olaboratory · 10 months
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olaboratory · 10 months
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Here are some SGPT High Symptoms in your blood:
Feeling weak
Having Nausea 
Loss of appetite 
Experiencing fatigue 
Shortness of breath 
Swelling in legs 
Learn More
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olaboratory · 11 months
Normal Lipid Profile Levels & Range -
Understanding the normal lipid profile levels is crucial for assessing your cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of heart disease. By maintaining healthy levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, you can promote optimal lipid balance and overall well-being.
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olaboratory · 11 months
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olaboratory · 11 months
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Normal Level of Blood Sugar -
Fasting blood sugar test(FBS) - 99 mg/dL or below
HbA1c - Below 5.7%
Postprandial blood sugar test - Less than 140 mg/dL
Learn More
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olaboratory · 1 year
Liver Function Test (LFT) - Parameters, Criteria, Parameters, Benefits, Price
Seek out a laboratory in Jammu that provides the most competitive price for LFT tests while ensuring reliable outcomes delivered promptly. These test results are valuable for examining liver inflammation, infections, and diseases, as well as monitoring the well-being of the liver in the presence of an established condition or ongoing medical intervention.
The liver, the second largest organ in our body, plays a crucial role in a variety of metabolic processes involving proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. It is responsible for tasks such as producing and excreting bile, activating enzymes, synthesizing clotting factors, and more. Additionally, the liver aids in detoxification by filtering and breaking down waste and toxins from the bloodstream. Consequently, any malfunctioning of the liver can result in the accumulation of toxins and disruptions in metabolic processes. Moreover, excessive buildup of harmful substances caused by heavy alcohol consumption, exposure to heavy metals, certain medications, autoimmune disorders, poor diet, and infections can impair liver function. To assess liver health, a simple blood test known as Liver Function Test (LFT) can provide valuable insights.
Test Criteria
Are you interested in discovering additional information regarding the Liver Function Test and the criteria for its suitability? If your physician has advised you to undergo this test, it is crucial for you to comprehend its significance. Given the liver's crucial involvement in metabolic and detoxification functions, maintaining optimal liver health is of utmost importance.
You are eligible for this test
? If you experience unexplained or recurring episodes of nausea and vomiting
? If any indications of liver disorder or disease are observed by your healthcare provider
? If you are taking specific medications that can alter liver enzyme levels
? If you display symptoms of jaundice
? If you have a pre-existing liver disease or are currently on medication for a liver disease
? This test is suitable for individuals of any age, gender, or ethnicity
? Individuals who consume alcohol regularly
? If you have abdominal pain, reduced appetite, diarrhea, or urine with a darker color
? If there is a history of liver disease in your family
Why take the LFT test?
It is essential to undergo this test as part of your annual health check-up to assess the quality and uniqueness of your liver function.
This diagnostic test is recommended to identify liver-related issues, such as fatty liver, cirrhosis, tumors, hepatitis, and more. Please consult your doctor and schedule this test if you experience symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, upper right abdominal pain, bloated belly, unexplained weight gain, jaundice, dark urine, pale stools, or itching (pruritus).
If you are currently taking medications for liver or gallbladder diseases, this test will help determine the effectiveness of your treatment.
Individuals with conditions that can potentially affect the liver, including autoimmune disorders, gallstones, infections, metabolic disorders, and others, should also consider this test.
Certain medications can impact liver enzymes, so it is advisable to monitor liver function through this test when using such medications.
Regularly monitoring liver function can help track the progress and severity of liver conditions.
If there is a family history of liver disease, it is crucial to undergo this test for early detection.
Individuals who consume excessive alcohol should consider taking this test.
Those with a previous history of hepatitis should undergo this test.
It is recommended to take this test before undergoing surgery or starting specific medications.
What are the benefits of the LFT test in O-Lab?
Getting the test from O-Lab offers numerous advantages. This accredited laboratory provides the LFT test in Jammu at a price of 400 rs, delivering the best test results in the area. It is crucial to have the test conducted by a reputable lab, as liver dysfunction can lead to significant health complications and disrupt normal life. Accurate results are essential for timely intervention. Our lab offers several reasons to choose us, including the lowest prices, the convenience of home collection, accurate reporting within 24 hours for the LFT test, and a well-trained and empathetic staff.
Test Parameters
The Full LFT Test examines the following major parameters:
A/G ratio (Automatically calculated)
Serum Albumin
Serum Direct Bilirubin
Serum Indirect Bilirubin
Serum Total Bilirubin
Serum Alkaline Phosphatase
Serum Proteins
Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), also known as SGPT, is a significant marker for liver health. Low levels may indicate poor diet and malnutrition, while high levels can indicate bile duct obstruction, hepatitis, or liver injury.
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) or SGOT is found in high levels in both the liver and skeletal muscles. Elevated values may be observed in conditions such as Fatty Liver, liver injury, trauma, or infections.
Bilirubin levels can increase due to hepatitis, jaundice, gallbladder disease, certain types of anemia, and liver diseases like Cirrhosis.
GGT or Gamma-Glutamyl transferase serves as a sensitive marker for liver injury. Its levels may also rise in hepatitis, fatty liver disease, diabetes, heart failure, and certain other conditions.
By analyzing the levels and ratios of various parameters in the Liver Function Test, your doctor can make a diagnosis. Early intervention is crucial for all types of liver issues.
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olaboratory · 1 year
What is Liver Function Test (LFT)
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Learn About LFT Test - https://o-lab.in/blog/Liver-Function-Test-LFT-Price-in-Jammu
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olaboratory · 1 year
Complete Blood Count (CBC) Test Price in Jammu
A CBC test, known as a complete blood count analysis, provides crucial insights into the different types of cells present in your blood. This test aids healthcare providers in evaluating general health and diagnosing specific symptoms or conditions like anemia and infections. Additionally, it helps determine the need for further investigations.
This comprehensive test examines various blood cell parameters such as red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. In addition to aiding in the diagnosis of different conditions, it helps assess the effectiveness of treatments and medications.
Test Criteria
To determine your eligibility for a CBC test in Jammu or any other location, consider the following:
Eligibility for CBC Test
Suitable for individuals of any age, gender, or demographic to evaluate general health.
Useful in diagnosing health conditions like infections, anemia, blood cancers, and more.
Recommended if you experience symptoms such as easy bruising, fatigue, signs of bleeding, infections, or inflammation.
Prescribed when a disease affecting blood cells or related parameters is suspected.
Utilized to assess the effectiveness of ongoing treatments like radiation or anemia management.
Why Take the CBC Test?
Consider taking the CBC test for the following reasons:
As part of your routine health checkup
To determine the cause of fatigue, weight loss, or fever
To check for anemia or abnormal bleeding
In the case of infections or during pregnancy
To monitor your response to certain drugs or treatments like radiation
Prior to undergoing surgery
To diagnose blood diseases such as leukemia or chronic inflammation
In many other health conditions
What are the Benefits of the CBC Test at O-Lab?
At O-Lab, we offer tailored test packages to cater to individual needs. Our lab ensures quick results with a high level of accuracy. With the best CBC test price in Jammu, we provide convenient options such as home collection and walk-in services. By opting for our accredited lab, you can benefit from early detection of various health conditions, facilitating timely and appropriate treatment. Our trained staff and phlebotomists prioritize your safety, comfort, and reliability throughout the testing process. Feel free to reach out to us for further information.
No special preparation or fasting is required for the CBC test. However, if you are undergoing other tests that necessitate fasting, such as LFT or lipid profile, fasting may be necessary.
Test Parameters
The CBC test includes essential parameters that vary slightly based on the lab's methodology. Here are the important parameters typically included:
Haemoglobin (Hb)
RBC (Red Blood Cell) Count
WBC- TLC (Total Leucocytes Count)
Absolute Basophil Count, blood
Absolute Eosinophil Count, blood
Absolute Lymphocyte Count, blood
Absolute Monocyte Count, blood
Absolute Neutrophil Count, blood
MCH (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin)
MCHC (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration)
MCV (Mean Corpuscular Volume)
MPV (Mean Platelet Volume)
PCV Hematocrit (Packed Cell Volume)
PDW (Platelet Distribution Width)
RDW (Red Cell Distribution Width)
Platelet Count/Thrombocyte Count
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olaboratory · 1 year
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What is Complete Blood Count (CBC) Test ?
A CBC test is a complete blood count analysis that provides important information about the different types of cells in your blood. This test can help your healthcare provider or doctor evaluate your general health or your specific symptoms.
Learn more about CBC Test.
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olaboratory · 1 year
Top 5 Best Homeopathy Medicine for Fatty Liver -
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There are certain medicines used most commonly in Homeopathy for Fatty Liver Disease.  
Chelidonium, Lycopodium, Phosphorous, Calcarea Carb, Nux Vomica
Learn more - homeopathy remedies for fatty liver
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olaboratory · 1 year
Homeopathic remedies for treatment of fatty liver
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Is homeopathy effective for treating fatty liver?
Homeopathy is a widely used and effective treatment option for fatty liver disease. It focuses on restoring and improving the natural functioning of the liver while treating the symptoms in a natural manner. Homeopathy follows the principle of individualization, where unique symptoms and signs are identified to provide tailored remedies. There are well-known homeopathic remedies specifically used for treating fatty liver disease, based on the patient's specific experiences and symptoms.
What is fatty liver disease?
Fatty liver disease occurs when there is an imbalance in fat metabolism, leading to excessive fat accumulation in the liver. The condition can be caused by various factors, with excessive alcohol consumption being a common cause. However, fatty liver can also be non-alcoholic. In this condition, the liver becomes inflamed and enlarged, sometimes referred to as steatohepatitis. If left untreated, fatty liver disease can progress to cirrhosis, a more serious condition.
Fortunately, fatty liver can be reversed, and lifestyle changes play a significant role in the process. Many individuals choose to incorporate homeopathic medicine as part of their treatment for fatty liver. To discover suitable homeopathic medicines for liver health, continue reading.
What are the symptoms of fatty liver?
Fatty liver often goes undiagnosed until it reaches an advanced stage. Most people become aware of the condition when undergoing liver function tests for other reasons. However, certain symptoms may manifest, including:
Enlarged liver Inflamed liver Abdominal discomfort Reduced appetite Symptoms of fatty liver in later stages (near liver failure) may include:
Confusion or memory impairment Weight loss Fatigue Distended abdomen with abdominal swelling (fluid accumulation) Yellow eyes Nausea Easy bleeding Dark urine Causes of fatty liver
Excessive alcohol consumption is a well-known cause of fatty liver. Another type of fatty liver occurs when the body has an excess of fat that cannot be metabolized at a normal rate, leading to the accumulation of fat in the liver. While consuming excessive dietary fat may not directly cause fatty liver, diets high in trans fats, fried foods, and sugars can contribute to the condition. Besides alcohol intake, other common causes of fatty liver include obesity, high triglycerides, side effects from certain medications, insulin resistance, diabetes, and genetic conditions.
Here are 5 homeopathic remedies for fatty liver
Homeopathy is a personalized treatment approach where remedies can vary for each individual with the same condition. It is crucial to consult a homeopathic doctor for a customized treatment plan. However, there are certain commonly used medicines in homeopathy for fatty liver disease:
Chelidonium: This remedy is suitable when fatty liver is accompanied by symptoms such as pain in the upper right abdomen, constipation, nausea, and/or vomiting. Patients may have an enlarged liver, which can be felt or observed through scans, along with excessive weakness. They often have a preference for hot foods and drinks.
Lycopodium: This remedy is indicated when gastric symptoms like acidity, stomach bloating, belching with a burning sensation, etc., are present. Symptoms typically worsen in the evening. Patients may have an intense craving for sweet foods and hot drinks.
Phosphorus: This remedy is helpful when patients experience pain on the right side in the region of the liver, along with regurgitation, sour belching, excessive flatulence, bloating, weakness during bowel movements, and possible nausea and vomiting.
Calcarea Carb: This remedy suits patients who are generally obese. Fatty liver symptoms may include a distended abdomen, lactose intolerance, long-standing constipation, excessive sweating from the head, and increased sensitivity to cold air.
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olaboratory · 1 year
Complete Blood Count (CBC) Test Price in Jammu
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Looking for a lab in Jammu that offers a CBC test with walk-in and home collection facilities? Learn about the test and the lab that provides accurate and reliable results in a short turnaround time. The CBC test is a complete blood count analysis that evaluates the types of cells in your blood and is used to diagnose health issues such as anemia and infections. The test is recommended if you have signs of bleeding, inflammation, or if a disease affecting blood cells is suspected. O-Lab is the best lab in Jammu that offers unique test packages to fit individual needs, with a short turnaround time, accurate results, and a home collection facility. They offer the best CBC test price in Jammu and can help diagnose different health conditions for timely treatment. There is no special preparation required for the test, and the lab staff is trained to make the process safe, comfortable, and reliable. The CBC test includes parameters like WBC, RBC, Hemoglobin, and Platelet Count, which can indicate different health conditions. The interpretation of the CBC test is not definitive on its own, but it provides direction to diagnose different problems. The doctor will look at other parameters in the CBC test like differential leukocyte count and HCT to assess your general health and diagnose a condition.
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olaboratory · 1 year
Liver Function Test (LFT) Price in Jammu
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O-Lab, an accredited lab in Jammu, provides accurate LFT (Liver Function Test) reports at a low price of Rs. 400. The LFT test is important to check for liver inflammation, infection, and diseases or to monitor liver health during treatment or pre-existing disease. If you have unexplained or recurrent nausea and vomiting, jaundice, abdominal pain, or loss of appetite, are on certain medications or have a family history of liver disease, you are eligible for the test. LFT test parameters include A/G ratio, albumin, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, proteins, SGOT/AST, SGPT/ALT, ratio SGOT/SGPT, globulin, and GGTP(Gamma GT). Early intervention in liver issues is crucial, and accurate reporting within 24 hours, home collection facility, and empathetic staff are some of the reasons to choose O-Lab for LFT testing.
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olaboratory · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide To Your Full Body Checkup: What You Should Know And Why It Matters
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It's an essential part of preventive health care, as it allows you to assess your health status and detect any potential problems before they become serious. 
In this article, we'll provide you with the ultimate guide to what's included in a full body checkup, why it matters, and how you can make sure you're getting the most out of it. Read more
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olaboratory · 1 year
The Complete Guide To Women’s Health Checkups
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Health is precious and it is the underlying factor governing our happiness and productivity. Women need to include regular exercise, stress management through meditation or social interactions, and healthy eating habits in their routine along with  regular health checkups.
Women's health is governed by many factors and these are quite complex. Some common health conditions impact women in a different way than men. Women are also more susceptible to autoimmune diseases. Read more
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olaboratory · 1 year
Diabetes Check-up: What to Expect and How to Prepare
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Diabetes is one of the most common chronic conditions which affect millions of people. Since diabetes is a symptomatic condition, it is often possible to detect the symptoms and start the treatment. However, diabetes is not detected through symptoms at an early stage and this is why people at risk should get their Diabetes checkup done regularly. Read more
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olaboratory · 1 year
10 health tips for senior citizens to live a longer, better quality life
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Being a senior citizen should not be a burden. It should be a beautiful unfolding of a new chapter as your worldly responsibilities decrease and you can finally explore your interests. These senior citizen health tips are aimed at helping you fulfill the most important responsibility now- to take care of yourself and live well. Read more
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