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“A good dolly looks happy to see their master.”
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Hey everyone! I'm gonna go by Ember (they/them).
I'm pretty new here but, I've always been intrested in whump, I just didn't know what it was until I stumbled across it. I've always had thoughts about it since I was a kid? Most of my characters were created around those ideas. I usaully have to actively try to keep my writing from going there. But, I just want to write whump, now that I know what it is.
I'm gonna be using my own characters and au, probably writing about demons and angels mostly. I don't write dialogue that well so my writing won't be very dialogue heavy. Also, I might post some occasional art as well. I probably won't be writing anything explicitly sexual or where the whumpee is female.
I love whump with non-human characters!
My favorite series are by @sola-whumping and @whumpywhumper
And, I especially want to thank @sola-whumping for the inspiration and tips! Im so glad I found out about the whump community
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"It's okay, really. It doesn't hurt."
"Just because you're used to it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt."
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I crave any scenario where the caretaker thinks that the whumpee is only sleeping but when they try to gently shake them to bring them around, they realize something’s wrong because the whumpee just doesn’t wake up 
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your character falls asleep in front of the hot flames of a fireplace 🔥
the caretaker finds them like this, and carries them to the couch as they sleep. it will probably be more comfortable than the throw pillows they were lying on
the caretaker mistakes the character's overheated skin for a simple consequence of being so close to the fire, and entirely misses the raging fever underneath
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I firmly believe that magically healing can and should be whumpy – Hollywood’s just a bit confused, that’s all. They’ll come around eventually.
There are two main ways to have your whump AND your magical healing: limiting the scope of your healer’s powers, and/or making the healing process itself whumpy. (As a bonus, you can also whump your healer!)
So! Here are a whole host of ways to approach magic healing that don’t take the fun out of the whump. Most are original or relatively generic. A handful of examples were cribbed from existing media, noted as relevant. Feel free to add your own ideas!
Limit the scope and/or availability of healing magic:
magical healing can only be used for magical injuries. (Got stabbed by a boring old knife? Sucks for you, magic can’t help you here.)
magical healing can’t be used for magical injuries.
healing magic, like any “normal” surgery, requires great skill.
certain characters are immune to magic – including healing magic.
healing magic can only be used on other magic-users
healing magic can only be used on non magic-users
healing magic requires other elements
only ceremonial magic can heal, and it requires time and preparation. (Gods forbid your poor whumpee bleed out on the table while your mage is scrambling to prepare…)
healing magic is witchcraft and requires certain ingredients
either healing potions must be prepared in advance and are therefore in limited supply, or take time and supplies to make and your whumpee, once again, must wait.
healing magic requires multiple people to be present
magic can only be used to aid natural healing – shorten recovery time, dampen pain, etc.
magic healing is temporary – after a given amount of time, the injury comes rushing back. (Ars Magica)
healing requires knowledge of the whumpee’s true name
Make the healing hurt
pain/injuries can only be transferred, not actually healed.
the healer must take on the hurt.a willing party must take on the hurt. (Is the strongest person in the party willing to take the injuries of the weakest?any living party can take on the hurt, whether or not they’re willing. Hard choices for your heroes.in addition to any of these, consider “splitting” the hurt. (One critically injured person can have some injuries off-loaded to someone else. I really like this one – you get a lot of angst from the initial injury, deflect a major character death, and end up with TWO injured parties for the price of one, with even more angst.)
pain concentration – all of the pain the whumpee would experience over the course of natural healing gets crammed into the time it takes to heal them. (Sounds traumatic for all parties involved, if you ask me.) (Smoke series.)
healer black-outs
make ‘em happen every time! your healer knows that if they heal someone, they’ll fall unconscious for an unknown amount of time. This limits healing to only critical situations and also keeps whump and angst (caring for the caretaker) in the equation.
healing requires blood magic. the more healing, the more blood.
healing requires the healer physically touching the part to be healed. massive internal injuries? you’re gonna have to cut that poor whumpee open.
if you’re going the “healing magic requires as much skill as surgery” route, consider the painful implications of healing magic attempted by an amateur.
make healing magic addictive, either for the whumpee (perhaps it heals everything, giving them a high? see Stargate SG-1 ep 2.05 ) or for the healer (perhaps they find the amount of power flowing through them during healing addictive).
make the healer your whumpee
healer and friend are captured. friend is brutally tortured, healer is forced by the whumper to bring them back from the brink of death again and again, just to be tortured again.
healer and friend are captured. friend is brought near the brink of death, and healer is only allowed to go to them if they give up critical information.
oh, healing magic requires the use of your hands? so your healer would be upset if, for instance, the whumper were to relieve them of their hands?
the team relies on the healer to keep them on their feet – too much, perhaps. The villain incapacitates the healer because of their skills.
healer is forced to transfer wounds from the villain to an innocent party/teammate/themselves.
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Whumpee choking out apologies for making a gross, damp mess of Caretaker’s shirt as they cry against their chest. Caretaker hushing them, petting their hair, maybe rocking them faintly until they can cry themself out and doze off.
(If this prompt inspires you to create your own content, please tag @whumpster-dumpster, link to this original post, or put it under the tag “whumpster prompts”)
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Sometimes to caretake you gotta knock out your whumpee you’re caretaking to keep them safe.
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Hello! I absolutely *adore* your art, it's such a cute clean style, and looks amazing! So expressive! You're really good at drawing emotions on your characters and it gives me so many whumpeflies. -Secret Santa 🎅
Aaaaaaa you’re so sweet. Thank you...
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How long have you been doing art for?
About.... ten years? 
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I got this commision done by the AMAZING @olivertwiststheknife ! Please check them out! Commisions are so affordable and they are such a talented artist!!!!!
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Day 3: My Way or the Highway - Manhandled
Fare hissed as the hand clutched his hair, keeping back a snarl of curses from leaving his mouth.
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Day 2: In the Hands of the Enemy- Collars
“I’ve never had a doll more happy to have their collar,” Mercury chuckled.
They just stood there, staring up as if confused. Like nothing was wrong.
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Day 1: Let’s Hang Out Sometime - Waking up Restrained | Shackled
It was cold and Paz could feel their hands chained together and to a wall. They rose their head as they looked up at the figure that stood there, smiling.
“This may as well happen,” Paz grumbled under their breath
Guess who’s doing Whumptober??
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i would like your whumpee to be found slumped against a wall, so thoroughly bloody and bruised and broken that the caregiver doesn’t even know where to start
i would like the gasps of horror at the state of the whumpee, gasps badly concealed because the caregiver knows the whumpee wouldn’t want to be gasped over
i would also like some stifled moans of pain at every touch, please
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RPs are going fun, Eri’s not having fun.
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how does your whumpee react when they’re in pain?
do they hiss, clenching their teeth and arching their back?
do they crack jokes, weak smiles on their faces and letting out shaky laughs?
do they cry, wailing in despair and begging for mercy?
do they tough it out, fixing their eyes on a point in the distance and taking deep breaths?
do they whimper and moan, clutching where it hurts with shaking hands?
do they stutter out “ow, fuck” and “shit, that hurts”?
do they dissociate, staring off into space and imagining that they’re somewhere else?
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