notonlymaths · 1 month
The complex journey of mathematicians to explaining the world.
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[Since the dawn of time, human beings have asked some fundamental questions: who are we? why are we here? is there life after death? Unable to answer any of these, in this paper we will consider cohomology classes on a complex projective manifold that have a property analogous to the Hard-Lefschetz Theorem and Hodge-Riemann bilinear relations.]
Ross & Toma (2023)
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notonlymaths · 2 months
Specificity is always worth it.
YES they're gay married but CHOOSE ONE
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notonlymaths · 2 months
Well put hoarded.
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I've added a few copies of this print to my shop. Be quick if you want one: www.tomgauld.com/shop . Update: these are sold out now.
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notonlymaths · 2 months
Uncanny octo-brilb and kooky millismoom among my favourites so far.
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Don't let the scientists have all the fun! (My latest cartoon for New Scientist)
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notonlymaths · 2 months
Τα Ολυμπιακά: Υδροθερμικές Συναρτήσεις;
Καλοκαιράκι, Ολυμπιακοί Αγώνες, όλα τα μάτια καρφωμένα στους δέκτες μας για λίγο ευ αγωνίζεσθαι, λίγο αθλητισμό και λίγο θέαμα. Λίγο απ’ όλα, που λέμε. Ωστόσο, λίγο νωρίτερα μέσα στο ίδιο καλοκαιράκι είχαμε άλλη μία Ολυμπιάδα, στο Μπαθ (αυτό το Bath, που λέμε) του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου (μην το μπερδέψετε με το «μπαθ» του σπιτιού ή της γειτονιάς). Την 65 Διεθνή Μαθηματική Ολυμπιάδα, που, όπως κάθε…
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notonlymaths · 2 months
Clearly set, well done! We have math to teach!
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notonlymaths · 2 months
Well, any culture is the sum of individual choices + any dynamics emerging from that culture. So...
Random flickr images of people partying in 2008…..Instagram culture has killed us
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notonlymaths · 2 months
Well, with maths there are no tricks. Just get a course book you find appealing for you and start following it. Most importantly, don't treat maths as a history lesson: you have to solve stuff on your own to actually learn math. Learning is doing in mathematics more than in any other field.
Good luck!
do y’all ever get overwhelmed by the fact you retained nothing from school. i graduated almost three years ago and i have a MAYBE a fourth grade education in math. i want to go to college so bad but i never took the act because my grades were so low the school counselor wouldn’t help me apply for it and told me to take the asvab instead
like does anyone know a way i can teach myself math up to at least an eighth grade level? is there a roadmap or something i can follow because looking up specific classes isn’t really helpful i don’t know what i am supposed to learn. i want to learn im fully willing to teach myself i am just broke and can’t afford paid classes
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notonlymaths · 2 months
Fractions by far. I mean, there are so many things that are more clear with fractions compared to decimals, let alone they offer a really dense way to represent some numbers compared to their decimal representation.
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notonlymaths · 2 months
I think thorough proof-checking of other's proofs makes the most sense, since they are at your / a higher level of understanding, thus keeping you sharp. On the other hand, when you start exploring a new field, looking through some relevant course-books also makes sense.
Basically, without the constant reward structure of writing exams, getting grades, and feeling validated, I don't know how to measure my progress as a mathematician in terms of overall mathematical problem solving skill and therefore feel like it becomes more crucial to have faith in some methodology of improvement.
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notonlymaths · 2 months
Free watch online, for something more formal.
Watch online free is such a beautiful name for a child
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notonlymaths · 2 months
Any Mathematician, at any time in their career.
I will succeed because I’m crazy
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notonlymaths · 2 months
Well, at a substantial flux, Water over Ethernet is Power over Ethernet.
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People think power over ethernet is so great, and yet when I try to do water over ethernet everyone yells at me.
House Inputs and Outputs [Explained]
[A 5x5 grid of squares. The columns are labeled: Well, Garage, Power lines, Front door, Septic tank. Each row's label has an arrow and a house next to it. The rows are: Fresh water (horizontal arrow towards house), Cars (two-directional horizontal arrow and house), Electricity (horizontal arrow into house), People (two-directional horizontal arrow and house), Sewage (vertical arrow out of bottom of house).]
Well, Fresh water: [green] Voice from house: Mmm! Refreshing!
Garage, Fresh water: [red, people are carrying a hose to flood the garage with water.] ''Fwoosh''
Power lines, Fresh water: [red, water is leaking from the power line?]
Front door, Fresh water: [red, people are carrying a hose to flood the front door.] Voice from house: Stop it! 'Fwoosh!''
Septic tank, Fresh water: [red, fresh water comes from the septic tank.] Voice from house: Eww.
Well, Cars: [red, Megan and Cueball try to fit a car down a well line.]
Garage, Cars: [green]
Power lines, Cars: [red, the car is balanced upon the powerline.]
Front door, Cars: [red, the car has broken through the entrance.] Voice from car: Do you think I scratched the paint?
Septic tank, Cars: [red, the car is stuck i nthe septic tank.]
Well, Electricity: [red, Cueball's laptop charger is attached to an extension cord that goes down into the well.] Cueball's laptop: ⚠Low battery
Garage, Electricity: [red, lightning strikes the garage.] ''BOOM''
Power lines, Electricity: [green]
Front door, Electricity: [red, lightning strikes the front door.] ''BOOM''
Septic tank, Electricity: [red, Knit Cap's consol is plugged into the toilet basin.] Knit Cap: Why won't my console turn on?
Well, People: [red, a black hole of nothingness where no light gets in.]
Garage, People: [green] Cueball: Bye!
Power lines, People: [red, Cueball climbs up the powerline away from the house.] Cueball: Bye!
Front door, People: [green] Cueball: Bye!
Septic tank, People: [red, Cueball is crawling in the septic tank away from the house.] Cueball: Bye!
Well, Sewage: [red] Voice from house: ''Why do I keep getting sick???
Garage, Sewage: [red, Seweage spills from the open garage.] Cueball: Oh no.
Power lines, Sewage: [red, sewage is launched from a pipe in the roof onto the powerlines.] Cueball: Eww.
Front door, Sewage: [red, sweage spills from the doorstep.] Cueball: Oh ''no''.
Septic tank, Sewage: [green] ''Flush''
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notonlymaths · 2 months
YES they're gay married but CHOOSE ONE
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notonlymaths · 2 months
My music composition teacher had me buy him some cigarettes and promised to compensate for that in the next lesson. In the meanwhile, he smoked all the cigarettes during the lesson and died before our next class.
So, I saw my money being smoked and then buried away from me within a week.
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notonlymaths · 2 months
Well, to begin with, "tumblr" would be renamed to "category theory".
what if mathematical objects had tumblr accounts? what would they get up to?
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notonlymaths · 2 months
There are, really, some seemingly-easy things that one might never manage to memorise. For instance, when it comes to screwdrivers, I always recall the law of the right hand from physics to make sure I am (not) screwing properly.
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