Does the child have a headache? - Child Headache Colorado Springs
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Some parents even go so far as to think that the child is pretending to be Headache not to go to school. However, Guest Posting parents should not take the complaint of headache in the child very lightly at an early age.
Get medicines from best pharmacy nearby in Colorado Springs
In many cases, it has been seen that if the child has a chronic headache, then the child may have a headache. Here you need to pay attention that your child follows healthy eating habits. Consuming junk or fast food is not good for the child. Consumption of caffeinated beverages or soft drinks can also cause headaches in the child. Also, send him out of the house every day to play. Also motivate the child to exercise. If the child is experiencing symptoms like headaches as well as vertigo or no movement of hands and feet, then take him to the doctor immediately. If the child becomes unconscious, try to get medical help immediately.
Home remedies for child headache
Below are the home remedies for headache in the child. These remedies can be adopted when the child has more problems than headaches. like-
Do you know that lack of water in the body can also be a cause of headache? Studies have found that dehydration can sometimes cause stress and headaches. In addition, the lack of water in the body can cause stress and irritability, which can increase it. Therefore, drink as much water as possible during the day. This head may be due to lack of water in a child.
Ginger can be a great option for fighting headaches. In 2014, a study conducted on 100 people found ginger to be just as effective in fighting headaches as sumatriptan (a migraine drug). This showed that ginger could solve a complex problem like migraine. Also, it does not have any side effects.
Essential oil
Essential oil can also relieve headaches in your child. One study found that using peppermint essential oil on both ends of the forehead relieves a lot of headaches caused by stress. In another study, lavender oil has been shown to be a better medicine for migraine. Essential oils contain a very high amount of chemical compounds. Therefore, it is extremely important to use it in the right amount. Do consult a doctor before using it.
Get plenty of sleep
Lack of sleep can prove harmful to you in many ways. In one such study, it was found that people who had less than six hours of sleep daily had more headaches than others. At the same time, another study also reported excessive sleep due to headache. Therefore, seven to eight hours of sleep per day may be a better option for the child.
Follow these tips to prevent headaches in your child
If you want your child to stay away from headache, then pay attention to the following:
Note that your child gets enough sleep.
Keep children away from fast food.
Take care not to leave your food or starve for long.
If the doctor has given any headache medicine, then give it medicine at the right time.
Keep the child away from stress.
Give the child light exercise.
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Headaches And Overstimulation - Novera Headache Center
A major trigger for migraines comes from sensory overload. The surrounding environment is full of sounds, sights, and smells that overstimulate the senses and cause headaches. Cities are often full of overwhelming sensory elements, such as large crowds of people, bright lights, peculiar smells, and traffic sounds. Working in a professional environment can overwhelm the brain. The fluorescent lights, enclosed spaces, and indoor circulated air are all factors that can contribute to headaches.
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Headache Physical Therapy Colorado Springs - Novera Headache Center
In our clinic, we are manual therapists.  We provide full examinations of the body’s movement, but for headache and migraine patients we look more specifically at the neck. We then evaluate where your pain is coming from, or to put it another way, we discover “which tissue is the issue.  https://www.noveraheadachecenter.com/
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Non Medication Neck Pain Treatment In Colorado Springs
Neck pain is one of the most common problems that can lead to serious chronic pain or even permanent disability. Regardless of the severity of your neck pain Specialist can provide you with instant and long-term relief better than any narcotic pain medication.
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How Does Physical Therapy Treat Dizziness? - Novera Headache Center
Oftentimes when people think of dizziness and vertigo, the last thing they would think to treat it with is movement - despite the fact that the more traditional medication approach can be ineffective in many cases, treating the symptoms rather than the source. The feelings of being off-balance, woozy, or even feelings of dizziness accompanied by ringing in the ears are all uncomfortable and potentially debilitating effects that can be difficult to treat.  https://www.noveraheadachecenter.com/single-post/how-does-physical-therapy-treat-dizziness  
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What Is Convergence Insufficiency?
Do you find yourself squinting or closing one eye while you read? Do your eyes feel tired, sore and uncomfortable at the end of the day? If so, you may be suffering from convergence insufficiency. This condition is one of the things that we look for during our initial evaluations with our patients while we are screening for the potential causes of headaches or migraines. Convergence insufficiency is a condition in which your eyes are unable to work together when looking at nearby objects. This condition causes one eye to turn outward instead of inward with the other eye, creating double or blurred vision. Thankfully, this can be treated with vision therapy and the outcome for patients who are experiencing this condition is usually quite good.
The trochlear nerve (CN4) controls just one eye muscle - the superior oblique.  This muscle gives us the ability to look down and in, which also is called convergence.  Basically, this is how we can cross our eyes, but it is also the movement you need to coordinate while reading or focusing on something close to you. This impairment creates an overlapping image or double vision, which in turn makes reading difficult and tiring. Some people will turn or tilt their head slightly to focus with one eye and to minimize the strain. You can imagine what this potential compensation does to your neck over long periods of time! Strain on the superior oblique can also be one of the reasons that people feel eyebrow pain during a headache or migraine, and why some people feel like they need to press above their eye to reduce their pain.
There are exercises that can be done to improve the way that your eyes work together in order to reduce strain on the superior oblique and improve headache symptoms. Your physical therapist or vision therapist will work with you to put together a manageable plan designed to strengthen, stretch, and lengthen your eye muscles. There are also special base-out prism glasses that can be used, which force the eyes to work harder to converge. They are used only during short periods of time while performing therapy as they are very tiring to the eyes.
If you are interested in learning more about how eye health is connected to the neck, headaches, and migraines, please reach out to our clinic. We offer free 30 minute Discovery Visits for both in-person and virtual patients and are always happy to be a resource to those in pain. Don’t struggle through another day of blurry vision - we can help!
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Find The Best TMD Treatment Doctors In Colorado Springs
TMD Doctors Colorado Springs
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Many patients with temporomandibular dysfunction or TMD, will present with severe difficulties while eating, talking or even sleeping due to their pain. The jaw has a number of muscles that coordinate to allow us to open and close effectively. Many of those same muscles can develop tension with improper jaw function and may lead to overlapping symptoms of ear pain, ear fullness or neck pain.
Many Different Reasons Of TMD Develop
TMD is a disorder that affects the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), or jaw joint, which can cause reoccurring debilitating pain in the jaw if left untreated or misdiagnosed.
A TMD can develop for many different reasons, but the most common tend to be stress, strain, an injury to the joint, or arthritis. If a patient reports or exhibits any TMD-like symptoms, Dr. Taves will perform a number of tests and scans to determine the underlying cause of the problem. As an expert in neuromuscular dentistry, he understands that pain in the jaw or head may actually be connected to stress in a different part of the body. Once he finds the source of the issue, he can recommend the appropriate treatment.
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Understanding Jaw Pain: How to Find Relief, Novera Headache Center
Jaw pain and headaches go hand-in-hand, learn how to treat both without medications by a Physical Therapist (PT) as PT’s focus on restoring muscle and joint function in the body. https://www.noveraheadachecenter.com/jaw-pain-treatment
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Headaches: Treatment depends on your diagnosis and symptoms
I am prone to regular painful headaches and neck pain due to a condition, is there a way to reduce the pain and make it easier for me to do my work?
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There are numerous causes for headaches, but it seems you have identified that your neck is at least part of the problem, so that’s a start. Have you tried chiropractic or similar treatment?
If you are unable to get that sort of treatment or it hasn’t helped, there are other things that you might try. There are numerous creams and gels that may give some relief. I find the menthol-based ones the most helpful—when applied to my neck and head they give an icy, fiery sensation that helps distract me from the pain, while not exactly taking it away.
There is also ongoing research into the management of migraine pain, so try to keep up with that either through your doctors or on the internet—you may find something to help. Some recent developments in that field are the use of magnesium glycinate and PEA (palmitoylethanolamide). Both of these work by blocking the pain receptors. I have attached pictures of information sheets for these.
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How Jenna Is Living Without Migraines!
Just when she thought there was no hope... you won't believe this story‼️
Jenna hit rock bottom with the worst migraine she had ever experienced, thinking her pain would continue to take over her life as a mom.
Share this video and help Jenna spread the word that there is hope for even the toughest of headaches and migraines.
Our mission at Novera is: To empower everyone with headaches and migraines to break free from a life of fear and dependence so that they can thrive in everything they do.
Allow us to be a part of your story by contacting us at www.noveraheadachecenter.com
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If you have considered adding supplements to your migraine prevention toolkit, then magnesium might be a great option for you! Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral found in the body and is a safe, natural option for a migraine preventative that does not require a prescription. Below is more information about this supplement, as well as some things to keep in mind when considering adding it into your diet.
Magnesium supplements have been found to be most effective in relieving symptoms of migraine with aura. It is believed that magnesium prevents the wave of brain signaling, called cortical spreading depression, which is what produces the visual and sensory changes known as aura. Daily oral supplementation of magnesium has also been shown to prevent hormonal migraines, especially in those with premenstrual migraines.
Types of Magnesium
Magnesium oxide: this is the type most commonly taken to prevent migraine, usually in pill form at a dose of 400-600 mg per day. Taking this alongside calcium can impact your body’s ability to absorb the magnesium so if you are supplementing with both, consider taking them at different times of the day.
Magnesium citrate: this type of magnesium is more easily absorbed into the body and can be taken in liquid form. It is primarily used to treat constipation and can cause diarrhea and stomach upset if taken in large doses. 
Magnesium sulfate: this type of magnesium is given intravenously and is an inorganic form of magnesium. Women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant should check with their doctor before starting this type of magnesium as it can cause complications with fetal bone development.
Foods High In Magnesium
Legumes: black beans, edamame
Vegetables: avocado, spinach, kale
Nuts: cashews, peanuts, almonds
Whole grains: oatmeal, whole wheat
When taken correctly, magnesium can be a safe alternative treatment option for people with migraines. It has a lower potential for adverse side effects than some traditional medical treatments and prescriptions. People with a history of aura may find the use of magnesium oxide particularly helpful. Anyone considering taking magnesium supplements should speak with their doctor first, as they may interact with a person’s medication or make symptoms of an existing condition worse.
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Novera Headache Center | Dr. Jono Taves | About
Hi there, It's Dr. Jono Taves, here is my story and the mission behind Novera: Headache Center. After receiving a degree in exercise science, I went on to the Mayo Clinic to receive a Doctorate in Physical Therapy. During my time in PT school I was introduced to a local PT (Wieber PT, look him up if you are in MN) who taught a course on how to treat the neck and jaw. This sparked my interest and I realized that there was a lesser known form of treatment that had the potential for much greater impact on the patient’s life. https://www.noveraheadachecenter.com/copy-of-about
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What Does An MRI Give Us? - Novera Headache Center
This study in the Journal of Headache and Pain compared the MRI results of patients with 3 different types of headache. 46 with cervicogenic type headache (neck related headache), 22 with whip lash associated headaches and 19 with migraines.
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The Benefits of Foam Rolling - Novera Headache Center
At its core, the purpose of foam rolling is to help loosen muscles and relieve muscle tension. It may feel uncomfortable as you roll over those tender spots, but foam rolling properly and consistently can help your range of motion, blood flow, and more. https://www.noveraheadachecenter.com/
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Local Migraine Clinic In Colorado Springs | NoveraHeadacheCenter
Migraine Treatment Specialist Doctors Near Colorado Springs: Learn the secret sauce behind our approach to migraine relief
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Novera Headache Center - Does Caffeine Help or Hurt Your Headache?
I'm sure many of us are guilty of indulging in one too many coffee, tea, or energy drinks as a crutch to get through a long day of work or home life. "Don't talk to me until I've had my coffee" is a commonly heard phrase in the workplace and it's easier than ever to stop by Starbucks while running errands. While a fresh, hot cup of joe in the morning can really hit the spot for some - for others it sends them spiraling into an all day headache. https://www.noveraheadachecenter.com/
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Headaches: When should you go to a doctor? Colorado Springs
Migraine Specialist Colorado Springs. Are you someone that struggles with headaches or migraines? If so, you're in the right place. https://www.noveraheadachecenter.com/
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