nostalgicrunner · 6 years
“The interesting thing about grief, I think, is that it is its own size. It is not the size of you. It is its own size. And grief comes to you. You know what I mean? I’ve always liked that phrase “He was visited by grief,” because that’s really what it is. Grief is its own thing. It’s not like it’s in me and I’m going to deal with it. It’s a thing, and you have to be okay with its presence. If you try to ignore it, it will be like a wolf at your door.”
Stephen Colbert
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nostalgicrunner · 6 years
“So that’s how we live our lives. No matter how deep and fatal the loss, no matter how important the thing that’s stolen from us—that’s snatched right out of our hands—even if we are left completely changed, with only the outer layer of skin from before, we continue to play out our lives this way, in silence. We draw ever nearer to the end of our allotted span of time, bidding it farewell as it trails off behind. Repeating, often adroitly, the endless deeds of the everyday. Leaving behind a feeling of insurmountable emptiness…Maybe, in some distant place, everything is already, quietly, lost. Or at least there exists a silent place where everything can disappear, melting together in a single, overlapping figure. And as we live our lives we discover—drawing toward us the thin threads attached to each—what has been lost. I closed my eyes and tried to bring to mind as many beautiful lost things as I could. Drawing them closer, holding on to them. Knowing all the while that their lives are fleeting.”
— Haruki Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart
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nostalgicrunner · 6 years
“My waking and sleeping seem mixed together. I’m walking in a dream half the time, and sleeping through reality the other half.”
— Margaret Weis (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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nostalgicrunner · 7 years
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nostalgicrunner · 7 years
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Wow, it's been a hot minute since I actually posted on here! Still actively posting on Instagram (@marissadee), and I have to re-set my password in order for that connection to work again with Tumblr. 😑 I'd like to try and keep up this blog since recently I realized I've had it for 8 years (since August of 2009). It's always interesting to go back and look at some of my old posts and see how far I've come. Still running, marathon training, climbing, hiking, learning, overcoming the challenges my mind gives me and trying to be the best person I can be. The journey continues...
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nostalgicrunner · 7 years
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For some reason, Tumblr is no longer connected to my Instagram. 🙄 so I haven't been posting here at all. But if you head over to marissadee on Instagram, you can see what I've been up to. Quick few things: 1. Celebrating 1 year of love, compassion, support, respect, and adventure with a great guy. I feel very luck and blessed to call this wonderful man mine. ❤️❤️ 2. Training for Maine Coast Marathon on 5/14...time to tackle 26.2 again even though the last marathon kinda broke my heart. But as marathoners we push on, and we try again and again. We know how to overcome the largest obstacles. 3. Babe has gotten me into skiing, so I went twice this season. I have only been a total of 3 times so far, but I'm learning and improving! ⛷ 4. We have also been climbing a lot together. I'm consistently getting through 5.8 level climbs and hoping to finally complete a 5.9 in full soon - I'm so close! 💪🏼 5. Year 2 of the PhD program is kind of kicking my ass, but so it goes. 🙄Moving forward...
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nostalgicrunner · 7 years
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nostalgicrunner · 8 years
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Happy Holidays! 🎄🐶 with my brothers @mdigirol and @brodiethedoodle 😉 (at Woburn, Massachusetts)
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nostalgicrunner · 8 years
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So glad I saw this quote last night. 👍🏼👍🏼 Running is this weird love/hate relationship...you think you might not be in love anymore but then you find yourself falling right back in. 💪🏼Recovery miles today but threw in some speed because I felt like it - last mile @ 7:30 pace and it felt good. FINALLY feel like I'm getting my strength back. Sleep is my friend. 😜 Run Streak Day 26! #running #training #runstreak #RWrunstreak
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nostalgicrunner · 8 years
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Don't mind me, just looking for a turkey to save 😉 🦃 My personal turkey trot - Day 25 of the run Streak, longest run since Oct. 16th, and the best I have felt in a while. Always thankful to be able to run. 8.01 miles @ 8:01 pace - not sure how I managed to get that so matched up, but it makes me happy haha 😜 Then I had all the sweet potatoes 😍😍 My advice to anyone struggling or feeling stressed from the holiday season/work/school/etc. is...give yourself a break. You're doing the best that you can. Today I thought about my dreams, big and small, and how to best get myself there. 🦄 Hope everyone is having a lovely Thanksgiving! #runstreak #running #training #runstreaker #turkeytrot
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nostalgicrunner · 8 years
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Run Streak Day 24. Just me, my blackberry wine, and data analysis 😑🍷📈 Basically what this "break" will consist of. Happy Holiday... #runstreaker #running #runstreak
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nostalgicrunner · 8 years
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Pre-holiday self care: dinner and a manicure with @melnort24 🙌🏼 Nail color is "Lincoln Park after Dark"... goes well with my mug 😉 Run Streak Day 22. #runstreak #pho #veggiepho
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nostalgicrunner · 8 years
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Run Streak Day 21. The struggle fest continues...I was hoping to get close to 8 easy miles today but I stopped at 5 (@ 8:30 avrg pace). Bumping the mileage back up has been a challenge and I was really not feeling it today. I'm feeling a little lost with my routine and running. 😕 I'm trying to tell myself it's okay and this is the one time of year where I'm really not training for anything, so I need to give myself a break...but it's hard. It was also pretty chilly and I have to get used to that 40 degrees again ❄️💨I know these are the moments in running that make us stronger. I'm still waiting for that moment when I feel my strength again. #running #training #runstreak
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nostalgicrunner · 8 years
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Boston. 🎄💚❤️ #quincymarket #boston #fanheuilhall #christmas #holidays (at Faneuil Hall Marketplace)
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nostalgicrunner · 8 years
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Run Streak Day 18 - 3 mile progression run with splits of 8:20, 7:30, 6:57. I still have a bit of a cough, so breathing was a little tough and I fought like hell for that 6:57...but got it done. ☠️ 😳 First time really pushing myself on the pace in a while. I tried to remember what @heartnsolerunning said about cadence and that your arms are not just decorations 😜 It helped to focus on form, and I think my legs are feeling more spring in them again. Ready to keep pushing myself on those paces when I'm feeling healthy and well-rested (sleep was limited this week). Almost time for the weekend 🌟🌟 #runstreak #running #training #speedwork
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nostalgicrunner · 8 years
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The things I do for this Run Streak (Day 16) 😳 A 6:44 am run on less than 3 hrs of sleep - I'm not a morning runner at all so I'm proud of myself for getting out of the door at this time. I can't even remember the last time I started a run before 7 am! 🙈 I admit the fresh air really helped to wake me up, so maybe someday I'll come around to the idea....maybe. 😝#running #training #runrise #runstreak
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nostalgicrunner · 8 years
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#mcm and Mushy Post Monday (sorry!) goes out to this guy, who for a short time wore a GPS watch and Fitbit at the same time to compare data. 🤓📊 Not making fun - I would probably do the same if I had as many wearable devices 😉 I'm always grateful for how much he encourages me to step outside of my comfort zone and reminds me that I'm completely capable of doing the things that scare me the most (in life and running). Just one of the many things I love about him 😍 Looking forward to many more adventures with @jbragg8 ☺️🏔❤️#mancrushmonday #runstreak day 15
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