notameeksassenach · 3 years
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This is the third fic I’ve written in my Hozier-inspired series. You can find the other ones on tumblr here and on AO3 here. This one is inspired by his song “Like Real People Do.” I definitely encourage you to take a listen to get the mood/inspiration for the song.
This one’s a bit… different, friends. I hope you enjoy ❤
(Also on AO3 right here)
“I will not ask you where you came from I will not ask and neither should you Honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips We should just kiss like real people do“
I Would Not Ask
He was dead. Or at least he should have been.
He was standing, somehow, had dirt in his eyes and blood covering more of him than not. But he was standing.
He didn’t think he should be standing. He had been lying on the ground, hadn’t he? He didn’t know where the blood had come from, didn’t see any wounds that could have caused such bleeding. Didn’t understand where his body ended and the ground of the moor below his feet began. Had no memory of putting his feet under him and rising.
The moor itself was silent, the pyre flames only a dull crackle, the shuffle and stamp of red-coated soldiers faded into the mist, taking away with them the last desperate hopes of a down-trodden people.
And Jamie Fraser?
Jamie Fraser should have been dead.
There was a memory scratching at the bounds of his dimmed thoughts, a moment before all of this, when he had known he was alive, where he thought he remembered one final…
But no. His memories stumbled and tripped, even less steady than his uneven feet. He hadn’t even realized he’d been walking. But walking he was, foundering along to a pull he did not understand. There was something… something drawing him in this chest to the edge of the dark, solitary moor.
There was no sign of life on the desolate field. Only upturned dirt, smoldering piles of what used to be life, destruction that only comes in the wake of what some would label a righteous war, others a defense of king and country, and still others simply a massacre.
There was no sign of life.
None save one Jamie Fraser.
Who perhaps should not have been.
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notameeksassenach · 4 years
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To our favorite heroine, Happy Birthday Claire Elizabeth Randall Fraser- October 20, 1918
“I’m not the meek and obedient type!” 
You sure aren’t, Claire and we are grateful to you for being that way! 
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notameeksassenach · 4 years
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Outlander + troubled birds (4/?)
(more memes here)
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notameeksassenach · 4 years
does heaven have enough angels yet
Faith meets her mother, and says goodbye.
This tiny wee scene deals with the events surrounding 2x07, “Faith,” so if that is a difficult one for you, I would suggest skipping this ficlet. No graphic details, but better safe than sorry. Much love to you ❤❤❤
This is from Faith’s POV.
Title taken from “The Only One” by Tracy Chapman.
on AO3 here
She likes the woman’s singing voice.
She doesn’t think that the woman sings very often. Her voice cracks and breaks, and squeaks at funny times. She is brand new here, but she thinks that she has heard the woman sing at some point, even if it was very distant and sounded different somehow before.
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notameeksassenach · 4 years
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notameeksassenach · 4 years
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Outlander + tumblr text posts (12/??)
For @badbitchbeauchamp for her birthday! Love you, friend!
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notameeksassenach · 4 years
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The Lallybroch Library Librarians want to invite you to participate in:
Join us on July 1 for an Outlander themed scavenger hunt! This event will run similarly to our scavenger hunts in the past, but with some new aspects! Stay tuned closer to July for official events and rules for the events. There will be prizes for first, second, and third place accordingly. 
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notameeksassenach · 4 years
You can't say on Twitter you're a "picky" fan fic reader when you're a librarian.... I feel like that's wrong to say when you're supposed to read lots of fanfic to be able to help the fandom.
I am going to say this as nicely as I can and still try to be somewhat polite about this matter because I find it a bit strange that you read my Twitter and felt the ned to engage me, anonymously over here but I’ll let it slide.
I get that it is not necessarily the best thing for me to admit about being a picky reader, BUT we have nearly 4k followers on the Library and I have around that on my personal page.
How am I supposed to know what the hell 8k people like to read? I'm not ever going to be able to do that- none of the Librarians would. We read and expose ourselves to as MUCH as we can to help others. I'm allowed a little bit of personal regulation on what I actually chose to fully consume for my own leisure. 
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notameeksassenach · 4 years
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Claire Randall / Fraser saying the “F” word
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notameeksassenach · 4 years
A Wee Announcement
Hello all! We’re going to close the ask box down for a little while, so that we can get our inbox cleared up a bit. We hope to have it up and running again soon.
Thank you for your patience!
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notameeksassenach · 4 years
So excited for you! Oliver can’t wait to meet his new friend!
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We’re so excited to be an auntie AGAIN! Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. @thefraserwitch​ on the newest member to their clan. Bernie is going love being a big brother and we can’t wait to spoil our new nephew!
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@notameeksassenach​, @walkinginland​, & @abreathofsnowandwaffles​
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notameeksassenach · 4 years
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Happy Birthday, Sam Heughan! 
We are so thankful you are our Jamie Fraser. We hope 40 holds the best that is to come! 
XX, The Librarians
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notameeksassenach · 4 years
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notameeksassenach · 4 years
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Why do I still feel so lost? 
                     Why do I still seem out of place?
Everyone's out of focus, 
                      everything blurry looks the same
Why do I still feel so lost?
                      I feel so far away
Why do I still feel so lost? 
                      Everything blurry looks the same
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notameeksassenach · 4 years
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Jamie goes through the Stones before Culloden: Category List
Happy Monday, folks! Here’s a new category list for you all- Jamie through the stones! We hope you are all staying safe during this highly unprecedented time. We are working double time to get category lists out to try and help pass some of the time by for you all. Enjoy!
Taghadh by @thefraserwitch​
What if Claire had gone through the stones the first time Jamie tried to send her back (post witch trial) and what if he accidentally had gone with her? Would she stay? Would he stay? How does Frank work into all of this? Taghadh (Ghaidhlig for choice) explores how our beloved Outlander would change through answering all of these questions. It is the first fic in a series of three called An Trianachd Fhriseil (Ghaidhlig for The Fraser Trinity).
Pearls, Plaids, & Pistols by @anoutlandishfanfic​
The premise: Jamie sends Claire thru the stones to save her and their child from the destruction Culloden will bring to the Scottish Highlands. But, there’s a catch: Jamie goes with her. Oh, and a double catch? They haven’t returned to Claire’s time.
Jamie Goes Through The Stones by Mod Eli for @imagineclaireandjamie​
A set of stories in which  Jamie and Claire adjust to life with Jamie in the twentieth century.
Jamie & Claire in 2015 by Mod Eli for @imagineclaireandjamie​
Jamie and Claire escape through the stones just before Culloden. Instead of ending up in Claire’s own time, though, they’re shot forward to the present.
Love In Between by @sassenachlove
Just before the battle of Culloden, Jamie and Claire are at the stones, about to say goodbye forever. Instead, by a twist of fate, Jamie goes with Claire through the stones, but this time they travel to the year 1845, the era of Queen Victoria. Both are out of their element, but they soon learn how to survive in this new era of prosperity and invention.
The Last All Clear by @bonnie-wee-swordsman for @imagineclaireandjamie​
From the tumblr prompt: Imagine if Jamie travelled through the stones, but instead of finding Claire in Boston he found himself having arrived years too early, when the War was still happening and Claire had yet to meet him… What would he do?
Through The Stones by @renee-writer​
The premise. What if Jamie, whilst chasing after Claire the first time. After the Red Coats fight had followed her back through the stones.
From Highlander to Gladiator @renee-writer​ @callysymms26
The premise, had Claire and Jamie both accidentally slipped through the stones when he first took her there and ended up in Rome, Italy around 70 AD.
A Whole New World by @writtenthroughtime​
What if Jamie went through the stones with Claire?
2020 by @crossinginstyle​
Jamie sends Claire through the stones to escape Culloden, but something happens that sends them both to a time neither of them understand, where they meet some rather familiar strangers…
XX, The Librarians
*If we missed any, please let us know!
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notameeksassenach · 4 years
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I was tagged by @thefraserwitch and @walkinginland to post my lock screen and the last song I listened to.
I’m tagging @abreathofsnowandwaffles @missclairebelle @kkruml and anyone else who wants to play!
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notameeksassenach · 4 years
5x07 Missing Moment
A/N: I tried hard not to do this, but I was a little saddened we didn’t really get any Bree and Jamie stuff. Technically, Jamie’s birthday is May 1 and the Battle of Alamance happened on May 16, 1771. So there’s a two-week period where Jamie and Claire could have been at the camp. IDK if the show did or didn’t follow the timeline because we’re really not made aware of what the timeline is. So this is under the impression they were there for a while. It’s my own way of making the timeline clear. Also this is dedicated to @happytoobserve who helped spur this idea. This also goes out to @walkinginland who gave me a bit of feedback when I asked her. This is un-beta’d, so you’ve been warmed. XO.
He watched the two of them from the entrance of the tent. For years he had been in the cave, dreaming of the very scene in front of his eyes. 
Their daughter must have said something funny, for Claire tossed her head back and laughed. It was carefree and spontaneous. Her hair fell back and traced down her shoulders, her cheeks flushing red. The sound of her laugh was like music to his ears. She was his daily reminder for why he had to do what he always had to- she was the reason he had the life that he did. The family he had- they had come from her. 
For a minute he could almost forget where he was. He had once longed for the day when he’d be with his family, lunch being served, and land that needed to be tended to. He had pictured Claire cooking, the best that she could, and serving him his stew. He had dreamt of having his children surround him, his grandchildren on his knee. He had that life now, yet sometimes those desires came with duties, things he’d happily oblige to do, even lay down his own life for.
He’d never wished the life of a soldier upon Claire, yet she went where he did. And now, their daughter, their son-in-law, were following along with him. 
Though he couldn’t hear them, Claire must have retorted something funny back to their daughter, for it was Bree’s turn to let out a belly laugh. 
Claire said that Brianna was all the pieces that a Fraser consisted of-and she was. There was no denying who had fathered Bree. He let himself wonder for a moment how Frank could look and be reminded, daily, of the man Claire had left behind, and raise his child. He’d never know nor understand, but all he could do was be thankful. He had trusted Frank with his two most precious Earthly gifts, and the fact they were before him- alive and whole, well, he had prayed to Dougal earlier. He’d have to say a prayer of thankfulness to Frank Randall later.
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