oilmawa · 7 months
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The Traveler
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oilmawa · 8 months
Spoilers for In stars and Time full game (?)
So I’m replaying In Stars and Time and I’ve just picked up the carving wood in Act 2 and all the party gave examples of siffrin mumbling things such as “please don’t look bad” etc and how the things they make always look better when they do?
And like ?
Subtle daily uses of wish craft?
I could very easily be overanalysing things but it just makes me wonder how integral wish craft was to siffrin’s country and its people
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oilmawa · 8 months
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Knife to Meet you!
Idk if I'll do shading for this little animation, but I'm very proud! My first time dipping my toes into spacing and timing. Learned some things!
Plus lets appreciate how fancy Siffrin being with their attacks. Truly a theatre kid!
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oilmawa · 9 months
I’m exiting my tumblr hiatus to say something about in stars and time bc I’m replaying it: when first talking to Loop, they introduce themselves and say that we can refer to them with the Royal ‘We’. And I get that it works slightly differently to saying we as in a group of people BUT!!!!! THE HINTS WERE LITERALLY THERE THE ENTIRE TIME!!!!! I’m sure other ppl have noticed this but I’m literally going feral
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I cannot be normal about this series. I literally have such terrible brain rot
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oilmawa · 9 months
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wanted to draw a new outfit.........
[siffrin is from the videogame in stars and time]
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oilmawa · 10 months
Not So Berry Challenge 2
Long story short, your family kicked you out. Whatever. You couldn’t care less! You’ve always been the black sheep of the family, and now you’ve got to go out on your own just like you always planned. You work odd jobs to make ends meet, but you never seem to get ahead.
Traits: Slob, Evil, Freegan
Aspiration: Beach Life
Career: Odd jobs only
Complete the Beach Life aspiration.
Start on an empty lot with 100 Simoleons. Hard mode: Start as a teen.
Marry the first adult Sim to rate you 5 stars for a job. 
Max the fishing and fabrication skills.
Your only friend is your spouse.
Keep reading
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oilmawa · 2 years
Sorry, just busy crying over any time Katsuki’s hand is in his left pocket
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…and how Katsuki’s left hand is his holding-Izuku’s-hand hand.
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oilmawa · 2 years
Major spoilers for MHA chapter 363!!!
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apparently bakugo upon realizing that he's dying, says his only regret is not having his all might card signed. He falls over as his heart stops (doubt this is the end as nitroglycerin can be used as medication for heart failure )
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oilmawa · 2 years
MHA CH356 spoilers!
So I’m a bit late to this chapter but this panel
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Stuck out to me, specifically the image on the left and it felt really familiar and I couldn’t place why. And I know that a point was made about how endeavour is nothing like deku or all might but I couldn’t help but be reminded of all might when I saw it
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Please ignore the quality but it reminded me of these two images and I’m sure it’s a coincidence but I certainly think it’s interesting. Especially the second image as it also comes from a fight against all for one; specifically the supposed “final fight”. I can’t guess whether or not this actually holds any significance but it is gonna be going through my mind instead of anything useful in my exams tomorrow.
Also I feel like I should pint out that it also reminds me of Bakugo but I could find any panels from the manga that seemed to reflect it. Yeah moral of the story I’m probably reading into things as it’s a fairly standard pose when it comes to showing the build up for a big move but there’s no harm in speculating
: D
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oilmawa · 2 years
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When I started watching Bubble, I assumed Hibiki was just very autistic-coded because that’s all it ever is, coding, it’s never explicit—BUT NOPE HE STRAIGHT UP IS AUTISTIC, IT’S A MAJOR PART OF HIS STORYLINE, HE’S LITERALLY AUTISTIC.
Hibiki isn’t just presumed to be autistic by the cast because he’s somehow mystically aware of supernatural things, he is able to perceive supernatural things because he is autistic. The diagnosis came first. It’s not a case where it’s actually some superpower, where he’s actually the chosen one, he’s autistic and that means he’s hypervigilant and has auditory sensitivity and that makes him pick up on things that others don’t. He’s not neurodivergent-coded because he’s actually “special,” he’s genuinely special because he’s actually neurodivergent.
The leading female character, Uta, is autistic-coded but not explicitly such because of plot reasons. She’s mostly nonverbal for the majority of the film, when she does speak it’s with a very flat verbal affect. She absorbs information and gets really into math once it’s introduced to her. She has a special interest in The Little Mermaid, and also in spirals and how they relate to gravity and the cycle of expansion and compression throughout the universe. The only thing that makes her being autistic less explicit than Hibiki is that you don’t see her get a diagnosis (and she won’t because that would be a weird way to derail the story).
Bubble will make you cry—it’s based on The Little Mermaid, the original, which should make it clear that the title of the film has a distinct double-meaning in the context of the story—but I’ve never seen neurodivergence on display so clearly, so respectfully, and so naturally in an anime before, and I recommend it with every fiber of my being.
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oilmawa · 2 years
how many people make an orgy?
google thinks four or more, i'm gonna say five or more
Yeah 5 seems about right if not 6
Like 4 just doesn’t seem like enough ?
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oilmawa · 3 years
these spot the differences are getting harder and harder smh
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oilmawa · 3 years
Ok so my week has been pretty shitty so I will now proceed to overanalyse some lil drawings for serotonin.
Side note real quick: I know deku used float to zoom away but I refuse to let go of the idea that deku can walk/ run on water. You can pry Jesus deku from my cold dead hands.
1) I am so hyped to find out what 2nd (?) ofa user’s quirk is. Like there’s still so much we don’t fully know about ofa and I kinda wonder whether it will all be explicitly revealed or if some things will be kept intentionally ambiguous/ vague/ secret to uphold the idea that this quirk is bloody ancient and info is lost to time. Then again the fact that the quirk is kinda sentient would cause an issue with this because it would be hard to justify not revealing all the secrets given that the vestiges can reveal them.
And that brings me onto what I think the 2nd user’s quirk is. Honestly I have no clue. But I think it’s definitely interesting that 2 asked if deku tried to activate his quirk. Like that’s a very specific question. So the natural assumption is that it is something with very specific activation requirements and also that it is a quirk that would be noticeable if it was activated and wouldn’t be something passive like danger sense. I want to say it’s probably some sort of strength enhancer and probably quite an unstable one at that give that it was from literally the dawn of quirks and has evolved within ofa.
2) Tsu saying that people confessing their feelings is awkward and I don’t think I’ve related to a character so thoroughly in my life
Also I really like that uraraka and toga are two sides of the same coin. Like they’ve both struggled within society (albeit in different ways) and, like how aoyama and deku show the opposite possibilities of a quirkless child within hero society and what possible paths they could take, uraraka and toga show the different routes a person can take (ie become a villain or try to be a hero) although it’s definitely important to note that uraraka struggled financially whereas toga experienced quirk discrimination and was turned away when all she really needed was a good support system. Anywho back to my point; they are 2 sides of the same coin and (depending on how much plot armour uraraka has) I believe the toga does actually stand a chance at winning. Although I feel as though upon her victory she would realise that it isn’t what she was hoping for it to be.
My final thoughts on this part is that I’m glad deku was removed from the situation because if he was there for the battle then it would undermine all of uraraka’s character development.
In terms of all of the villains I reckon he is probably the biggest threat to society (sure Shigaraki can physically fuck things up, but he doesn’t have the same impact dabi has). I think it’s especially interesting that Natsuo, Fuyumi, and Shouto all (at bare minimum) acknowledge the Endeavor was putting in effort to change, (whether they forgave him or not is irrelevant) and this leaves dabi as the only todoroki who refuses to acknowledge endeavours attempts to be better. And he is well within his rights to not forgive Endeavor and like fair enough wanting to kill him but he seems to be unable to acknowledge that people change. This can even be seen in the way he interacts with Shouto insisting that Shouto is just a puppet of Endeavor’s and ignores him when he says he was there of his own free will.
(Whether Endeavor can be forgiven for what he’s done is a debate for another day but like in my opinion no he shouldn’t be).
ok so my final thoughts on this chapter: what the fresh ever loving fuck is happening to dabi's face? my man is just a skull. like that can't be healthy. although i suppose he won't bleed out because he is on fire at the same time so i guess he's cauterising the wounds as they occur.
bitch needs flex tape
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oilmawa · 3 years
Why do talking to people so tiring ? Like why can’t I just sit next to people in silence doing our own thing and have that count as socialising ?
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oilmawa · 3 years
So I have left the house with my mum and dad and it will be a short trip but my dad is trying to say that it isn’t my outing of the day.
Now correct me if I’m wrong but I have left the house ?
And leaving the house counts as an outing ?
Therefore using my singular brain cell I have in fact done my outing of the day.
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oilmawa · 3 years
MHA manga 348 spoilers:
but in all seriousness I really liked this chapter and I’m glad that it adresses the whole romance thing without dedicating ages of time to it because at the end of the day it is in the middle of the battle and it wouldn’t make sense for them to go on about to for multiple chapters.
that said I do think that (assuming we continue with uravity and froppy) there will be at least some further discussion on themes of romance and more so what toga believes to be romance and how that isn’t acceptable in society. I sincerely hope that uraraka gets through to toga, conveying that she wants to save her. However, i feel it’s unlikely that toga will easily change her views if at all and so I reckon she will go down fighting for her views.
Although that would feel like a disappointing conclusion to urarakas interactions with her and would make her character growth feel pointless.
On the topic of uraraka: I think these chapters will be an interesting expansion of her views on “who saves the heroes” and will expand to “who saves villains”. This is due to her seeming to finally acknowledge that toga is a person who has her own desires and motivations and she wasn’t born this way and instead is a result of the way society treated her.
So yeah that was honestly a massive waffle and I have no clue if it made any sense but none of my friends are caught up with the manga and there are only so many ways I can rant to my boyfriend in a cryptic spoiler free way
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oilmawa · 3 years
bruh I crave energy
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