oncedeada-blog · 6 years
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Ian Bohen for 26 Magazine.
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oncedeada-blog · 6 years
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      There’s a nod, head tipped a bit to flip through shirts a little aimlessly. Her whole wardrobe comes from donations or stolen from Walmart, but she can recognize nice clothes. “The nicer side of mean is appreciated. I’ve certainly seen the meaner side of mean on more than one occasion.” Though, the mention of food draws her complete attention, gaze coming up to him as her stomach gives a growl. “I don’t have any money.” Odd jobs only cover so much and it’s been lacking lately. “I mean, I’ve always been underweight. Even before the werewolf thing. My aunt and uncle were strong believers that I should go without. I’m used to it.” Though, another growl of her stomach would contradict that.
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     ❝I didn’t ask if you had money.❞ Peter replied with a smile when he heard her stomach growl. ❝I have money, more than enough. Don’t worry about it.❞ He wasn’t familiar with the layout of this particular mall, but Peter could smell Chinese as he headed out the doors and into the center of the building again. Every mall he’d ever been to had a Chinese joint in the food court. ❝So your aunt and uncle starved you, and you were turned by a bunch of creeps against your will. I’m not going to lie to you kid, seems like you got the shitty end of the stick. Got any good things to share, because now I just feel depressed.❞
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oncedeada-blog · 6 years
“So what?  You’re saying it was fate that you found me?” she asked, obviously dubious of what he was saying.  She didn’t trust Peter, and she figured if anyone from back home would try to hurt her, it would be him.  Him or one of the Alpha pack.  Either way, she was expecting him to attack when she let her guard down.  “And what made you suddenly feel unwelcome?  I’m surprised you didn’t leave sooner, because I cannot imagine Derek would have ever accepted you after what you did.”
She let him take his coffee first before picking up her own, taking a long sip and enjoying the way the warm, sweet liquid spread over her tongue.  She had taken to enjoying the little things in life, like a good cup of coffee or a clear blue sky, because she never knew when those small things would be the last experience she had.  She was always looking over her shoulder, waiting for Kali to find her and take her out.  “Telling him now would just cause him more pain.  He’s better off thinking I’m dead.  They all are,” she stated.  “And I don’t believe that.  I’m convinced she’s just biding her time before she kills me.”
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     ❝I’m saying that I was driving by and really wanted to stop when I noticed they had a sale on iced coffee. It’s a weakness of mine. If you don’t believe in fate then go right ahead judging me based off of the words of children who barely knew me.❞ Peter was tempted to turn and leave, if not for the fact that she didn’t seem to realize she was torturing herself for no reason. This was the exact reason why he’d left home. And he wouldn’t deem that bitchy little response with a reply because it felt like self-dense more than an attack.
     ❝They’re dead, Erica. Kali, Ennis, just about all of them. Ethan is alive, Aiden was killed sometime later after they fell to Omega status. He’s not a threat. I don’t know about Deucalion but apparently Scott beat him into submission after he rose to Alpha status.❞ He stopped and looked her over once more before rolling his eyes. ❝Go home, stop running. There’s no reason to anymore.❞ He waited another moment before he turned and walked towards the door. He didn’t feel welcome there either and walking away had been working so far...
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oncedeada-blog · 6 years
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Oh, so they were going there? Well then, if they were going to rehash old wounds, she was going to lay it all on the table. “You followed me around, flirted with me constantly, and then kissed me. Oh, and then you threatened to kill all of my friends. I did as you asked, but you didn’t even apologize.” And he had a lot to apologize for.
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     ❝One, I wasn’t following you I was haunting you. Two, I didn’t kill your friends and other people have done much worse to them than I have. Three, you never complained about that kiss. Not once. And four, I’m sorry for using you. I’m man enough to admit that you deserve that much.❞ Peter sniffed once, though his nose was perfectly clear and he had no reason to. Apologizing for anything made him feel disturbingly moral.
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oncedeada-blog · 6 years
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        Claire had been following Peter for a while now. She knew what he was but he’d become a secondary priority. Especially now that she knew what was following her. “I sensed it. First time I can’t see it though. Maybe you’d like to use your senses to help a girl out?” Blunt was always a tactic that could backfire but what did she have to lose now?
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     He thought she might have been a hunter, there was no real way to tell for sure but why else would a demon be tailing her? He hadn’t sensed it until he noticed that he had a tail himself. ❝There’s a dark-haired man in a blue shirt a little ways back, but with this many people around its difficult to be sure. We could split from the pack, see who follows?❞ Not that he could kill a demon himself, he was rather hoping she had that area covered.
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oncedeada-blog · 6 years
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‘‘Yeah… I’ve done that before. It’s pretty easy to do actually. It’ll take a while to set everything up though so just…. Order a pizza in the meantime.’‘ 
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     ❝So bossy.❞ Peter smiled in delight as he dug his phone out of his pocket and swiped his password in before he shuffled through his apps. ❝What kind of pizza do you like?❞
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oncedeada-blog · 6 years
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          “ oh boo-hoo, witches and old people, ” he says with a roll of his eyes in between bites of the pizza. there’s a scoff and he shakes his head. “ of course i have a passport, and no i don’t need a fake one. ” sometimes he wonders why he even agreed to this at all. “ are you actually serious? i thought we were sticking to the states? ” 
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     ❝We could, but that would be boring wouldn’t it? All of the exciting places are outside of this trash heap of a country anyway.❞ Peter answered before he picked up a wing and nibbled at it for a moment. ❝There’s a place you’ve always wanted to visit out there somewhere. Name it and we’ll go, it’s not like I’m asking for a contract sighed in blood.❞ He hadn’t asked for anything actually, at least not in return for taking Daniel with him. Peter didn’t like to be alone and the young man was much better company than his friends.
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oncedeada-blog · 6 years
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                  ❝ Taking an innocent life takes something from you as well, a bit of your soul… darkening it, dimming the once brilliant, golden yellow to a cold, steel blue… Like mine. ❞
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oncedeada-blog · 6 years
Them: your fave is problematic Me: I want to see the receipts Them: *hands me the receipts* Me:
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oncedeada-blog · 6 years
@shapedbyothers | Allison
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     Considering Peter spoiled his mate on a good day, it should have come to no surprise that he’d pull out all the stops for her birthday. He’d whisked her away to Bora Bora to start, naturally one might assume that would be the last of it. When the morning of her birthday came around Peter prepared her breakfast in bed himself and he had a neatly stacked pile of presents to go with it. ❝Rise and shine princess, you’ve got breakfast, coffee, and presents.❞
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oncedeada-blog · 6 years
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    Harry huff softly, head shaking as she does. “I weight ninety pounds. I know better than to stalk people down dark alleys. Wolf or otherwise.” Mind, she has faced down opponents twice her size, but it’s never a good or productive thing. She hums softly, nodding a little at his words as thin fingers sort through clothes aimlessly. She doesn’t have the money to actually buy anything and a store like this would probably notice if she tired to steal it. “Family history can make a difference, I guess.” Her only family had despised her, and now they’re all gone anyways. Ger gaze finds him with a frown, shoulders rolling. “Instinct, I guess. Which, is odd, because I like to lay low and stalking another wolf definitely isn’t laying low.”
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     She was tiny but Peter wouldn’t have guessed ninety pounds tiny, he frowned at the news and had the sudden ridiculous urge to feed her. ❝It most certainly isn’t, luckily for you I’m more on the nicer side of the mean sort.❞ Peter replied as he stepped away from the shirts. Thinking about food was making him hungry, Peter knew by now not to avoid his urges. ❝Well since you’re so set on stalking me how about we wander over to the food court? I’m starving, and if you only weigh ninety pounds I think you could use some too. That’s much too skinny for a girl your age, werewolf metabolism or not.❞
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oncedeada-blog · 6 years
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oncedeada-blog · 6 years
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oncedeada-blog · 6 years
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We’re all caught up over here. I’m not so much in a sinday mood so I’ll just pop over to one of my other blogs and keep doing drafts while I can.
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oncedeada-blog · 6 years
"I need it to get places, clearly. I would take my Jeep but it's not working as always. Come on, I promise I won't hurt your car."
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     ❝You’re not taking either one of my cars, they’re literally one in a hundred. I even spent the extra money to make sure that you couldn’t do so much as open the door. Take Derek’s Camaro. If he didn’t want it used he shouldn’t have left it here.❞
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oncedeada-blog · 6 years
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“They thought kids would take the bite better and be easier to manipulate or something. It killed my cousin.” It killed a lot of them, actually. Harry was actually on the lucky side of it apparently. Or something like that. “You’re friends with hunters?” Usually the smell of gun powder and mountain ash is a good reason to go running as far and as fast as possible. Her hand is offered as he introduces himself, because that’s what people are supposed to do. “Harry Potter. Sorry for the whole… Stalking thing.”
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     Peter shook her hand and a chuckled a little at the apology. ❝It’s nothing to worry about, at least you picked a better setting than a dark alley.❞ It would have been but Peter could tell when someone didn’t mean him any harm, he wasn’t going to raise a fuss for no reason. That wasn’t his level of dramatics anyway. ❝He’s not really a friend, and it’s just the one. We’ve known each other for a long time and our families have a history. He’ll pass along the information to people who will help them, not find them and put them down.❞ Peter abandoned the sweaters after not finding a color that met his fussy standards and moved along to a rack of henleys. ❝Was this stalking going anywhere beyond stalking or did you just decide to follow me on a whim?❞
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oncedeada-blog · 6 years
"Peter, can I borrow one of your cars?"
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❝No. ...why do you need it?❞
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