oneficonly · 5 years
It’s Just a Name
Summary: When Max’s home life finally comes to Camp Campbell, with the excuse that they showed up for Parents Day. But that was many weeks ago. So why are they really here?
WC: 1,053 Rating: T (Swearing, Very Mild Referenced Child Abuse/Neglect) Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Chapter Ten: A Week Later
A week later
In the back of the mess hall, Gwen was pulling on Space Kid’s legs and Campbell was pulling on Space Kid’s helmet. Nurf managed to shove the platypus into Space Kid’s helmet. “How. In. The. Fucking. Hell-” yelled Gwen. Quartermaster walked around handing out letters and packages to the campers as they ate breakfast. Preston got a small package with another pair of shoes in it. Harrison got a hastily written letter from his parents. Ered got an envelope with a red TOP SECRET stamped on it. When Quartermaster got to Neil and Nikki, he handed them both letters which distracted Nikki from getting at Neil’s food again. He then handed Max a package. The boy rolled his eyes and open the package expecting his typical blue hoodie and a stamped postcard with a generic message on it, but in its place, he saw a handwritten letter in Layla-Rae’s handwriting. Under the letter was the expected dark blue hoodie. He started to read the letter:
Hi Max!
I just wanted you to know that I’ll be picking up at the end of camp! I’m working with some people right now so that Devi doesn’t bother us anymore. In the meantime, I got us a house!  Well, a little townhouse. It's in a little suburb outside of the city!  There are quite a few families around here with kids about your age. I didn’t think I was going to be able to get anything this nice, in this nice of a neighborhood! The police only went to the neighbor's house two times in the past week! I think you’re going to like it. It doesn’t have much for a front yard but the backyard is decnetlydeciently a good size and has a big wooden fence around it! It’s big enough for us to get a tent set up and get a small fire pit to put in. It is going to be about a two-hour drive when I come to get you from the camp bus stop. So, it’s going to be a long car ride but I don’t think you’re going to mind it since we aren’t going to Grandma Devi’s house anymore. I know you’ve probably guessed this already but I was a bit nervous about the idea of raising you by myself. I’ve always had someone helping me since you were born. It will be a very new situation for both of us but I promise to do my best and feel free to call me out when I do something wrong. I know you will. You are your father's child after all. Oh! I got a new job too! I will be working on the environmental board for the city! More nature, I know you’re soooo excited. (That last sentence was sarcastic by the way.) But It pays well, it requires my environmental science degree (which you call useless by the way) and I’ll get off by 4, and I will have weekends and holidays off. The school is great as well! I think it will be great for someone who hasn’t been to public school before. I know you will just love it here. I’ll be getting new furniture and other things to make it feel a bit homeier homer more like home. When I come and get you, we will figure out what color to paint your bedroom and get some more stuff for it. If you need anything before then, let me know! I’m assuming you still have David’s phone but you can also write to me as well. Don’t cause too much trouble!
I love you Maxen
~ Layla Mom
P.S. Say hi to David for me. Also, don’t give him too much shit.
P.P.S. I know you’re probably sick of the blue hoodie but I needed something to hide candy in so that David didn’t take it from you. I guess I know where you get that troublemaker gene from!
Max smiled as he finished the letter. David came over, “Hello Max! Who’s that package from?” he asked, “It’s been a while since you got something!” Max hid his smile and shook his head, “Up yours, David.” David shrugged and started to walk away. “David?” Max whispered. David stopped and turned around to look at the small camper. “My mom says hi” David smiled and nodded. In the back of the mess hall, a loud crash shook the room. Everyone looked and saw the platypus running around free. Gwen growled, “David! A little help!” David ran over to try to help Gwen and Campbell pin the platypus to capture it. The mascot jumped at David and bit his leg. David screamed and fell to the ground, trying to shake the animal off his legs. Almost all the children laughed and started to cheer on the platypus. Max smirked at the man wrestling with the animal. He jumped up on the table and pulled out his new candy stash, “Who needs a snack for the wrestling match! I’ve got candy!” All the children ran over to Max, traded money, personal items, and I.O.Us for the candy. Once everyone sat down, Max took out a piece of candy and sat next to two best friends. They all continued to watch the scene unfolding in front of them, cheering, shouting and encouraging so that they could skip today’s activities. Nikki looked over at Max, her mouth full of chocolate. She raised an eyebrow and pointed at Max's face, causing Neil to look over. "Max?" she asked, "Why are you smiling? You don't smile." Neil also raised an eyebrow, "She's right you know. What's on your mind?" Max shook his head, "Nothing. Just enjoying the pain David is in." Neil shrugged and Nikki jumped up pulled her two friends into a hug. "Awww! I am going to miss you guys after camp." Neil pushed her off, "We still have quite a few weeks left of camp. You'll probably be sick of us soon." Max shrugged, "Even if you aren't," he said, "we can always keep in contact." Nikki jumped up and pointed at Max, "You're right! We will be in each other's lives forever!" she yelled. Neil and Max smiled at their green-haired friend. "I can't wait," said Max quietly so that no one could hear.
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oneficonly · 5 years
It’s Just a Name
Summary: When Max’s home life finally comes to Camp Campbell, with the excuse that they showed up for Parents Day. But that was many weeks ago. So why are they really here?
WC: 2,086 Rating: T (Swearing, Very Mild Referenced Child Abuse/Neglect) Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Chapter Nine: A Promise
By the time they got back to the campgrounds the rain had stopped, but the sky was still a light gray. Everyone in the small, four-person group and were soaked by the rain. They stopped at the tents to gather the rest of the campers. Layla-Rae saw her discarded clipboard on the ground, and her phone then picked both items up. Most of the papers on the clipboard were wet but they were all still readable. “Alrighty, Campers! We are back and we have Max!” said David loudly. Everyone came out of their respective tents. Nikki saw Max first and tackled him to the ground. “You’re safe!” she exclaimed. Neil came over and pulled Nikki off of him, “God Nikki, get off of him!” he said. Once Neil got Nikki off of Max, he put his hand out helping his friend off the ground. All the other campers came up to Max and they all started to ask questions. For most of the questions, Max just stuck his hands in his hoodie pocket and shrugged. Layla-Rae stood back and watched as Max was bombarded by his fellow camp members. David and Layla-Rae looked at each other and smiled before they looked back to the group. Gwen got everyone’s attention, “Everyone to the mess hall. We need to end this really fucking long day.” All the campers headed to the mess hall. Neil, Nikki, and Max were behind the larger group of campers, then Gwen, David, and Layla-Rae behind them.
As they got closer to the mess hall, they could see Mr. Walter loading up the horses back into the bus. Devi was tapping on her phone while Cameron Campbell was attempting to talk to her. Devi looked up from her phone to respond to something Campbell said when she saw the group of kids, councilors, and her assistant. The woman stomped over to the group. “Guys, maybe you all should head into the mess hall,” said Gwen. All the kids started to protest. “Now!” yelled Gwen. Everyone except for Max rushed into the mess hall. Nikki stopped and reached out to grab him to bring him with but Neil stopped her and said, “He’ll be in soon.” Nikki pouted but followed Neil. Before she walked into the mess hall she stopped and spun around, “I promise to save you a pudding Max! Maybe! Only if it’s not chocolate, or vanilla, or both!” She spun around and went into the building, the doors shut behind her.
Max looked over and saw Devi getting closer with Campbell right behind. He stepped to the side, hiding behind David. “Mr. Campbell,” said David, “Can you go in and make sure the campers are giving Quartermaster any trouble.” Campbell shook his head, “I’m sorry Davey. I work for Ms. Devi now.” Devi looked at him with confusion on her face, “Who are you?” she asked. Campbell’s shoulders slumped over. He sighed dejectedly and walked to the mess hall and grumbled all the way there. Once he was inside, Devi turned to the four people left. “You,” she said pointing to Layla-Rae. Layla-Rae handed the clipboard to Max, who took it and held it close to his chest. She took a few steps forward. “Your job is to help me! That is what I give you housing for and it's what I pay you for! So, if I ask you to help me load up the horses so we can leave, you help Mr. Walter load up the god damn horses! And you,” Devi hissed as she pointed to Max, “I think you've been around my assistant too much. If you’re going to continue living with me there need to be some massive changes! If either of you thinks, you are going to continue to live with me after how you treated me you can forget it! But I'm willing to forgive and forget. But I will be separating you two for a few months. That will be a good punishment. If I catch you two interacting at all in the new few months. You," she once again pointed to Layla-Rae, "will be gone. That boy has had too much freedom. And it's clear that you are the cause for his awful behavior! You did a shit job raising him. You're lucky I'm here!” Layla-Rae stepped forward again sizing her up, “First, Max has not had enough freedom! You've been restricting him for the last five years he's been living with you. Second, what did he do to you today? He was placed on one of those stupid horses, which he didn't even want to ride, then when the horse was spooked it ran off. You did nothing to help him! He has done nothing to you! At all! And third, I did not do a shit job raising him. I did an amazing job raising him. I managed to raise an amazing and smart young man, who acts way too much like an adult. I did it without your help. He is my son. And we don't need your help anymore, Mother." Devi scoffed and rolled her eyes, “Please. You still need your mother's help. You're a single mom who had a kid when you were barely out of high school. You're just as irresponsible now than you were when you were a teenager. What a disappointment you turned out to be. I should've dumped you off somewhere before you could figure out how to get back home." Layla-Rae was caught a little off guard by this and took a step backward. David stepped in front of Layla-Rae; Max went from hiding behind David to Layla-Rae. Gwen put a hand on the assistant’s should as if to comfort her. David cleared his throat, “I think you have stayed long enough. You need to leave.” Devi rolled her eyes, “You can’t tell me when to leave!” David took a deep breath, “Max and Layla are some of the most amazing people I have ever met. They both work so hard and they clearly care about each other and, for some reason, they care about you,” he looked back at Gwen, Layla-Rae and Max the smiled, “and the fact that you treat them the way you do,” David looked back at the older woman, “Well, that just makes you a fucking bitch.” Gwen's eyes grew big and a little smile went across her face. Max had a huge smile on his face. Layla-Rae's eyes also grew big. Devi huffed in anger, "All of you are banned from my properties! If I see you or you," she pointed to Max and Layla-Rae, "Well, you just better wish I don’t see you again!” She then stomped onto the bus followed by her white horse. The door to the bus slams and the bodyguards and Mr. Walter got into their respective vehicles. The bus and the SUV sped out of the camp parking lot.
There were cheers from the mess hall. When the small group of four looked over they saw all of the campers watching from the windows. “Well,” started Gwen, “That could’ve gone better.” David spun around and looked at Layla-Rae, “I’m sorry if I made you lose your job, Layla. I normally am pretty level headed,” he started to scratch the back of his head. Max coughed and handed the clipboard back to Layla-Rae. “Yeah. You pretty much fucked that up, David,” said the child nodding. Layla-Rae laughed and took the item from him, “Max, language. Oh! Before I forget,” she started to dig through the papers on her clipboard and pulled out one sheet. “Here is Max’s camp registration paper. Fully filled out. I believe Gwen gave the paper to Devi earlier this morning. But she just handed me the piece of paper. And I felt like Max needed some type of purpose here.” She handed the piece of paper to David. Max rolled his eyes, “I don’t need a purpose. I’m satisfied with floating here until I go home. I mean that’s what we do through life before we die. Mind as well get used to it now.” Gwen and David sighed. Layla-Rae rolled her eyes. Mr. Walter whistled and hit the top of the beaten-up car, “You might not have a job to do,” he said, “But I still do.”
Layla-Rae let out a little laugh, “I guess that’s my cue.” Layla-Rae looked to Max and kneeled down and opened her arms. Max ran up to her and gave her a hug. He teared up a bit, “Thank you for coming, Mom,” said Max. Gwen and David gave each other a surprised look, “Mom?!” they said together. Layla-Rae nodded as she and Max separated from their hug, “It's a little bit of a long story but yes. This little guy is my son! I'm surprised you guys didn't ask anything right after Devi and I fought. I think I said something about Max being my son there. I kind of blacked-out during me yelling at her.” said Layla-Rae. Gwen shrugged and nodded. David also nodded, "I think I blacked out a little too," he said. Layla-Rae and Gwen laughed. “I'll tell you guys some more 'home life' stories one day. Homelife stories about Max and me.” Gwen’s eyes got really big, “Hearing stories about growing up with Devi? I can't imagine how awful that was!” said Gwen with a little laugh in her voice. Layla-Rae laughed, “I promise. I'll fill you guys in one of these days. But it will be nice to not live with Devi anymore. I will fully be a single parent!” Layla-Rae rolled back onto her heels, “Oh fuck I’m going to be a single parent.”
“To Max of all kids,” commented Gwen. David smiled, "Don't worry Layla. You've got this!" He rubbed the back of his head, “So, what are you going to do now?” Layla-Rae snapped out of her panicked thinking, “Well,” she started as she stood up, “I guess try to find a new job. Find a new place to live.” She looked at Max, “And hopefully, I can get everything set up so that you can just get settled right away. I don’t think we have had an actual home since you were little. Let’s see, we lived  with your father and his family until you were five, then I tried to move in with Devi but when I went to work she had changed all the locks, then a year and a half later she finally let me back in- ” Max smiled as his mother continued to ramble. This has been the second time all summer that David and Gwen saw Max smile in a way that wasn’t mischievous. It was a genuine, happy smile. Mr. Walter held down the horn in the car and drove the car very, very slowly out of camp. “Alright. I really need to go or I will be here for the rest of the summer. Maxen,” Max and Layla-Rae gave each other one more hug, “I will send you a letter with my new address and some updates. I’ll see you after camp is over. I promise,” Layla-Rae let go of Max and step forward giving David a quick hug, “Thank you. Thank you to both of you.” she said before turning around and running to the slowly moving car. “Mr. Walter! Wait! I’m coming! Stop the fucking car!” yelled Layla-Rae as she pried open the car door and jumped into the car. Layla-Rae looked out the window and waved goodbye to her son. The car sped off leaving David, Gwen, and Max in front of the mess hall.
“What was that all about?” asked Max wondering why his mom gave his camp consoler a hug. Gwen covered her mouth trying not to laugh. David looked down at Max’s paperwork, “Well, you see- Um- Wait,” he said reading over the paper one more time. “Max. Is your first name Maxen?” Max jumped around and looked at David with wide eyes. Gwen busted out in a laughing fit. “Don’t you dare ever repeat my name!” he yelled pointing at David, “You hear me, David! My name is Max! I will end you if this gets back to the gang!” David smiled down at Max, “Alright, Max.” Max nodded and crossed his arms. He then looked at Gwen who was still laughing uncontrollably. “And why are you still laughing?” asked Max. Gwen pointed at David and said, “David fucked your mom.” Max slowly turned to David who was staring at Gwen with wide eyes. “You. Did. WHAT?!”
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oneficonly · 5 years
It’s Just a Name
Summary: When Max’s home life finally comes to Camp Campbell, with the excuse that they showed up for Parents Day. But that was many weeks ago. So why are they really here?
WC: 1,804 Rating: T (Swearing, Very Mild Referenced Child Abuse/Neglect) Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Chapter Eight: Lost
The sky was a dark gray now. Max continued to tap away on David’s phone. The red battery light blinked in the upper corner of the phone. “Max!” yelled Nikki as she ran up to her friend, “Come on! I’m next!” Max rolled his eyes and shoved the phone into his pocket “Why do I need to be there?” Nikki laughed and slapped his shoulder, “To witness me!” she yelled as she grabbed Max by the arm and dragged him to the other campers. Nikki pushed him to the front, right next to the fence that was keeping the horses contained. Gwen helped Nerris off of a brown horse. She turned around, “Okay, Nikki, you’re next,” she said. Nikki jumped over the fence and crawled up Gwen. Then jumped onto the horse. The horse joined the other horses and started to walk around the fenced-off area. Cameron Campbell was talking to Mr. Walter and Devi, who was sitting on her white horse, Maddox. Devi pointed toward Max and Cameron nodded and he started to walk over. Max tried to back up but the group of campers behind him didn’t let him through. Eventually, the founder of Camp Campbell got over to Max, “Alright Mack. It is your turn to go on the horse.” Max rolled his eyes, “Nah. I’ll pass.” Cameron picked up Max “No no, everyone should get a turn.” He walked around the fence and put the small boy on top of the horse, “Plus,” whispered Cameron, “your mother would like to see you have fun.” Max’s eyes grew big and looked over to Devi who had the fake smile plastered across her face that Max has grown to fear. He knew that fake smile was a threat. A warning to behave. The horse started to walk around in the pinned-up circle.
Max's horse got closer to the side that Devi was on when a flash of light and a loud bang of thunder spooked the horses. Mr. Walter, Gwen, and Cameron ran and calmed down the three other horses, Devi didn't bother getting up to help calm Max's horse. The boy's grip on the horse tightened as the horse reared up. It then ran and jumped over the fence into the forest. Max yelled as the horse ran fast through the forest. After running for a while at its top speed. It slowed down to a trot before stopping completely. The horse shook the boy off of it, then ran off. Max landed hard on the ground he stood up and dusted off himself off. He looked around and realized he had no idea where he was at or which way the horse went. “Hello?!” he yelled only hearing his own echo. Quickly, the black-haired boy pulled out David's cell phone. He tapped to bring up the phone keypad but the screen turned black almost immediately. “At least it can’t get any worse,” he said. Another flash of light happened, then a boom for thunder after a few seconds it started to downpour. Max sighed and looked at the ground, “Just. Fucking. GREAT!” he yelled. He quickly looked around to try to find some cover. Max ran around for a few minutes, feeling himself getting more lost. Finally, he found a little cliff that he could stay dry under. The boy tucked himself under the cliff and placed his back against the rock wall. ‘Someone will come for me, right? Someone has to,’ he thought to himself. Max closed his eyes as the sky lit up again and the rain got heavier. The thunder was a lot louder this time, shaking a few rocks loose from the cliff. Some small rocks on the wall behind Max shifted with the giant boom. He went to move slightly away from the wall, only to be pulled back to the wall. Max froze then pulled away again when he did the hood of his hoodie pulled back. He realized that his hood had gotten caught in the shifting rocks. Max was now lost, stuck, and had no way of contacting anyone for help. 'I'm going to be fine. Someone will find me. I'll be safe again. Right?' he said to himself. It thundered very loudly again and the sky lit up at the same time, making the young child jump. He felt his eyes start to water and his throat get tight. Max pulled his legs up to his chest and buried his head into his knees.
“Max!” yelled Gwen after she saw Max’s horse jump the fence and ran into the forest. Devi just rolled her eyes and sighed, “Mr. Walter, I believe the storm is coming in. Can you start bringing the horses back to the bus? I’m sure Cameron will help.” Gwen turned to Devi, “Are you not concerned about Max?!” she yelled. The reality TV star waved her hand dismissing Gwen's comment, “I’m sure he’s fine. That expensive horse on the other hand-“ all of a sudden the brown horse that Max was on busted through the forest. "Ah good! He came back," she said. The camp counselor grabbed her hair as the stress and panic started to get to her, “Alright! Campers! Back to your tents for right now!” yelled Gwen, “Even you, Nikki and Neil. No arguing!” The campers grumbled but headed toward their tents. Gwen watched as Devi, Mr. Walter and Campbell walked to the bus with the horses. The sky lit up as it started to downpour. Gwen's eye twitched, “DAVID!” yelled Gwen as she ran toward the mess hall.
Once there, she threw open the doors to the mess hall and looked around but didn’t see anyone, only a phone, an old radio, and Layla-Rae's clipboard on the tale. “David!” she yelled again out of breath. David ran out from the kitchen his hair was slightly messy and he was tying his old yellow Camp Campbell t-shirt back around his neck. “What is it Gwen?” he asked slightly out of breath and a little pink tint to his cheeks. Gwen was trying to catch her breath still, “Max- Wait? Is your shirt inside out?” she asked pointing to his chest where the dark green tree was supposed to be. David looked down at his shirt, “Well-Uh- What about Max?” he asked quickly changing the subject. Her eyes grew wide and grabbed David’s shoulders, “Max’s horse jumped over the fence and ran into the forest! When it came back Max wasn’t on it! He must have gotten bucked off! And Devi doesn’t want to look for him!” Layla-Rae kicked through the kitchen door, her shoulder-length black frizzy hair was no longer up and the top few buttons on her shirt were unbuttoned and she was a little red in the face, “What?! I knew she was up to something! Which way did he go?!” yelled Layla-Rae. Gwen's mouth was hanging open as she pointed in the general direction Max went. Layla-Rae ran out of the mess hall into the rain, grabbing her clipboard and phone on the way out. Gwen coughed, “So, did you guys-?” David stuttered trying to figure out what to say, “W-Well, we just got talking about stuff and one thing led to another-“ Gwen put her hand up stopping her co-councilor from talking anymore. “Just stop, let’s help Layla fine Max,” said Gwen. They both ran out following a frantic Layla-Rae into the forest. It didn’t take long for David and Gwen to catch up with the assistant. “This way,” said Gwen leading the two other adults toward where Max’s horse went. The three took turns yelling for Max. “Let’s split up,” said David. The two women nodded. As they separated, they all continued to yell for Max.
David looked around, trying to find any tracks or clues. The rain was falling fast, covering up any tracks that might be in the ground. “Max!” he yelled. The rain was making it hard to hear anything. He walked toward a nearby cliff, “Max!” he yelled again. That time he swears he heard a little voice calling back at him. He called again, “Max! Where are you!” This time he definitely heard a voice. He started to run toward it “Max!” he yelled one last time. “David! I’m over here! Under the fucking cliff!” yelled Max. David ran toward Max's voice. He skidded to a stop when he saw the blue hoodie through the rain. David ran up to the cliff. “Max! Max! Are you alright?” David asked as kneeled down to Max's level and placed a hand on his shoulder, “Are you hurt?” Max shook his head, “I’m fine David but, um- m-my hood is stuck in the rocks.” David nodded and kneeled down and started to wriggle the hood out of the rocks. “Layla, Gwen and I were super worried. So were the other campers,” he said as he continued to get Max free. The camper perked up, “Really? How worried?” he asked with skepticism in his voice. David finally pulled Max free and they both stood up, “Super worried. I think Gwen was about to have a panic attack. And Layla was about to murder Devi.” Max looked up to David, his shoulders slumping over, “Devi didn’t want to look for me, did she?” David sighed and nodded, “I’m sorry she doesn’t care, Max.” The boy shrugged, “I don’t care about her.” David put his hand on the camper’s shoulder. “I know I told you this before, but you don’t need to pretend, Max. I know it hurts that Devi doesn’t care enough. But at least you have people who do really care for you. I care about you. Gwen does too, even if she doesn't show it so much. Your friends care, Neil and Nikki." Max shrugged, "So? You guys are here at camp." David smiled. "Layla cares. A lot," he said, "She cares about you so much. It's very clear that she loves you, so so much. And she's not just here. She'll be at home waiting for you after camp is over.” Max smiled and gave David a quick hug around his knees. Max started to rub the back of his head, “Thank you. Can you take me back now? I want to see m-uh-Layla. Before she kills someone.” David smiled, “Of course Max.” As they walked back to camp they met up with Gwen and Layla-Rae, where they originally split up. “Max!” exclaimed Layla-Rae as she ran over and picked Max up into a hug. He hesitated for a second but hugged her back. “I’m so, so glad that you’re safe! You scared me so much! I was so worried.” She said. Max didn’t say anything, just smiled and hugged Layla-Rae tighter. The assistant put Max back on the ground. Gwen smiled, “Let’s get back.”
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oneficonly · 5 years
It’s Just a Name
Summary: When Max’s home life finally comes to Camp Campbell, with the excuse that they showed up for Parents Day. But that was many weeks ago. So why are they really here?
WC: 1,747 Rating: T (Swearing, Very Mild Referenced Child Abuse/Neglect) Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Chapter Seven: A Reveal
The ten-year-old ran as fast as his short legs could take him to his tent. He got to his tent, grabbed Mr. Honeynuts off of his cot, then stuck his head out of the tent. No one was around but just in case Max shoved his precious bear under his sweatshirt and proceeded to run back to the mess hall. Once he got there, he saw some of his fellow campers already gathering for the horseback riding activity. Luckily, Layla-Rae was outside by the mess hall. He snuck over to her and bumped her knee with his elbow. She kneeled down and brought her clipboard up to block Max as he handed her the bear. The black-haired assistant kept the bear hidden between her and her clipboard.
After a few minutes, all of the campers were gathered in front of the mess hall. Max spotted Nikki and Neal. He started to walk toward his friends but Layla-Rae grabbed his shoulder and whispered, “Don’t cause too much trouble,” she said with a wink. Max smirked but didn’t say anything. He joined up with Nikki and Neil as Devi came out of her bus again. Gwen stepped in front of the small group, “Okay,” she said as she clapped getting everyone’s attention, “So, it looks like a storm is headed toward us. It will be here in a couple of hours. In the meantime, we will be going down near the activity stations where Campbell, David and I set up a fenced-in area where you will be riding the horses. You will all be going five or six at a time until it starts to rain or until dinner. Whatever comes first. David will be staying here at the mess hall watching the storm. He will warn us when it is close. Let's head down there now.” Campbell and Gwen led the way, followed by Devi then all the campers. Max, Nikki, and Neil were in the back slowly walking. “So,” asked Neil quietly, “You’re not going to try anything, are you, Max? I know horses can be startled easily and-“ Max rolled his eyes, “Why in the world would I cause any trouble to ruin mother’s visit?” he said very sarcastically. Before Neil could say anything else, they arrived at the small, blocked off area. Devi started to explain how to get on a horse, how to steer, how to speed up and slow down. Max, once again rolled his eyes, then walked to a nearby tree and sat underneath it, he pulled out David’s pink cell phone and started to scroll through all of the apps on the phone.
Back at the mess hall, Layla-Rae was sitting at a table inside slowly stitching up Max’s poor worn-out bear with dark green thread. David stumbled through the mess hall doors carrying an old radio. Layla-Rae looked up and wrinkled her nose at the radio, “Why do you have that?” she asked turning back to the stitch she was on. The camp counselor dropped the radio on the table next to Layla-Rae, “I need to keep an eye on the weather, that way I can let Gwen know when the storm will hit,” he said as he started to switch through channels on the radio. “Don’t you have a phone to watch the weather on?” she asked. David nodded “Yeah but I have no idea where it is at. Max probably has it!” Layla-Rae smiled brightly and laughed, “That doesn’t surprise me.” Layla-Rae continued to stitch the bear. They sat in silence for a few minutes before David got rid of the smile on his face and spoke, “You said you were going to tell me about Max’s home life? If you're still up to talk about it, anyway.”
Layla-Rae tied a knot at the end of the stitch she just finished then looked over the bear just to make sure it was all sealed up. “Yeah, it is," she paused, "let me begin by saying that Max is not physically abused,” a look of relief washed over David’s face, “he is purposely neglected by Devi.” David had a look of confusion and concern on his face. Layla-Rae sighed, “Devi keeps him emotionally and socially neglected. Friends are not allowed. Outside contact is limited and monitored. He is strictly homeschooled. Max’s room is design specifically for the press. He’s not allowed to touch anything in there. He’s only allowed outside of the house with Devi. Then she will lie about everything. According to the press, Max is just a troubled child. She says he’s been kicked out of school, many of her staff have quit because of Max, and just stuff like that. She says that he brings so much stress to her.” Layla-Rae waved Mr. Honeynuts in the air, “This is the only constant, personal thing he has. I gave him this bear the year he turned three when I got my first paycheck from my first job and had extra money after paying bills. It’s really the only thing that Max has that he likes.” Layla-Rae looked over the bear again, “Devi has tried to throw this bear out so many times because she didn’t approve of it.” The woman sighed, “I try my best to get him away from Devi. That's why we go camping in the backyard." Layla-Rae's jaw set, "I’m the one responsible for him. I make sure he eats right, has clothes he likes to wear, I homeschool him and I play games with him. But the minute Devi catches him showing me any affection-" she sighed and shook her head, "I’m the only consistent thing in his life. I may have missed a year and a half of his life, and I will be the first to admit that I’ve made plenty of stupid and life-changing mistakes but I will make sure that he doesn’t get that fucked up,” David had stopped changing the stations on the radio and was just listening to Layla-Rae.
“So,” David started, “Why does she do all that?” Layla-Rae shrugged, “I’m pretty sure that it’s all my fault. Every time that Max showed any affection toward me, whether it be a hug or even a ‘thank you’ Devi separates us for weeks, sometimes months. And every time I get to see him again, after being separated, he always seems exhausted and distant. I should’ve just taken him away from Devi years ago. It has gotten worse in the last year when Devi went through a bad divorce. Her ex-husband was a good buffer between her and Max.” Layla-Rae was getting exhausted just talking about it. David placed his hand on Layla-Rae’s hand. “It’s not your fault,” said David giving a soft smile to the woman across from him. Layla-Rae looked up at him, “What do you mean?” she asked, “I could be doing much more. I should’ve taken him away from all of Devi’s drama. I should've taken him away years ago.” David shrugged, “Devi’s the issue, and you’re still there. You are a constant thing in his life. Even if you don't feel like it,” he said, “You’re doing everything in your power to make sure Max has a semi-normal childhood. I know it’s not easy. But I think you’re doing a great job with Max.” Layla-Rae and David smiled at each other, “Thank you. That means a whole lot to me,” said Layla-Rae. A few moments went by before they noticed that they were still holding hands. They both blushed. The woman coughed, “I’m going to run Mr. Honeynuts back to Max’s tent. I’ll be right back.”
It only took a few minutes for Layla-Rae to run there and back. She went through the mess hall doors and saw David still messing with the radio and still getting static, “I think the storm is causing that static. It also might get here a bit sooner than expected.” David looked up, “How can you tell?” Layla-Rae smiled, “I have a degree in environmental sciences! I specialized in Meteorology.” The counselor's eyes sparkled, “That’s amazing! So, I'm guessing that's why you take Max backyard camping?” “Yep!" she said nodding, "I take him out and teach him all sorts of nature stuff. Weirdly, Max's favorite stuff to learn about is geology,” The black-haired girl’s voice was very cheery, "He always ignores my comments about weather patterns. He always asks me about rocks though." David’s eyes still sparkled, “I didn't know that! So, does he like anything else about nature?” She shook her head, “Nope. Just rocks. He has a collection of them at home in the backyard. He gives his favorite ones to me though so I can keep them somewhere safe.” David has now left the radio and was sitting across from Layla-Rae. The assistant's face brightened, “Here,” she said pulling out her phone and bringing up the radar for their area, “Now you don’t need to worry about that radio!” David sighed in relief, “Thank you, Layla!” They where both quiet for a few seconds, “So what else do you like to do in your spare time?” Layla-Rae smiled, "I haven't been asked that type of question in years. I guess it was the last time I went on a date!" “I guess we are on a date now! I mean if it isn't creepy- I guess- I'm sorry, I'm making this weird probably. I'll just go." He stood up to leave but Layla-Rae grabbed his hand. “You aren't making this weird, David. So sit down. I take it you don't go out on many dates?" David sat down again and nodded, "Yeah. I just started actively dating pretty recently. And my last relationship didn't end that well." "Please, a guy like you? I don't see how a relationship with you would've ended so bad! It probably ended better than my last relationship!" "Well, I do consider myself a hopeless romantic," The redhead tugged at the yellow shirt around his neck, "But, uh, It ended- Well- I kind of, hit my ex's new significant other with a chair... at a bar..." Layla-Rae stared at him for a little bit before bursting out laughing, "No way! I would never think someone like you would do that!" She paused and smiled at him and saw how nervous he was talking about that, "Now if you think that's bad. My last relationship- now keep in mind my last relationship ended about 7 years ago now- but anyway...."
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oneficonly · 5 years
It’s Just a Name
Summary: When Max’s home life finally comes to Camp Campbell, with the excuse that they showed up for Parents Day. But that was many weeks ago. So why are they really here?
WC: 1,213 Rating: T (Swearing, Very Mild Referenced Child Abuse/Neglect) Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Chapter Six: Lunch
Max walked into the mess hall and saw all of his fellow campers sitting at their respective tables. Even Nikki and Neil were at their usual spot. He headed upfront to get his tray and food and saw Layla-Rae talking to David, Gwen, and Cameron in the corner. The young boy grabbed a tray of food and headed over to Neil and Nikki. His two friends gave him concerned looks but didn’t ask what happened, he wouldn’t say anything anyway. Neil and Nikki filled Max in on the experiments that Neil ran on their green-haired friend. But he wasn’t paying that close attention to the conversation, just paying enough attention to add in ‘sure’, ‘uh-hu’ and ‘cool’ when appropriate. Gwen clapped her hands together to get everyone’s attention. “Today we did have other activities planned,” she started, “But due to our special guest- Nurf! Put Dolph down!” Gwen pointed a finger at Nurf who had Dolph in the air ready to throw. After the bully finally put his pray back down on the bench next to him, Gwen continued, “Since we have a special guest who has offered her horses for today. We have decided that we will have you guys go horseback riding!” There were a few ‘cools’ and excited murmurs but most of the campers didn’t care. Max just rolled his eyes and poked at his food on his tray. Gwen continued with her announcement, “The horseback riding will take place in an enclosed area so SOME people don’t get out of control or run off with the horse. We will start the activity this afternoon. So, in about 30 minutes. So, once you are done eating you will have a few minutes for free time but then we will all meet at the activity area.” Max had tuned out Gwen at this point, trying to think of a way to get out of the activity.
Nikki poked Max in the forehead, “Earth to Max,” she said. The boy shook his head, “What do you want Nikki?” “Neil and I are going back down to the activity field. Are you coming?” “What for?” “Neil said he needed to put away some of his experiments so that none of them ‘explode’ or ‘get tainted’ or ‘advance global warming’ whatever that means” Max shrugged, “Nah. I think I’ll just stay here for now. I’ll meet up with you guys soon.” Neil raised an eyebrow at Max, “Alright. If you need us for anything you know where we will be,” he said. The black-haired boy once again shrugged, “I’m fine. I’ll see you guys soon.” The two friends left the table, dumped their trays and headed out. All the other campers were also filling out.
Layla-Rae excused herself from the conversation between her and the councilors and walked over to Max. She sat down across from him but Max didn’t lookup. “Hiya Max!” she said in her overly cheery voice. Max glanced up and lifted an eyebrow at the woman, which caused Layla-Rae to smile brightly which then caused the corners of Max’s mouth to twitch. “How has camp been going? Anything new?” she asked folding her hand on top of her clipboard. Max sighed and rolled his eyes, “Nope. Nothing new. I’ve been a perfect little angel. Like I always am.” His very sarcastic sentence caused Layla-Rae to let out a small chuckle. “I heard that isn’t a hundred percent true,” she said, “But I’ll believe you this time.” This time Max’s mouth revealed a half-smile which he quickly hid again. He looked up to the woman, “Why is Devi here? To torture me throughout the summer? Or did she just fine more name’s that begin with ‘M’ so she could continue to try and guess my name.” Layla-Rae leaned back and stretched her hands behind her back, “She found the letter about ‘Parents Day’” the child rolled his eyes. Layla-Rae continued, “Specifically she dug through my entire living space because she was convinced that I was hiding something from her,” she leaned forward, “I was hiding that Parent’s Day information. I planned on coming. I even asked for that entire weekend off to make it seem like I had a lot of plans! Like a concert or something but once she found out what my plans where-“ Max frowned, “Let me guess,” he said, “She ‘all of a sudden’ had a million plans out of state that you needed to be there for.”
Layla-Rae nodded, “Like usual,” her eyes softened and she reached out and touched Max’s hand, “I’m sorry I didn’t show up. I tried.” Max shrugged and put on his best poker face, “It doesn’t matter. It was a stupid day anyway.” Her mouth curved into a smile, “I’m still sorry. Even if you don’t care.” There was a moment of silence between the two. Layla-Rae broke the short silence, “So,” she said smiling, “Find any cool rocks here?” Max’s head shot up and dropped his fork. He quickly stuck his hands in his pocket and pulled out the small rock he found. Then he leaned forward a little and lowered his voice so that no one could hear, “There’s a whole bunch of granite rocks under the lake. They’re just eroding there. I think I also saw some geodes down there.” Max looked at the rock in his hand, “This one looked the best though,” he held it for Layla-Rae to take and his voice went back to normal volume, “Here you go.” She smiled and took the rock. “I’m glad you found something fun to do. Even if you don’t have an activity,” said Layla-Rae as she placed the rock on top of her clipboard. He once again shrugged, “It doesn’t matter. I spend most of my time fucking with David. So, Camp could be worse. It’s better than being at home anyway.” Layla-Rae nodded, “Hey, language please, but I’ll trade. You can be Devi’s assistant and I’ll stay here.”
Max wrinkled his nose and went back to poking at his mashed potatoes with his fork, “Hell no.” The assistant let out a fake pout, “Fine.” The two sat in silence again. He dropped his fork suddenly and looked up at Layla-Rae, “Are you coming down to watch the fuc-, I mean, stupid horse rides?” Layla-Rae shook her head, “No I’ll be staying here with David.” Max nodded and leaned forward so that he could speak quietly, “Mr. Honeynuts has a rip. Can you sew him up please?” he asked making sure that no one was sneaking around to hear them. The woman nodded, “Of course I can! Just give him to me before you leave for those stupid horse rides and I’ll have him ready and back in your tent before you get back.”  Max jumped down off the table and ran to the doors. “Are you done eating?” yelled Layla-Rae as Max ran to the doors. “Yeah,” he yelled as he ran out of mess hall to his tent. The black-haired girl got up and took his tray to the back to empty it. David walked up to her, “What was that all about?” he asked. She shrugged, “Nothing noteworthy. On a possibly unrelated note do you have a needle and thread?”
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oneficonly · 5 years
It’s Just a Name
Summary: When Max’s home life finally comes to Camp Campbell, with the excuse that they showed up for Parents Day. But that was many weeks ago. So why are they really here?
WC: 1,102 Rating: T (Swearing, Very Mild Referenced Child Abuse/Neglect) Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Chapter Five: Lakeside
Max, Nikki, and Neil got to the lake after a few minutes of walking. “So,” asked Neil, “Your mom is… interesting?” Max shrugged.  “Got it,” said Neil, “We will pretend that your mother doesn’t exist. What would do you guys want to do?” Nikki jumped ahead of them, “We could look for a lake monster! Or fight a shark! Or wrestle with crabs!” Neil sighed, “There’s no way any of those things are in this lake. I don’t think this lake could sustain any life in it at all.” The green-haired girl punched Neil’s arm, “You never know if you don’t look!” The nerdy kid rubbed the spot that was just hit, “Well there are a few ingredients I need to make a few more potions. If you’d like to be my test subject again, Nikki.” She jumped wildly, “Make me into a bear! No, a hawk! No! No! No! Give me another arm!” The two started to look through the brush near the lake for items that Neil needs.
Max was standing back letting his two friends do all of the work. He looked at the ground and was kicking sand as he walked up and down the small lake beach. During one of his kicks, he felt his foot kick something a little more solid. He looked at the ground and saw a red speck peeking through the sand. He kneeled down and dug up a small rock. It a reddish pink with black and white specks all over it. He turned it over in his hand multiple times.  Neil saw that Max had a rock in his hand and walked over, “What’s that?” he asked. Max snapped out of the daze he was in and dropped the rock. He shrugged, “I don’t know some weird rock. I thought it might’ve been worth something” Neil picked it up and looked at it. “It looks like granite. Must have been pushed ashore by the lake” Nikki ran over and stole it from the nerdy kid’s hand, “I bet this would make a good splash.” Max perked up, “Or you could, I don’t know, just leave it? Maybe someone will want it.” Right, when Max ended his sentence Nikki chucked the rock into the lake. The black-haired child’s eyes went wide, “Nikki! What if I- I mean what if someone else wanted the rock!” His two friends stared at him with wide eyes, never really hearing Max burst out in anger like this. “Chill Max it’s just a rock,” she said. Neil nodded in agreement, “Yeah. I bet there’s plenty more in the sand.” Frustrated, Max threw his hands up in the air, “Whatever. Just forget it. What did you need Neil?”
Neil looked over to the pile of things that he and Nikki already gathered, “I’m pretty sure I have everything so we can head to the camp’s activity station.” Nikki and Neil scooped up the items on the ground. They turned around to see if Max was following but they saw that Max walked to the edge of the lake and was just looking out to where the rock made a splash. Neil and Nikki looked at each other. “We are headed back Max are you coming with?” asked Neil. Max didn’t say anything and the two shrugged and started to walk back without their friend. “Come and join us anytime Max. I’ll have plenty of things for Nikki to drink,” yelled Neil ask he continued to walk. Nikki dropped all of the things she was carrying, threw her hands in the air and yelled, “Whoo!” Neil sighed and said, “Nikki! Be careful!”
It didn't take long for Neil and Nikki's voices to disappear in the distance. Max continued to look out to the lake for a few more minutes, “Fuck it!” he yelled. He took off his blue hoodie and his shoes and dove into the lake. He occasionally came back up for air. After a few minutes of diving down and coming back up, he finally swam back to the beach and put the small granite rock on top of his sweater. Max collapsed next to his hoodie and laid on his back. He stared at the clear blue sky for a little bit before deciding that he could take a quick nap.
About a half-hour later Max was jolted awake by Gwen yelling through a megaphone, calling from the mess hall for lunch for everyone. Max rubbed his eyes and put on his hoodie. He shoved the small rock into his hoodie pocket then started to walk slowly back to the Mess hall. When he got there Devi was out front pacing back and forth while tapping on her phone, while also giving orders to her security and Mr. Walter. She looked up and saw the little kid walking toward her, “Hi Mateo! It’s nice to see you! It’s been so long everyone is inside,” she said looking back down at her phone and continued to tap on it. The two security guard and Mr. Walter walked away. Max ignored her and continued to walk to the mess hall. “Matthew don’t you dare ignore me! Or I’m not going to let you ride the horses this afternoon with the rest of your friends.”
Max stopped and looked at her, “Devi. Read my lips,” started, anger dripping from his words, “I. Hate. The. Fucking. Horses,” he said making eye contact with her, “In fact, I hate you! I hate everything you do! And stop pretending to fucking care about me!” Devi rolled her eyes and placed a hand against her chest, “Of course I care! I’m the one paying for you aren’t I!” Max crossed his arms, “Really? Then what’s my name?” he asked, “So far you called me Maximiliano, Mateo, and Matthew. And that was just today! None of those are right!” Devi rolled her eyes, “It’s just a name. Get over it. Besides you respond anyway. Let’s not make a scene. The other campers and counselors might think you really misbehaved. Then they will finally see how hard I have it. Go eat lunch.” She went back to tapping on her phone. Max rolled his eyes and started to stomp toward the mess hall doors. “Oh, and Matthias?” started Devi. Against his better judgment, Max stopped and looked behind him. She put one hand on her waist and looked down at Max, “Do not fucking mess with my visit. You remember what happens when you misbehave. Right. Do you understand me?” Max gulped, “Yes Mother.” He hesitated for a second and headed into the mess hall.
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oneficonly · 5 years
It’s Just a Name
Summary: When Max’s home life finally comes to Camp Campbell, with the excuse that they showed up for Parents Day. But that was many weeks ago. So why are they really here? 
WC: 1,000 Rating: T (Swearing, Very Mild Referenced Child Abuse/Neglect) Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Chapter Four: A Meeting
Gwen and Devi walked into the mess hall followed by the white muscular horse. “Can I get you anything, Ms. Devi? Water? Soda? Juice? Something to eat?” asked Gwen quickly. Devi raised her hand, shook her head and smiled sweetly, “No thanks, Gwen. And you’re one of my fans just call me Devi.” Gwen squealed, “Alright Devi!” Gwen cleared her throat and tried to calm her excitement down, “Alright you wanted to talk about your visit?” Devi and Gwen sat down at a table near the doors to the mess hall. Devi nodded, “Yes. I would like to let your campers ride my horses!” Gwen thought for a minute, “None of the campers have experiences with horses,” she paused, “well… no, I’m pretty sure that none of them have even been around horses. I still think Nikki might have been raised by wild horses, maybe wild dogs, but I don’t think-” Devi waved her hand, “Yeah, yeah, they will be on the best-trained horses in the world and be around me. And you’ll be riding along too! Maddox would love to get out and spend some time running around,” she pointed to the white muscular horse, “I know he loves the boy and misses him so much!”
“Alright. I do think Campbell has some fences that we can put up so the kids aren’t riding the horses in the open. Especially Nurf, Nikki, Max,” Gwen snapped her fingers, “Before I forget. I need to talk to you about Max’s paperwork. Hold on one second. I need to go grab it from the cabin.” Devi smiled, “Take your time,” she said. Gwen nodded frantically and ran to the counselor cabin. She quickly searched through the messy drawer where they keep the camper’s registration papers. It took a few minutes but she eventually found the sheet of paper with Max’s name and age on it. Gwen ran back to the mess hall and burst through the door. She was out of breath as she sat back down across Devi. “Max’s registration only has his name and age. We need his registration paper fully filled out. It’s missing some info. Mainly the activity section needs to be filled out.” Gwen handed the sheet of paper to Devi, who took it and skimmed over the sheet of paper. Devi cleared her throat, “Yes, well, I’ll have my assistant finish this. So,” she started, “You’ve known him for a while now, what would you suggest for his camp? Besides military camp?” Devi laughed. Gwen giggled a little then said sarcastically, “Attitude awareness might be top of the list.” Devi and Gwen both laughed at that.
“Oh, I’m glad he doesn’t just act out at home,” Said Devi. Gwen had a confused look on her face, “Max acts out at home too?” Devi sighed sadly, “Unfortunately yes. There have been many schools, daycares, and camps that he has been kicked out of. And many nanny’s and butler’s that have quit because of his behavior. Always acting out. He’s caused me so much stress. Luckily my assistant doubles as a nanny and she’s staying around for now.” Devi looked down at the table. Gwen thought for a second, “What does he do at home if you don’t mind me asking.” Devi let out a laugh, “Everything. He’s always out of control. You know,” she waved her hand as if dismissing the subject. “He hasn’t been kicked out of here yet. So, I imagine what he does here is very mild compared to what he does at home.” Devi wiped a tear from her eye. Gwen thought for a moment, “I didn’t think he was that bad. I know he can be a little shit sometimes but he is really a thoughtful boy when he wants to be. He’s made a lot of friends.” Devi laughed, “Are you sure you’re talking about the same child?”
Gwen had a slightly confused look on her face when David pushed through the mess hall doors followed by Layla-Rae, “I hope you got everything sorted! I’m about to call everyone for lunch,” said David. Gwen stood up, “I can do it, David. If you wanted to help Quartermaster setup.” David gave Gwen a confused look but then smiled, “Alrighty Gwen!” he said overly cheery as he walked over to the kitchen where Quartermaster was. Layla-Rae looked over at Devi, “Ms. Devi would you like to talk about today’s activities?” she asked. Devi was tapping away on her phone, “Talk about it with the counselors. I will be going outside to the bus. Let me know when the darling little angels are ready.” Layla-Rae cleared her throat, “But, ma’am, don’t you want to eat lunch with Max?” she said as her jaw set.
Devi laughed slightly and stood up, “I’ve got some things to deal with over the phone and on the bus. If he needs me for something,” Devi got close to her assistant shoving Max’s camp registration paper at her, “you can tell him where I am.” Layla-Rae was grinding her teeth. She took the sheet of paper and added it to the pile of papers on her clipboard, “Yes ma’am. I will let him know,” she said through her teeth. Devi smiled and walked to the mess hall doors. “And remember. You’re just my assistant. That boy belongs to me. Not you.” With that, she walked through the doors leaving Layla-Rae alone. David peaked through the kitchen door, “I hope you’re hungry Layla! Quartermaster made extra!” She turned around to look at David with an overly cheerful smile on her face, “That sounds amazing David! Is there anything I can do to help?” David nodded quickly, “Of course! I’m always open for some help! Especially if that person is helping is you!” Quartermaster came up behind David while string a big pot of mashed potatoes, “Your flirting makes me sick,” said the old man. He then turned around and went back to the stove. David face reddened as Layla-Rae giggled.
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oneficonly · 5 years
It’s Just A Name
Summary: When Max’s home life finally comes to Camp Campbell, with the excuse that they showed up for Parents Day. But that was many weeks ago. So why are they really here?
WC: 1,450 Rating: T (Swearing, Very Mild Referenced Child Abuse/Neglect) Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Chapter Three: The Tour
David and Layla-Rae walked through the small campsite, “This is our tent area! Where campers sleep! They all have a tent buddy! The councilor cabin is over there!” Layla-Rae looked over the tents, “This is awesome! I used to help Max set up tents in the backyard all the time!” David squealed and balled his hands up together, “Really?! Max never said anything about that!” Layla-Rae smiled, “Yeah. I imagine he doesn’t talk about home a lot.” David looked at the assistant, “He doesn’t. He mostly talks about how much he hates it here.” Layla-Rae rolled her eyes. “Of course. Max has always been private about home. But don’t get discouraged with him. He likes it here. Even though he won’t admit it.” David and Layla-Rae continued to the next section of the camp. “If you don’t mind me asking,” started David, “If Max doesn’t mind being here, why does he say he hates it so much? He acts like he hates everyone and everything and seems to take it out on Gwen and I the most.” Layla shrugged, “He wasn’t always like that. Just the past few years have been a little hard on him. It turned him into a little ball of hatred.” David still had a concerned look on his face. It took a couple of seconds but Layla-Rae finally realized why he was concerned, “Don’t worry! There’s no abuse or anything going on. Well- I guess- Never mind.” David’s concerned look continued, “Layla-Rae, if something bad is happening you can let me know,” he offered. Layla-Rae looked at the ground and didn’t answer. They continued to walk in silence.
David finally broke the silence, “What is Max like at home?” Layla-Rae raised an eyebrow and a corner of her mouth turned up. The camp counselor held up his hands, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry. I was just making small talk” Layla-Rae laughed, her full bright, smile returned, “He acts just like he does here,” she paused and thought for a moment, “Angry, pessimistic, troublemaker. But he’s also thoughtful when no one is looking anyway.” She sighed her bright smile go away again, “I’ve tried to make him less pessimistic by trying to see the bright side of everything. But he usually shoots it down.”  Layla-Rae laughed and David joined in, “Well,” said David, “I do the same thing! Everything has a bright side!” The black-haired girl smiled, “That’s probably why he takes stuff out on you a lot!”
 The couple stop next to the activity field. David gestured his hand across the somewhat large area where most of the campers were currently hanging out, “This is the activity field. Where the activities for all the different campers are!” He then pointed over to Cameron Campbell who was, kind of, watching over the children. “That is Mr. Campbell. He is the founder of this camp before he put me in charge. Then sold the camp. Then got the camp back. Now he’s here for his several hours of community service!” Layla-Rae gave David a very concerned look. “Oh! Don’t worry,” said David recognizing the look he was getting, “He turned himself in for his crimes hoping to better himself!” Layla-Rae still looked skeptical, “Alright, I guess you are here constantly. I trust you,” she said waving to Cameron who was waving back.
“Alright on to the next!” said David as he continued to walk to the next section of the camp. “So,” started Layla-Rae, “Does Max have any friends here?” David nodded vigorously, “Yes! Nikki and Neil are probably his best friends. In fact, he gets along with everyone here!” Layla-Rae smiled brightly, “That gives me so much relief.” David raised an eyebrow, “Why? Does he not have friends back home?” he asked. Layla-Rae shook her head, “Not really. He is homeschooled. So, he doesn’t really get out of the house a lot.” Layla-Rae sighed, “So not only am I Devi’s assistant, but I’m also Max’s nanny, tutor, and the only person he can really talk to back home.” They walked in silence for a few minutes, “I know this sounds a little mean but why did Devi come here?” asked David. Layla-Rae shrugged, “Devi wanted to be here for parent’s day.”
The two walked by the lake where Neil, Nikki, and Max were. “Really?” asked David, “That was weeks ago.” Layla-Rae nodded, “I know. I told her that when she said we were coming here. She just brushed it off and said we were coming here anyway.” Layla-Rae paused for a moment, “I think she’s here for something or she’s here to make a point. I know that sounds a bit crazy. But back home she’s a…lets say, an unemotional person.” Layla-Rae paused, “She doesn’t call Max by his name. Anytime someone tries to bring up the fact that his name isn’t whatever she said, she just brushes it off and says ‘It’s just a name’.” Layla-Rae cleared her throat and her face flushed, “I’m sorry for rambling. I didn’t mean to vent.” David shook his head, “It’s fine Layla-Rae! I’m a great listener! I can tell you’re frustrated.” The group of friends by the lake didn’t notice them so David and Layla-Rae carried on. “Oh!” exclaimed David, “Before I forget. Max’s registration paper is incomplete. We need to get that filled out once we get back.” Layla-Rae nodded, “Yeah, I know. I will get that filled out and back to you as soon as I can. I feel like it’s my fault anyway.”
David gave her a surprised look, “Really?” he asked, “Max was pretty sure it was his parents not caring. And you seem like the most caring person in the world!” Layla-Rae smiled, “First of all, you are the most caring person in the world. Anyone who has the patience to spend their summers with children and not gives up on Max has my respect and deserves my eternal gratitude. I also owe you dinner or something. It sounds like Max puts you through a lot,” David smiled and blushed, “Second, I’m the one who fills out Ms. Devi’s paperwork. I don’t think she’s actually written anything in years. Max told me that Devi was making him go to another summer camp and that she actually did the paperwork. I guess there was a recruiting booth outside of a stupidly overly priced clothing store Devi dragged him to.” Layla-Rae sighed, “When Max told me, he said that she didn’t even fill out the entire paper. He was so upset that he saw how little Devi cared. Before I dropped him off at the bus stop, he kept saying he was being forced here so that no one has to deal with him,” Layla-Rae sighed, “but, even though he won’t admit it, he’d much rather be at a camp than at the house.” Layla-Rae rubbed her forehead, “I should’ve been there. I could’ve at least gotten the paperwork fully filled out. Maybe that would’ve made him a little happier.”
David took a turn and started to lead Layla-Rae back to the mess hall, Layla-Rae stopped and looked around, “I’ll tell you about what's going on at home. Max needs more people to know what's going on. I can only do so much." David stopped and looked at the woman, "But we should wait until Ms. Devi does whatever activity she plans on doing. You know?” David nodded, “I understand. I do really want to help... and maybe hear stories about happy little Max.” They both laughed a little, “If we have time, I’ll tell you stories about happy Max,” said Layla-Rae, “But I feel like he might hate me if I tell anything too embarrassing.” Layla-Rae and David laughed again. The two continued to walk
After a few minutes, they were now outside of the mess hall. Layla-Rae plastered a smile on her face again, “Thank you so much for the tour! It’s nice to hang out and not talk about horses for once.” David laughed, “No problem! I will happily take you out again!” Layla-Rae raised up her eyebrow and crossed her arms. David stuttered a little bit, “I just mean I will happily take you to show around camp again.” Layla-Rae nodded, “I know. I just wanted to give you a little bit of a hard time.” David laughed, “You definitely hang around Max too much or maybe he hangs around you too much!” Layla-Rae cleared her throat, “Hey David?” she started, “Can you not mention what we talked about to Ms. Devi? Or Max for right now? I’ll explain later.” David nodded, “Of course Layla-Rae.” She smiled, “You can just call me Layla.” David smiled back, “Of course Layla.”
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oneficonly · 5 years
It’s Just A Name
Summary: When Max’s home life finally comes to Camp Campbell, with the excuse that they showed up for Parents Day. But that was many weeks ago. So why are they really here?
WC: 1,219 Rating: T (Swearing, Very Mild Referenced Child Abuse/Neglect) Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Chapter Two: Introductions
Outside of the mess hall, the sound of confused and excited campers grew louder. “I need to hide now!” yelled Max. David kept his grip on the kid as Max attempted to wriggle out, “Now Max. We should go greet your mother! She’s clearly here to see you! Why else would she be here? She probably misses her little man!” The only people left in the mess hall where David, Gwen, Quartermaster, Nikki, Neil, and Max. “Let go David!” yelled Max, “She’s probably here for something. Probably to make me or everyone else miserable.” Nikki and Neil left the building followed by Gwen and Quartermaster. David followed them with Max still in his arms but Max wasn’t making it easy for David.
There were three vehicles outside. The closest one to the mess hall was a small, beaten up, two-door, tan, car. It looked like it barely ran. The next vehicle was a large bus, it was a half-repainted school bus. It was still mostly the original yellow but toward the end were paintings of horses. In the middle of the bus was multiple horseshoe shapes all in different colors. There was an abstract race track wrapping around the bus. In the back of the small caravan was a large black SUV with black tinted windows. Max continued to struggle, trying to get out of David’s hands. “Max?” said Neil, “Does your mom have a thing for horses?”
Cameron rubbed his hands together, “It looks like little Mattie has a little money to his name.” Nobody responded to Cameron. Gwen’s eyes were wide and sparkling, “Do you not know who this bus belongs?!” Gwen gasped and didn’t wait for anyone to respond, “It belongs to the world renown horse breeder and racer! Her purebred horses can make millions of dollars by just people looking at them. She’s also in multiple reality tv shows! She was the Bachelorette about nine years ago, she was the winner of Big Brother a few years ago, she had a wardrobe malfunction on that one talent show when she was a judge on it last year, and she’s currently the biggest star on the Real Housewives of-”  Max finally got free from David, “Yeah and she started her trashy career twenty-ish years ago on Maury. It’s all she cares about! So, if I just hide, she will leave sooner,” said Max as he turns to leave. Gwen grabs him and holds him in place, “No you don’t you little shit. Put on a good face and maybe I can get a pic with her-“ David and Max both raised their eyebrows at the other camp counselor. Gwen stuttered, “I mean money for the camp?” David sighed and shook his head, “Come on Max! That can’t be true! I mean she is here to visit you right?”
Finally, two bodyguards emerge from the black SUV that was behind the bus. They stood in front of the bus doors. Then two people step out of the beat-up car upfront. One was a woman, possibly in her mid-twenties, her skin was somewhat tan. She carried a clipboard that had way too many papers on it. She was wearing a pastel green button up blouse, a white skirt and brown mary jane heels. Her black hair was pulled back into a messy bun on top of her head and had a pen holding it up.  The other person that stepped out of the same car was an older man, about a head shorter than the girl, he wore a dark blue jumpsuit with a pair of bright yellow boots with a matching baseball cap. The two stood in front of the bodyguards.
“Hello everyone!” said the girl way to cheery, “My name is Layla-Rae. I am an assistant to Max’s mother. And this,” she points to the man next to her, “Is Mr. Walter. He takes care of the general needs of Max’s mother’s horses.” Mr. Walter grunted but didn’t add anything to the speech. Layla-Rae sighed and her smile faltered a bit but she went back to her overly cheery speech with an overly cheerful smile plastered on her face, “Which she brought 11 of her horses here today to show you all! Any questions from anyone before I introduce her?” Almost everyone, except for Max, raised their hand, “Great! Now introducing the legendary horse breeder, trainer, and racer Ms. Devi. Or Max’s mom.”
Layla-Rae and Mr. Walter step to the side as a very tall woman comes out of the bus, followed by one large horse. The woman shared the same sunshade colored skin as Max, as well as the black hair. Her hair was down to her waist and straight. The horse next to her was pure white, just as tall as Devi and very muscular. Ten other horses stick their heads out of the bus windows. Devi wore a hot pink t-shirt with black skinny jeans and a pair of tall hot pink platform shoes, making her another two or three inches taller. “Hello everyone! I am little Maximiliano’s mother or you may also know me as Devi! The star of multiple reality shows!” she said raising her hands up in the air, showing off her black bangles and her hot pink bejeweled phone in her hand. None of the campers say anything. Layla-Rae pulls out a sheet of paper from her pile of papers and showed it to everyone. It said APPLAUD PLEASE in large bold black letters. The campers clap slowly. Devi starts to bow. Layla-Rae steps forward “The campers can continue on with their day. Devi would like to meet with a counselor to plan her visit. That is if it isn’t inconvenient at all.”  Gwen steps forward and starts to wave her hand wildly, “I can help!” Devi looks at her and snaps her fingers, “You’re spunky. I like that! Let’s go!” Gwen leads Devi into the mess hall and the bodyguards split up. One stayed by the bus the other went to the mess hall doors and stood in front of them.
Mr. Walter heads into the bus and starts to lead the horses out. The campers all start to disperse except for Max, Nikki, and Neil. David walks over to Layla-Rae, “While they plan out the day could I interest you in a tour of the campgrounds?” he asked. She smiled “I would love to!” David smiled, “I’m David by the way. A camp counselor! And a previous Camp Campbell camper myself!” Layla-Rae laughs, “It seems like you really enjoy being at Camp Campbell! I like someone who does what they love!” Max’s eye starts to twitch. “We can start the tour over at the tents,” said David as he started to walk, “Mr. Campbell could you watch the kids at the activity stations?” Cameron rolled his eyes, mumbled something and walked slowly toward the large group of kids. Layla-Rae looks over to Max, “C’mon Max. You can update me on what’s been going on at camp and you can introduce me to your friends!” She starts to follow David. Max crossed his arms, “No thanks. I’m going to hang out somewhere else. Come on guys,” says Max as he walks toward the lake. Nikki and Neil follow closely behind.
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oneficonly · 5 years
It’s Just A Name
Summary: When Max's home life finally comes to Camp Campbell, with the excuse that they showed up for Parents Day. But that was many weeks ago. So why are they really here?
WC: 614 Rating: T (Swearing, Very Mild Referenced Child Abuse/Neglect) Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Chapter One: The Start of the Longest Day
"Good morning campers!” exclaimed David as he burst through the mess hall doors. “Who is ready for today-” “David!” yelled Gwen who was holding Space Kid high in the air while Nurf was at her feet trying to grab him. Cameron Campbell was in the corner trying to hold Nurf back with a stick, “A little help David!” David ran over to Gwen to help with whatever was going on.
The other campers were spread throughout the mess hall, ignoring the scene happening in the far back corner of the mess hall. On the other side of the mess hall, Neil, Nikki, and Max sat together like usual. Nikki was attempting to get at Neil’s food since she had finished hers a few minutes earlier. Neil, for once, wasn’t going to give her the food. “Stop it, Nikki! You can’t have my food today!” yelled Neil “But I need more!” Nikki yelled back “Go get more!” “Quartermaster won’t give me anymore!” “Well, I’m eating mine.” “Says you!” The nearly feral girl continued to reach for the breakfast potatoes, eggs and meat while Neil held her back with one hand. “Max!” he yelled, “A little help!” He looked over to his other friend. Max was frozen in one place; his hand was frozen a few inches away from his face with a spoon full of eggs slowly dropping off of his spoon back onto his tray. His eyes were staring straight ahead, slightly glazed over, and twitching slightly. “Uh, Max?” Neil said as he let go of Nikki causing her to face plant into Neil’s food. She immediately started to shovel food into her face. Nikki looked up, her mouth full of potatoes and eggs, her hands were covered in food, “Max? Are you alright?” she asked food spilling out of her mouth. The nerdy one of the group poked Max’s shoulder. He didn’t react. Neil and Nikki looked at each other and they both gave Max a few more pokes in the arm. Still, no reaction. “David? Gwen?” said Neil. Nikki chimed in “Something’s wrong with Max”
David was on the ground now with Nurf sitting on top of him, Cameron was now being held in a headlock by Nurf and Gwen still held Space Kid in the air. The two counselors looked over and saw a frozen in place Max. Gwen dropped Space Kid which got Nurf off of David and caused him to let go of Cameron. The two original counselors walked over to the small group of three. Cameron laid on the ground rubbing his neck. David waved his hand in front of Max’s face, “Uh, Max? Are you alright?” he asked very concerned about one of his favorite campers. When Max didn’t react, Gwen stepped up and snapped in Max’s face a few times, “Hey. Twerp.” All of a sudden Max hopped up onto the table and grabbed her shirt “She’s here! How?! Why?! You need to hide me!” he yelled. David ripped Max off of Gwen, “Max! What’s wrong? Who’s here?” he asked. The sound of a couple of vehicles finally reached everyone else in the mess hall. All of the campers started to murmur about what was going on. Then they all dashed outside when the sounds got super close. Cameron also got up and followed the kids, “Don’t worry Davey! I can be responsible enough to watch the kids by myself! Or my name isn’t Cameron Camp- Ooof” Nurf ran by and punch him in the stomach. Cameron slowly walked hunched over, outside. Max once again froze when the sound of vehicles squealed to a stop right outside of the eating area. “Mother is here,” he said.
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oneficonly · 5 years
Chapter Five
Sounds Like A Joke
Summary: The day that the Creepers adopted the human baby into their colony was a memorable one, for everyone except for Gavin. He goes through life not knowing he was human and doesn’t question it when he is the only ‘creeper’ that can shoot bows and can’t explode. But when a small group of people come to the abandoned island, he figures out, quickly, all the answers to his questions. WC: 1,282 Rating: PG (Future Swearing)
Chapter Five: A Meeting
One of the elders of the creepers stood high above the others. “Attention my colony,” he hissed loudly. All creepers silenced immediately. Gavin, who was now eleven, looked up from playing with the edge of his cloak that was a bit worn from dragging on the ground. “There are humans on our island,” a terrified but unnecessary scream came from the group. “But do not worry. We must call upon the brave to try and chase the humans away. While the brave few try, everyone must stay away from the south side of the island.” The elder looked around, “If you believe you are some of the brave few please step forward and talk to one of the elders.” The elder nodded, notifying that he was done with his announcement. Some creepers stepped forward signing up for the defense of their tiny island.~
As time went on Gavin continued to go and train with multiple mobs so he could protect himself from dangers. He eventually earned the freedom to leave by himself to wander around the island but he, along with many, where still band from the south side of the island. He now knew what humans were, they were dangerous, no good, and will easily finish off Gavin’s family and everyone around him. The creeper boy had heard stories of mobs disappearing because of close contact with the humans. After a year of avoiding the south side of the island, Gavin’s curiosity got the best of him~
Gavin, who was now twelve, hopped easily from tree top to tree top and followed the trail of rotten flesh and bones that were dropped from defeated mobs. Over the year he had watched the humans fight and saw that they always leave these things on the ground and move on. The human he was following was smaller and clearly younger than the others. Seeing how fast the human was moving, the creeper boy figured that the human must have been scared and lost.
Gavin really wanted to drop down and point the dark-haired human boy in the right direction but his mother had warned him about staying away from the human settlement. That warning kept playing in the back of his head Humans hurt us, you will be safe as long as you stay away. The creeper boy shook his head, realizing that he had stopped and the human had gotten farther away. He looked up to the sky and saw dark clouds rolling in and the sky light up. Gavin started to move again, hoping to find the human before he had to go back home. 
After a few more minutes looking for the human, Gavin gave up. He went to turn around and head back to the cave but a light caught his eye. It was from a cave that, he knew for a fact, didn’t have lava in it. He went to go check it out and found the human. The creeper boy slowly made his way down the tree as it started to downpour. He quietly hid beside the entrance as he debated whether or not to approach. At the moment he listened to the human mumble in the language in his dreams. Then, there was a loud boom, then a lightning strike that caused Gavin to jump and hiss, loudly.
The human yelled something toward the entrance of the cave but the creeper boy didn’t understand. Then he felt a sting in his arm and fell to his knees. He looked up and saw the human looking down at him, his mouth open and a stone sword pointing downwards dripping red from one side. Gavin stood up and tried to run away but was tackled to the ground. The rain started to fall from the sky, drenching the boys in seconds. They wrestled on the ground for, what felt like, hours but only ended up being a few minutes. Gavin was trying to outlast the small human but he ran out of energy before the other child did. The dark haired boy dragged Gavin into the cave and into the circle that was made with torches.
The creeper boy weakly struggled against the human, fearing the worst, fearing that he will never see his mother and father again. When the human let him go Gavin watched as the human went to his leather bag by the entrance of the cave. How is he going to get rid of me? He watched as the human started to dig through the bag. Gavin looked back and forth from the human and the entrance of the cave. With a burst of adrenaline, Gavin got up and bolted to the entrance of the cave. He felt his feet go from touching stone to touching the grass, for a moment he thought he was going to get away in the dark and be able to get back home where he would be safe with mom and dad. Then he was once again tackled into the mud. Gavin tried his best to crawl away but the human boy was much stronger and just drag him by the arms back to the cave.  The human pushed Gavin into the far side of the cave and place himself between him and the entrance of the cave. The small human child was once again digging through his leather bag. Gavin’s mind was once again racing with the worst possible scenario.
The brown haired human child walked up to the creeper boy with a bottle of water and some bread. He handed them to Gavin. The boy in green slowly took them from the human. He sniffed the bread and took a small bite. This is the most delicious thing ever! He thought as he shoved the rest of the bread into his face. He then opened the bottle of water, sniffed that as well then drank it. It’s not poison, it’s just water. Is this a peace offering? He thought. The human child signed in relief and started speaking in the familiar language but didn’t understand. Then the child stopped when he saw the confused look on the creeper boy’s face. The human then placed a hand on his chest, “I am Dan,” he said repeating it a few times while pointing to himself.  Gavin nodded and repeated the same language he just heard from Dan. “Dan,” he said pointing to the human across from him. Dan clapped, “Yes! Do you speak any words like me?” Gavin again gave him a confused look. “I guess that’s a no. I got it!” he said snapping his fingers.
Dan went to his leather bag and dug around, he pulled out a book. He then sat next to his new wild friend. Gavin still looked confused as his new human friend opened the book. The pages where full of pictures and words. Gavin saw pictures of apples, the bread he just ate, spiders, humans, skeletons, creepers and a lot more. Dan pointed at the picture of the apple and repeated the word a couple of times. Gavin pointed at the apple, hissed in his creeper language then repeated the word in the human language. After an hour or so, Gavin was almost speaking in full sentences but still missed some words. The two boys looked out and saw that the sun was rising. “Home,” said Gavin getting up. Dan also got up, “You have to go home? I also have to go home. We should meet back here tomorrow!” Gavin smiles and nodded, “Yes.” Dan put the book in his bag and put the bag on his shoulder, “It was nice meeting you friend,” said the human. Gavin smiled, “Friend.”
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oneficonly · 11 years
Chapter Four
Sounds Like A Joke
Summary: The day that the Creepers adopted the human baby into their colony was a memorable one, for everyone except for Gavin. He goes through life not knowing he was human and doesn’t question it when he is the only ‘creeper’ that can shoot bows and can’t explode. But when a small group of people come to the abandoned island, he figures out, quickly, all the answers to his questions. WC: 1,041 Rating: PG (Future Swearing)
Chapter Four: Part Two Of Chapter Three
Gavin weighed the bow in his hands. “This is what you will practice with,” started the skeleton, “When you are ready, you will make your own,” the skeleton started to walk back and forth, while making had gestures, “A bow is a symbol of yourself. It represents who you are. Much how the golden sword represent the guardians of the Nether, or even the stone sword that only the best of us can use.” Gavin did his best to pay attention but his five year old mind started to wander. “-and even when we-” Gavin started to day dream. He imagined himself jumping from tree to tree, shooting the arrows at chickens and cows. But then a mysterious shadow appeared. It was about his height and it stood much like he did. It spoke a foreign, but some how familiar, language.
The skeleton stopped talking and looked at the boy. “Now, you are ready to shoot,” he said. Gavin nodded even though he didn’t pay attention at all. The skeleton nodded and pointed to a block of red wool, “Hit that piece of wool,” he said, “And remember what I just told you.” The creeperboy wished he was paying attention now. He mimicked what he saw skeletons do before. Putting an arrow on the bow and slowly pulling the string back. He raised it up and aimed. Gavin tried to remember anything that the skeleton said but the only thing that he could think of what his little daydream.  The boy took a deep breath and let go of the arrow. The arrow flew through the air and hit the wool right in the middle. The skeleton stared in amazement. Other mobs had started to stop and stare as well. “Beginners luck,” said the skeleton, “Try that again.”
Gavin did the exact same thing, this time the arrow when through the air faster. The arrow went right through the first one splitting the first one in half and hitting the e stone behind the wool, making it crack and turn into cobble stone. A few mobs applauded and most stared in amazement. The young boy looked up at the skeleton  hopping for some type of praise but didn’t get it. The skeleton looked down at the blonde haired boy, “Go play with the other younglings. I must talk with your father.” Gavin nodded and carefully put the bow on the ground before bouncing over to the other younglings.
Jeff hopped down from the ledge and walked over to the skeleton. “So-“ he started but the skeleton lifted his boney had to stop him. “For one so small, he is very strong,” said the skeleton, “I doubt he will need much training. But we will still train him with our younglings.” The Creeperboy’s father nodded, “So how often-“ “Every half moon,”  said the skeleton quickly. Jeff nodded, “Go home now. I bet Ms. Marigold is worried sick.” Jeff chuckled and nodded, “She was worried before we even left.” The skeleton chuckled as well. “Gav! Let’s go!” he yelled.
Gavin perked up and waved good bye to the little mobs he was playing with. “Take the good arrow with you and practice,” said the skeleton. The little boy slid to a stop and went over to the target. He quickly yanked out the non-broken arrow, making the stone crumble. The wall shook causing gravel to fall from the roof of the cave and striking the Creeperboy in the arm. Gavin fell to the ground and held his wounded arm and hissed at the gravel like a creeper but at the same time yelping like a human. “Gavin!” yelled his father. Jeff rushed to his son’s side.
Gavin looked up from his spot on the gourd, his eyes wide and water. “My arm ‘urts,” said the little five year old. Jeff looked at Gavin’s arm and saw red. “Someone get a spider. Now!” A few mobs hurried through the tunnels to get to the spider spawn cave. The Creeperboy sat up and still clutched his arm and leaned up against his father. “I’m here Gav. Don’t cry.” The spider looked at his wound a bit before wrapping it in wool and spider string. The younglings that Gavin was playing with stood by and gave the human a judging look. They whispered to each other but Gavin and Jeff heard them.
“Why is he oozing red?” “I haven’t seen a mob do that.” “He's different” “Don’t creeper’s explode when they get hurt?” “You’re right.” “So, he’s not a creeper?” “I don’t think he is a mob.” “Then what is he?”
        Gavin huddled closer to Jeff. The creeper nodded toward the skeleton. We’ll see you next half moon.” Then started to push his son out of the cave. The sun was just setting when the two left the cave. Gavin continued to hang on to Jeff. “What’s wrong, Gav?” asked Jeff even though it was obvious that the whispers got inside the boy’s head. “Nothing,” whimpered the creeperboy. Jeff stopped and looked at his son. “Don’t lie to me Gavin David Free.” The human wince when his full name was used. “The other’s-” said the little boy. 
Jeff sighed, “Don’t listen to them, Gavin. What do they know. You, your mother and I, we have each other. We also need each other.” Gavin looked up, tears streaming down his face. “Your mother and I, our destinies will call us one day. And you will have to be strong. We will not be with you, here, but we will be with you in your memories and your heart,” Gavin buried his face in Jeff’s side, “No matter what others say, I’ll be with you, and your mother as well. For as long as we can, we will be right over your shoulder. The bond between us three, it can’t be broken. Promise.” Jeff could feel Gavin smile as he nuzzled closer to his father. “Let’s go home. Your mother is going to be mad that we’re late. Then she’s going to kill us for your wound.” The creeperboy laughed and pulled away from his father. He wiped his nose and eyes with his arm. Gavin pulled his cloak around himself as he and his father walked home.
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Fun Fact: I was listening to 'You'll Be In My Heart' by Phil Collins while writing the ending to this chapter.
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oneficonly · 11 years
Chapter Three
Sounds Like A Joke
Summary: The day that the Creepers adopted the human baby into their colony was a memorable one, for everyone except for Gavin. He goes through life not knowing he was human and doesn’t question it when he is the only ‘creeper’ that can shoot bows and can’t explode. But when a small group of people come to the abandoned island, he figures out, quickly, all the answers to his questions. WC: 1,114 Rating: PG (Future Swearing)
Chapter Three: First Lesson Part One
Gavin, before he was even able to walk, had his future planned out by the elders of the creeper colony and announced in front of the entire colony. As the creeper boy grew older and he began to act more like a creeper the colony started to have more faith that he would be able to protect them. The gossip started to spread fast through the cave, making other mobs believe that the Creeperboy could protect all mobs on their island. Anyway, we’re going to skip forward for when Creeperboy was five.~
Marigold paced worriedly around the cave. Jeff had taken Gavin out for his first lesson on using a bow. Her mate even made sure that she knew, minute by minute on what they where going to do. The father and son had left that morning and it was now night. Though it was the most common time to socialize among the mobs, the two promised to come back before nightfall, since Gavin sleeps at night. Marigold tried to figure out why they would be late but couldn’t think of anything that would have been so important. After what seemed like hours to Marigold, she heard a familiar hiss and pounding of small human feet come into the cave. She sighed in relief as she watched Jeff and Gavin walk to their little section of the cave.
Gavin had grown a lot in the past five years, he was about half the size of his parents now, his hair was knotted and messy, but the one thing that stayed the same, was in fact Marigold’s favorite thing; Gavin’s bright green eyes that lit up every time he saw his mother and father. The Creeperboy walked closely by his father hugging his green blanket around himself. As instructed by the Elders when Gavin was first introduced to the colony, his blanket had been mortified to a cloak now but the blanket still drowned him when it hung loosely around the small, skinny boy. Marigold rushed to her two boys, “Where have you two been? I’ve been-” she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw that Gavin had a white, almost pink, piece of wool wrapped around his arm. Marigold sent an accusing glare toward her mate, “How could you let him get hurt?!” she accused him. The Creeperboy ran toward his mom and cuddled close to her, “My arm hurts, mama,” he whined as he buried his face into her side.
“It was just an accident, Marie, he’ll be fine,” said Jeff as he tried to calm down the worried mother. “It was Gav’s first time out of the cave. It was his first time shooting the bow. It is now all patched up and he will be fine.” Marigold glared at Jeff, “I’m not through with you Jeffrey Davis Free,” she then turned and gave her son a softer type of glare but the boy still had his face buried in her fur. “Lets get you to bed Gavvy. You’ll feel better in the morning.” Gavin nodded and hurried to his bed, which was a pile of white, black and brown wool. He tugged his cloak around himself and sunk down into the bed. “Good night,” said the five year old as he watched his mom replace the torch with a red stone torch. “Sleep tight my little boy,” said his mom as she smiled sweetly at him. “Don’t let the silverfish bite,” said Jeff which earned him a glare of his mate and a giggle for his son.
~Earlier that day~
“Are you sure he’s ready? He still looks a bit young,” asked Marigold for the fourteenth time this morning. Jeff sighed and Gavin giggled, “I’m ready mama! I’ll be the bestest an-and I’ll be protecting you and daddy and- and the whole colony!” clicked the little boy as he bounced in place. It was only a few years ago when Gavin has started to talk. When he did, he started to talk like the humans but had stopped since he and nobody else knew what he was saying. Now he was clicking and hissing like a true creeper. Though, his parents still worry that the human language might come back to him as he grows. The elders said to only worry about what is going on now, but it still was in the back of Jeff and Marigold’s heads. Jeff nudged his mate, “You have nothing to worry about. We will go straight to the skeleton cave, I’ll stay with them as Gav learns to shoot and then we will come straight home. We will be back before sun down. Promise.” Marigold looked from her mate to her son. “Fine.”
The boys turned quickly and tried to hurry out the cave entrance. “Wait!” yelled Marigold. Jeff and Gavin stopped, not really wanting to turn around to see what Marigold wanted. “The spiders finished something today.” Jeff smiled as he remembered. The two boys turned around and saw Gavin’s blanket, which was now his cloak. Gavin ran over to his mom and gave her a hug as he picked it up, “Now, be careful with that. It’s got to last you a life time.” Gavin nodded and slipped the cloak over his very naked body. “It’s a little big,” started Jeff, “But once you grow it will fit like a glove.” Gavin gave his dad a hug now. “Happy birthday, Gavvy,” said his mom. Gavin gave his mom one more hug before Jeff pulled him away and headed to Gavin’s first bow lesson. “See you two before sun set!” yelled Marigold after them. Jeff smiled and only continued to push his son out of the cave and toward the skeleton's spawn.
After a short walk they made it to the skeleton’s spawner cave. “Welcome Jeffrey,” said a skeleton as he approached the two creepers. “How many times do I have to tell you, old friend. Call me Jeff.” The skeleton only laughed and looked down to the little human, “This must be your little, uh, creeper that is ready for his first lesson” Jeff nodded. Gavin nodded wildly and had a huge smiled plastered across his face. The skeleton clapped his hands together, making a hallow sound echo through the cave, "Okay, lets start!” The skeleton led the two to a section of the cave that was littered with arrows and one piece of red wool. “Shelly!” yelled the skeleton. Another skeleton came from, what seemed like nowhere, and handed him a small beat up bow and left. “Jeff, you can go sit on the ledge over there,” the skeleton pointed across the cave. Jeff nodded and slowly went over to the spot and watched.
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oneficonly · 11 years
Chapter Two
Sounds Like A Joke
Summary: The day that the Creepers adopted the human baby into their colony was a memorable one, for everyone except for Gavin. He goes through life not knowing he was human and doesn’t question it when he is the only ‘creeper’ that can shoot bows and can’t explode. But when a small group of people come to the abandoned island, he figures out, quickly, all the answers to his questions. WC: 1,063 Rating: PG (Future Swearing)
Chapter Two: Planning
So, after Marigold had convinced Jeff to keep the baby boy to raise as there own they headed off to thier cave where creepers spawn. The colony of creepers have at least a two hundred creepers. But in the past years their numbers have been dwindling down due to the humans moving to the small, remoe island. But after the charged creeper exploded in the village, all humans packed up and left. The walk home was very uneventful so let's just skip to where Marigold, Jeff, and Gavin where surrounded by their peers from the creeper colony~
“Where did you get it?” “What’s it name?” “How are you going to raise it?” “How will it fit in?
Marigold felt excited and happy when she first entered the cave but now was feeling like she needed to hide in the forest. Plus the fact that everyone was refering to Gavin as it wasn’t making her feel better. She tried to correct people by telling them that it was a boy and that his name was Gavin, but nobody would listen. Even her good friends stayed away and watched from a distance. Question after question was asked and the young female creeper was getting over whelmed and the little human was feeling the frustration coming from his mom. Marigold looked around for Jeff to help but he wasn’t fairing much better.
“What happens when it grows up?” “Where did you get that thing?” “What are you doing with it?” “You let your mate name it.” “The elders are going to dissaprove of this thing.”
Jeff was getting just as, or even more, frustrated and angry with his fellow colony members as Marigold was. The fact that they have gone from calling his son an ‘it’ to a ‘thing’ had really gotten under his skin. He actually got in a bad yelling match with another creeper who said something bad about Gavin. Jeff only heard part of it but it was the part that he did hear got him angry. But everybody fell silent after a particuallly loud hiss silenced them all and drew attention to a group of three older creepers aproaching the very large group of bickering younger creepers. The crowd seperated so that Marigold and Jeff where next to each other once again and their was no one between them and the elders.
Marigold hung her head low and slowly approched them with Gavin still close to her chest. The three elders looked down at the human baby, “Why do you bring this human into our cave?” asked the one in the middle. Jeff hurried to Marigold side and answered for her, “We found him in an abandoned village. We where afraid he would die and-” “Stop” said the one creeper on the left. Jeff cringed and took a step back. The three creepers made a small huddle in front of the two and talked. The group that surrouned Marigold, Jeff and the elders started to murmer. When the elders stopped and formed a line once more everyone fell silent. “Proof of the other’s death?” asked one elder. Jeff gulped, “I saw the boy absorb the experience points.” The elders looked at each other, then back to the baby, “Does it have a-” “Gavin, sir,” said Marigold not letting the elder finish.
Once again the elders looked at each other and nodded, “I don’t want this boy to cause unneccissary problems, or wars.” Marigold’s heart got caught in her throat. The elder continued, “I want him to stay away from humans and anything related to humans.” Jeff felt like he was about to die from anticapation. But the elder wasn’t finished talking, “He must always belive he is a creeper from here on out.” Marigold nodded and let out a happy squeal. Gavin squirmed at the high pitched noise but stopped when his mom hugged him close. Jeff nodded happily, “But there is still-” The elders stopped him, “You worry to much Free.” He looked at the blanket that was wrapped around the baby, “It appears he has a fur already.”
The elder on the left spoke, “It will need to be altered as the boy grows.” The elder on  the right spoke as well, “He will also need to know how to fight, since he cannot expolde.” The crowd that was, only a few minutes before, not liking this idea of the human living with them, was now shooting out ideas that would prolong the boy’s life with the colony.
“The skeletons can shoot bows!” “They can teach the boy!” “I’ve got a good friend that’s a skeleton that can help with that!” “The spiders can help with clothing!” “They’ve spend a lot of time around the humans!” “I think I know a spider that can help!” “Don’t humans mine?” “Endermen can move blocks!” “I saw a Zombie with a shovel once!”
The colony of creepers where now loud and gitty with excitement of the new arival. Besides the enderdragon, the creepers where one of the strongest, and most feared mobs in the land around them. The middle elder stepped forwarded and quieted the colony down. “It seems to me, Mr. and Mrs. Free, that everyone is happy to welcome the yound creeper into the colony. I bieleve that Gavin will not be a problem, and he will be no danger to the colony. He is welcome to stay.”  The colony happily cheered, hissed, and clicked causing Gavin to wake up from his nap but instead of crying he giggled. Jeff moved closer to Marigold and looked down at his new son. Soon after the whole colony took their sweet old time to walk by the new parents to seen the new creeper, they all parted ways.
Some when to talk with their connections to the skelton colony, the spider colony, and the zombie colony. Some went to find endermen andsome just when to their section of the cave to get some sleep. The leaders of the colony’s didn’t know how to resoped to the creeper’s requests. Raising a human as a mob and not getting distroyed? It seems impossible. But once they heared the conditions of Gavin’s stay, they all agreed. Some mobs where still hesitate on teaching a human and even now they are not liking it but once a mob agrees to something they tend to keep their word.
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oneficonly · 11 years
Sounds Like A Joke
Sounds Like A Joke
Summary: The day that the Creepers adopted the human baby into their colony was a memorable one, for everyone except for Gavin. He goes through life not knowing he was human and doesn't question it when he is the only 'creeper' that can shoot bows and can't explode. But when a small group of people come to the abandoned island, he figures out, quickly, all the answers to his questions. WC: 1,219 Rating: PG (Future Swearing)
Chapter One: Curiosity Starts It All
A creeper, a spider, and a skeleton are walking through the forest. It sounds like the start of a bad joke but, believe me, it is not. This is the story of Gavin Free, the Creeperboy. He was born human, taken in and raised by, one of the most powerful (and scary) mobs in the world of Minecraft, Creepers. We will start at the very beginning, the day the little infant was found all by himself~
“I swear, its right over here,” clicked a young male creeper. A spider and a skeleton followed closely behind, “You have been saying that for the last half an hour,” hissed the spider, “Why is it so important that we go and see where your first cousin twice removed, on your mother’s, father’s side, exploded?” The skeleton cackled, making his ice cold rib bones rattle, “He’s hiding from his little mate. Word around the abandoned mineshafts is that she is wanting some eggs here soon-” The creeper stopped, hissed and started to glow white but then stopped. The two behind the creeper stopped as well, looking a bit worried when he started to hiss and glow, “That’s not the reason,” mumbled the velvet skinned creeper. The whiteish yellowish mob continued to push the subject to get some type of confession out of his friend, “But it does have some weight to the decision to coming out all this way. Doesn’t it.” All three mobs stayed quiet and the creeper started to walk again.
After another mile they finally came to, half, a village. The other half was clearly blown to little square pieces that floated a few inches above the ground. “Wow,” said the skeleton and spider at the same time. “Yeah,” said the creeper a little proud he remembered where the spot was, “My first cousin twice removed, on my mother’s, father’s side was struck with lightning. Charged Creeper.” The three mobs hesitated for a moment before heading into the abandoned village. “I do not think I have ever been in a human’s village with out someone, or something, attacking me,” hissed the spider as he slowly crept along making sure not to knock anything over with his long furry legs. The spider looked around and noticed that the creeper and skeleton had abandoned him. Apparently, a while ago since they where all separated from each other. The spider shook his head and climbed up a building that was still intact and looked out for humans, if they where to come back to this wrecked village.
As the creeper turned to go deeper into the crater in the ground he heard a little cry. The creeper jumped back and started to hiss. He stopped when he noticed there was nothing around. The little cry started up again, this time the creeper didn’t jump or start to hiss. He never heard that sound before and was determined to find out what it was. In the distance he heard, a much girl-ier version, of the skeleton’s voice and the spider’s voice, plus the unmistakable sound of his name being yelled by his mate. “Jeff!” The male creeper shook his head and headed toward the sound. He finally figured out that it came from one of the largest houses in the village, right on the edge of the crater. It was also closest to the fields, that was still intact and it had a fenced off back portion that was also missing half of it’s fencing. He slowly entered the house through where some glass used to be. The young creeper took care, not to trip and alert any human that might still be here. He continued to look around but did not see anything that would make the noise. 
“Jeff!” yelled his mate once more, it was closer now. After hearing his mate yell for him once again, he turned to leave but stopped when he heard the unmistakable sound of green and yellow experience balls bouncing and slid up the two block high crater. The creeper watched as it flew passed him to a bed then slide under it, followed by the same cry he was hearing earlier.  The creeper slowly went over and lifted the bed up flipping it up. He stepped back from confusion but then looked closer; it was a small human baby, not even a year old yet, with sandy blonde hair and bright green eyes. The baby was wrapped in a large dark green and lime green wool blanket, kind of mocking the skin on a creeper. The little human paused for a few seconds and looked up at the creeper, he started to whimper.
The sound of bones and the hiss of a spider startled the creeper as he jumped and turned around. Two skeletons, two spiders and another creeper stood behind him. When the skeletons and spiders saw the human baby, they did not hesitate to get out of there, but not before telling the creeper’s it wasn’t safe to be here. They didn’t get an answer from the creepers so they said their goodbyes and left the two to talk, clearly figuring out what was going to happen before the newly mated couple did. The young female creeper looked down at the tiny infant, then to her mate, “He’s so cute!” she squealed not hesitating to pick up the tiny baby and hold him tighter to her chest. Before she could say anything about thanking the child home, the male creeper spoke first. "C'mon Marie," he said, "Lets go. Put it back" His mate, Marigold, shook her head, " Don’t call him an it. And we just can't leave him Jeff. He'll die-"
"But it-“ “Jeff” “Fine, he is human" "He's a just a small child." "He'll be an outcast." "We will dress him up like us, he’s already got fur.” “That- that’s  not fur” he mumbled before continuing “What if he doesn’t understand us when he gets older?” “We will teach him to talk like us." "What happens when he notices he isn't a creeper?" "We will still be his parents." “Marigold-“ “Jeff-”
The male creeper, Jeff, tried to think of one other reason why they couldn't take the small baby but nothing came to mind. "Jeff," said Marigold softly, "he can protect the colony. He'll be our little  hawk." After a moment of silence, Jeff sighed, "Hawk would be a wired name for the boy," Marigold clicked happily and slowly cuddled the baby close to her velvet skin. "No, his name will be Gavin. Hawk of the battle. Our little white hawk." Jeff smiled at his mate, "Gavin Free. It does have a nice ring to it. I approve Mrs. Marigold Free." Marigold let out a fake laugh, "Like I ever needed your approval Mr. Jeff Free," she said sarcastically. "Let's head back to the cave and introduce him," said Jeff, "we are going to he attacked with so many questions. Plus the Elders as well-" Marigold smiled, "It will be easy. Your head is harder than a block of obsidian and I still managed to convince you." Jeff rolled his eyes and pushed his mate in the direction of their home. “Just stop worrying Jeff. Everything will be fine.” Gavin let out a yawn and cuddled closer to his new mother’s chest.
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