officialeoj · 4 months
Sunday Silliness 🤪
EoJ Tumblr Handler: I love my job.
[Note comes in reading: You're doing a fantastic job!-]
EoJ Tumblr Handler: (grins)
[-You're so good in fact, you'll be reassigned for more chances to do so!]
EoJ Tumblr Handler: ...well, guys. It was nice while it lasted.
EoJ Tumblr Handler, smiling: I hope these Sillinesses- Sillinesi?- Sunday posts made you smile and brightened up your day. This isn't a good-bye forever- if things change and Tumblr gets more popular I may come back, but it's a good-bye for now. I hope you can look back on these posts both on here and on the Discord Fan Server's #cakewalk channel; special thanks to Jam5022 🎲 for posting them there.
EoJ Tumblr Handler, smiling: It was an honor to create these wacky posts for all of you, guys! You won't see this until after I leave, but it's been a great time making these for you all!
EoJ Tumblr Handler, beaming: Have a fantastic Sunday, everyone!
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officialeoj · 4 months
Sunday Silliness 🤪
Random Student: Ha-ha! Your mom's a jailbird!
Turning Page: So's yours.
Random Student: Oh yeah.
Random Student, cheerful: Hey, let's play tag!
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officialeoj · 4 months
Sunday Silliness 🤪
Dear Mom,
This is the first time we're spending this day apart instead of together. It's weird, but I think this time apart has made my love for you grow. I don't know when we'll see each other next, but I yearn for the day we reunite. I dream of hugging you and seeing you smile...
(Fair reads the rest of the page, her jaw set and brows creased; her cellmate passes her by)
Cell Mate: Lemme guess, another letter from yer son?
Fair Devotion, neutral: Yes.
Cell Mate: Still think it was a good ider ta keep yer romance novels within reach of 'is sword?
Fair: ...There is certainly some regret.
Cell Mate: At least ya got somethin' for Mother's Day. My kids still send me a lousy card without even signin' 'em. I'd kill for a hoof-written letter like that, even though it'll extend my sentence.
Fair: I thought you said you were in here for shoplifting?
Cell Mate, shrugging: I may have had some priors 'fore that.
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officialeoj · 5 months
Sunday Silliness 🤪
Wright Anything Agency
Phoenix Wright - Spiky Hair (greased back)
Athena Cykes - Ponytail
Apollo Justice - Two bunny-like strands (rest is greased back)
Trucy Wright - Hat
Case 2 Characters
Turning Page - Spiky Hair (fluffy)
Sugar Stamp - Twin tails
Lawkeeper Equity - Loose strands (most braided back)
Private Eye - Hat
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officialeoj · 5 months
Sunday Silliness 🤪
Diamond Tiara: Silver Spoon, you're my best friend.
Silver Spoon: Best friend? BEST friend?! DT, I'm your only friend.
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officialeoj · 5 months
Sunday Silliness 🤪
Trucy Wright: Hey, EoJ Tumblr Handler?
EoJ Tumblr Handler: Yeah?
Trucy: How come you haven't used Zecora yet? Or if you have, how come you haven't used her much.
EoJ Tumblr Handler: ...I have no idea how to rhymes.
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officialeoj · 5 months
Sunday Silliness 🤪
Spike: [crushes on Rarity]
Also Spike: [unintentionally helped Rarity's younger sister's rocky plan to save her friend]
Also, also Spike: [Hasn't been seen in person since 2-5]
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officialeoj · 6 months
Sunday Silliness 🤪
Silver Spoon: Hey, uh, Apple Bloom?
Apple Bloom: Huh? Oh. Hey, Silver Spoon.
Silver Spoon, holding a poster: I uh, think you need to see this. (gives AB poster)
[Apple Bloom stares, confused and wide-eyed, at the poster she holds; the poster is of Apple Bloom herself holding the largest spoon she has ever seen]
AB: ...Ah don' get it.
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officialeoj · 6 months
Sunday Silliness 🤪
Fair Devotion: What's gone wrong, Turning?
Turning Page: Hey! Just because I’m calling doesn’t mean there’s a crisis.
Fair Devotion: That’s technically true, I suppose. Why are you calling?
Turning Page: Well… There’s a crisis.
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officialeoj · 6 months
Sunday Silliness 🤪
Power Rangers AU
Twilight Sparkle: Rangers! It's morphin' time!
Phoenix Wright: Blue Attorney!
Athena Cykes: Yellow Therapist!
Apollo Justice: Red Sight-Seer!
Trucy Wright: Teal Magician!
Sonata: Dark Defense!
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officialeoj · 6 months
Sunday Silliness 🤪
Athena Cykes: Some days, you just feel empty.
Athena: Some days, you just feel so empty, that you don't know what you're feeling.
Athena: Some days, you just feel like, you've got your emotions under control and your stress isn't that bad.
Athena: Sometimes, all it takes for you to realize how wrong you is when you go to put up a ladder, turn around for one second, and have it hit you on the back of your head and cause you to go into a break down.
Athena: And sometimes, when there's Public Safety people to check on you, you're crying so much and feel like you're having so much trouble breathing, that you end up raising your voice and end up getting scolded for it.
Athena: And when you go out to fill in the form saying you don't need medical attention, you end up making it so that the Public Safety people think you're gonna hurt yourself and call someone to talk to you. And while they wait, they make meaningless small talk and don't even bother acknowledging your existence unless you speak to them.
Athena: And while you're waiting for that person to come in, you're left wondering maybe you should've gotten checked on and you're panicking about whether you might've made the biggest mistake of your maybe-shortened life. And it's hard to tell whether you have symptoms or if the freezing-cold air of the room you're stuck in is causing those symptoms because it's blasting the air right at you.
Athena: But then, when the person comes in, and their name literally translates to "The Hero" in another language, it makes everything better. They're your hero, and they've made your day so, so much better.
Athena: Mental health, everyone. Talk to someone about your stresses and see what you can do to handle them better. Especially for all of you neurodivergent folks out there! It never hurts to ask questions and talk about how you're feeling!
Athena: Say "OBJECTION!!!" to stewing in your unknown sea of emotion and waiting for the geyser to blow!
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officialeoj · 7 months
Sunday Silliness 🤪
Turning Page: I don’t think the therapist is supposed to say ‘wow’ that many times during their first session with a client, but here we are.
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officialeoj · 7 months
Sunday Silliness 🤪
Royal Order: March! March! March!
Ash Tray: We're done doing drills. You can stop barking order at us.
Royal Order: Who said anything about orders? I just like the month.
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officialeoj · 7 months
Sunday Silliness 🤪
Sugar Stamp: Everything’s fine, Deva.
Fair Devotion: Sugar Stamp, I know your relationship with the english language is strictly casual, but you- I- deep inhale ALLOW ME TO TELL YOU WHAT’S NOT FINE.
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officialeoj · 7 months
Sunday Silliness 🤪
Pinkie Pie: Hold on! You perform at parties?! Including BIRTHDAY PARTIES?! (grins from ear to ear)
Trucy: Uh-huh! Though, I do cost a little extra for parlor tricks.
Pinkie: How come?
Trucy: Oh, I don't know...
(Trucy pulls out her magic undergarments, pulling out a clear baggie of human coins from inside)
Trucy, cheekily grinning: Why do you think?~
Pinkie, awestruck: Whoa!
Pinkie, confused: Wait- what are those things?
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officialeoj · 7 months
Sunday Silliness 🤪
Royal Order: I think I just figured something out. I got to go.
Fair Devotion: Aren't you forgetting something?
Royal Order: Uuh…hesitantly kisses Fair Devotion's forehead before running out.
Fair Devotion: No, pay your bill! But thank you, dear!
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officialeoj · 8 months
Sunday Silliness 🤪
Athena Cykes, rushing into the room: It’s terrible, just terrible! I am so upset!
Apollo Justice: Athena, sit down! C'mon, tell us all about it. Trucy, would you get Athena some water?
Trucy Wright: What's she gonna do with water? Has water ever made you feel better when you were upset? Have you ever heard anyone say, “Thank God, the water’s here!”?
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