nottahero · 7 years
As Chryson began to speak, Xander took a single cigarette from his pack, nodding his head once in thanks. His telling of the dorm memory caused a sad smile to press onto his lips. Their roommate should have been here. He deserved to be, for Mariela. With the window open, a crisp autumn breeze filtered into the room and across his skin. The cigarette remained unlit between his fingers, Xander yet to reach for his wand to light it. He instead looked forward at the stars in the distance. Then with a breath, he spoke quietly, his words meant just for them. “Zelus never could stay away from my nightstand.” The guise was abandoned. Speaking to his old friend- and Xander would have called him that- was more important.
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It took a moment for the true meaning of the words to hit Chryson. The moment then did, his head whipped toward Xander, staring his friend up and down before a smile settled on his face. “And you could never stay away from his cigarettes. It was a vicious cycle.” The smile didn’t last long, sliding away at the thought of Zelus and the easier days. “He should be here for Mariela tonight. Darius too.” His eyes dropped to the ground for a moment before he looked up to the stars. “It’s really good to see you.” The words were low, honest. If Xander was wearing someone else’s face, then there was someone at the party who he didn’t want to know his identity. Chryson wouldn’t be the one to spill it. Talking loudly with too much familiarity was practically inviting someone to overhead. “Polyjuice, I assume? Who are you tonight?” 
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nottahero · 7 years
“By Salazar, no.” Freya shook her head, almost laughing herself if she were altogether capable of it, but it was really an amusing notion. If you looked close there might have a been a twitch at her lip, a quiver of something. “I don’t think anybody would much like what I have to say when it comes to engagements. Although you know a little something about them ending early as well don’t you?” She pointed out the past they shared, the marriages that were planned and never were. 
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Chryson stiffened ever so slightly at the mention of an early end to his engagement. Until Freya had mentioned it, he had forgotten about her betrothal entirely, so caught up in his own issues. “You and...” The name escaped him. “I forgot you had been betrothed too.” Another thing they had in common, he supposed. The reason why had her engagement ended eluded him, but he didn’t doubt it was an unhappy one. "I can’t imagine they would be fond of anything I had to say either. No matter what, it would still be parading my failure in front of them.” Another sip of champagne washed down the bitter taste of those words. 
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nottahero · 7 years
She knew the Notts were present for her big night but she’d been able to avoid them for the most part. It wasn’t that she was unhappy to have them in attendance; they were a few of the pur bloods she could still stand to keep in her company. That didn’t mean it was any easier for her to see them. While she mostly detested Atalia and her choices, she also saw Darius in the color of her eyes. Theodore was the picture of how she imagined Darius would be when he was older. 
When. Not if. 
She’d followed her father’s lead and given the older man a wide berth. It seemed the smartest choice for the night. Of course, that died quickly when she spotted Chryson headed her way. Looking at the multitude of glasses in his hand, she felt a rush of gratitude for the older brother of her missing best friend. Selecting on glass, she took a drink before pausing and taking up another in her free hand. “You’re my hero tonight, Chryson.” It was the nicest thing she’d said to anyone in hours. “Are you having a good time?” It was a stupid question. How anyone in their right mind could be enjoying the party would have been beyond her. 
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Chryson paused, taking a sip from one of the remaining glasses in his hand as he thought over Mariela’s question. He wasn’t having a good time, that much was true. Still, he wasn’t about to insult the party to Mariela’s face; she surely had enough on her plate for the night. It could have been the world’s greatest party, and Chryson didn’t doubt that he would still be miserable. “Not really,” he admitted quietly, “but it’s a lovely party.”
He glanced around at the people standing around them; too many of the people around them weren’t peers, instead grown men and women who seemed more interested in the party than the reason behind it. Even Chryson’s own father was standing in the distance, chatting to someone. His mother was nowhere to be seen, but Chryson didn’t doubt she was here as well. “Are you?” He truly couldn’t imagine she was. It was a celebration for her, but Chryson couldn’t see much reason for her to celebrate. “Sometimes I think people just look for any excuse to throw a gala.”
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nottahero · 7 years
Chryson had long ago lost count of how many flutes of champagne he had downed over the course of the party. However many it was, he still hadn’t reached that pleasant level of numbness he had sought from the moment he had walked in the door. With each drink, the air seemed to have grown thicker, practically choking him. He’d tried to hang on as long as possible, but eventually, Chryson knew he wouldn’t be able to stay in the house a moment longer. 
Grabbing his coat, he headed for the front door, stepping out and heading for the road. It wasn’t until he turned onto the sidewalk that he saw the flash of blonde hair following him out of the house. A few paces away from the house, Chryson sank onto the sidewalk, sitting on the curb. Breathing the cool October, his eyes roamed over the quiet empty street in front of them, barely flickering to the girl sitting down beside him. He had no words for Briony, just tired eyes as he looked at her. With a sigh, he leaned his head onto her shoulder.
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nottahero · 7 years
Xander contemplated the cigarette, watching the smoke waft off the end. In that moment, it reminded him of another of his roommates; one that had not had the fortune to be here. “I don’t typically indulge,” he said eventually before finally giving the soft nod of his head, “but yes, thank you.” He took a step away from the window he had been peering out of, having been admiring the night’s sky before Chryson had joined as his company. Then, perhaps because it was him, that holding a small ounce of nostalgia and comfort, Xander let his mask slip away for a moment. “I used to nick these off my roommate at Hogwarts after a night of drinking.”
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Chryson held out the pack of cigarettes, small smile tugging on his lips at the nostalgia cigarette stealing brought. “Must be a Hogwarts tradition. One of my roommates used to nick cigarettes off my other roommate. Then the other one nicked hangover potions in return.” The thought made Chryson laugh sadly. Neither Xander nor Zelus were here tonight; one on the run god knows where and the other six feet under. Strangely, he missed both of them deeply. They may not have been his best friends, but being roommates brought an inescapable closeness. Reaching out, Chryson opened the window to let the smoke escape. “Nice night out there.”
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nottahero · 7 years
Chryson’s grip on the champagne flute tightened as Freya spoke. Even as he bit his lip to try and hold it back, a bitter laugh pushed its way out. Maybe it was the champagne that had loosened his tongue, or maybe it was the atmosphere of the party itself, but he took another sip to hold back anything else that could spill out unwillingly. Lowering the glass, he let out a long breath, drawing another in before speaking. “No. Are you planning on giving one?”
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“I just can’t wait for the toasts.” The sarcasm was so intricately hidden in her tone, the inflection indicated pure enjoyment of the evening, not the usual dread at hearing others put up perhaps a similar front. Still, Freya would never pass up an opportunity to dress to the nine, even if engagements were the touchiest of subjects for her. “Can we expect one from you tonight?” Freya asked lightly to the other guest grabbing a flute of champagne at the same moment as her. 
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nottahero · 7 years
Chryson had eyed Jake from afar for a while before approaching the younger boy. Though he had been watching the groom-to-be’s movements for a while, the blond was having difficulty deciphering them from such a distance. He’d been wanting to talk to Jake for a while; even though Chryson’s own marriage had fallen through, he had 18 years of experience navigating a betrothal. Even if he didn’t know what to say to Jake, he knew he had to say something.
He approached slowly. It shouldn’t be him at this party, it should have been Darius and Charlus, supporting their friends while Chryson was in a hospital bed or hiding in some far flung country out of the reach of the very people milling about the room that night. It should have been him taking the punishments on behalf of his family. Yet here he was.
Reaching out, he tapped Jake on the shoulder, halfheartedly smiling back at the younger boy. “Congratulations.”
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Jake had had at least ten of the little cakes that waiters were carrying around on their trays—-it was the only food that didn’t seem too foreign and posh for his palette. Eating calmed him down and kept him from saying anything too idiotic. He’d apparently had so many that his mother had felt the need to knock the last one out of his hand and tell him to mingle.
He had no idea how to talk to these people. All the congratulations and you make such a lovely couple-s were met with a polite smile and an awkward thanks. Jake was so not the perfect pureblood gentleman—- that was clear to anyone that was in possession of a half-functioning brain. The whole evening wasn’t exactly painful; it was more stiff and uncomfortable. His suit felt too constricting, his newly-cut hair made his neck feel bare and cold. There was nothing he wanted to do more than rip off his suit jacket, scream, and cartwheel about the place for a while.
Feeling a tap on his shoulder he turned around and half-smiled at the familiar face. “Hey.”
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nottahero · 7 years
After speaking with Mariela, Chryson had taken to hovering near the bar, nursing a scotch on the rocks when he saw Avery suddenly turn, muttering something as she looked around. He approached her slowly, the look on her face too strange to decipher. Whatever it was, it made him want to talk to her, to ask her if she was alright. Maybe there was more misery hiding under the beautiful facade of the party than he had realized. Taking another long sip from the scotch, he reached out and touched her shoulder. “Are you okay?”
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     It wasn’t as easy as it used to be, to play the part of perfect pureblood daughter. She’d worn the outfit her mother had chosen for her, had styled her hair in perfect waves, but for all that she looked the part, it felt like an act. One that anyone would see through, if they looked close enough. Still - it was easier to be herself than it would be to be Mariela, right now. She didn’t envy the other girl in the slightest. Marrying someone her parents had chosen sounded like a nightmare. Even this party wasn’t exactly fun, but for that she did feel the tiniest hint o jealousy. If she ever got engaged, it wouldn’t be to a nice party with her whole family present. She’d be lucky if it was ever safe enough to even think about her and Al’s future. Not that she pictured marrying him, or anything like that. She’d certainly never imagined herself, in a white dress with him smiling at the end of an aisle… ’ I need something to drink, ‘ she murmured to herself, turning around in search of something to ease the sudden ache that’d formed deep in her chest. 
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nottahero · 7 years
From the moment he had stepped into the Flint Manor, Chryson had been on edge. In another life, this party might have been one to remember, the event of the season, but as he looked around Chryson wanted nothing more than to forget he had ever stepped foot in the picturesque manor all by himself. A smoke break outside, spurring by a glance at Mariela had helped him to relax enough to approach the bride to be.
His younger brother’s best friend looked beautiful, there was no doubt. The purple of her dress set off her eyes and hair, made her look older than her 16 years. Deep down, Chryson knew how she felt. He remembered his own engagement party.
Steeling himself, he made his way back to the room where he had last seem Mariela, swiping four flutes full of champagne on his way. It was what Darius would likely have done, and if his brother couldn’t do it himself, Chryson could take up the mantle.
Mariela’s words made him glad of the choice. Holding out the four champagne flutes, Chryson nodded. “Pick your poison.” He had no doubt she’d need it. He certainly needed it, and it wasn’t even his party.
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People milled about her home and Mariela’s stomach churned. She’d been standing in the living room for a short amount of time, politely greeting guests and accepting congratulations for what felt like hours. If one more person told her what a beautiful couple her and Jake made, she was likely to rip her own hair out in a fit of madness. Every time she felt certain she was going to take the fireplace poker to some old, influential pureblood’s eye socket, her father’s words rang in her ears again. 
“Tonight is important. You’re setting an example to your peers in the Death Eaters and you’re representing this family. I know you recognize how important that is, mija.” 
Of course, she recognized it. Whether or not her peers were watching her or not was beside the point; she knew what was at stake if she didn’t perform as expected. She’d worked too hard for her freedom and for the right to be involved to jeopardize it now. 
A tap on her shoulder pulled her away from her silent seething at her parents and she turned with a smile already on her face. “If that drink is for me, you’ll be my favorite person at this party.” 
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nottahero · 7 years
Chryson reached past Audelia to grab his own flute of champagne, downing it in one long gulp before he realized who he was standing beside. Swallowing hard, he made half an effort to nod. “When they’re celebrating good things, you really can’t go wrong.” The reason for this celebration was far from good, though the party itself was picture perfect. He could only hope his voice didn’t give away his true feelings on the matter. “Have you talked to Mariela and Jake yet tonight? The party is beautiful, I bet Marcus and Romilda are pleased.” 
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It was her first event as a member of the inner circle of Death Eaters;  a secondary member, of course, but a member nonetheless. And that meant there were many more people that wanted to speak with her. She didn’t have to talk her way into a conversation, she was simply welcomed into it and she loved it. Now, though, she excused herself from the conversation in favour of taking a flute of champagne and simply watching everyone for a moment. As someone approached her from the side, she kept her gaze forward as she spoke before turning to glance at them. “I do love a good celebration, don’t you?” 
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nottahero · 7 years
It hadn’t taken long before Chryson had walked out of the party in search of a door. He needed a smoke; the party was too uncomfortable for him without the tabacco and alcohol in his system. It was too much of a reminder of his own engagement party years ago with Adira, and the thought of the girl still made his heart clench. It was the look on Mariela’s face that had driven him away, the irritation reminding him far too much of his own feelings. The man that joined him as he lit up a cigarette was unfamiliar, but at that moment, Chryson wasn’t opposed to an unfamiliar distraction. “Something like that, yeah.” He took a drag and relaxed almost imperceptibly. “Do you want a smoke?”
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It was quieter out in the hallway. As much as Xander had missed being allowed these social gatherings, they were a lot to take in. A lot of people. A lot of chatter. He had needed to step away and collect himself for a moment to truly be able to breathe. The glass in his hand, his first glass, remained only half-drained. Xander contemplated a sip, but hearing a door open, he abandoned that thought for another. “Was it getting too loud for you as well?” He asked as he turned towards the approaching footsteps to find Chryson Nott.
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nottahero · 7 years
“Am I allowed to say Happy Birthday or will you combust from indifference?” Alice responded quickly, noticing the difference between Chryson’s usual collected appearance and  the purposeful lack of emotion she saw once the door had been opened. Alice was never the type to forget a birthday, even if it was for a friend she hadn’t spoken with in some while, and the time was a couple hours past the actual day itself. “Didn’t think you’d actually answer considering the time, was just going to leave you this.” She extended her arm, offering him a small purple paper cone party hat with marker scribbled over it ‘Happy day of birth! Best, Alice’.  “I have to be honest, I nicked it from a party I stumbled onto in London which made me remember.” Drunk Alice, always impulsive and excitable.
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For a moment, Chryson just stared at Alice, unsure what to say. Then, unbidden, a smile began to spread over his face. Though it was small at first, it was a genuine one, growing as he read the words scrawled over the purple party hat. "I think it'll take a bit more than just happy birthday to make me combust from indifference, honestly." The fact that she had remembered was touching, made even more so by the fact that she had bailed on a party for him. "Do you want to come in and see how much it takes? You seem like you're a few drinks ahead of me, but I can catch up easily, there's plenty of alcohol in this house." He took the party hat from her and placed it on his head, securing the little elastic under his chin. "I'll even wear the hat."
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nottahero · 7 years
Iliana had been trying her best to get to know her half siblings despite the suspicion it had raised with Chryson, she wasn’t certain their father would appreciate it getting out. Of course, she had no idea and was a little too afraid to ask so she had stuck to her half-siblings instead. She had learned of Chryson’s birthday but not enough to pick of what she considered a suitable present and it had left her feeling nervous. When he was in the hospital she had visited him often trying to keep his spirits up as best she could. It had been a surprise when she found he wasn’t having a party of any kind and wondered how he was spending his birthday. She had assumed it would be with friends and others but she wanted to at least stop by and wish him a happy birthday in person as well as give him a little something. 
She knocked on the door nervously holding the wrapped bottle of firewhiskey, card and a container of ice cream figuring he probably already had cake, maybe even ice cream too. Chryson was the one to open the door and she smiled. “Happy birthday!” she said leaning in to give him a slightly awkward hug before pulling back and offering the things she had brought.
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Chryson wrapped his arms around Iliana, squeezing her tightly and staying there for a minute before pulling away. Even after her visits while he was in the hospital, he hadn't expected her to remember his birthday; he had hardly remembered it himself. She was the only sibling he had seen on this birthday. It was strange to think that the day he had turned eighteen, Darius and Atalia had both been close, Charlus in a tower a few floors above them, none of them aware of their relation to the girl in front of him now. And now, turning nineteen, she was the only one here. Darius was in a coma, Charlus gone. Chryson was all too aware of the possibility that he had exchanged his last words with both of his brothers. As for Atalia, Chryson figured she was with Levi; it was where she seemed to spend all her time these days. It made him happy to know she had a haven from the war, but the manor was too large for one person.
Yet here Iliana was. "Thanks. Come in. Is that ice cream?" He nodded toward the carton, accepting everything that she proffered to him, laughing to himself. "You brought a party with you, huh?" A smile was spreading over his face and for the first time all day the house seemed just a bit smaller, his words echoing less against the high ceilings now that he was no longer alone.
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nottahero · 7 years
“No one is in?” Audelia was shocked to say the least. It was his birthday and everyone was out? She wouldn’t have been surprised if his father was out, but she’d thought his mother at least would be there. Or Atalia, where was she? The brunette was suddenly twice as glad that she decided to stop by; no one deserved to be alone on their birthday. Especially not Chryson. “I would love to come in. Even if I had other plans, I’d cancel them. It’s your birthday and as I said, I’m here to make sure you have at least some fun. Wine will help with that.” That was far from something she would usually say, but thinking of wine and Chryson brought her back to the Halloween party a couple years back. It had been their first kiss, induced by spin the bottle and encouraged by red wine. Though the wine she’d brought was far superior - and much more expensive - than that had been.
Tucking her present under her opposite arm, she used her now free hand to take his gently and give it a squeeze as she walked past him and into the house. She didn’t go far before turning back to him, a small smile on her face. “Well… I wasn’t exactly avoiding you but I knew if I saw you, I’d surely ruin this surprise. I’m glad you enjoy it, but I’m sure it will get better once you open this.” Audelia shifted the wrapped box back into her free hand and grinned. “But that is for later. First, wine.” 
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Chryson shook his head. "Mum is up at one of our houses in the country. She sent a card though." He held up the card half-heartedly. He was sure his mother had reasons for not being there; for all he knew, that had been his father's decision too. "I don't know where Atalia is. Haven't seen her all day. And my father... well, I'm not sure where he is, but I'm glad it's not here." He curled his fingers around Audelia's, leading her into the house. "You brought yourself and wine? This birthday is shaping up alright after all." This was the first chance he'd had to be alone with Audelia since leaving Hogwarts, the first simple moment between them in a while that wasn't marred by war or blood. Just her and the wine was enough for Chryson to pretend that things were simpler for a while.
"Well, it was worth it for the surprise." He smiled at her, then glanced down at the box, raising his eyebrows. "For later? Now I'm really curious." He set the card from his mother down on the counter beside the cake. "Now, we need a corkscrew for that wine, don't we. Let's get this party started." He grinned. "Accio corkscrew."
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nottahero · 7 years
It was obvious how tired Chryson was; it seemed like the relief of seeing her unharmed had worn away and he was left with his exhaustion once more. Her thumb gently brushed across his cheek before Audelia pulled her hand back as he yawned. They would plan dinner, but that was secondary to his - and Briony’s - recovery. She couldn’t quite place why it hurt so much when he said it had been too long since he had been happy. He deserved happiness more than most people she knew and in that moment she decided she would do what it took to help him be happy again. “Of course. Get some rest.” Audelia stood from her chair and leant over him, pressing a light kiss to his forehead. Her hand moved gently through his hair as she did and as she pulled back, she gave him a soft smile. “I’ll be back as soon as you awaken. Until then, rest well.” 
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He smiled back at her, body relaxing as he sunk into the pillows. "I'll try." He swallowed and took another deep breath. "I'm glad you're alright. See you soon." With that, he let his eyes close once more, the thought of Audelia giving him warmth as the cold dark crept in once more.
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nottahero · 7 years
She didn’t hesitate to follow in his steps, trying not to allow herself to look around too much. The whole house reeked of Darius, making her slightly claustrophobic. It was easier if she kept her eyes on Chryson’s shoulders. He was taller, broader, nothing like Darius had been. Was. Nothing like Darius was. She winced at her own thoughts, hating herself every time she slipped into the past tense.
Standing in the doorway of the kitchen, she pushed back at memories of nights spent scavenging through the cabinets with her best friend, getting the house elves to make them ridiculous sundaes or kicking the house elves out to talk about things they shouldn’t. She cleared her throat as she focused on Chryson when he started speaking again. She looked at the bottle in his hand and shook her head. “I’m partial to the strong stuff, actually.” A drink was high on the agenda and giggle water certainly wasn’t going to cut it. She stepped back through the doorway, gesturing for him to lead the way down the hall once more.
“I won’t lie to you, Chryson. I’ve never won a game of billiards that I didn’t cheat at,” she confessed as they walked, a proud sort of smile on her face. “Don’t spill my secret, though.”
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Steeling himself, Chryson charged toward Theodore's private quarters; his father's billiards room and booze were both typically off limits, but the older man was safely at their house in the country. Though he had a penchant for dropping in, Chryson was confident Theodore would be far away tonight. If the older man had remembered his birthday, he'd be sure to stay far away. The door was locked, nothing a quick spell wouldn't fix, and soon enough the door was swinging open in front of them. The room smelled musty, as if no one had been in there for months, and a fine layer of dust had settled over everything. With one swoop of his wand, Chryson laid down the cake and turned on the lights, finally turning back to Mariela.
"Strongest stuff in the place is in there." Chryson pointed to a dark wooden cabinet on the opposite side of the table. It wouldn't be locked; his father was too proud to expect that any of his children would ever try to enter his private space. He finally turned and looked at Mariela, catching her eye and forcing himself not to look away, not to see Darius in the dark depths. Unsure what to say, he instead held out a fork in silence.
The billiard sticks were hanging on the far wall, balls hidden in pockets. It wasn't until he had stepped into the room that the memory came back unbidden; a youthful Chryson had been in this room before, playing pool long ago with Darius and their father. It was a rare good memory, one he pushed away immediately, turning back to Mariela. "I wouldn't dream of telling anyone. I'm going to be on the lookout for it now though, so beware."
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nottahero · 7 years
“You should know by now that I’m never one to turn down cake.” Briony was fully aware of her somewhat unhealthy love for sweets. She was sure that anyone who spent more than just a few moments with her was conscious of that fact as well. “But I’m glad I decided against buying you one on my way over.” That would have been awkward. “How did you forget your own birthday? Have you been working yourself too hard?”
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Chryson gestured, inviting Briony in, then headed back toward the kitchen, opening drawer after drawer until he managed to find two forks. Holding one out to her, he shrugged. “Honestly, I’ve always just remembered my birthday in relation to going back to school. It feels weird not to be going back.” He popped a bit of cake into his mouth before turning his attention to the gift once more, running a finger underneath the tape to start opening it. “Do you want a plate?”
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