noo-bin ยท 1 year
Noo-bin's list(beta)
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Taking care of Odi โ†“
Teaching Soobin how to swim โ†“
Eventually on 9-12-2023 upcoming smut/fluff
More to come.
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noo-bin ยท 1 year
Teaching Soobin how to swim(fail)
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Author kun/chan:So, According to my calculations Y/n our star will try to get soobin to swim since she's tired of soobin jumping on her when their in water-
IT'S WATER OK? IT MAKES YOU A BIT LIGHTER BUT SOOBIN- Soobin is 6ft tall then We have our 5ft tall Y/n. Read more to find out what chaos evolves!
Someone tell me what these things are called- โ†“
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"YAH CHOI SOOBIN GET OFF THAT UNICORN(floatie? U call it) OR ELSE I'LL PULL YOUR LEGS DOWN" Yeonjun yelled as if the whole area echoed his voice(get it? Bc bathroom's make noises extra loud-) "Don't you know how much money we spend to get that? Especially when that was for me :<" Huening kai said with calm yet sad tone
Y/n? Y/n was just relaxing until someone poured a bucket of water down to her "WHAT THE- HEY๐Ÿ‘นWHY'D YOU DO THAT FOR BEOMGYU? "You said with- yk. Devilish killing voice ever slay-
"I'M SORRY OKAY? JUST TEACH YOUR CHILDISH BOYFRIEND TO SwIm! " Beomgyu told you as he puts down the bucket and points to soobin yelling at yeonjun for almost drowning him while being in the unicorn floatie too!
You sigh at beomgyu and head to the pool stairs where eventually you have to float(moas who can't float. I'm sorry-) You had to swim to soobin and tell yeonjun that you'll teach soobin how to swim. A while has past and it was now you and soobin alone, You looked at your phone realizing that it's now 11:23 PM. That explains your stomach and his grumbling.
"Soobin.. Soobin my darling, I'm afraid you can't learn how to swim nor do float. I'm sorry but I just can't get enough of my stomach rumbling! " You told him in a dramatic way like when school plays/shows are and the girls being extra dramatic- "No I'm sorry Y/n..Im sorry for wasting your time and I'm so sorry for not getting over my fear(or was it trauma?) I'm really sorry. " Soobin looked over the spot where you were sitting but you were gone so. He went back home and saw you eating. You probably walked alone by coldy winds and the minutes you had to take to go back home probably like 15-27 mins-
"So how's it going soobin hyung? Learn how to be a merman yet? " Taehyun teased him when back at the pool taehyun was just in the pool's corner spot. Like he was just floating there as if no one existed. "Oh shut it Taehyun. All you did was smile then went back floating! " soobin countered back at taehyun who was now Eating. "You know hyung? You should get a coach it'll maybe help?" Huening kai said while trying to enlighten the awkward atmosphere that past by when soobin told taehyun to shut up. You being jealous wasn't it really. Next day soobin got a coach. A female coach, she kept flirting with soobin when you were watching from the balcony when suddenly she grabs soobin's hand. You being you made you run down and go to them to stop miss coach there "HEY LADY HE'S MINE GO HOME BEFORE I BITE YOUR HAND" Well let's say. Soobin didn't learn how to swim but you made that woman go back home less than a second-
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Author kun/chan:So. I know it's short but it's all I can feed Moas if I ever have a moa fan- fun fact I can't swim either- So This Y/n is pretty chaotic hm? Well in the fanfic 'You're *member name*?!'
In that fanfic I will reveal who Y/n is and why is she so chaotic
Clue to the member's name is that they have A in their names! Full nameโœŒyeh The member has A in their full name. *smirks*
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noo-bin ยท 1 year
Taking care of Odi
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When Soobin is away for tours. You took care of a small hedgehog named Odi, Odi was a boy and you took care of him. Strange how he never comes near you when Soobin is around but when Soobin isn't there Odi tends to give you attention. This time, It wasn't a tour, It was for a video technically TO DO if you know what I meant.
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Soobin waves you goodbye and a kiss to your cheeks as the others waited for him. "Take care of Odi for me, okay? I'm sure he'll have a great time with you jagi. " With those words You told Soobin it'll be all fine between you two alone and so you waved goodbye as he entered the car to go on his adventure.
Looking over Odi wasn't a easy task in fact Soobin gave you tasks like bath him, feed him, and the most wholesome of all is Giving Odi a kiss. Sure you could try kiss his face but it never happened, You only ended up with tiny bruises on your lips. (Guess why-) Soobin surely knows how to be careful around Odi but Odi with you? Chaos evolves, One time you took care of Odi during a concert that Soobin had, You lost Odi and found him on the kitchen counter, No one knows how he got up there.
Right now you needed to bath him which leads you to wait and watch the sink fill with water. Soon it was done, You put some soap in the water and later Odi started spinning (Gif as example๐Ÿ˜ƒ)
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"ODI?! HOW IN THAT WORLD ARE YOU SPINNING AND- WAIT ARE YOU DEAD? NO DON'T BE DEAD, SOOBIN WILL BREAKUP WITH ME AND HE'LL NEVER TELL ME THE WI-FI PASSWORD BECAUSE HE KNOWS I KEEP DISCONNECTING MY PHONE! DON'T BE DEAAAD-" You see a car parked outside the house and began to panic how to tell Soobin about this incident suddenly the front door was opened by Soobin followed by four sleepy giants (Well their 6ft and we're 5ft AKA Y/N IS 5FT) "Soobin!Y-You're here.." You spoke with guilt in your voice "What's wrong jagi? Are you alright? " Soobin spoke while approaching you "Yes I'm f-fine it's just that...Odi is..." You spoke while looking fearfully at his eyes "Odi is?...." Soobin spoke with Calm atmosphere while you not so much. "Odi is-" "HEY GUYS! WHO LET A HEDGEHOG IN HERE-" Beomgyu yelled as you looked confused and soobin laughing "Thanks for taking care of Odi jagi! I knew I could count on you. " Soobin spoke while chuckling like a dad who did a dad joke. You standing like a lost kid in the living room was a fuss because you were hit by a pillow that Kai was holding *kai and taehyun had a pillow fight* And so the night continues.
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Author kun/chan: My gender isn't known-
Hope this fanfic is enough to be family friendly with moas and other stuff. I am not hating on odi, I adore the hedgehog as much I adore his father-
Thanks for reading. It's short isn't it? *looks at director kun*
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