number-fiv3 · 2 months
Any arson or murder tips? Asking for a friend.
Oh? Well, this friend should've been bold with it and asked me outright, we could've had an intellectual discussion about it. I tend to refrain from senseless murder nowadays, but thinking back to my time as an assassin, my tips are:
Make sure your weapon is sharp. A clean cut is a quick and quiet death.
Leave no trace. But if you do, make sure it's not your trace. I can't emphasise enough how important cleaning is to a successful job.
For the sake of all that's good, work alone. Unless your partner is loyal until death, don't have a partner. I never did, and I was perfectly fine.
Plan. Unlike most people, I can quite literally manipulate myself in space-time, which significantly eased things, but you likely cannot. So plan your murder.
Now, I can't say I'm well-versed in the nature of arson, but from what I know of it, it's honestly very easy.
Just make it look natural. Set the outlets on fire. Set the toasters on fire. Put a bomb in the oven and set the heat to max. Gasoline's for amateurs, because then it's obvious.
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number-fiv3 · 3 months
what does your daydream world look like?
I don't typically find myself daydreaming. But on the rare occasion I do, it's a place I haven't been to or seen in real life.
A huge, spiralling library. Paths leading in all directions, and I know all of them. But they change, constantly fluctuate, yet in a mature, understandable way.
There is a faint smell of coffee in the air, pooling at the base of certain shelves.
It's a peaceful place.
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number-fiv3 · 3 months
what's your type?
Curious question. Not one I've thought about in a while.
I suppose, looks don't particularly matter that much, it's what's on the inside that counts.
I'd say, a coffee enjoyer, much like myself.
Someone who's alright with the possibility of potential space-time destruction being just one fast-forward away.
Also, she would have to be in the same situation I am. Old mind, young body. Otherwise it'd either be very illegal, or very weird.
I suppose I'd like an intellectual, someone with a passion for knowledge, yet doesn't let it consume them. A caring heart, a rational mind.
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number-fiv3 · 3 months
How would you like a girlfriend/partner who can cook?
In all honesty, my diet doesn't consist of the most...complex of foods. Peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches (not that they aren't their own sort of masterpiece), black coffee, um...
I don't eat many things. Perhaps a touch of culinary contrast would be nice.
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number-fiv3 · 8 months
🍎 。:*• ─ IT’S CHRISTMAS TIME !     ›    ( a symbol meme for muses who want to do something special and fun together this christmas / holiday season. )
send a symbol for our muses to:
🌲  ─  visit a tree farm to pick the perfect christmas tree 🎄  ─  decorate a christmas tree together 💋  ─  be caught standing under the mistletoe 🍽  ─  prepare the christmas dinner together 🍪  ─  bake & decorate christmas/holiday-themed sugar cookies ☕️   ─  drink something warm and/or festive ( either at home, at a coffeeshop, christmas market, etc… ) 🏠  ─  decorate a gingerbread house together 🎬  ─  watch a christmas movie 🎭  ─  see a christmas musical/play at the theater 🔥  ─  have an indoor picnic by the fireplace and/or christmas tree 🌟  ─  drive around the city to see the christmas lights ✉️  ─  send each other a christmas card 🎅🏻  ─  be each other’s secret santa 🎁  ─  exchange & open chistmas presents 🛍   ─  go christmas shopping together 👕   ─  go out wearing matching christmas sweaters  🎉   ─  attend a holiday party together 📷   ─  have a holiday photoshoot 🎶   ─  go christmas caroling  💃   ─  dance around the living room to christmas songs 💖   ─  volunteer together at a local charity  ✈️   ─  go on a christmas getaway ✏️   ─  create their own christmas/holiday tradition 😈  ─  decide who has been the naughtiest and the nicest and give each other rewards & consequences accordingly  ( can be funny/platonic or sexy/nsfɯ, depending on muses’ relationship ) 🃏   ─  wildcard !  choose your own activity !
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number-fiv3 · 8 months
Just want to say, I appreciate this blog so much ❤️❤️❤️
You're so sweet anon! It's been kinda dead recently but your support is welcome :)))
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number-fiv3 · 10 months
Or, we could turn the tables and make an AU where Prince Charming used time travel (the better option), to remember Cinderella's face, and ask her more about herself instead of being so awestruck by love.
But, then the tale would be a lot shorter, some of the morals would be erased, etc etc.
AU where everything is the same but Five tries to find the owner of the glass eye by checking everyone’s eye for a match Cinderella style
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number-fiv3 · 10 months
Abijah here! Just want to say thank you so much for supporting this blog! You're all sweethearts <333
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number-fiv3 · 11 months
Your first crush?
My first crush? Well, now that I think about it, the only person I've been in love with is Delores.
I was raised in the academy, so the only girls I interacted with were my sisters. And that'd be extremely weird.
And then, I fast-forwarded myself too far into the future, no women there, except Delores. So, I could say she was.
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number-fiv3 · 11 months
If you could play an instrument, which one would you play?
That seems like an unfair question. Each instrument is good for different things, sound better in different things, more or less volatile, but if I had to choose, I'd choose the violin, guitar, or piano.
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number-fiv3 · 11 months
What were "Delores"' core beliefs ?
Delores? Well, I understand she is a mannequin, but she did have some core beliefs.
She did not talk too much, only when she felt the need to, and I respected that. Of course, she always felt the need to talk when with me, or when we were drinking. Usually I'm the only one drinking, and I think she thinks I drink too much. Did I mention Bordeaux is her favourite wine?
She also cared quite a bit about her looks, making sure she looked pretty in the eyes of all, but due didn't base her whole personality around them.
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number-fiv3 · 11 months
How do you think you would have done as Number One?
I'm not sure if you mean if I had the powers of Number One (Luther's powers), or if I was just given the number of Number One, so I'll answer both.
First off, my name wouldn't be Five, it would be One, as is obvious. Second off, I'd be an entirely different person, and a lot of my experiences in life have been because of my powers. I would have never found out about the apocalypse, if I hadn't traveled forward. And if I hadn't traveled forward, I wouldn't have met the Handler, therefore I wouldn't have been working for the Temps Commission, no assassinating, and so on.
A lot of things would have changed.
However, if I had just been given the name Number One, well, I might have thought I was meant to be the leader of the family, but once I found out that the lower the number the less powerful/useful, there's a chance I'd shrink down into despair, or stormed off into the future, cue apocalypse, cue Handler, cue Temps Commission, cue everything else.
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number-fiv3 · 11 months
Do you have any interest in dating?
It would just be putting another person in harm's way, but at the same time, I would be quite happy to find someone who is willing to do that, although finding them would be hard.
How would I even go about it? My consciousness is 58, but I am stuck in the body of a 13 year old. I couldn't date people who are my psychological age, because saying that my mind was that of a 58 year old would not hold up in a court trial when they get charged for dating a minor, and I can't date people of my physical age, because the mental age gap is 45 years,and that's wrong in so many ways.
I guess, the only way I could actually go about it, is if there was another person, ranging from age 53-60, but stuck in the body of their pre-pubescent self. The chances of that happening are almost less than the chances of Luther growing a frontal lobe anytime soon, and there's your answer, I suppose.
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number-fiv3 · 11 months
Wow... Luther - your only biological sibling , the only one you had heart to hearts with - I thought he was your third favourite. What is the actual order then? Fav to least fav
I know, it seems harsh, but he would likely be the only other one who would be willing to sacrifice himself, except maybe Viktor, but he's been through enough already.
As for ranking my siblings from most liked to least liked, well, I like all of them equally, but Viktor and I relate more, Klaus is...Klaus, and that's great, Diego can be a bit hard-headed at times, but he's an amazing brother. Luther can be hard-headed and annoying a lot of the time, but he's a great guy when he decides to be. Allison, we don't talk too much, but when we do it's great. Ben is dead, unfortunately, but from what I've heard from Klaus, he's a great person.
I can't rank them, really, because they all have different strengths and different weaknesses, and all are good in their own way.
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number-fiv3 · 11 months
Which sibling would you rather sacrifice if it comes down to it ?
Well, me obviously. I don't think I have it in me to kill or sacrifice one of my siblings, I love them all too much, I'd sacrifice my life for them.
But in the case that I cannot pick myself, then Luther, 100%.
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number-fiv3 · 11 months
How do you feel about your birth mother?
Well, I never met her, so I'm not sure what I'm supposed to feel. I feel bad that she's dead, but not in the way one would feel about one's mother. It's also a bit strange that she fully just gave me away as a baby, but as the baby was random, she likely didn't feel any connection to me.
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number-fiv3 · 11 months
Thought I might share a song I particularly enjoy with you all.
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