The more I see of the NWH fallout/reactions, the more certain I become in the theory that teenage girls always know what’s up. The same guys who told 17-year-old me in no uncertain terms that my opinion on the new Spidey was incorrect and invalid are all of a sudden being very vocal about their approval of a certain actor. Hmmm. How interesting.
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The way Andrew Garfield’s forever trending on Twitter and people practically are knocking on Sony’s front gate asking for a 3rd movie in his trilogy 😭😭 I hope that man is lurking on these platforms somewhere watching all this go down and absolutely thriving on the vindication. Honestly, let Peter 3 fight that alien - I’d pre-book a ticket right here and now
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Oh and a final thought for the night - I’m also extremely grateful they didn’t included any flashbacks in that scene because 1) I feel like it would have really taken me out of the moment and 2) it really let Andrew’s acting shine, like the man reduced me to tears with a single look and three/four words
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Okay but Andrew Garfield getting the respect, the third movie and the redemption arc he deserves almost a decade later? I will NEVER shut up about this. What he had to work with in his films may have been questionable but Andrew puts his entire heart and soul into being Peter Parker and you can see that shining out of him in every millisecond of his NWH screen time. I’m so glad the narrative of him being the ‘worst Spider-Man’ is finally changing
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I HAD FAITH AND MARVEL AND SONY REWARDED ME. They had great power, and they used it in the best way possible. I can’t believe that whole movie was even real holy shit
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Me trying to manage my expectations in the least spoilery way I could think of by counting down the tracklist when the No Way Home soundtrack appeared on Spotify in order to prove to myself that the track 19 leak was fake
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Y’ALL… I…. What?!!!!! Expectations are no longer managed 😂
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Live footage inside my brain when Tom mentioned in this interview he wasn’t there the day the MJ fall was filmed
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Andrew’s Spidey being the one to dive after MJ in a redemption moment for Gwen in TASM2 is a crack theory Marvel will have to claw out of my cold dead hands haha
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The track 19 saga has me losing my mind oh my god. I didn’t hear it before it was wiped from the face of the internet (the most suspicious part of this whole thing tbh - why clean house so thoroughly if it’s fake?) but I’ve said countless times on this website that the Spider-Men would probs be the closest I’ll come to having a religious experience. You’re telling me there’s potentially the perfect track to go with that moment? Love this for me, god bless Marvel & Sony. 
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Everyone sharing the letters they’ve received from Stephen Sondheim over the years all over Twitter has got me good. West Side Story/Into the Woods/Company aside, I think this is his greatest legacy: the way he championed young artists, fostered so much self-belief and truly appreciated the work that came from those who were so inspired by his own. He revolutionised musical theatre not just through his own music and lyrics, but through his belief in and love of others. What a loss this is to the theatre community, but how lucky were we to walk this earth the same time as a titan. May his memory be a blessing.
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Tick Tick Boom was such a beautiful thing to watch. A celebration of all things Broadway and Jonathan Larson. There’s unavoidable tragedy when telling Jonathan’s story, but this movie manages to focus mostly on how full the life he lived was too. It’s just a really lovely legacy for a man who never got to see the impact he had as an artist. Andrew Garfield just completely embodies Jonathan too - the interchanging of the footage in the credits took me out, the likeness was uncanny!
Oh, and honourable mention to Lin-Manuel Miranda for calling in those Broadway cameo favours like the rent was due 😂
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The HBO special has sent me into a full on existential crisis. What do you mean it’s been TWENTY FUCKING YEARS since Philosopher’s Stone? I have vivid memories of reading that book and seeing it in cinema and you’re tell me that was two whole decades ago? That cannot be true oh my god when did I get so old 😂
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HOLY SHIT I’d recognise that hand anywhere!!! That’s my man Andrew reaching out to save MJ after he couldn’t save his Gwen, and I will not be okay. I love Tom’s Peter to the ends of the earth, but TASM was my first Spidey and will always have a special place in my heart. Basically, Spider-Man: No Way Home ft. The Spider-Men is a hill I am absolutely willing to die on.
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It feels like my heart has grown three sizes today. It didn’t truly feel real til I turned on my TV this morning to see the footage for myself. To my fellow Stranded Aussies: I know it’s been so very hard. But today, I feel like we’ve rounded that final bend and can see that finish line. We’ve come so far, and yes there’s still a long way to go, but today is such a win: welcome home 🧡
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I regret posting this before reaching The Joker and the Queen, now I am actually crying
Not me almost crying listening to First Times. It’s only like the third song on this album, send help 😂
This is the Ed Sheeran I adore. I only put up with the Sing/Don’t/Bad Habits/Shivers style pre-release songs knowing the acoustic-ish singer-songwriter tracks will be waiting for me on the actual album. Cheers to Ed for always coming through for me
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Not me almost crying listening to First Times. It’s only like the third song on this album, send help 😂
This is the Ed Sheeran I adore. I only put up with the Sing/Don’t/Bad Habits/Shivers style pre-release songs knowing the acoustic-ish singer-songwriter tracks will be waiting for me on the actual album. Cheers to Ed for always coming through for me
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My serotonin levels absolutely fly off the charts every time I listen to the tracks dropping from Tick Tick... Boom! Sing to me, Andrew Garfield. 
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