oldnorseart · 4 years
Old Norse Art
 Here you will find a collection of my Digital 3D and photomanipulations I’ve made over the years. You can also find more of my work at Deviant Art.
OldNorse on deviantart
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oldnorseart · 4 years
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Quarantine Selfie (2020)
When you are on lockdown for an entire year, you have to improvise to nurture your creative bug. Selfie combined with excerpts from the Book of Kells.
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oldnorseart · 4 years
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Full Steam Ahead
Photo I took of a vintage boat order telegraph. Photo manip also by me (2019)
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oldnorseart · 4 years
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The Grandfather Paradox
A photo I took of a grandfather clock. Photo manip in Photoshop (2017). 
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oldnorseart · 4 years
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a place where I can fly
Something I made back in 2004. It comes with a poem I wrote.
One moment I clearly remember, Is being told I could never fly. But how would anyone even know, if I've never tried?
Sometimes it feels as if, I can float upon a cloud. But fear always keeps my feet, firmly planted to the ground.
So I sit and wonder still, If not for the doubts and fears and lies. Could the wind take me far away, To a place where I can fly.
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oldnorseart · 4 years
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The Masque
Art I made in 2015.
Personae. What do you look like without your mask?
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oldnorseart · 4 years
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The Duel
I made this back in 2002, but made some edits a couple of years later (text & border). It depicts a buccaneer who seems rather confident given the circumstances. 
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oldnorseart · 4 years
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Look What the Cat Dragged In
Made in 2004, this scene depicts what I imagine my cats would do if dragons were real.
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oldnorseart · 4 years
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Gods of War
An original wallpaper of mine from 2002.
I have witnessed a thousand heroes made and a thousand more unmade. I am the dark one, the great queen, the raven that feeds on the killing grounds. I was here long before the clan of the Gael came to Ireland, and I will remain long after they are gone. I am the Morrigan and I am ever living.
- Unknown
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oldnorseart · 4 years
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The Warrior-Queen of Connacht
Digital art I made way back in 2002. This one comes with a description.
It is said that no man could rule the lands of Connacht without her consent; for she alone represented its sovereignty and prosperity. Queen Medb was a rarity amongst the goddesses of ancient mythology. She was a shrewd and intelligent leader; every bit the equal of her male counterparts. Her military prowess, strong will, and political savvy made her both loved and hated in the Celtic fables from which her legend was born.
Today, our view of her is tainted by the Christian values of the monks who first wrote down the fables of Ireland. More modern interpretations of the Goddess Medb suggest she played many symbolic roles in the mythology of the Celts beyond being simply a malevolent deity. Her promiscuity marks her as a symbol of the fertility of Ireland, while her warlike tendencies are associated with themes of sovereignty and death in Celtic traditions.
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oldnorseart · 4 years
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How to Catch a Glyph Sprite
An older work of mine from 2003. This one comes with a description.
How to catch a Glyph Sprite in 3 easy steps.
Step 1: Finding your glyph sprite. This can be easier said than done, as they have the uncanny ability of phasing in and out of our reality. The average glyph sprite appears for only a few minutes every 100 years. They are fond of quiet places near water, so that's a good place to start your search.
Step 2: You will need a good orb or bauble. Don't skimp here. The higher quality magic orbs are sturdier, and can hold a spell longer. Since a glyph sprite is one of the most powerful of the ethereal spirits, you will need the best one you can afford.
Step 3: Now you need to cast a binding rift spell on your orb. As you may already know, rift magic is the most difficult and dangerous of all the forms of magic. Harnessing the power of a black hole is not for the weak or timid. A rift barrier is essential to negate the powerful magic a glyph sprite wields. Without it, you will find yourself face to face with a very angry sprite.
Good luck on your hunt. Once you've captured your very own glyph sprite, be sure to treat it well, as it's impossible to harness a sprite's power without its consent. Imbuing glyph magic into your own spells will oftentimes require negotiation with the sprite, but it will be well worth it when you create a spell that cannot be countered or dispelled.
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oldnorseart · 4 years
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An older work on mine from 2003.
There are times when, just as I’m drifting off to sleep, I feel as if I’m falling. There is no fear or trepidation, only the breathtaking sensation of being free of gravity for a short while. And instead of the earth growing larger as I fall towards it, I am somehow growing smaller. While I only remember this feeling when I am startled out of sleep at just the right moment, I like to think it is a feeling I have every night. Kind of like my own personal journey from the waking world into the realm of dreams.
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oldnorseart · 4 years
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My Secret Garden
Original digital art I made back in 2003. This scene depicts a long forgotten place where ancient spirits dwell.
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oldnorseart · 4 years
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The First Awakening
Original art I made back in 2004. Light shines on this magical statue for the first time.
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oldnorseart · 4 years
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Original artwork I made back in 2004. This work ponders what it would be like to be immortal, only to be caged and alone for all eternity. 
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oldnorseart · 4 years
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The Evolution of Eve
An older work of mine from 2004.
A young girl ponders the meaning of a nearby statue.
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oldnorseart · 4 years
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The Blue Angel
This image, made in 2003, was a gift to an artist friend of mine. The myelin sheath in her brain was damaged and she was paralyzed. Out of the blue, she couldn’t use her hands to create art anymore. This image represents her fight to break free from those bonds.
She passed away a few years later. I remember and honor her struggle in this work. May she, and the beauty she created, never be forgotten.
You are in my prayers, dear friend.
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