oncologyindia · 4 years
What are the primary treatment options for bladder cancer?
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What are the primary treatment options for bladder cancer?
Usually, the first treatment option for bladder cancer if it is still localized in the bladder. If unavoidable, the bladder may be removed and artificially reconstructed.
To know more, visit: https://bit.ly/3eQnrqk
#BladderCancer #CancerTreatment #Cancer #OncologistNearMe #OncologyIndia
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oncologyindia · 4 years
What are the early Symptoms of Blood Cancer?
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What are the early Symptoms of Blood Cancer?
-Swelling anywhere in the body -Bleeding through the nose -Fatigue -Rashes over the body -Altered bowel habits -Lump and heaviness in the abdomen -Unexplained fever
To know more, visit: https://bit.ly/2z2nZKA
#BloodCancer #CancerTreatment #Cancer #OncologistNearMe #OncologyIndia
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oncologyindia · 4 years
Is removing a brain tumor dangerous?
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Is removing a brain tumor dangerous?
Today, brain surgery is safer and more effective due to advances in mapping, imaging, and operational skills.
For more info, visit:https://bit.ly/2ZMVY4y #Removing #BrainTumor #brainsurgery #OncologistNearMe #OncologyIndia #Bangalore
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oncologyindia · 4 years
How do Uterine Sarcoma forms?
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How do Uterine Sarcoma forms?
This disease begins in the cells of muscles or tissues in the uterus, a hollow organ in the pelvis in which a foetus grows. Uterine sarcomas are of various types.
To know more, visit: https://bit.ly/36A3NvN
#UterineSarcoma #CancerTreatment #Cancer #OncologistNearMe #OncologyIndia
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oncologyindia · 4 years
Do Not Get Affected By the Social Disapproval!
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During your treatment you may have to face the social stigma. People tend to get insensitive of what you are going through and get into things like what aspect of your lifestyle led you to this state etc. And these have even kept away people affected by lung cancer from seeking the right treatment at the right time as well, which is very unfortunate.
TO know more information, visit:
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oncologyindia · 4 years
How to Overcoming Nausea during breast cancer?
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There are some very effective foods that can help you overcome Nausea when it’s really causing trouble:  
a) Ginger : either through food or through a drink 
b)Reheated foods: they tend to lose odour that becomes a trigger for nausea.
 c)Lemonade is an old friend against nausea – which many know and prefer using 
 d)Pick easily digestible foods are best 
 e)Avoiding oily and spicy foods – which usually trigger nausea.
For more info, visit: https://bit.ly/2Ty4e4G
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oncologyindia · 4 years
Treatment for DCIS
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Treatment for DCIS: Standard treatment options for DCIS include:
i. Lumpectomy followed by radiation therapy: This is the most common treatment for DCIS. Lumpectomy is sometimes called breast-conserving treatment because most of the breast is saved.
ii. Mastectomy: Mastectomy, or removal of the breast, is recommended in some cases.
iii. Lumpectomy alone
iv. Hormonal therapy after surgery: These treatments, which block or lower the amount of estrogen in the body, are typically used if the DCIS tests positive for hormone receptors.
Chemotherapy, a form of treatment that sends anti-cancer medications throughout the body, is generally not needed for DCIS. DCIS is non-invasive and remains within the breast duct, so there is no need to treat cancer cells that might have traveled to other areas of the body.
For more info, visit:https://bit.ly/2ZiG4Pf
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oncologyindia · 4 years
What are the general recommendations on nutrition for people receiving cancer treatment?
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What are the general recommendations on nutrition for people receiving cancer treatment?
Here are general recommendations on nutrition for people receiving cancer treatment:
a. Maintain a healthy weight for many people, this means avoiding weight loss by ingesting enough calories every day. In obese people, this can mean losing weight. Consult your health care team if it is okay to try to lose weight during treatment. It may be better to wait until the end of treatment. If it is OK to do so, the weight loss should be moderate, which means approximately one pound per week.
b. Obtain essential nutrients these include proteins, carbohydrates, fats and water.
c. Be as active as possible. For example, take a daily walk. If you stay seated or sleep too much, you can lose muscle mass and increase body fat, even if you do not gain weight.
To know more, visit: https://bit.ly/3e5Mpln
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oncologyindia · 4 years
What happens if you leave your gallbladder untreated?
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What happens if you leave your gallbladder untreated? 
 If gallstones lodge in a bile duct and cause a blockage, it eventually results in severe life-threatening complications such as bile duct inflammation and infection or pancreatitis. If left untreated, it might increase the risk of “gallbladder cancer”.
For more info, visit: https://bit.ly/3bJbZLk
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oncologyindia · 4 years
Is chemotherapy effective for liver cancer?
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Is chemotherapy effective for liver cancer?
Chemotherapy may be given before surgery to shrink the tumour and after surgery to lower the risk of cancer regenerating after surgery.
To know more, visit:
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oncologyindia · 4 years
What are the early symptoms of brain tumor?
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What are the early symptoms of brain tumor? 
 -Headaches, sometimes accompanied with nausea and vomiting 
-Seizures including muscle spasms and abnormal tastes or smells 
-Problems with vision, speech and cohesion 
-Physical weakness, tingling and numbness
For more info, visit:  https://bit.ly/3fNadfc
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oncologyindia · 4 years
Can the risk of breast cancer be lowered?
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Can the risk of breast cancer be lowered?
Though there are no proven ways that help in preventing breast cancer, certain alterations in lifestyle can lower the risk. Steps that might reduce the risk include maintaining a healthy weight, having an active lifestyle, limiting alcohol, and timely pregnancy.
To know more, visit: https://bit.ly/2LpS8pD
#OncolgyIndia #OncologistNearMe #Bangalore
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oncologyindia · 4 years
Does diet play in cancer prevention?
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Does diet play in cancer prevention?
Countless studies have shown that foods high in refined sugar, unhealthy fats, and refined sodium can influence genetic mutation that leads to cancer. Cancer cells consume more glucose and use it for fuel than any other cell in the human body. On the other hand, eating organic foods with balanced vitamins and nutrients increases your chances of preventing cancer and beating the ‘killer disease’ in case you still develop it due to other factors.
For more, info, visit:
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oncologyindia · 4 years
What you should know about head and neck cancer?
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What you should know about head and neck cancer? 
 Squamous cell carcinomas originate in the inner lining of parts of the head and neck. Invasive squamous cell carcinoma spreads into the deeper tissues. Tumours found in glandular cells, like the salivary glands are called adenocarcinomas. Head and neck cancers can include oral cancer, cancer of the larynx (voice box), throat cancer, and tumours arising in the vicinity of the nose, throat, mouth and upper part of the oesophagus. Cancers of the head and neck do not include cancer of the skin on these regions.
To know more, visit: https://bit.ly/3dz4l7t
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oncologyindia · 4 years
What are the early symptoms of ovarian cancer?
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What are the early symptoms of ovarian cancer?
-Chronic bloating or swelling of the abdomen -Pain the abdomen or pelvis -Decrease in appetite -Frequent and/or urgent need to urinate -Fatigue, indigestion, constipation or back pain
For more info, visit: https://bit.ly/2SM45tJ
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oncologyindia · 4 years
World Ovarian Cancer Day
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Break the silence on ovarian cancer!
Raise awareness to show your support and change the future of #ovariancancer through awareness and solidarity.
To know more about Ovarian cancer Awareness visit: http://www.oncologyinternational.com/diseases/ovarian-cancer/
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oncologyindia · 4 years
What does it feel like when you have lung cancer?
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What does it feel like when you have lung cancer?
The most common symptoms of lung cancer are: -Chest pain -Coughing, especially with phlegm, blood or -mucus -Shortness of breath
To know more, visit: https://bit.ly/35CEpoE
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