oddhour · 3 years
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The VIOLET MADE OF THORNS cover is here! (along with some excerpts)  ✨
(cover design by Casey Moses / art by Sasha Vinogradova)
If you want to read: 🌹 a fairytale-flavored fantasy 🏰 feat. asian antiheroine seer + golden boy prince 🔥 in a love/hate trainwreck of a romance
Find out more about VIOLET & preorder! (or just click to see the webpage I designed because I am: extra)
For those hearing about my debut book for the first time: I call Violet Made of Thorns my “fairy tale for cynics.” It’s a fantasy romance for people who think feelings are the worst. The heroine multitasks by flipping off the gods with one hand and flipping off the prince with the other. It’s somehow both sillier and bloodier than you’d expect. And it comes out July 2022!
Goodreads | Twitter | Instagram
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oddhour · 3 years
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Packaging illustration done for Everything Dice
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oddhour · 3 years
I gotta get better at remembering to post updates on tumblr BUT I’m working on my second round of revisions for Violet Made of Thorns! And I sent off cover ideas! And it’s coming out a little earlier than expected (Summer 2022)! Publishing is incredibly slow if you’re not aware, so that’s kind of all the updates I have :’D but knowing I’ll have a book out next year continues to be perpetually surreal. If anyone has any questions about publishing or what to look out for, I can do my best to answer!
Also feeling tender about etc. etc. these days, because people still talk to me about it from time to time (and I’ve also seen?? people talk about it in the wild?? wild). I used its character work as a jumping off point for my original stuff, but the sharpest, silliest, most specific parts of it will only ever live on in that fic, because it was written for a fandom audience and really only could have thrived as fic. I’d never try to recreate what etc. etc. allowed me to do, because I’m already satisfied with what it accomplished. Knowing I wrote something that people think about years later is the most fulfilling thing and when I finished it in 2016, I wouldn’t have imagined this legacy <3
In other news, I uh.... watched and read all of Jujutsu Kaisen? Also inexplicably got super back into kpop. \o/ pandemic life
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oddhour · 3 years
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Blooms of Insect Wings Created by Photographer Seb Janiak
(via Blooms of Insect Wings Created by Photographer Seb Janiak | ron beck designs)
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oddhour · 4 years
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by  Dominik Mayer
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oddhour · 4 years
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oddhour · 4 years
@jlc2007: oh my goodness! congrats and it sounds amazing!!!
@quillsandflourishes: congrats!!
thank you!! :’)
@violetephemera: That new title is fantastic! It sounds refreshingly different from most YA titles. Congrats! I'm looking forward to reading the finished books!
thank you Susan!! The new title was a... journey :’D (that is, brainstorming a new one was most of the reason why I couldn’t announce sooner ahaha, we couldn’t agree on a final one!!) but I’m so happy with Violet Made of Thorns, it makes me daydream of potential book covers.
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oddhour · 4 years
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HEY HEY I’M PUBLISHING MY BOOK which is actually a whole FANTASY DUOLOGY!!!!!! The title is now changed from what you may know; it’s now called VIOLET MADE OF THORNS and it’s coming out Fall 2022 from Delacorte Press. You can add it to goodreads here!
I have a long blog post typed out for later that I’ll be posting to my author tumblr @actualgina, but until then, please know I am SO HYPED for this and so thankful for everyone who’s followed me over the years. I hope y’all know by now how much your support has meant to me, because it’s what got me on this path in the first place.
You’ll have to wait two years for this book, but the ultimate chapter update is coming!! I promise. Because I’m contracted for it :’D
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oddhour · 4 years
Deleting fic soon!
the time has come!!!! for a good reason :)
I will be deleting these fics from hpff, ffnet, ao3 on... let’s say October 15 to give some notice:
etc. etc. (and life goes on)
Sailing Ship
Afternoon Dust
These are a mix of fics I don’t love anymore and some fics that ah, run a little too close to original things I’m writing. Feel free to save and privately share them! I’m not doing an aggressive scrub, but I’d like them to be a little less googleable now, ya know.
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oddhour · 4 years
plz take this quiz i made where i sort you into a hyper-specific YA prince storyline you’ll enjoy it i promise there are pretty kpop pictures for every result 
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oddhour · 4 years
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Have just finished the incredible Harrow the Ninth from @tazmuir, it was SO GOOD!
Please brace for more fan art, I cannot resist. :-D Here’s something I did for ‘Gideon the Ninth’.
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oddhour · 4 years
I have a new author tumblr up at @actualgina! This is the one linked on my website, meant for a wider audience, so it’s primarily for professional updates and longer posts, where I put on my full grammar hat (all my casual posts/reblogs will still be here). Follow if you’re interested!
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oddhour · 4 years
hihi just dropping back by to say thank you for such a thorough answer to my question! i was like "she's prob not gonna answer can't blame her" and then you just SURPASSED!! i'm so amazed that you completed a manuscript with a full-time job, or at least i believe you code full-time? and finding writing friends in the pandemic is difficult but i'm hoping once things calm down to join a group or something. thank you so much for the advice!
I don’t have a lot to say on my own usually, but give me the right question and I will open my mouth and things will simply spill out :’D I was working full-time most of the time! I’m not anymore due to the uh, economy, but I am financially secure enough at the moment to not worry for awhile, so I’m focusing on just writing for now.
I hope you find some great people!! I met all of my friends online, across every time zone, and I would not be here today without so many of them.
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oddhour · 4 years
hi gina!! i've followed your journey from HPFF to author-dom, and it's so incredible to see what leaps and bounds you've made. congratulations on finishing your manuscript! i can't wait to buy your book THE VERY SECOND it hits the shelves. you're a huge inspiration to me and countless others. maybe this is weird, but do you have any advice to share for aspiring authors? you seem to have found a good niche and community. no worries if you don't want to answer—thank you for being an inspiration!
:’))))))) this is a very nice message to get while i'm fixing the Entire Middle Third of my book
The first thing that comes to mind is: you should try to be in a community/group that largely writes for fun before you enter a community that writes for some form of profit. The former is healthier for your actual creativity, and you want to make sure that part of you is strong before wading into any place where people worry about marketability, or deadlines, or the next big thing, or making a living. The worst that can happen is killing your original love for writing. Be aware of whether you want to make your hobby a career, because you will have to make compromises and concern yourself with a lot of non-writing things. (I didn't pursue visual arts because my gut knew I would hate having clients dictating the things I designed, I also didn't have a certain drive in wanting more of my art/designs out there, which I do with my stories).
I think you should be certain of what you want in a creative friend/critique partner before seeking those out, too. It's important to find others who are on the same page. Years back, I specifically sought out writers who were also in the process of writing a manuscript, who had posted writing excerpts that I liked, and who seemed relatively confident about their writing. I didn't become friends with everyone—maybe because we didn't totally vibe or maybe because I'm not what they're looking for, etc. But that's fine! I made a few really good close writing friends and a lot of other kinds of friends, because not everything has to be about writing.
When I started this manuscript, I knew I wanted to get an agent with it. I also thought, it's okay if I don't, and I can always revise more or write a different story. I'm lucky in that I already had a great support from readers before I ever tried to do this. Many aspiring and debut authors haven’t had the experience of having their writing widely read, and it can cause a lot of anxiety and hunger—wanting that validation from readers and not being sure if people will like your writing (even if a publisher buys your book, from that point it’ll be two years until you see it on shelves). I don't have those feelings almost at all, and it's EXTREMELY freeing. Even if people didn't like what I wrote professionally, I know that I've written many things that people DO like, and even just that shields against anxiety.
(Midway last year, I got into fanfic again briefly because I fell in love with Claude von Riegan of Fire Emblem—it happens—and it was really nice writing oneshots in a day without really thinking about them and posting them and getting comments again. It was a wonderful reminder that I could, in fact, write, during a time where my manuscript was yelling "you have no idea what you're doing." Sure my fandom detour delayed my manuscript completion by a few months, but it was creatively and mentally worth it. I have friends who are active in fandom and fanfic the entire time they're pursuing pro publication as well).
I'm always improving my writing. I'm revising my entire middle third right now, because my brain finally understood how to make a story Book-Shaped instead of being a loosely connected set of scenes like fanfic is. I'm picking up a lot of holistic skills I never had before. Everyone's writing process is different and you need to be actively paying attention to your own. You should try new tips and tricks to see if they work with your process. Most will not and that's fine—now you know! Some will, and that's even better.
And I'm still having fun! I have my ups and downs, but it's a very familiar set of ups and down, and that comes with the experience of having written for a decade. I think finishing a story is the most important milestone, because it'll probably be the one milestone you come back to most often. I'm glad I made it a point to finish my fanfic novels, because it laid the foundational confidence that I can finish stories, even if it takes a long time! Also, writing an ending is nothing like writing a beginning or middle, and skillwise it's important to crest that hill—being able to write the part where the entire story comes together. Build a writing process around finishing a story.
This is now a long rambling thing, I hope it covers some topics that are helpful!! Thank you again for the message and now I gotta get back to work <:
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oddhour · 4 years
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Howl’s Moving Castle + concept art brought to life
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oddhour · 4 years
also please enjoy these miscellaneous excerpts I’ve been posting on twitter:
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ONLY FIC READERS KNOW THE EXTENDED JOKE OF MY RECURRING NEWSLETTERS and this one has horoscopes that my writing chat demanded i make up:
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masquerades in 2020 hit different :|
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extremely extra gif i made using this picrew:
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oddhour · 4 years
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totally forgot I never crossposted this amazing Violet and Cyrus I commissioned from @mabychan (also on insta)!! please feast your eyes and enjoy an excerpt:
In one swift step, Cyrus closes in on me. I rock forward as if in dance, heart racing. I've missed this much—these arguments where we circle like fencers, trading beats and feints. He used to claim that dealing with me was a waste of time, but he could never resist trying to humble me.
"Fine, Violet: you're clever," he says, voice a brittle calm. "You have everything figured out—congratulations. But you don't have a single selfless thought in that blessed mind of yours, and I will never oblige myself to someone like that. Be proud, because pride is all you have."
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