oracleout · 3 years
wahhhh i’m so sorry for my continued absence here and on babs. my mental. health has been absolutely abysmal lately due to how hard this school year is and i’m really trying to hold out until thanksgiving break so i can actually have a mental break. i’ll try and get some replies done this weekend, but otherwise it might not be until the week of thanksgiving before i can get back to actually being here again. i’m sorry! ; ;
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oracleout · 3 years
[ birburger ]·
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“back then, B was the only one who got to know.” it was actually kinda weird to think about, now. for someone who had tracked down the original dynamic duo with fistfuls of evidence, he’d guarded his own identity zealously. his closest friends hadn’t known who he was for years, even when he wasn’t wearing a mask.
he thinks it’s past time for dear old Alvin Draper to find a permanent retirement.
Tim grinned as she finished her offer. the clarification. he’s always known she’s around for non-Oracle things, even if they were well past the ‘asking for a friend’ stage. “well… I can’t promise I’ll hang around every day, but I think I can manage being less of a stranger than Black Bat. deal?”
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❝ setting the bar pretty low, i see. ❞ she can’t say she’s too surprised, as she knows it’s the natural order of things. kids grow up and set out on their own. she’d done the same. dick too. it was just how things were. but at the end of the day, they were family, and barbara always made sure they knew that big sis was always in their corner.
          ❝ i’ll take that compromise. ❞ she told him, resigning herself to the fact that she didn’t have much choice. it was still a little sad -- she missed cassandra something fierce, but this wasn’t about her right now. ❝ to what do i owe the pleasure of this visit today? ❞
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oracleout · 3 years
[ ofrevival ]·
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in  hindsight,   calling  up  the  one  person  who  would  actually  ask  questions?   maybe  not  the  move  he  should’ve  gone  with.   though  calling  up  anyone  at  all  was  a  move  he  hadn’t  anticipated  for  himself.     “ i’m  not  hurt, ”     he  supplies.   knows  it  might  not  be  what  she  means,   but  it’s  the  best  he’s  got  to  swim  alongside  the  inkling  that  this  is  a  mistake.     “ and  truth  be  told  i  really  wasn’t  expecting  you  to  be  asleep  at  11pm,   so  if  i’m  keeping  you  up,   feel  free  to  tell  me  to  fuck  off. ”     punctuated  by  a  very  small,   very  quiet  laugh  that  almost  sounds  more  embarrassed  than  anything.
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typically, no, barbara wouldn’t be asleep at 11pm. it was the height of when things were happening, especially in a place like gotham, but when you’d been up for nearly 48 hours before that, you had to give yourself sleep when you could. ❝ didn’t think you were. ❞ she replies, egging him a bit further to get to what was on his mind. ❝ it doesn’t matter if you need me. ❞ she concluded, because at the end of the day, she’d forego that rest if the family needed her. ❝ what’s going on, jason? ❞
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oracleout · 3 years
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oracleout · 3 years
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❝ you know at the end of the day, when you close the door and you’re all alone … and you strip off your armor and lower your guard and peel away the mask … when there’s nobody watching and nothing to hide … and you no longer need to be strong or clever or pretty or brave … there’s just you. that’s it. that’s the soul. ❞ // ©
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oracleout · 3 years
[ ofrevival· ]
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“ sorry. ”     and  it  sounds  genuine ;   a  quiet,   begrudging  pair  of  syllables  he  doesn’t  commonly  use.   they  sound  strange  from  his  lips.     “ just  uh …   you,   mind  some  company  for  a  bit?   i’ll  bring  coffee, ”     tacked  on  at  the  end,   either  as  incentive  or  apology   ( and  he’ll  let  her  pick  which ).
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brows furrow as she notices his tone -- quiet, and most importantly sincere. it’s not like he’s not capable of it, but it certainly feels off, and his request matches it too. ❝ -- are you okay? ❞ she won’t beat around the bush with it.
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oracleout · 3 years
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Vampire!Batman trying to console Barbara Gordon in Secrets of Sinister House (2019).
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oracleout · 3 years
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❝ just sit for a bit. ❞ there’s already a cup of coffee on the table. it’s black for now, but she can fix it up however. it’s all barbara has, though, so she’ll have to deal with that. ❝ take a second to catch your breath, have a hot drink, and then we’ll talk. think you can handle that? ❞
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oracleout · 3 years
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“I’m Oracle, I know everybody.”
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oracleout · 3 years
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❝ contrary to popular belief, i do like to sleep. ❞ her voice is groggy - definitely a bit irritated. this better be an emergency. ❝ what do you want, jason? ❞
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oracleout · 3 years
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starter call here too !
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oracleout · 3 years
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starter call here too !
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oracleout · 3 years
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Barbara Gordon in Catwoman: Lonely City #001 (2021) art and story by Cliff Chiang
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oracleout · 3 years
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oracleout · 3 years
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You’re not ready for me, yet.
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oracleout · 3 years
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tell me something: you can go anywhere you want, right? any timeline, any universe - why do you want to stay and fight to save this one?
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oracleout · 3 years
i have so much babs muse she is BUZZING in my head rn pls give me threads i have one (1) draft and that’s IT
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