onyxscarab · 16 days
I just want to give him a hug...
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onyxscarab · 2 months
You: *chewing out some of the crew mates because they were slacking off throughout the day*
Buggy: Hey, you leave them alone! *he says in his head as he’s standing in the background awkwardly kicking some dirt on the floor*
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onyxscarab · 11 months
*At Warlords meeting*
Buggy: Do I look high?…
You: Nah. Do I look high?
*both of y’all stare at each other for a minute*
Buggy: Nah.
You: Okay good.
You and Buggy: 🔴_🔴 🔴_🔴
Mihawk: What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys…
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onyxscarab · 11 months
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*In Wendy Williams voice*
Clap if you think I should write a Buggy/Shanks x Reader where Shanks meets Buggy’s S/O (you) for the first time and immediately falls in love with you but realizes you’re with Buggy (and is madly in love with him because WHO WOULDNT BE AM I RIGHT??)
Anyways, now he can't get you out of his mind and every time he meets or sees you he's dying inside because he knows you'll never be his.
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onyxscarab · 11 months
I’m sorry, but as much as I love LA Buggy, anime Buggy will always be my fav and have a special place in my heart.
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onyxscarab · 1 year
Whispers of the Night
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Buggy x Vampire!Reader (GN)
Context/Warning: SFW/vampire reader/clingy/fluff
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In the dimly lit confines of the Buggy Pirate ship, the night cast a tranquil spell upon the surroundings. The gentle creaking of the wooden vessel echoed through the corridors as the moon's silvery glow illuminated the decks.
On this peculiar ship, where oddities and bizarre characters were the norm, one presence stood out more than the rest. Amidst the colourful crew and the bluster of laughter, a captivating creature, found solace in the embrace of the night. The ship's day-to-day affairs were not for them, for the sun was their silent enemy. Yet, as dusk descended, they would emerge from their shelter, ready to indulge in the unique camaraderie they shared with none other than Captain Buggy himself.
Their friendship was an intriguing one, forged through odd circumstances and mutual respect. Buggy, known for his flair and braggadocio, found a curious allure in your presence. He marvelled at your ability to be both graceful and enigmatic, and he never failed to tease you about your affinity for the shadows. Meanwhile, you found yourself drawn to Buggy's flamboyance and larger-than-life persona, relishing the way his antics could whisk you away from the darkness that took over your existence.
This night, like countless others, you made your way through the ship's labyrinthine corridors to the captain's quarters. Upon entering, your gaze locked onto Buggy, who lounged on a lavish chair adorned with mismatched cushions. His trademark smile graced his face as he extended a welcoming hand.
"Hello there, my nocturnal friend!" Buggy exclaimed, his laughter echoing through the room. Your lips curved into a knowing smile as you moved toward him, the allure of your presence making even the air around you seem charged. "Captain, it's always a pleasure to grace your ship under the cover of darkness."
"Ah, you flatter me!" Buggy declared dramatically. "But really, what brings you to my humble abode tonight?"
Your eyes glinted playfully as you stepped closer, your voice a seductive purr. "Oh, you know me, Captain. I can't resist the allure of your company."
Buggy chuckled, shaking his head as if he was the embodiment of charm itself. "Aye, I've always known I'm irresistible."
As the night deepened, their conversation flowed effortlessly, a dance of words and innuendos that only the two of them understood. Your flirtatious demeanour didn't faze Buggy; in fact, he seemed to thrive on the attention you bestowed upon him.
Hours slipped by in the blink of an eye, and eventually, Your playful demeanour gave way to a hint of vulnerability. "You know, Buggy," you began softly, "there are times when the the way I live becomes too much, even for someone like me."
Buggy's expression softened as he regarded you. "Then you're fortunate you have someone like me to illuminate your path, eh?" Your smile warmed, and you reached out to touch his arm gently. "Indeed, I am."
In that moment, the atmosphere shifted, and the playfulness gave way to something deeper. Buggy's eyes held a hint of sincerity that surprised even himself, and your guarded demeanor softened, revealing the genuine connection the two of you shared.
"y/n" Buggy began, his voice carrying a touch of solemnity, "if you ever find the night to be too lonely, you're always welcome here. No matter the hour."
The sincerity of his words hung in the air, and you found yourself touched by the sentiment. With a soft smile, you nodded. "Thank you, Buggy. That means more than you know."
As the night wore on, your sleepiness became noticeable, and Buggy, ever the gracious host, offered you a place to rest. "Why not stay the night, hm?" he suggested with a slightly flustered face. "After all, we both know how much you adore my company."
You chuckled softly, your eyelids growing heavy. "You have a point. I suppose I could use a bit of company right now."
Buggy's quarters were surprisingly comfortable, adorned with opulent fabrics and trinkets that spoke of his peculiar tastes. As you settled in, you found yourself nestled against a mound of pillows, with Buggy lounging nearby. The familiarity of your closeness was comforting, and it wasn't long before you found yourself drifting into a contented slumber.
In the hushed stillness of the room, the night's symphony played on—the distant sounds of the ship, the rustling of fabric, and the soft rhythm of breathing. Without a word, Buggy shifted closer, drawing you into an embrace that was both tender and reassuring. Your two bodies moulded together seamlessly, as if they were two puzzle pieces meant to fit.
You stirred, your eyes fluttering open to find yourself cocooned in Buggy's embrace. The sight of him, so close and so genuine, warmed your cold heart in a way you hadn't anticipated. With a soft sigh, you settled back into his arms, your head resting against his chest.
"This isn't half bad," Buggy mused with a slight blush on his face, his voice a low murmur that sent a shiver down your spine.
You couldn't help but chuckle, your fingers tracing circles on his chest absentmindedly. "You're surprisingly comfortable, Buggy. Who would've thought?"
"Ah, the captain's quarters have many secrets," Buggy replied with a hint of pride. "And they're all meant to impress."
Their playful banter continued, punctuated by comfortable silences and stolen glances. The night wore on, and in the arms of your peculiar friend, you felt an unexpected sense of belonging. The world beyond their shared space seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you entwined in the moonlit cocoon of their own making.
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A/N: Not one of my best works but at least it's something. I'll make something more silly next time. ★彡
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onyxscarab · 1 year
Buggy Modern AU Headcanons
Remember these are HEADCANONS, plz don't drag me in the comments if you disagree with something…
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Worked at McDonald's and was often called Ronald Mcdonald by kids (and sometimes adults). Now he hates it with every fiber of his being.
Is actually really good at being a store/restaurant manager
Snores loud asf. You would think he was dying in his sleep.
Has gotten so angry while brushing knots out of his hair that he ends up crying in frustration and hits his head with the brush (Someone please give this man some detangle spray)
Became a streamer for a while, and actually enjoyed it until he got banned for violating multiple guidelines.
Dyes his hair often because Alvida pointed out a grey hair once and now he stays up at night thinking about it.
Big Walking Dead fan (idk why)
Doesn't like holding babies because they always grab his hair and never let go, resulting it being ripped out in the end.
Loves Costco hotdogs. Mans doesn't even own a Costco card or shop there but he will be there for hotdogs. Also if he's at an event and they have hotdogs, he will get a whole plate of them and gets bullied by Shanks because of it.
Phone screen is cracked asf
Gotten scammed multiple times on Roblox
Been through an emo phase when he was a teenager and he dies every time someone brings it up or shows photos.
Stays arguing with people on Twitter about anything.
If he has an S/O that uses a lot of hair products trust and believe he will use them himself and there will be none left.
The type of person to not tell anyone he’s gotten bitten during a zombie apocalypse.
Started vaping as a joke but now he’s addicted. Favourite flavour is anything with ice in the name.
Was a Bowl cut kid for a while
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onyxscarab · 1 year
hiiiii i've just read that you're taking requests for fics so I was thinking about a buggy x reader fic where reader is like the doc of the crew and fancies buggy, but he is so insecure about his nose and his looks
a/n: this was not proof read and im dyslexic so sorry if something is confusing (;_;)
What Can I Say
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Buggy x Gn!Reader
Content/Warning: SFW, Drinking, Fluff, Mutual pinning
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The sun was long set and the stars shined above over the calm seas as the Buggy Pirates' ship sailed on. You, the skilled doctor of the crew, were counting the medicines and other supplies you had after a recent supply stop from a nearby island. Buggy watched you from a distance, admiring your hard work even long after the day was over.
"You still up working?" Buggy asked, stepping closer with his charismatic grin.
You hadn't even noticed your captain standing in the doorway of your office until he said something. You jumped a little from being surprised but you quickly composed yourself. You smiled up at him, your eyes filled with kindness. "Just re-counting our supplies and preparing for tomorrow before I call it a night."
Buggy chuckled, "You don’t have to do that you know, it's all still going to be there tomorrow" he said. “Yeah your right, but you know I like to be prepared.”
You look towards Buggy and look down at his hand where he was holding an alcohol bottle, one of the new ones you guys picked up earlier. “Drinking alone? That's not like you captain.” you laughed.
Buggy looked away in embarrassment at your comment. “Can I not enjoy a drink without having those imbeciles drinking it up before me? Plus everyone is asleep.”
He was right, many of the crewmates had already gone asleep, especially from how busy the last few days were. However, you both knew that anyone would wake from their slumber to have a drink with their Captain.
You finish writing notes and close your notebook, putting it away inside your desk drawer and turning to face Buggy fully. “Well, I wouldn't mind having a drink with you. Unless I'm also considered an imbecile that is.” you joked.
Buggy's embarrassment gave way to a mischievous grin as he held out the alcohol bottle towards you. "Of course not! You're the only one I trust to keep me company."
You chuckled as you took the bottle from him, pouring a small amount into two glasses. The liquid glinted in the soft glow of the lanterns that lined the room. Buggy leaned against the edge of your desk, his eyes fixed on you.
"Cheers," you said, raising your glass to him.
"Cheers," Buggy replied, clinking his glass against yours. The sound echoed in the quiet room as you both took a sip of the strong alcohol. The warmth spread through your body, and you sighed in contentment.
For the next 15 minutes, the two of you rant about the last couple of days on the island and stories about the past. Everything was going fine until you brought up an incident when some guy you helped recover from a fatal injury and he had asked you to marry him. “Well what did you say?” Buggy asked quietly.
You looked up at him surprised by the sudden change in his ‏demeanor.
“Well obviously I declined. Don't get me wrong the man was insanely good looking but-” You stopped mid-sentence and looked down at the floor with an embarrassed look. You didn't want to say ‘But I would rather be with you’ right in front of him. You don't even know if he felt the same way about you, and if he flat-out laughed in your face and rejected you, you would most definitely crumble on the floor and die from humiliation.
“-I’m with you guys! I can't just up and abandon everyone. Who knows what would happen if I wasn't around to fix you guys up? Plus the guy was kind of a weirdo.” you laughed. You expected Buggy to ask why you found the guy weird but he just looked at the ground with a unhappy expression.
"Hey, what's bothering you, Buggy?" you asked, setting your glass down and leaning back against the desk, mirroring Buggy's posture
He hesitated, looking down at his glass. "It's just… I can't help but feel self-conscious about my nose.” a subtle look of surprise came across your face but quickly went away. You hadn't expected him to say that. You’ve always noticed the way Buggy's eyes would flicker with vulnerability whenever his nose was mentioned by others in the past, and you yearned to help him see his worth beyond physical appearance.
Moved by Buggy's vulnerability, you reached out and took his hand, your eyes locking in a shared moment of understanding. "Buggy," you whispered, "you are so much more than your appearance. Your heart, your spirit, that's what truly matters." Buggy's eyes glistened with unshed tears, and he felt a warmth radiating from your touch.
A faint blush graced Buggy's cheeks as he averted his gaze, a mixture of embarrassment and gratitude washing over him. "You always know the right things to say."
You chuckled. "That's because I believe in you, Captain. Just like you believe in us."
Buggy's lips curved into a shy smile. "You know, you're one of the few who's never made fun of my nose. Your kindness... it means a lot."
You leaned closer to Buggy. "Captain, your nose is a part of you, just like your heart. And to me, you're perfect just the way you are."
Buggy's heart raced at your words, his insecurities momentarily forgotten. He turned to you, his eyes searching for any sign of insincerity. Finding none, he felt a warmth spread through his chest.
"You really think so?" Buggy asked, his voice almost a whisper.
You nodded, your hand reaching out to gently brush against Buggy's. "Absolutely. And I promise, as long as I'm here, you'll never doubt yourself again."
Buggy's smile widened, a genuine happiness radiating from him.
"Y/N, you're truly something else…" he said with an flustered expression.
The two of your fingers intertwined, a silent understanding passing between them.As the night enveloped them in its tranquillity, the two of you sailed forward, united by bonds that were deeper than the seas they navigated.
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