nopjeee · 3 days
I'm obsessed with this I'm obsessed with this I'm obsessed with this I'm obsessed with this
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dungeon.... pony???!
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nopjeee · 9 days
since mrs, ms, and mr are all descended from the latin word magister, i propose the gender neutral version should be mg, short for "mage"
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nopjeee · 24 days
I may need to draw some fanart, you know, for my mental health or something
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nopjeee · 1 month
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im such an exhaustionpilled sleepmaxxer lol. anyway did you guys know you still feel pain while asleep
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nopjeee · 1 month
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Your daily reminder
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nopjeee · 2 months
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[Stardew Valley] felt compelled to draw some ponies..
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nopjeee · 2 months
*at a party*
*flips through cue cards*
"Would you like to talk about DnD? ... no?"
*flips through cue cards*
"Hello! Would you like to talk about bob's burgers? ... no?"
*flips through cue cards*
"Hello! Would you like to-
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nopjeee · 2 months
these fuckers don't know the scary arms dealer is looking at bob's burgers fanart on their phone
I love my job
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nopjeee · 2 months
Belcher Children Clowns!!
I've been wanting to draw them as clowns for a while and I finally got to it! I made Louise a horror clown, Gene is a jester, and Tina is a mime!
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nopjeee · 2 months
when anyone else catches a ride with me
me: By entering this vehicle you consent to be subjected to my horrible music taste for as long as this ride takes.
When my big sister rides with me
her: By allowing me into this car you consent to be subjected to all the lore of my favourite band and a walkthrough of all my favourite songs by them as they are mentioned.
me: yessir
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nopjeee · 2 months
most of the time i'm like "i don't really actually want a relationship, i just want attention" and then once in a while i turn into an absolutely hopeless romantic.
i also think i take relationships as a challenge? like in my head at least, it's not the company, or the support or whatever, i just think i could be really good at treating someone well? all the little relationship things of gifts and suprises and doing chores for them i mean. which is funny because i'd probably be terrible at the actual love part... i just hear love songs and break up songs and stories and my brain is like "i could do better" like it's a competition
again, i'd probably be terrible at the loving part, but playing the role of boyfriend? oh man, i could be so good at that! speedrun strats or whatever
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nopjeee · 2 months
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My stupid cunty blue hair and pronouns horse who keeps side eyeing me into feeding him more apples
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nopjeee · 2 months
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Had the loveliest convo earlier
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nopjeee · 2 months
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Funnie burger kids 🍔
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nopjeee · 3 months
it's so weird to me how many star stable fans are so up in arms about the devs updating the game and switching out old assets to support a viable future for it because of nostalgia but none of them ever talk about the way bigger problem under the same umbrella; there is no way to replay the story of the game without making a whole new account and paying like 60 bucks. the amount of new characters ive made just to play the very limited but free beginning of the game over again is devastating. how is this just. the way it is. i want to know what the hell all those quests i did when i was 13 actually was about again. spy squirrels? detective figuring out who stole those god damn chickens? climbing up the firgrove mountain and something about a song at night??? the WALKING ON WATER PLAYING THE HARP THING?!?! oh my god the election of jarlaheim. opening epona! that guy getting kidnapped and then unkidnapped! whatever happened in the big forest over mistfall!!!! all of marleys siblings having different quests or something? a wedding? the vineyard and the basement flooding. sticking it up to mr kembell several times i think?? the dog named disco or techno or something? rabbit mans long lost love... sending his love letter by canon!!!! traveling to the oil platform in a FRIDGE. James committing fraud? theft? idk he did it all. James falling asleep (?) because of the dark riders???? or something? trying to save justin several times but we just kinda went in there and had a little conversation and then walked out again. over and over again. OUR HORSE HAD WINGS ONCE?!???!?! and it talked to us!!!! several! random! times! WE TALKED SOMETIMES!!!! NOT IN A 'choose 1 of these 2 options' WAY BUT A LITERAL TEXT BOX OF YOU SAID THAT (?????) WAY!?!?!??! okay that makes no sense but alas. pandoric portals! what the hell was up with evergray how did we even meet him! oh my god and what was the thing with ricky winterwell and the new hillcrest stable almost being sold?? why did fripp almost die?!??? what was up with the buttergoods and what about that one nice brother??? what was darko even doing again. derek being the most useless mailman ever but we love him anyway. that old lady getting addicted to some scary pole riding game and made a race out of it out in buttfuck nowhere mountains because okay. us doing said death trap pole bending race because we needed the game for something???? some big conspiracy about the mistfall water and GED was stealing it or something and raptor was involved? what the hell were we even doing in dino valley
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nopjeee · 3 months
I read through all my tumblr posts every now and then and you know what? i still think I'm the funniest person on the planet. At at least half of them i catch myself chuckling, even laughing fully sometimes.
oh my, past me! you sure do humor me! tell me the one about the horses and their harassment again
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nopjeee · 3 months
it cannot be overstated how much more dopamine i get out of an activity if it's ✨️aesthetic™✨️
sure reading a book is nice, but reading a book curled up in a mountain of pillows in the nook under my bed, surrounded by fairy lights with a looped video of calm music playing on my pc? UNMATCHED.
I am so cozy, so happy, so content!
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