to be brought into existence.
Dungeons in this world also have something particular, they can only be dungeons after the sun sets. In the morning they act and have the same purpose as the building they are mimicking.
(Dungeons were programmed this way by Sis to help human recuperate after the war and gather seeds more easily)
Delta being a teacher and taking over a school of all places made this change easy because she already knows information about how school works, albeit very very old information but the basic idea nonetheless.
The local town of Durance sits in the barren county side of Verul, the remaining buildings which stand after the war are the only remarkable man-made landmarks in the region. No one from Durance really cares about what is outside of their little town unless it’s important which is a remarkably hard feat to achieve considering this town is chock full of retired ghost hunters and adventures.
For example a building popping in to existence at the edge if town? barely anyone bats an eye, that building is a school? now that gets everyone’s attention. Because of how isolated this region is the closest school is the local college run by Mr. Jones.
And while Mr. Jones happily accommodates younger students there is just so much he can do when his main focus is on the college-age students. And there also is just so much parents can handle of waking up at the ass crack of dawn to get their kids to school on time.
So a school appearing one day is a pretty big deal just not in a normal people's way.
(Fun fact a bonus of being a dungeon is that you automatically get all the licenses and deeds needed to function as the business you’re mimicking )
The time period in which Delta wakes up is just after the start of winter break giving her around 3 weeks before school starts again.
The plot follows normally, Quiss and Ruli show up. Quiss being able to harness fire through a combination of supernatural and sci-fi means, Ruli just Ruli.
Ruli gives Delta the current curriculum snatched from Mr.Jones and they make an announcement in town.
In this world the laws of the land allows people to enter and use the business the dungeon occupies freely as long as no one enters it after night falls, in return the dungeon will be judged like any other business of that type and if it didn’t meet standards people weren’t allowed in. Basically normal stuff.
The plot goes on as normal only all the events happen at night or right after the sun sets
Now for the fun part seeing which dungeon denizen is which teacher. I’m not sure this is permanent, and it might change later depending on who gets added to the cast next:
-The art teacher
-she uses a life size marionette to teach that looks like her spider shifter form without the spider part
-She says she teaches this way because she has to stay home for a personal reason, in reality shes in her spider form on the ceiling puppeting the marionette
-Teacher’s assistant
-helps Muffet in class because she doesn’t talk verbally
-Gossip Fiend
-His phone background is a picture of him and Maestro
The spiders:
-The art class pet
-A colony of spiders who live in the terrarium in the back of the classroom
-Miss Muffet says they have a secret language
-School urban legend
-School mascot
-Lives in the pond in the middle of campus
-Students say if you mess with him you will have bad luck for the entire day
-School urban legend
The fish:
-Lives in the pond with Waddles
-Some students swear they’ve seen a gigantic cat fish in the pond
-School urban legend
-School donate box shaped like a gigantic clam with goggly eyes
Merry & Tweeter
-Lives in the school store room
-Students don’t know why the school hasn’t caught them yet
-Has bitten multiple students
-The music teacher (obviously)
-Nightmarish but passionate in getting students hyped for music
-Students who have been with him for at least a week can no longer be scared by horror movies
-Is the school radio host and sometimes collaborates with the theater teacher for musicals
-Semi popular artist online
Lord Mushy:
-The English teacher
-Student’s favorite
-Him and Maestros being brothers is never hidden but still manages to be shocking either way
-Chemistry teacher
-Has waxed poetically about fire before in class
-Surprisingly becomes a favorite if that student gets over his boasting
-Math teacher
-Enjoys making students cry
-students in his class pass with flying colors and highly traumatized
-Tells his class embarrassing things Cois did
-Karate club teacher, SEL (social emotional learning) teacher
-Really nice but can kick your ass
-Has been the inspiration for a student’s comic’s male lead
-Lunch lady
-Food at this school is extremely good
-Everyone is slightly scared of her
Fran & Bacon:
-The gym teacher
-passionate and caring
- Bacon is his pet pig who lives in the small field connected to the gym
-Fran has a small orange lance key chain
In the morning the teachers are normal people, they look normal they act normal with their little quirks and oddities. The school itself is nothing out of the ordinary, a little old fashioned some might say but it good at what it does.
In the night however things change, the floor itself shifts, rearranges, and distorts into a gigantic maze of corridors and monsters even as the outside world stays the same. Well… not monsters some might say. While it’s true under the light of the moon they are no longer human -skins of green, claws and mandibles, monstrous bodies, and spongy skin, coming alive from their inanimate bodies- that doesn’t mean they are no longer people. They laugh, they cry, they talk and they live like the people they are, it just so happens they are denizens of a dungeon.
That's it for now, more for the other floors later :D
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nonexistantfandoms · 1 year
Hyper fixation is a bitch when the media you fixated on is an 8 years old MINECRAFT FAN BOOK
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Random comic strip
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nonexistantfandoms · 1 year
reading through gemcyt and honestly my favorite diamond group is Lizzie as Pink (obviously), Stampy as Yellow, Dan as Blue, and Sparkles as White. It's a neat reference to Minecraft Story Mode, but I have one question:
Where does Stacy fit in?
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nonexistantfandoms · 1 year
How I imagine what Stacyplay’s series would look like personified
Bookcraft would be a schooler of some kind, a librarian perhaps.
They would wear earthy maroons and creams and browns adorned with golden detailings that brings out the brilliance of the colors. Their clothes while worn are well loved, every little rip stitched together with care, stains washed to the best of abilities, and seams ironed out to a professional standard.
Their stance would be tall and confident but inviting, self assured in their knowledge but never arrogant about it, instead they have the desire to share it to as many as they can.
While they may appear human at first glance I assure you they’re anything but. With a bark like skin the color of dark oak and sturdy but bare branches shooting from where their hair line should they more closely resemble the tree spirits in mythology than anything.
Their face while humanoid lacks the depth required to be functional like a living statue carved by the hands of a skilled artisan. Their eyes are like polished amber, edges curling into a smile with a pair of golden reading glasses perched gently on their nose.
Of course no competent series worth their salt would be without their weapons. Bookcraft would have something simpler, a simple walking cane than can transform into a sharp blade. It reflects on how while their main goal is always to educate, to interest, to pull the audience into a world unlike any they ever known but still willing to draw a blade to protect what they love.
The brambles they sport are covered in trinkets and knickknacks, for every adventure, every story there is something to represent them lining Book’s entire body be it bracelets or scars, every oddities sings it’s own songs and Bookcraft loves them all.
A little sketch:
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