nyaaal0v3-blog · 7 years
Is it bad?
is it bad to fall in love? because thats how you make it seem. it is bad that i wanna go reaching in the sky to grab the brightest star just to bring it down to you? is it bad that i wanna fly us out of this word and put us on a new planet where we can relax, where we can be us and feel the real feeling of love and not lust. is it bad that every night i crave your energy in my life because you make the vibrations feel so wavy. cause see im doing everything i can to have you around, but its like im the moon fighting to see you, the sun, and that nevers works because we're at different places at the same time, and if we were to be around each other the world would just loose their mind. and really im just trying to be the leaves on your tree during the summer days, because when all know when it gets cold and dark it starts to become less in multiple ways. so, is it bad to fall in love? because everyday im willing to bring you a whole new world until you're satisfied. im willing to run to where you're at, even if you're half way across the world, i wont give up until my legs start to break or until ive completely died. i've ripped out my heart and i've gave it to you and you looked so lost like you dont have a clue on what to do with it, like you've never had someone love you and give their all to you. baby id give you an arm and a leg if you asked me to. is it bad to fall in love? cause ive fallen so deep that i dont know what it looks like up above, that i've found myself digging deeper to get closer to you not knowing that im sacrificing the air i need to breathe to keep the pessimistic love, to keep that smile of yours stretched out to your ears. ive fallen so deep that you told me you wanted gold so i digged as if this was a gold mine and they were easy to find. see, ive fallen deep that i've gave up my life to keep you here, i've faught all the demons from touching you and i've made everyone around know who you were, and how special you were, cause baby you're amazing and everytime i see you i end up gazing into those dreamy eyes, knowing that they've once broke me before because of some lies. and as much as i made you feel like a diamond you made me feel like burried treasure. and everytime i gave you my all, i lost a little piece of me and i didnt stop until i was faded in the wind and the only time you felt me was when blew past your tough skin. so tell me, is it bad to fall in love? i dont believe so, but dont loose yourself over someone so low. -NyaLove
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