onyxhealthy · 1 year
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onyxhealthy · 1 year
The correct order to apply skincare
Using skincare to achieve healthy skin is a half story. The main component to accomplish that is to use it in the correct order. Every skincare product has its own unique consistency and that makes it more important to use it in the correct manner to help the product penetrate in the skin. Using skincare products in the right order will help you get results faster, long lasting and more effective.
Another thing to keep in mind before using skincare is that there are few ingredients that you cannot mix together. If you mix, some of the ingredients that were not meant to be mixed, could cause a reaction on your face. Not only this, but there are different skin care routines for morning, night and weekends.
The rule of thumb when applying skincare is to apply the lightest first and the heaviest last, since thinner products can’t penetrate thicker products
Let’s talk about how to get started with skincare routine:
Morning (AM)
Facial serum
Eye cream (optional)
Evening (PM)
Facial serum
Spot treatment
Eye cream
Moisture or overnight mask
De clog pores (optional)
Now let’s dive in deeper with Morning Edition:
In morning keep your skincare routine clean and simple like start with a-
Cleansing your face in the morning will help you remove the skincare products from last night. Getting rid of last night’s skincare products build up is really important because there are few ingredients that you can not mix like retinol and vitamin C. Nonetheless, retinol is the main component of PM skincare routine and vitamin C is the main component of AM skincare routine. In spite of that, retinol also reacts with sun exposure. So, removing all the PM products from your face is really important.
Using toner after washing your face will refresh it. You should use a proper toner according to the nature of your skin. Like, if you have oily skin then use a toner that will help you to get rid of enlarged pores and reduce the appearance of oily shine on your face. However, if you have dry skin just use an alcohol free toner, this tone will help you to avoid over stripping of your skin’s natural oils.
3. Facial serum
Here is the part where magic happens. Using facial serum is a game changer in your skin care routine. But, choosing the right product is important for you. For morning Vitamin C serum is best. You can combine vitamin C serum with vitamin E serum to make it work like magic.
But, if you don’t want to use vitamin C then you can go with hyaluronic acid serum. Hyaluronic acid helps skin stretch and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. You can mix ferulic acid and hyaluronic acid together to make it more effectively. And, one very important factor to keep in mind is that whenever you apply hyaluronic acid on your face, make sure that your face is damp. Because applying hyaluronic acid on dry skin can make your skin very dehydrated.
4.Eye cream
Eye creams are generally thinner than moisturiser so they are used before. So, eye creams or basically moisturisers, but they are specifically for your sensitive eyes area. Eye creams help to hydrate, reduce the appearance of puffiness and dark circles. If you have dark skin around your eyes or also known as dark circles, you can go for a retinol based eye cream. This will not only help you reduce the darkness around your area but also prevent wrinkles from appearing. However, if you have puffiness or dehydration around your eyes. You can go for vitamin C or essential oil based eye cream.
To lock everything up you’ll need a moisturiser. Even if you have oily skin don’t skip applying moisturiser. For oily skin, you can go for a gel based moisturiser and if you have dry skin, opt for a cream-based one. Moisturiser also provides great hydration to your skin. And without dehydration, it’s impossible to look flawless and glowing. So, this is one of the most important parts to follow.
It can’t be stressed enough about how important sunscreen is. Even if you use the most expensive serum in the world or the best one. Without the use of sunscreen, everything will go to waste. Sunscreen protects your skin barrier from the harsh UV rays. Using a broad-spectrum facial sunscreen with SPF 50+ will help you get rid of almost all skin problems. If you can use tinted sunscreen, it’s great but if you can't, no problem go with the regular one.
Now for night skincare routine:
Using a cleanser at night is way more important than the day. Cleanser will help you to remove the make up, dust built up, etc from your face. Instead of cleansing, once you should consider cleansing your face twice in the evening. For the first round, go with an oil based cleanser to melt down all your makeup. Then, for the second time go with the normal foam cleanser. Cleansing your face twice. Will help your skin to breathe out properly and any particles that are stuck in your pores will also get removed. Thus, it will not cause acne and other skin infections or problems.
You can use the same toner that you have used in the morning to hydrate your skin properly.
3.Facial serums
Now it's the turn for the facial serum. For night, you should always change your facial serums on a regular basis. For the first two days of the week, you can use Niacinamide and Salicylic Acid combined. Then on the third day use retinol. Then again for the next two days use Niacinamide and Salicylic Acid. Then on the last two days continuously use retinol. Retinol is a really powerful ingredient. So, it should be slowly incorporated in your daily routine. You can mix retinol with peptide serum to make it work like magic.
4.Eye cream
Go with the same one used in the morning.
5.Moisturiser or overnight mask
Moisturiser will help you to lock everything in and give you desirable results. Or you can use overnight masks. But try not to use these masks on a daily basis. But, still using overnight masks will help your skin achieve intense hydration.
Now things that you should do weekly:
You don’t need to exfoliate daily. But exfoliating once a week will help to remove all the dead skin and product build up on your skin from that long week. If you don’t use exfoliators on a regular basis, you might see your skin getting dull and may lose some hydration. Exfoliating once a week can help your skin look and feel smoother, brighter, and will reduce the likelihood of clogged pores.
2.De-clog pores
You can close your pores by using pore strips for your black heads. If you don’t want to use the strips, there are many other devices available in the market which will help you to get rid of those stubborn black heads. But, you might not need to use any of these if you just simply incorporate salicylic acid in your nighttime skincare routine. Because salicylic acid is known to get rid of all the black and white heads on your face.
Masks are known to Brighten dull skin and provide hydration. You should be using them on a weekly basis as they might be strong. If not weekly, you should only consider using them two times a week.
Pro tips:
Pat your skincare in and don’t run it in.
Store products in dark places.
Only apply retinol on dry skin.
Don’t combine salicylic acid with retinol.
Don’t mix retinol with vitamin C serum.
Use every skin care product on your neck and chest.
Don’t overuse products.
Reapply sunscreen every 2-3 hours.
Once in a while give a break to your skin.
Use lip balm with spf.
Use only pea size moisturiser.
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onyxhealthy · 1 year
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onyxhealthy · 1 year
Tips for Healthier Hair
When it comes to hair, genetics play an important role. The texture, strength, thickness, volume, etc heavily depends on your genetics. Regardless, genetics several other factors that affect your hair health are pollution, weather and your hair care routine. But, it’s never too late to start a committed journey to achieve your goal even if it is getting healthier hair. So, how can you get started? Below are the points to follow to hit your goal and maintain it throughout.
So the first and the main step is to know whether your scalp is oily or dry. Now, how will you know?
Oily scalp usually appears greasy and shiny, even shortly after washing. However, the dry scalp appears tight, flaky and itchy. Next, while running fingers through an oily scalp
you can feel it to be sticky, greasy and slick. Nevertheless, if done the same, dry scalp will be dry and flaky. The last thing that will determine your scalp type is your need to wash your hair. If you find that you need to wash your hair frequently (everyday or every other day) due to excessive oiliness, it suggests an oily scalp. Although, if you can go for several days without washing because your scalp doesn't produce much oil, it's likely a dry scalp.
Why is knowing your scalp type important?
Knowing the scalp type is essential for selecting the appropriate hair care products according to your scalp type. Different hair care products are formulated to target specific scalp types. For example, if you have an oily scalp, you may benefit from using a clarifying shampoo that helps control excess oil. On the other hand, if you have a dry scalp, you may need moisturising and hydrating products to alleviate dryness and flakiness. Understanding your scalp type allows you to choose the right products that cater to your specific needs. Understanding your scalp type allows you to make informed decisions regarding product selection, hair care routine, and targeted solutions to maintain a healthy scalp.
Steps to achieve healthier hair
Oil your hair
Chose the ideal shampoo
Increase protein intake
Consume Omega-3
Hydration is the key
Take care of your scalp
Length is as important as scalp
Use satin or silk pillowcases
Protect your hair from sun
Don’t over wash your hair
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onyxhealthy · 1 year
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onyxhealthy · 1 year
Things that will happen to your body when you quit sugar
Weight Loss
Improved energy levels
Glowing skin
Reduced cravings
Age slowly
Improve oral and dental health
Balanced blood sugar levels
Reduced risk of chronic disease
Better sleep quality
1.Weight loss
Eating sugar is just like eating empty calories that causes weight gain. Your body converts sugar into energy and the rest is stored in the body as fat. Therefore, the fat starts building up on the body. When you cut out sugar you will automatically lose weight. Quitting sugar will help you maintain your appetite. Eating too much sugar can make you addicted to sugar and cause a lot of cravings. This will make you eat more food even if your body doesn’t need it. When you quit sugar you will surely lose weight.
2.Improved Energy Levels
Intake of excess sugar can cause blood sugar levels to rise dramatically and eventually lead energy levels to fluctuate. And, you may feel good after eating your favourite sugary snacks but in the long run it will be harmful. Also, quitting sugar will make you feel less nauseous and fatigued.
3.Glowing Skin
Quitting sugar can make your skin glowing, improve complexion and even outs the skin. Visible results may be seen after four to five months of quitting sugar. High sugar intake can cause inflammatory effects and inflammation can cause skin to get worse. So, by reducing sugar intake you can reduce inflammation too. Another thing is that high sugar can increase blood sugar levels and high sugar levels can trigger glycation. Glycation results in the formation of harmful molecules known as advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which can damage collagen and elastin fibres, leading to premature ageing and dull skin. Again, by avoiding sugar you can avoid it. Sugary foods can also make your body dehydrate and dehydration make you look dull.
4.Reduced Cravings
Quitting sugar reduces cravings by balancing blood sugar levels. And, when blood sugar level is maintained then there is a low production of insulin and low production of insulin results in reduced cravings. When you constantly eat sugar, your taste buds get more prone to the taste of sugar. Slowly, when you avoid sugar, your taste buds for sugar diminishes. Eating sugar releases dopamine, a hormone for pleasure and reward. So, when you eat sugar you get a sense of achievement and you crave it more. And, this cycle continues.
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onyxhealthy · 1 year
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onyxhealthy · 1 year
Healthiest Vegetables
Beet root
Bell pepper
Sweet potatoes
Fermented vegetables
On the list of the healthiest vegetables spinach is ranked number one. Spinach has incredible nutritional content. It has almost every single nutrient that is required for our body. Spinach is rich in vitamin K, A and C, and other minerals, including magnesium, iron, calcium and is also very high in antioxidants. Spanish is also very low in calories, that 100 g of spinach contains only 23 calories and 0 grams of fat. Only consuming a cup of spinach can fulfil your daily requirement of vitamin K and about 15% daily requirement of vitamin A. Nevertheless, spinach also provides uncountable health benefits, like it can reduce the risk of heart related diseases.
•How to eat it
You can eat spinach in many ways like you can make a spinach and feta cheese salad or any other type of salad that you like. You can also make a puree of spinach and then can add chicken or tofu to it.
2.Beet root
Second on the list, we have beetroot also known as sugar beets. Beet root is low in calories and high in fibre. Beets are also rich in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. Beets also have many health benefits like lowering blood pressure, improving athletic performance, supporting liver function, boosting brain function, supporting digestive health, etc.
•How to eat it
Beets can be eaten on their own like a fruit. Or you can make a salad and mix chopped beets in it.
Carrots have numerous health benefits like it improves eye health, immune system, heart health, digestive system, skin health, etc. Carrots also contain phytochemicals like beta carotene, and then the body converts this photochemical to vitamin A. This then helps to improve eyesight health. Not only this but carrots are also a very rich source of vitamin K and C, fibre and potassium.
•How to eat it
Carrots can be eaten raw. You can boil carrots and then season with salt and pepper. You can also slice carrots and add them in the salad. Lastly, you can enjoy carrots with hummus.
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Broccoli has a high content of every essential nutrient. It’s packed with micronutrients, antioxidants, vitamin C, K and A, minerals like potassium and folate, etc. One cup (110 grams) of broccoli can fulfil the daily requirement of vitamin C. Despite this, broccoli comes with uncountable health benefits like it can reduce the risk of inflammation, heart disease, and certain types of cancers. Broccoli also helps to improve digestive health, bone health and eye health.
•How to eat it
You can enjoy broccoli in various ways like you can eat it steamed, stir-fried, roasted and can also add in soup, pasta. And, you can air fry it if you want to eat it crispy.
Kale is packed with all the essential vitamins K, C, B6 and A, and minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium and folate. Kale is also loaded with anti-inflammatory properties. Not only this but kale also supports heart health and also has anti cancer properties. And the best part is that kale is very low in calories. Half cup of kale provides 420% of daily recommended amount of vitamin K. Overall, kale is a nutrient-dense, low-calorie vegetable that is packed with health-promoting compounds.
•How to eat kale
You can eat kale cooked or raw. But, raw kale has more nutrients than cooked.
So if you see, mushrooms are not vegetables, they're fungi. But we usually eat it as a vegetable. And, it is really healthy. Mushrooms are rich in vitamin B, riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid. They also contain minerals such as selenium, potassium, and copper. Not only this, but they are also rich in antioxidants like selenium and ergothioneine which help protect the body's cells from damage caused by free radicals. Another benefit of mushrooms is that they possess anti-inflammatory properties. Mushrooms have a higher fibre content and helps to boost the immune system. Not only this, but they possess a lot of vitamin D then vitamin D helps to promote bone health, immune system and overall health.
•How to eat it
You can enjoy mushrooms in pasta, soup, boiled and seasoned, and lastly, you can also make a spicy vegetable dish with it.
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onyxhealthy · 1 year
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onyxhealthy · 1 year
Eat a protein rich diet
Drink green tea or herbal tea
Drink more water
Eat more fibre
Add lemons to your meal
Drink apple cider vinegar
Workout regularly
Sleep for at least 8 hours a day
Eat spicy foods
1.Eat a protein rich diet
Eating a good amount of protein can increase your metabolism by a good rate because protein takes a good amount of energy expenditure to digest. Eating protein increases the thermic effect of food (TEF). TEF is the energy that is required to digest and absorb the nutrients in the food. So, protein is known to have the highest TEF among all the nutrients. This means that protein will take the most amount of energy to digest the food in comparison to other nutrients. In addition, a protein rich diet helps to increase muscle mass. And, high muscle mass helps to maintain a healthy metabolism.
2.Drink green tea or herbal tea
Drinking green and herbal tea initiates weight loss and improves metabolism. Green tea and herbal tea also contain caffeine and catechins. And these compounds are known to burn fat and also help in increasing metabolic rate. Another reason that green helps in increasing the metabolic rate is because it has a flavonoid called catechins which helps to increase the body's heat production (thermogenesis). Then thermogenesis helps to burn more calories and boost metabolism. Now herbal tea includes ginger tea, peppermint tea, chamomile tea, hibiscus tea, etc and these teas help to improve metabolic rate by improving the digestive system. These teas slowly but surely improve metabolism.
3.Drink more water
Simply when the body is dehydrated the metabolic rate also decreases. And when the body gets hydrated, the metabolic rate boosts. Drinking water also increases the energy expenditure of the body at rest. Then this increased energy expenditure will help you to burn more calories. When you drink cold water then your body promotes thermogenesis thus, helps in boosting metabolism.
4.Eat more fiber
Again, eating fibre rich foods help to increase thermogenesis thus boosting the metabolism and increasing calorie burning. Then, fiber rich foods help you to feel fuller for longer periods and help to regulate appetite. Also, eating fiber rich foods improves gut health and digestive system, eventually helping to boost metabolism. Fruits, vegetables, seeds and dry fruits are a rich source of fiber.
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onyxhealthy · 1 year
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onyxhealthy · 1 year
Asthma: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention
What is Asthma?
Asthma is a disease that causes inflammation of the airways in the lungs. In this disease, the airways get narrow and swollen and then secretes excess mucus. This condition causes difficulty in breathing and can make small tasks more difficult. Asthma can also trigger coughing and then can cause wheezing or whistling sound when you breathe out, it also causes shortness of breath.
For some people asthma can be minor and not to worry too much kind of situation, but for others asthma can have a major role. In some cases this disease can be fatal. This problem doesn’t have a solution, which means that asthma can not be cured but its symptoms can be controlled. Asthma is a non communicable and chronic disease and can occur in both children and adults.
Symptoms of asthma
Symptoms of asthma includes:
Wheezing or whistling sounds while inhaling
Shortness of breath
Tight chest or Chest pain
Reoccurring infection
Inflammation in the chest
Trouble sleeping
Difficulty talking
Often increased breath while performing any physical activity (even low intensity activity like walking)
Above mentioned are the common symptoms of asthma. If you have more than eight of these, then you should consider seeing a doctor.
Causes of Asthma
There has been no cause found of asthma. Instead it is found that asthma depends many other factors such as:
Genetics: If your family has a history with this disease you are most likely to develop it.
Hygiene hypothesis: This means that when a child during the early years is not exposed to the environment or bacteria present in the environment does not develop a strong immunity. And, this then can make people more prone to getting diseases like asthma.
Allergens: Exposure to allergens such as pollen, dust mites, animal dander, and mould can trigger asthma symptoms.
Viral infection: People who have a history of viral infections are also likely to develop asthma.
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onyxhealthy · 1 year
How to get abs at home without equipment
The most important thing you need to know about getting abs is that “Abs are made in the kitchen”. This quote means that when you start your abs journey, your main focus should be on your diet. Controlling your diet is the most important thing when it comes to making abs. You should eat in a calorie deficit of at least 500 calories. Reduce 500 calories from your daily diet. Eating in a calorie deficit would reduce the fat layer on your stomach and make the abs look more defined. People who tend to have lower body fat percentages, usually have an appearance of defined abdominal muscle. Not only your diet, but your workout also matters when you are looking for a great abs definition. Both your diet and workout will give you desirable results.
What should you eat to get abs?
Now you know that you have to eat in a calorie deficit to get abs. But, the important question is what you should eat. So, your diet should include fruits, vegetables, lean protein, unrefined carbohydrates, and healthy fats. And, try to consume as little as junk food as possible while you are on your journey.
You can consume any type of fruit or vegetable you like. And, for lean protein, try eating greek yoghurt, beans, peas, lentils, white meat, poultry, cottage cheese, fish (white fleshed), peanut butter, lean beef, etc. Next for unrefined carbohydrates, you can have whole wheat/multigrain bread, brown rice, barley, quinoa, bran cereal, oatmeal, etc. Now, for healthy fats, you can eat fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines, and albacore tuna), seeds (chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, etc), olive oil, beans, eggs, nuts, etc.
So, including the foods mentioned above, abs get faster and more defined.
What workout should I do to get abs at home?
Now, let’s talk about the workout plan. There are a lot of exercises that you can do in order to get abs. But, the most important thing to keep in mind when you are following an abs workout is that you should focus on increasing the reputation and the sets of the exercise. Increasing the reps would help you to get abs faster because the abdominal muscles are made up of slow twitch muscle fibers, and these muscles best react to low weight and high repetition. But, the abdominal muscles also consist of fast twitch muscle fibres and these muscle fibres react, best to heavy weight and low repetitions.
So, if you are a beginner, try to increase your reps more than the weight. Because increasing the weight would make it a lot more difficult for you to work out and get abs at home.
To get abs at home, you should follow the exercises given below:
Plank helps to strengthen the core and improves posture. This exercise targets abdominal muscles.
Keep your palms, knees and feets on the ground.
Now lay down on your stomach and stretch your legs.
Straighten your legs so your knees come off the floor and your body is in a straight line from the back of your head to the back of your heels.
Hold this position for 45 seconds and then you can bring you knees down
Repeat 3 sets of 45 seconds.
This exercise helps to squeeze your abs. And also helps to engage the core.
Lay down on your back. And then fold your knees.
Put the palm of your hands behind your head.
Straighten your neck. Now, with the help of your abs, try to roll your head, shoulders, neck up.
Now as you go up, try to exhale and squeeze your abs.
Then come back down while inhaling.
Repeat this exercise 30 times and do 3 sets.
3. Bicycle crunches
This exercise helps to define the abs and initiate a great burn in them.
Lay on your back. Raise your legs in the middle of the air. Make sure that it is not too high and not too low.
Put the palm of your hands behind your head, straighten your neck.
Now using abs, bring both the alternative knee and elbow close to each other. If you are doing this with your right leg, make sure that the left leg is straight at 45° angle.
Then do the same with the left leg. In this process, try squeezing your abs.
Keep inhaling and exhaling during this whole process.
Repeat the exercise 20 times and do three sets.
4. Russian twists
This exercise basically focuses on oblique muscles. This exercise will help you to reduce your side fat.
Sit on your hips. Take your legs up at 45 degrees. Leave your legs up.
Join the palm of your hands and tap down your hands on the side of the ground near your hips.
In this process, try squeezing your side muscles.
Exhale and inhale during the whole process.
Repeat this exercise 20 times and do 3 sets.
5. Mountain climbers
This exercise will help you work your lower abs.
Get up in a plank position.
Tight your core, fold your knee and bring it in between your elbows.
Jump and change the leg.
Repeat it 20 times each side and do 3 sets.
6. Windshield wipers
This exercise will help you to tone your lower belly and side lower fat.
Lay on your back and make T with your arm.
Now lift your legs off the ground and make a tabletop position and legs should be parallel to the ground.
Rotate your hips to one side without letting your feets touch the ground.
Then lift your legs again to the top and repeat this on the other side.
Do it 20 times each side and do three sets.
7.Hip dips
This workout will help you to make your waist ting abs tight.
Get up in a plank position. Now just touch your elbows to the ground and make a 90° angle with your arms.
Without moving your upper body, twist your hip area to the right side. Bring it back up and repeat it with the left side.
Repeat it 20 times and do 2 sets.
8.V up
With the help of this exercise, you will get a very defined abdominal muscles shape.
Lay on your back. Left your upper body and lower body at the same time making a V shape with your body.
While lifting your body in a V shape, use all the power of your abs.
After you lift your body come back down and this will count as one rep.
You can do this access 10 times and can do 2 sets.
Follow the diet and workout plan given above to get abs at home. And, the workout plan given above can be done 5 to 6 times a week.
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onyxhealthy · 1 year
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onyxhealthy · 1 year
How to maintain a healthy weight while you are travelling, pregnant, or busy.
How to maintain a healthy weight while travelling?
Maintaining your weight while you are travelling is actually very simple. You don’t have to go to the gym or cut your food entirely, instead you just have to focus on a few things that can help you to maintain your weight.
1.Walk- Walking is the easiest way to burn those extra calories that you have consumed. But, you have gone to travel not to work there, so how are you going to manage that? The answer is just so simple that whenever you feel like you have to go to a nearby place, instead of taking a taxi or a scooter, you can simply just walk to that place. Increasing your steps would be one of the biggest game changers. When it comes to your fitness. Many people just ignore the fact that walking can be the easiest thing you can do while you are travelling. It’s so easy to complete 5,000 to 10,000 steps when you are travelling.
2.Snack sensibly- Snacking wisely can also help you to not gain those extra pounds after your memorable trip. Things you should consider doing to snack sensibly are checking the back of the snacks to read the snacks label which provides all the nutritional information. Then you can check the total amount of calories. Checking calories will then help you to calculate your daily calories intake. This method will not only help you to track your calorie intake but will also give you an idea of the food that is actually good for you and healthy.
3.Get plenty of sleep- Getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep is a must even if you are travelling. Sleeping will help your body to recover. And if you will stay fresh, you will have enough energy for the next day to work. And, if you will be tired, you want to just eat a lot.
4. Book a room with a kitchenette- When you would book a room that comes with a small kitchen. You will have access to the things that are required to make most of the meals. And by this you can simply just customise and make your own food according to your desire. This will allow you to eat home-cooked meals even if you are travelling and will help you to maintain your weight.
5. Increase protein intake- Try eating foods that are rich in protein. This will not only allow you to consume healthy food but, protein will also help you feel fuller for a longer time. Even when you eat snacks, just try to check the protein amount in them.
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onyxhealthy · 1 year
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onyxhealthy · 1 year
What is intermittent fasting: All you need to know about intermittent fasting
What is intermittent fasting?
Intermittent fasting means that you give your body a break from food and fast for periods of a few hours to a few days. This fasting is not food specific but rather it is time specific, this means that you can eat any food but you have to eat it on a specific time. In other words, when intermittent fasting you don’t have to change your diet but just your eating patterns.
Types of intermittent fasting:
There are mainly four types of intermittent fasting-
1.The 16:8 Diet-
In this method you can eat whatever you like in the span of eight hours and you have to fast for 16 hours. Most popular time to eat during this fast is from 12 pm to 8 pm. And, fast for the rest of the hours. Generally, it’s not that hard because most of the time during this fast you will be sleeping. But, if this is too hard for you, you can start with the 14:10 diet. It is the same as the first one but in this you have to fast for 14 hours and you can eat for 10 hours.
2.The twice-a-week method (the 5:2 method)
In this method, you have to fast for two days a week and you can eat normally for the rest of the five days. But, you can consume around 500 cal in those two fasting days. You don’t have to fast for two consecutive days. Let’s say you choose Wednesday and Friday for fasting, so in those two days you have to consume 400 to 500 cal. And for other days you can eat as normal.
3.Alternate day fasting
In this method, you have to fast every other day. During that time you can consume 500 cal. And, the other days you can just resume your regular diet.
4.The warrior method
In this method, you have to just eat one big meal in the whole day. Generally this meal is eaten in the evening. You can eat this meal at 4 PM. But, during the day you can consume some fruits and raw vegetables. And after 4 PM, you can eat nothing till the next day.
Is intermittent fasting safe?
Usually it is a very safe option and can be performed by almost everyone but obviously there are few exceptions like-
•Kids and teenagers under the age of 18.
•People with type one diabetes who take insulin.
•Those who have an eating disorder.
•Have lower blood pressure.
•Pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding.
If you are any one of the people mentioned above, you should not start intermittent fasting.
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