notamuse · 1 year
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notamuse · 1 year
your mind
when I reached for my phone
you thought I wasn’t listening
but little did you know
I was writing down your words
so I could read them later
over and over and over
so I could take them with me
everywhere I wander
so I can feel happy
when i’m already happy
and cry while i’m already crying
about something else
when you are devastated
you still remember you’re lucky
when you’re worried about death
you’re looking forward to your next breath
when you look at yourself in the mirror
you see your scars as a warrior
when you hate something so much
it amplifies the things you love
so forever, when i’m feeling broken
i’ll remember these words you’ve spoken
and at least if I can’t have your mind
I’ll have a few pieces you left behind
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notamuse · 1 year
in my dreams
it’s been 5 years
since i’ve seen you
but in reality
it’s been less than a month
and I wish it was better in my dreams
but it’s not
i’m still the same
and so are you
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notamuse · 1 year
“Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give, but cannot. All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.”
― Jamie Anderson
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notamuse · 1 year
one way street
would you look
both ways
would you consider
more than two colors
could you forgive
your version of sin
could you forget
remembering that shit
should the world fold
and do what it’s told
should we stoop to the devil
that you call your level
is the reason i’m gay
because i’m not okay
is the personality I posess
forever a work in progress
are the tears I feel coming
from thoughts i’ve been suppressing
are the positive parts of reality
the blind spots we cannot see clearly
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notamuse · 1 year
mine, ours, theirs
if it was your last day
I would make it mine
I would give you mine
the better part of mine
and trade you
my everything
all the positive energy
and give you time
to live all your
dreams and time
and fantasies
you desire
take it from me
it’s better lived
through you
instead of me
i’m just a capsule
of time on this planet
we call ours
but really it’s
and the hard reality
of crime and hatred
that we have to either fight
or pretend it is not there
but our air
cannot define
the life we live
we can choose
if we want to mix
or stay in the comfort
that maybe someday
someone will hear us
and be loud enough
that no one has a choice
but to fall in love
with the perfect world
where I am yours
you are mine
and they are ours
and we
are all a part
of each other
that is when
we finally understand
how to love
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notamuse · 1 year
did you really believe
you were setting me free
i’m going to die loving someone
who will never love me
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notamuse · 1 year
it’s important to remember
how lucky people are
to talk to you
to know your mind
after all
there is only one of you
in this entire world
and blip of time
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notamuse · 1 year
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Sun And Moon
If my light goes out,
Will you search the stars for another Sun?
And when you leave
Please take The Moon.
Keep a part of me.
For you’re my world and you’ll always be.
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notamuse · 1 year
The spark was just right
On a night we never knew
And you can’t be my light
But I’ll always choose you
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notamuse · 1 year
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notamuse · 1 year
holy father
it’s crazy that
your holy father
could tell me more about me
than you can
is that what they meant
when they said He was jealous
for me
the more you know
the more you don’t want it
but He, knows it all
lucky you I guess
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notamuse · 1 year
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notamuse · 1 year
My therapist once told me, “You are the guiltiest feeling person I’ve ever met” and just to prove her right, I took it to heart. An astrologer said, “You have so much water in your chart. What is it like to feel the emotions of every single person alive, everyday?” and I wept because I sensed he was displeased. A teacher told my parents “She’s very sensitive. Far more than the other kids in her class.” I took my SATs at 9 years old, but they encouraged my mother to hold me back because of how my eyes glistened when I heard the word no. She told them to go to hell. So I cried my way through my education until high school when they said “You take everything so personally, you’ll never survive in a company environment. You wouldn’t make a good employee.” So I employed myself (out of spite or…necessity) and then later, I hired 200 people. A boyfriend told me “Don’t be so dramatic, everything isn’t a movie.” Fine, so it’ll be an album then. The doctor said “This shouldn’t hurt a bit.” I tread daily on a minefield that leaves me classifying the variations in footsteps, the tonality in voice, a change in breath. “Is everything okay? You seem mad” is my pledge of allegiance to this tightly wound bundle of flesh. I am cut open, butterflied and flayed, with every single nerve exposed like live wires and, yes, they all hurt to touch. Each interaction is a litmus test of how well liked I am, and therefore how worthy to live. I wake up every morning and the moral barometer resets, T-minus 12 hours to prove to myself that I am not the bad person I believe I must be. Sleep, repeat. An amnesiac nightmare. Prometheus on a rock and the gull in my guts is myself. I once envied those with greater armor, but not anymore. “Why do you care so much?” Guard yourself from the little grievances, but the shield does not differentiate. The space where I am vulnerable to the pain that passes through is an entry point for the microscopic good that others may miss. I live in technicolor torment. If I could do it over again and choose the comfortable grey, I would seize a knife and cut the little keyholes back into my every limb. So the light can get in.
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notamuse · 1 year
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notamuse · 1 year
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notamuse · 1 year
I want to take up so much space
that no one can see me
I want to scream so loud
that no one can hear me
that way
I’d know they aren’t ignoring me
by choice
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