NLA fic—Azruphel struggles with language after the Downfall.
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Commission : Lomizor— Melkor’s Medea, for Oli  —- By RivkaZ 2013
Portrait of Lomizor, priestess of the Giver of Freedom and delightful OC of othombauko. <3 Pose borrowed from Mucha’s Medea, naturally. 
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Lomi - Uilian - Cata - Losse
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The Númenórean lady academics, c. the Downfall--I changed some things around to try and get appropriate expressions and whatnot. Everyone is dressed more simply.
Azruphel's hair went white. She can't stand to look and though Uilian's hair is blocking it, still clings to the dagger she started wearing when she turned spy. 
Uilian is grieved but holding together (originally, Azruphel stood in front of her; now Uilian's in front of her). Uilian and Azruphel were the last to flee and never had the chance to change clothes or tidy their hair. 
Raveccë left earlier, with enough time to grab her grandmother's cloak. She's on the point of crying.
Lossebeth and Catairë were the first to leave, since Catairë's days were clearly numbered. They had time enough to pack, and grabbed as many books as they could carry. Lossebeth is furious.
Catairë is shocked and horrified. 
Lômizôr is... Lômizôr. I originally imagined they snuck on the ships somehow, but lbr anyone decking themselves out in red and black and gold is probably not trying to hide and also I suspect Lômi would have just tried to sacrifice as many people as they could get their hands on. I figure they left shortly before and became a priest of Morgoth/Sauron in a colony somewhere, hence the slightly simpler gear. They're smiling because, hey, at least it devastated the Faithful and Sauron got what he wanted, sorta??? (a smile with lines bc they're aging more rapidly than the others).
Minalsaphîth just got the news :(
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NOT YOUR SORT OF THING but here’s a thing anyway
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The lantern was getting dim again. Useless thing, how does it burn through the oil so quickly...
  ...then again, what time is it?
  Lossebeth rubbed her eyes, and glanced around the dark room. But this is important, I don’t want to stop – she was reaching to open the next scroll case before she managed to check herself. Looking back at the ledger she was writing in, pulling the lantern close, she winced slightly. It began flawlessly, but as the records went on, blots increased at a steady rate. If she kept going, her tired eyes and hands would ruin the whole page.
  Very reluctantly, she screwed the lid onto the bottle of ink, and cleaned up her pen. For a few hours - well, more than a few, by the looks of things – she had been making meticulous records of all the texts preserved in what would be the central library of their new nation. Some they’d been given by the elves. Many they’d managed to bring over from Númenor. And for a few hours, Lossebeth and the others had discovered texts they thought were lost forever. To start with, it was magical, and there were more than a few tears from some of them.
  Azruphel left first.
  The more they discovered that was saved, the more they remembered that was lost. One by one – she couldn’t remember the order – Uilian, Catë and Veccë had gone quiet, made excuses, and drifted off. It was good that these writings were saved. But they were only a tiny drop, in comparison to everything – everyone - that was gone.
  Perhaps it was the insatiable desire to know, to find out, that kept Lossebeth going. She had to know for sure what was lost and what was saved. Once she knew, exactly – then she’d be able to feel it properly. Or perhaps she was using this task to stubbornly ward it off – to pretend, for a few hours, that she was back at the university, lost in history.
  She’d promised the others she’d just tidy up, and wouldn’t be long.
  Her eyes and back and shoulders ached. She really couldn’t ruin the ledger by writing any more, but...perhaps she could just look at the last two texts in this chest...
  Fumbling the scroll case open, she reverently drew it out, and unrolled it.
  Adding more oil to the lantern, she frowned closer at it. She had to study the whole thing to discover what should have been obvious at first glance. It was a calendar. It was the new Númenórean calendar, all in Adûnaic of course – an entirely King’s Men invention. She’d seen a calendar like this daily, but this was one of the first ever copies.
  The seasons were different in Middle Earth – it was unlikely they’d keep to it. They knew it anyway. Of all things – why would they choose to preserve this?
  She placed it back, carefully. It’s a piece of our history, and I’ll record it in the morning. It’s good that some things of the early King’s Men are preserved, so in the future people will know, and won’t have to guess. I just...didn’t think anyone on the ships would have taken this.
  The last thing was a folder of three sheets of parchment, in a fading leather cover. She wiped her hands clean before carefully peeling it open.
  And froze.
  How can these be here? These should not have survived.
  After the third bout of knocking, Azruphel finally appeared in a dressing gown, looking ready to punch whoever had disturbed her at...well, whatever time it was.
  ‘It was you, wasn’t it,’ said Lossebeth, before she had a chance.
  ‘What was me?’ Azruphel snapped.
  ‘The calendar. And...and the family trees.’
  Woken in the middle of the night, Azruphel wasn’t as sharp as usual, and simply blinked.
  ‘The three family trees of the houses of the Edain,’ said Lossebeth. ‘Dated from the founding of Númenor. They...they might have been scribed by Elros Tar-Minyatur...’ I touched them. I actually touched them with my bare hands.
  ‘I managed to carry a bit more than that,’ said Azruphel, coolly.
  ‘Yes but...those papers were in the bottom level of the library – I’ve never...you didn’t have a pass,’ she said.
  Azruphel rolled her eyes. ‘The armada was gone, the city was disintegrating. Lack of a pass hardly seemed important when the preservation of our culture was at stake. Those records were written about men, by men, and if we must live alongside elves here – there are some things we must not forget.’
  ‘How did you get past the guard?’ Lossebeth asked.
  ‘I might have drugged him,’ said Azruphel.
  It was Lossebeth’s turn to blink.
  ‘Am I a terrible person?’ Azruphel asked, with the ghost of a smile that Lossebeth hadn’t seen for a long time.
  ‘No,’ she said. She found she was holding Azruphel’s hand, and squeezing it hard. ‘No, you’re not.’
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Raveccë wip!!! Art by yours truly~
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Númenórean lady academics, for kaywinnet! No Catairë this time, sorry, since she probably hasn’t been born yet :D. It follows directly from this. 
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croclock replied to your post: croclock replied to your post: Also, Azruphel…
uilian staring was a+ too wow.. but elizabeth im so sorry for azruphel :(( bby
Haha, poor Uilian was just o_O am I reading what I’m thinking I’m reading is it a plot or is she seriously?????
Poor Azruphel, seriously. Honestly, without suggesting that it was worse for them, I think being a moderate King’s Man in the time of Ar-Pharazôn would be awful. 
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Fun facts about Catairë’s parents
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anghraine replied to your post: bandersnatchftw replied t…
feel free to make up details about Catë :D
I feel like Lossebeth and Catairë spend a lot of time together since they are both openly Faithful and prefer Sindarin (is Lossebeth from the Andustar as well?) and are also interested in some of the same stuff (First Age Edain, specifically House of Beor). Since Lossebeth is older, maybe she’s a sort of mentor to Catairë?
Also, Juliana should make up more stuff about Uilian so I can headcanon about our friendship!
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House of the Stewards headcanon, Part 1
since it takes very little to rekindle my love for them :)
(lbr it’s headcanon/meta bc this is me)
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I have realized that Raveccë is not specializing in Elvish-human relations during the wars in Beleriand. She specializes in religious practice and worship in the First Age, but with the changes happening since Sauron's capture, she has begun to focus more and more on current practices in Armenelos itself. After starting this course of study, she has wanted more than once to ascend the Meneltarma, but knows in her heart she never shall.
Ohh, that sounds fascinating! I’ll change it.
I imagine that would be a rather controversial move in the atmosphere of the time! She must be brave :)
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Aw yeah time for more Catairë and family headcanons
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Administrative note on tags:
How I'm using them so far:
reblogs: tag with usernames
original content: tag with 'post by [user]'
type of thing: background, headcanon, fic, whatever
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croclock replied to your post
and he was her advisor
total betrayal :(
(of course he flips sides again when Ar-Pharazôn comes to power, and by then nobody trusts him at all and every woman in the university is out for his blood :D)
croclock replied to your post
This sort of thing is not unknown, especially with influential man taking promising young female scholars under their wing,>> tell me about it even irl orz
eurgh totally happens irl
Sakalzôr is that sleazy yet influential tenured faculty member who often seems to end up mentoring attractive young women. WE ALL KNOW HIM.
kaywinnet replied to your post 
Awesome, thanks for the information!
You're welcome! I hadn't realized I'd never clarified, tbh! And you all would probably encounter him, though I'm sure Lossebeth and Azruphel and even Zarîn would take care to shield the younger girls. 
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Five important things to remember when talking about the Faithful, brought to you by tumblr user kaywinnet
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